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3、和应考基础。第二部分分为十章。第一章纵览了新托福阅读考试。其余九章分别介绍了新托福阅读考试中的九个题型,即词汇题、指代题、句子简化题、插话题、事实信息题、正误判断题、推论题、修辞目的题、篇章应用题。每章都详细介绍了题型特点、答题方法,并附有练习,帮助考生热身新托福阅读考试。本书的最大特色在于:1 完整地介绍了阅读中高级难度的英语文章中经常用到的各种技能;2 详细地讲解了新托福阅读考试中常见的考试题型及解题方法,并辅之以精选的练习,以帮助考生熟悉、适应和掌握新题型的答题方法及技巧。作者在编写时结合了自己多年的大学英语教学实践和经验,研究了历年托福试题,广泛参阅了有关阅读技能和托福阅读应试技巧的专


5、考试中取得佳绩,就要踏踏实实地练习,总结经验,打好坚实的英语语言基本功,祈望广大考生能从本书中有所收益,谨祝各位考生读者考试顺利。由于作者水平有限,书中缺点和不妥之处在所难免,谨盼广大读者不吝指正。于敬华 2005年52月于北京航空航天大学目录第一部分 阅读技能基础篇第一章 培养基础阅读技能第二章 培养词汇学习技能第三章 从句子、段落到篇章循序渐进培养阅读技能第四章 培养评析性阅读技能第二部分 新托福阅读应试篇第一章 新托福阅读纵览词汇题指代关系题句子简化题第五章 插话题第六章 事实信息题正误判断题第八章 推论题第九章 修辞目的题第十章 篇章应用题第三部分 答案与解析第一部分 阅读技能基础篇阅


7、的四项阅读技能。这些阅读技能是可以通过训练和实践提高的。第一章 培养基础阅读技能第一节 采用灵活的阅读速度研究表明,高效率的读者能积极灵活地按照阅读材料的难度和阅读目的来确定和调节解自己的阅读速度和阅读方式,所以不能无论阅读什么都采用一成不变的速度。有的文章如法律条文或合同等,每一细节对理解内容都至关重要,这就需要读者以较慢的速度和较仔细的方式来阅读;而有的文章如消遣性的小说或杂志就可以较快地阅读,不必关注细节。读者的背景知识和经验也会影响用多长时间获得和理解文章中的未知信息。不同的阅读模式有不同的阅读目的,从而阅读速度也会不同,如下表: 阅读模式阅读目的阅读速度建议阅读速度分析型阅读(法律文



10、,到了考试时阅读速度和理解水平就可望达到一个良性默契的平衡。第二节 摒弃不良的阅读习惯一、 逐字阅读许多人阅读速度过慢的首要原因是阅读时总是自觉或不自觉地按一个个单词来区分意义单元,如Word-by-word / readers / focus / on / every / word / and /often / lose / their / train / of / thought.。因为我们在理解句子或语篇时,主要根据意义单元而不是单个词之间的关系,因而逐字阅读妨碍了迅速而准确地理解句子。意群阅读法则摒弃了这种做法。高效率的读者在阅读过程中并不会逐字阅读。逐字阅读不仅会降低阅读速度,而且也

11、不利于连贯理解全篇,只会只见树木,不见森林。科学的阅读方法应该是以意群为单位进行阅读,按意义单元(如主语、谓语、中心词及其修饰语等短语、词组或很短的句子)进行划分和停顿。如上句可以划分成三个意义单元:Word-by-word readers / focus on every word / and often lose their train of thought.。科学研究表明,证明,意群阅读法符合人类眼睛的在阅读过程中截取语义的习惯和人类大脑对意义的处理和理解的一般速度的理解习惯,。阅读过程中以一定长度的语言形式为向导,直趋语义,在句子和篇章的层面形成理解,可以帮助避免遗忘,形成短期记忆的信

12、息保持度,有利于对一篇短文的整体理解。在句子和篇章的层面上理解短文。意群划分的大小反映出了一个人阅读能力的强弱。意群划分的能力是完全能够通过训练提高的。如果在阅读时不主动培养这种阅读能力,阅读速度就不会有较大的提高。在开始训练意群阅读法时,许多人会感到不习惯,甚至会影响对文章的整体理解,但即便如此也要坚持训练自己,持之以恒。开始时读者可能无法把握字数较多的意义单元,那就从较短的意义单元开始,并逐渐过渡到较长的意义单元,这是一个自然的过程。以下四段话中的各句按意义单元进行了划分,以供刚开始学习意群阅读法的读者发现和学习意义单元的划分方法。1) When you / cluster read /

13、it should feel like this. / Your eye should / move and stop, / move and stop. / Each time / your eye / stops or fixates / it should see / a meaningful phrase. / Cluster reading / will improve / your comprehension / and help you / read faster.2) Efficient readers, / on the other hand, / group words /

14、 while reading / into meaningful clusters. / Because the mind / thinks in ideas, / comprehension / is usually better. 3) You may remember / that a few weeks ago / we discussed the question / of what photography is. / Is it art, / or is it a method / of reproducing images? / Do photographs belong / i

15、n museums / or just in our homes? / Today / I want to talk about / a person / who tried to make / his professional life / an answer to such questions.4) As a used car shopper, / your first task / is to decide / what kind of car / is going to / fill your needs. / Then / shop around / until you / have

16、 a good feel / for the market value / of that car. This way / youll know / a bargain / when you / see one. / You can / also check / the National Automobile Dealers Association / Used Car Guide / and the Kelly Blue Book / for prices of used cars. / Theyll give you prices / to work with, / but theyre

17、/ only guides. / Condition and mileage / will adjust / the price / up or down.二、 回读回读现象反映了读者潜意识中的不安全心理。阅读讲究一气呵成,但有的读者担心没读懂,习惯反复地回头阅读。一遇到生词或难点,就停下来从头开始读,这样必然会影响阅读速度,而且过分注意单个词或句子的含义而疏于把握句子之间的关系,就难以从篇章上理解文章,这样对文章内容的总体把握也受到了影响,而且会用时过长。 诚然,回读在阅读中是在所难免的,但每个人回读的句数和次数存在差异。有的读者回读的句子较少,只是会再次阅读结构复杂的句子,这种回读是正常的

18、。但有的读者则会句子稍难就回读,或回读数次后才会理解该句的含义,这就会割裂句子之间的语义联系,不仅严重影响降低阅读速度和,而且严重影响对文章的总体理解。回读,是阅读能力差的表现。要降低回读次数,就要做到:结构不复杂的句子一般不要回读;结构复杂的句子要降低回读的次数。同时,为了克服回读,还可以对视觉识别能力进行训练。某些有针对性的训练就是针对这种能力设计的,例如下面两个练习就是要训练读者快速识别单词或词组的视觉能力,请按要求做以下两个练习。练习一 Developing Word Recognition (提高单词识别能力)Directions: The object is to move you

19、r eves quickly from left to right along each line looking for the word by the number. Each time the word by the number appears on the line, make a quick mark with your pen or pencil to show that you saw it. The following tips are important:1. Dont look back on a line. Looking back could cause you to

20、 develop regression habits, the very thing you want to overcome.2. Dont sound out every word your eyes see. Try to respond to the visual shape of the word you are looking for. 3. Emphasize speed, not accuracy, so that you can get used to moving faster than you do now.4. Dont worry about mistakes. Ra

21、pid visual perception takes place in the mind, even though you cant physically match that speed as you mark the words. Begin timing1. effectaffecteffectaffecteffecteffect2. realmreamrealmrealmreamrealm3. faintfeint faint feint faint feint 4. relicsrelics relict relict relics relics5. reductionreduct

22、ion deduction reduction reduction deduction6. exploreexplode explore explode explode explore 7. councilorcouncilor counselor councilor counselor counselor8. flourflowerflourflourflowerflower9. wrestwrist wrest wrist wrist wrest 10. severesevere serve serve serve severe 11. curtaincurtain curtain cur

23、tail curtain curtail12. pursepursepurposepursepurposepurse13. adaptadaptadoptadaptadapt adopt 14. meditationmediation mediation mediation meditation mediation15. chromosomechromosomechromosomechromosomechromosomechromosomeTime: _ MIN. _SEC.练习二 Rapid Visual Perception of Phrases (快速视觉识别词组)Directions:

24、 Move your eyes down the columns, looking for the key phrase. Every time the key phrase appears, make a mark by it. Do not use one word in the phrase as a clue to identification. Read the whole phrase. Read quickly. Key Phrase: fast and efficientBegin timingfar and effectfill the airfurniture from I

25、ran fat and efficientfantastically richfamiliar expertfast and efficientfat and efficientfurniture from Francefriendly and effectivefine long tablesfrantic with terrorfierce enemyfifth avenue museumsfast and efficientfurniture from Iranflourish for nowfifth to nothingflourishing businessfull of colo

26、r fast and efficientfashionable girlfast and efficientfull of airfrantic with terrorfourteen for onefronded with mossfast and efficientfirst of allfast and efficientflowering with treesfriendly and effectivefifth avenue museumsfat and efficientfashionable girlfestival in honorfamiliar expertfurther

27、experimentfast and efficient Time: _ MIN. _SEC.指三、指读读有的读者在人阅读过程中用手、笔(阅读书面文章时)或鼠标箭头(阅读电子文章时)指着书上或屏幕上的每一行左右移动,似乎怕遗漏每一个词;这样无形中就限制了眼睛移动的速度。克服指读的方法就是要克服逐字阅读和回读的阅读习惯,要使一些单词的意义迅速加以综合,马上在大脑里形成一个中心词,变成能够概括全句意义的一个概念。此外,指读习惯严重的读者在阅读时也可以做一些强制性的体位训练,比如用双手捧书进行阅读等。出四、出声阅读声阅读有的人一边读一边念出声,或者虽不出声但嘴唇在动,这两者都会降低阅读速度。这种不良

28、的阅读习惯主要是在最初学习语言的时候,受教师强调朗读重要性的影响。还有的读者在阅读中有默读的习惯,这并没有什么不好,但需要指出的是,不管是出声阅读还是和默读,都有一个共同点:读者必须把每个词在口中或者在大脑中读出来,。而问题在于,我们在阅读中无论是眼睛还是大脑思维的速度都比出声阅读快得多,所以上述出声阅读的两种方式和默读都会很大地制约阅读速度的提高。实际上,阅读文章时并不需要通过听到阅读单词的发音来理解它们的含义,而是应该通过词形和单词在句子中的位置来快速识别出它们的含义。五、晃头读晃头读在阅读时,有人的读者习惯用晃头来代替动眼, 这是试图加快阅读速度,但又不放心是否理解所读内容的矛盾的生理体

29、现。读者只要有意识地注意加强快速识别单词和词组的意义,注意培养意群划分阅读方法,这一不良阅读习惯是不难克服的。需要注意的是头最好不要随着所读文字的位置而左右移动。 六、心读心译有的人的读者一边读一边逐句在脑子里翻译,通过译成母语来达到理解的目的。这是母语负面干扰(迁移)和英语语感不强的表现。心译也会严重影响阅读速度和文章理解。而且,由于新托福考试是各种语言技能交叉的综合考试,有的题型(如口语和写作)要求就阅读理解来用英语进行即时表达。面对这样的语言能力考试题型,心译阅读习惯必然将对考生的英语输出的速度和质量造成毁灭性的打击。第三节 掌握有效的阅读方法根据阅读目的的不同,运用的阅读方法也不尽相同

30、。一般来说,常用的阅读方法包括:略读(Skimming)、寻读(Scanning)和研读(Study Reading)。略读和寻读都是快速阅读的方法,是选择性阅读,不要求读者把阅读材料中的所有单词都读到,而是要求读者尽可能快速地运动移动眼睛去有目的地寻找相关信息。研读是学习型阅读,可以帮助读者获得具体的信息。一、略读顾名思义,略读就是大略地阅读。作为一种快速阅读方法,其目的不是为了准确了解文章的具体内容,而是要了解文章的主要内容和大意。读者在阅读文章时应有意识地略读文章中的标题和附标题、首尾两段、小标题、每段首尾句、各段关键词等。1标题判断法最简单、最直接的略读方法是通过文章标题和附标题来判断


32、的方法来加快阅读速度,节省时间。3跳跃式略读法该方法要求读者略读文章时,只看主要段落里的首句和其他句子的前半部分,或者只看这些段落中每一行的其中一部分。该这种方法的主要依据是:句首往往是句子中最重要信息所在的位置,所以只要阅读句子的前半部分或前几个单词,就可以推断句子的大意。利用这种略读方法得到的信息比前两种方法更准确更完整,而且更适合中国学生的英语思维能力。该方法采用跳跃式阅读,要求读者首先找出文章中的哪些段落是主要段落,哪些是次要段落;然后注意主要段落中的大写字母和标点符号,以便把目光聚焦在每句开始的前几个单词。利用跳跃式略读法时,如果看到for example或for instance这


34、了某句的前半部分就能得到段落主旨,就不必读完句子。首尾句略读法比跳跃式略读法更容易操作,但可能会花费较多的时间,而且有时获得的信息也不一定完整准确,其原因是有些段落的主题句并不是首尾句,而是在段落中间,或根本就没有主题句,这时如果采用首尾句略读法就无法得出或得出错误的段落主旨。当然,如果能够综合其他段落的主旨来做推断,应该可以避免错误判断。在具体利用略读法时可以遵循如下步骤:1 如果文章有题目,首先要阅读和理解文章题目,以便大致推断出文章的主要内容或决定是否阅读这篇文章;2 以较快的速度将文章的首尾段浏览一遍,进一步推断文章的主旨或写作背景、风格、目的等;3 抓住文章的主旨后,以最快的速度浏览

35、文章其他段落的主题句、关键句或关键词,略过段落中的次要句子,更具体准确地掌握各段主旨和文章主旨。通常要浏览各段的首尾句;4 由于略读是在时间紧、阅读量大的情况下进行的,所以为了能在最短的时间内获得所需的全部信息,读者在具体操作上述三个步骤时,不要逐字逐句阅读文章,而要以意群为单位向前跳跃式阅读,以达到“一目十行”的阅读速度。总之,略读是一种十分重要和实用的快速阅读方法。略读方法能使读者在注意力高度集中的前提下,在最短的时间内获得一篇文章的主旨。在新托福考试中,由于做阅读理解部分的时间有限,理解题量偏多,所以考生可以有意识地使用略读法有选择地阅读文章每段的首尾句或其它关键性语句,扫视其它句子中突

36、出的字眼。通过略读,考生往往能把握住文章主旨,做出一些推断,以便在进一步阅读时进行验证。这种积极主动的阅读思维过程能使考生较牢固地记住文章内容。但需要注意的是从略读中得到的信息有时不完整,甚至有错误,这是非常正常的。用略读法阅读下文。文章中标有底纹的部分是主题句、关键句或关键词,是读者在略读时应该扫视到的部分。第一遍阅读时略读文章中标有底纹的部分,大致推断出文章的主要内容。第二遍阅读时要通读整篇文章,进一步验证略读后得到的主旨判断是否正确。USED CARS: CAN YOU TELL WHEN THEYRE REALLY GOOD BUYS?LiIlian BorgesonWHERE TO

37、LOOK, HOW TO SPOT TROUBLE, TIPS ON THE TEST DRIVEBack in the days when car styles changed more often than hemlines, the biennial trade-in was an essential middle-class status symbol, like the non-working wife. People bought new cars whether they needed to or not, and the used-car lots were jammed wi

38、th immaculate cream puffs whose only sin was that they had last years hood-line.But thats no longer the case. Today automotive styling changes tend to be slow and relatively subtle; and with prices for new family models nudging $10,000, the typical owner feels a powerful incentive to hold onto a car

39、 until it shows signs of going sour. The inevitable result: good used cars are much harder to find than they used to be.Where to LookPrivate-party transactions account for most used-car sales, and the reason is obvious: by eliminating the dealer and his markup, buyer and seller both can come out ahe

40、ad. However, there are some drawbacks. Since often youll be dealing with a stranger, it may be a good idea to bring along a friend as a safety precaution. You almost always have to pay the full price in cash, and youre buying the car as is: theres no recourse if a major problem develops soon after y

41、ou buy. Also, private sellers sometimes have exaggerated notions of value. The price in a private-party deal should never exceed the retail value of the car as shown in the Kelly Blue Book (which you can see in the car-loan department at your bank), and bargaining may make it considerably lower.If y

42、oure prepared to pay full retail for a good late-model car, scout the new-car dealerships in or near high-income neighborhoods. In general, new-car dealers tend to keep and resell only the best of the cars they take in trade (the clunkers are wholesaled to used-car lots in low-budget neighborhoods);

43、 and since they generally have well-equipped service facilities, they may offer warranties for some or all of the used cars they sell.You may also want to check the used-car lots maintained by the big car-rental companies. On the minus side, retired rentals tend to have many more miles on them than

44、privately owned cars; on the plus side, theyve been regularly and carefully serviced. Also, the big rental companies like Hertz and Avis do provide 12,000-mile/12-month warranties for the power train which includes the engine, transmission, drive shaft, and differential, thus covering most major rep

45、airs. To find out where theyre selling in your area, call these toll-free numbers: Avis, (800) 331-1212; Hertz, (800) 654-3131.Straining Out the LemonsNo matter where you shop, dont buy a used car blindly. When you see one that appeals to you, take these steps:Before you get in the car, look under i

46、t for leaks. Then sight along each side of the exterior; ripples in the metal or small differences in paint color may be clues that the car has been repaired after a major wreck. Check the condition of the tires; uneven wear usually means mechanical problems. And look for rusted-out areas, especiall

47、y under the fenders and under any mats; rust thats gone all the way through the metal is always bad news.Inside the car, first press your foot on the brake pedal and hold it down for about a minute; it should stop well above the floor and stay there without gradually sinking lower. Then turn on the

48、ignition and make sure all the instrument-panel indicators work; check all the lights, inside and out, and dont forget the windshield wipers. If possible, start the engine when its cold, with your ear cocked for weird sounds. After a brief warm-up, press the accelerator hard and look out the rear wi

49、ndow for smoke: white smoke may just mean some water condensed in the exhaust system; black smoke suggests that the carburetor or choke needs work; but blue smoke is often a sign of major engine trouble.Always test-drive a car that passes your preliminary examination. Does it pick up speed smoothly?

50、 Accelerate reasonably well? Shift up and down smoothly and quietly? Do the brakes work smoothly and quickly, without pulling to one side or the other? Make at least a couple of right and left turns; the steering should feel neither too loose nor too tight. To check the suspension and shock absorber

51、s, try to include a rough road or potholed street in your test run. And if possible, drive the car through a narrow alley or on a road with steep, high banks; engine and exhaust noises will be magnified, and youre likelier to hear anything abnormal.As the final step before you buy, take the car to a

52、 mechanic you trust; or check local Yellow Pages under Automobile Diagnostic Service. You should be able to find someone who will check and test-drive the car for about $25. If your expert finds major flaws, youll probably want to keep looking; if he finds minor problems, ask for an estimate of the

53、repair costs, and use that figure as leverage in price bargaining for this car.A few years ago a study sponsored by the Federal Trade Commission showed that one out of three used-car buyers is hit with substantial repair costs soon after making the purchase. This spring, the FTC will present to Cong

54、ress a new regulation that; if passed, will require used-car dealers to reveal some facts about their a buyers guide window sticker. Though the regulation would not demand full disclosure, every little bit helps.略读练习Directions: Use the reading skill of skimming to read Skim (略读) the following passag

55、e. After reading, finish the following ten multiple-choice questions that follow. 1. What is the topic of this article?A. How to make people feel comfortable in conversation.B. How to make yourself comfortable in conversation.C. How to build up relationships with people.D. How to make your own life

56、easy and happy.2. What is the authors purpose in writing this article?A. To explain the psychological issues in conversation.B. To illustrate the arts of making a speech.C. To criticize the wrong approaches in talking to people. D. To introduce six skills in putting people at ease.3. What is the mai

57、n idea of Paragraph 1?A. There are some people with whom you would like to spend a whole life.B. Generally speaking, you would like to talk to the people you know.C. Some people are capable of making you feel comfortable with their presence.D. There are not many people who can make you feel comforta

58、ble when theyre around.4. What is the first skill the author recommends in talking to people?A. To begin a conversation with warm greetings.B. To begin a conversation by asking questions.C. To begin a conversation by making a self-introduction.D. To begin a conversation by telling a story.5. What is

59、 the second skill of a good talker?A. Change the topic when no one answers your question. B. Keep smiling when you talk to people. C. Listen attentively to the answer to your question.D. Pay no attention to whether the others answer your question.6. What are the components of real listening?A. Not c

60、hanging the topic. B. Listening to the words as well as the tone of the voice. C. Keep looking at the people who speaks. D. All of the above.7. What is the third skill in putting people at ease? A. Laugh a lot when listening to the conversation. B. Laugh at the mistakes of the speakers. C. Laugh lou

61、der than the others when they laugh. D. Laugh silently when the others are laughing.8. What is the fourth skill for being a good talker?A. Keep a distance from the people you talk to.B. Sit closely with the people you talk to. C. Keep touching at the people you talk to. D. Touch people from time to

62、time in the conversation.9. What is the fifth skill the author recommends in a conversation? A. Dont feel shy when you talk to strangers. B. Dont be afraid to say I like you. C. Keep saying to the others that you love them. D. Be careful when you say I like you.10. What is the sixth skill to make people feel comfortable?A. Say something polite when you dont want to talk.B. Don t end your conversation until the other dont want to talk.C. End your conversation in a friendly way to cement the parting.B. Invite the people to visit you again when you say goodb

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