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1、Lecture 11: E-C Comparison I,Comments on assignment 9 Semantic differences Translation skills Aesthetic and translation,Semantic differences,notional functional words Collocational meaning: (conventional) Colorful meaning: commendatoryderogatory Vogue words Polysemy,notional words,objects or physica

2、l actions qualities, concepts or mental activities thoughts, feelings, imaginations and morality. functional words 1) the relation between different parts of the sentence 2)logical relations in meanings.,collocation,My father works in a factory. 我父亲在一家工厂上班。 He works a duck farm. 他经营一家养鸭场。 he worked

3、his way through college. 他靠打工挣学费上完了大学。 I am working on a new book on translation. 我正在写一本关于翻译的新书。 Do you know how to work an abacus? 你会打算盘吗?,Vogue words,“雷人”:astonishing, shocking; cool; awkward “蜗居”:humble abode? Dwelling Narrowness? Snail House? “族”:啃老族(parents suckers),月光族(thorough spenders), 蚁族(a

4、nt tribe),鼠族(refers to those who live in small rooms in underground air defense shelters.),“裸”:裸婚,裸考,裸官 “代”:富二代,官二代,星二代,穷二代 “被”时代(times of passiveness):被自杀,被增长,被和谐(officially presumed to have committed suicideto have increasedto be harmonious) “奴”:房奴(mortgage slave),孩奴(slave of the child),车奴(car sla

5、ve),Go to Translation Skills.,Addition Addition means supplying necessary words in translation, making the version: grammatically correct, semantically clear, rhetorically sound, logically acceptable, culturally appropriate.,I Semantic addition i supplying Verbs ii supplying Adj iii supplying Adverb

6、 iv supplying Nouns v supplying plural expression,i supplying Verbs In the evening, after the banquets, the concerts and the table tennis exhibitions, he would work on the drafting of the final communiqu. 晚上,在参加宴会、出席音乐会、观看乒乓球表演之后,他还得起草最后公报。 2. There were no speeches, no foreign diplomats, no “ordina

7、ry Chinese” with paper flags and bouquets of flowers. 没有发表讲话,没有各国外交官到场,也没有“普通中国人”挥舞纸旗和花束的场面。,ii supplying Adj 3. With what enthusiasm the Chinese people are building socialism! 中国人民正在以多么高涨的热情建设社会主义啊! 4. The plane twisted under me, trailing flame and smoke. (敌人的)飞机在我下面螺旋翻滚,拖着浓烟烈焰坠落下去。,iii supplying A

8、dverb 5. The crowds melted away. 人群渐渐散开了。 6. As he sat down and began talking, words poured out. 他一坐下就开始滔滔不绝说个没完。 7. In the films of those days, all too often it was the same one: boy tractor driver meets girl tractor driver; they fall in love and drive tractors together. 当时的电影总是老一套,男拖拉机手和女拖拉机手始而相遇,

9、继而相爱,最后并肩开拖拉机。,iv supplying Nouns 英语的某些动词作不及物动词用时,隐含宾语,汉语则习惯于将宾语表达出来。 8. Mary washed for a living after her husband died in an accident. 玛丽的丈夫死于一场事故,她便靠洗衣服维持生计。 9. Day after day he came to his work sweeping, scrubbing, cleaning. 他每天来干活扫地、擦地板、清理房间。,形容词前增加名词 10. This typewriter is indeed cheap and fin

10、e. 这台打字机真是物美价廉。 11. A new kind of aircraft small, cheap, pilotless is attracting increasing attention. 一种新型飞机正越来越引起人们的注意这种飞机机身不大,价格便宜,无人驾驶。,某些动词或形容词派生而来的抽象名词后增加名词 12. After all preparations were made, the planes were flown across the U.S. to San Francisco. 一切准备工作就绪后,飞机就飞越美国,飞往旧金山。,表达一种抽象概念的具体名词后增加名词

11、 13. He felt the patriot rise within his breast. 他胸中激荡着爱国热情。 14. He allowed the father to be overruled by the judge, and declared his own son guilty. 法官的职责战胜了他的父子之情,他判决儿子有罪。,v supplying plural expression 15. Newsmen went flying off to Mexico. 记者纷纷飞往墨西哥。 16. The lion is the king of animals. 狮子是百兽之王。

12、17. The very earth trembled as with the tramps of horses and murmur of angry men. 连大地都震动了,仿佛万马奔腾,千军怒吼。,1. He favored the efforts to improve relations with all peace-loving countries. 2. My work, my family, my friends were more than enough to fill my time. 3. With the meeting to begin in just a coupl

13、e of hours, I hadnt the time to worry about such trifles.,他赞成为了同所有爱好和平的国家改善关系而付出努力。,我干工作,做家务,与朋友交往,这些占用了我的全部时间。,再有两个小时就要开会了,我没有闲工夫为这类琐事操心。,Practice,4. “Itll make a man of him,” said Jack. “College is the place.” 5. Now and then his boots shone. 6. He turned a chair around and straddled it, resting h

14、is chin on the back. 7. The invading troops looted and raped wherever they went.,“就是该上大学,”杰克说。“准会把他造就成一个有用人才。”,他的靴子不时闪闪发亮。,他把椅子转过来,叉开腿跌坐在上面,把下巴搭在椅背上。,入侵士兵每到一处,就抢劫财物,奸污妇女。,8. They, weary but game, decided to take a break. 9. Stephen came out of the hot mill into the damp wind and cold wet streets, ha

15、ggard and worn. 10. Very acute problems exist among them.,他们身体疲惫,兴致还算高涨,决定先休息一下。,斯蒂芬形容憔悴,精疲力竭,从闷热的工厂里走出来,到了凄风冷雨扫过的街道上。,他们之间存在着种种非常尖锐的问题。,浅谈翻译与美学 美学(aesthetics)的定义:研究自然界、社会和艺术领域中美的一般规律与原则的科学。主要探讨美的本质,艺术与现实的关系,艺术创作的一般规律。 翻译是一种社会活动或文艺活动,因此也是遵循美学原则追求完美的过程。在翻译中,译文一般要追求美学的如下几个方面:,一、音韵美 (music value) 二、节奏美

16、(rhythm value) 三、简约美(conciseness value) 四、丰润美 (full-grownness value) 五、意境美(artistic conception value) 六、口吻美(tone value) 七、形象美 (image value) 八、整饬美(parallelism value) 九、朦胧美(mistiness value) 十、创造美(creativity value),丰润美 (full-grownness value) Previously, if I had been really interested in a book, I woul

17、d race from page to page, eager to know what came next. Now, I decide, I had to become a miser with words and stretch every sentence like a poor man spending his last dollar. “以前,假如我对一本书真的有了兴趣,我就会一页一页往下赶,迫切地想知道接下去发生了什么。现在,我决定我对词汇应该变得像小气鬼一样,并且拉长每一句句子,就像一个穷人花费他的最后一美元一样。” “以前,假如我对一本书真的有了兴趣,就会一页一页赶着读,迫切

18、想知道后面的故事。现在,我决定当个守财奴,不轻易放过词汇,也要像穷人过日子,把每个句子,当作身边的最后一块钱,省吃俭用,慢慢花费”。(“省吃俭用,慢慢花费”原文没有,但这样才能够充分达意,使原文的内涵得到更充分表达,这从翻译的理论来讲是允许的,从美学的角度来讲,是应该提倡的。),意境美(artistic conception value) Illness brought her a strange restlessness and made her all the more eager to cling to life and squeeze from it the last drop of

19、happiness. It made her envy health, but it also made her sentimental over a leaf that the wind had blown into her room. “疾病带给她一种奇怪的烦乱不宁,使她更加迫切地抓住人生,从中挤出最后一滴幸福。疾病还使她羡慕健康,可是,也同样使她看见一片被风吹进房间的树叶而感伤。” “这种病使她特别敏感不安,她越发急切于抓住人生不放,似乎是要把人生的甜蜜幸福挤到最后的一滴而后已。这病使她多么羡慕人家的健康,也使她多愁善感,见一叶飘零,随风入室,便愁绪满怀,无以自解。”,口吻美(tone

20、value) The next logical step in such abject knuckling under would have been to provide beds and contraceptives for all high-school kids who indulge in sexual activity on campus, and to reserve a corner of the school playground for the cultivation of marijuana. “像这样低声下气地发展下去,逻辑的下一步大概就是对性生活感兴趣的中学生提供床铺

21、和避孕药,或者就是在学校操场上留一块地种大麻。” “像这样低声下气的发展下去,逻辑的下一步大概就是对性生活感兴趣的中学生娃娃,提供床铺和避孕工具,要么,或者就是在学校操场上留一块地,索性种大麻算了。”,形象美 (image value) The magic spades of archaeology have given us the whole lost world of Egypt。 “考古学家们的工作让我们了解整个古埃及的情况。” “考古学家手中的魔铲为我们重现了古埃及失落的世界。”,整饬美(parallelism value) They are aware that there is

22、a difference between being loving and acting loving, between being stupid and acting stupid, between being knowledgeable and acting knowledgeable. “他们清楚地知道可爱和假装可爱,愚蠢和大智若愚,知识渊博和假装博学间是有区别的。” “他们明白,爱与装爱、傻与装傻、博学和装博学之间的区别。”,创造美(creativity value) If my mother had known of it, shed have died a second time. “如果我母亲知道这事,她一定会气得死第二次的。” “假如我的母亲知道这件事情,她一定会气得从棺材里面跳出来。”,

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