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1、Both 用法讲解,1. Both 用于名词短语之中 1)both (带of 或不带of)后边可以接the + n 可以接物主代词+N, 也可接指示代词+ N Both of my children are fair-haired.我的两个孩子头发都是金色的。 2)如果名词前面没有冠词、物主代词或指示代词,both则单独用,不加. Ive got blisters on both feet.我两只脚全打了泡。,3) 在人称代词之前一定得用both of,不能说both we or both us; 或 both of us. The letter is addressed to us both

2、/ to both of us. 这封信是写给我们两个人的。 2. Both用于动词组合之中 如果both指的是句子的主语,也可以和动词连用,both的位置取决于动词的形式。 1)在am, are, is , was, were 之后 Youre both wrong.你们俩都错了。 2)放在其他动词前面 The man both looked like French. 那两个人都像是法国人。,3)遇到动词词组,放在第一个助动词的后面 My parents have both been invited.我的父母都收到了邀请 Both and. 两者后面一般都跟着相同词类的词 She both

3、plays the piano and sings. She plays both the piano and the guitar. 她既弹钢琴,也弹吉他。,Key words of unit 5,Line. N a type of work or area of interest 行业,行当,兴趣 What line of work/ business are you in exactly? 你到底是从事什么行业的? His line is chemistry. 他是搞化学的。 In sbs line 与某人有关的,在某人行业范围内的,是某人擅长的 Knitting is more in

4、her line than mine. 编结东西她可比我内行的多。 Light novels are more in my line. 我对消遣性的小说更感兴趣。,dwarf vt, n, adj Vt. 1. (often passive) make sth. Seem small or unimportant 使相形见绌,胜过 Our small investment has been dwarfed by what the private sector has put in. 我们那点儿投资和私营企业的投资相比简直不值一提。 2. Make sb. seem small 使。显得矮小 T

5、he cathedral is dwarfed by its surrounding skyscrapers. 这座大教堂在摩天大楼的包围下显得十分矮小。,N Snow White and Seven Dwarfs adj. 矮小的 a dwarf conifer 一颗矮小的针叶松 Minimize vt 1. reduce sth. harmful or unpleasant to the smallest amount or degree 使减少到最低限度 You can minimize the damage to innocent civilians. 你们可以尽力把对无辜平民的伤害降

6、到最低限度。 2. Make sth. Seem much less important than it really is 贬低;小看 I dont want to minimize their role in the campaign. 我不想贬低他们在运动中的作用。,3. 将。最小化 Minimize the webpage 把网页最小化, Minimum n 最少量,最低程度,最低限度 The minimum voting age 法定最小投票年龄 The minimum requirements/ score for entry to college 上大学的最低要求、分数 The

7、minimum wage 法定最低工资,Practice n 1.练习,练习时间 2. A way of doing sth. Esp. as a result of habit, custom, or tradition 惯例;习惯;惯常做法 E.g. according to the international practice 按照国际惯例 3. work of a doctor or lawyer 医生,律师等业务;诊所,事务所 Commence the practice of law 挂牌做律师 Set up/ have a dental practice 开设牙医诊所 v, pra

8、ctice medicine/ law 开业行医、做律师 Practice flute/violin/ running 练习吹笛子,拉琴 4. Practice makes perfect. put sth. Into practice 把。付诸实践 in practice 实际上,事实上,Issue n,v N 1. a subject that people discuss or argue about, esp. relating to society, politics etc. 议题,争论点,尤指社会或政治等问题 abortion is always a controversial

9、issue. 堕胎一直是一个有争议的问题。 2. A problem that needs to be considered 值得关注的问题 A big issue in the region is that teachers are so underpaid. 该地区的一个重大问题是教师薪酬过低。 3. (期刊的)期,号 The article appeared in the November issue.这篇文章刊登在11月那一期上。,V 发布,公布;颁布;发放 issue an order 发布命令 issue a statement 发表声明 issue license to a co

10、mpany 给公司颁发执照 2. 发行 A new range of stamps will be issued to commemorate the event. 将发行一套新邮票来纪念这个事件。 3. 配给;分配,o,White lie: a lie told to avoid making sb. Upset, not for your own advantage or in order to harm sb. else . 无恶意、善意的谎言;小荒 between the devil and the deep blue sea: in a difficult situation whe

11、re you have to choose between two equally bad things. 进退两难;左右为难 Euthanasia: the practice of killing a very old or very ill person without causing them pain 安乐死,In some Muslim countries, woman do not _ their faces in public. A. reveal B. uncover C. expose D. disclose,A. reveal 把隐藏的真相,罪行等透露或暴露出来让人知道 B. uncover 通过揭露而使秘密或不为人知的事暴露出来 C. expose把看不到或隐藏的事物显露出来 D. disclose透露不为人知的某些秘密,

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