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1、2022年高中英语Module2NoDrugsSectionIntegratingSkillsCulturalCorner课时作业外研版必修.单词拼写1The job offer was simply too good to refuse.2A signpost indicated the right road for us to take.3Children should be taught how to behave towards adults.4The ratio of boys to girls in our class is two to three.5There is a con

2、nection between pollution and the death of trees.6Nowadays,children and adults(成年人)have different ideas about life.7His health has been badly affected by heavy drinking.8Although all people could take part in the activity,most of the participants were young people.短语翻译1为了in_order_to/so_as_to2违反法律 br

3、eak_the_law3提升,增加 put_up4阻止某人做某事 stop_sb._(from)_doing_sth.5担心,害怕 be_afraid_of.完形填空I am Ali. I have always believed in myself. My parents taught me to be _1_ and that I could be the best at anything. I _2_challenging my neighbourhood boys to see who could jump the highest and run the fastest. Of cou

4、rse I knew when I made the _3_ that I would win. I never even _4_ losing.I started my boxing (拳击) _5_ when I was 12. In high school I boasted (自夸) _6_, if not daily, that one day I was _7_ to be the champion of the world. As part of my training, I would run down the street. I would rush in and out o

5、f shops to _8_ them I was training for the Olympics and that I was going to _9_ a gold medal. I never thought of failing. I only thought of the glory (荣誉) I was going to _10_ when I won. When I said I was going to be the “Greatest of All Time,” I _11_ myself. And I still do.But I didnt know that my

6、will would be _12_ when I retired. In 1984, I had Parkinsons disease. But my confidence will continue to live and will _13_ be defeated (打败)In 1996, I was asked to _14_ the cauldron (圣火) at the Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta. Of course my answer was _15_. I never thought that the disease would be a

7、 problem.When the _16_ came for me to light the cauldron, I realized I had the _17_ of the world on me. Then I heard an extremely loud _18_. I was reminded of my 1960 Olympic experience in Rome _19_ I won the gold medal. I remembered those 36 years between Rome and Atlanta and _20_ that I had e full

8、 circle. Nothing in life has defeated me. I am still “The Greatest”1A. braveB. confident C. honest D. polite解析:阿里的父母教育他要自信。由“I have always believed in myself”和“I could be the best at anything”可知选B。答案:B2A. enjoy B. continueC. remember D. suggest解析:当提到父母教他要自信时,阿里想起自己小时候挑战邻居同伴的经历。答案:C3A. challenge B. p

9、lan C. promise D. record解析:阿里向别人挑战时就知道自己会获胜。上句中的challenging为提示。答案:A4A. gave up B. went on C. thought of D. heard of解析:因为相信自己,所以阿里从未想到过失败。答案:C5A. diary B. match C. training D. watching解析:阿里12岁时开始了拳击训练。下文中As part of my training为提示。答案:C6A. yearly B. loudly C. proudly D. weekly解析:注意此处所填的内容应该对应daily,从时间上

10、加以选择,即:如果不是天天都自夸的话,至少也是每个星期都会这样做。答案:D7A. willing B. sure C. hopeful D. active解析:阿里相信自己的能力,因此他在自夸时会说自己一定能成为世界冠军。be sure to do意为“一定做”。答案:B8A. tell B. ask C. wish D. take解析:阿里会在跑步训练中冲进冲出路边的商店告诉他们他是在为奥运会训练。答案:A9A. win B. lose C. find D. buy解析:告诉人们他将获得金牌。win a gold medal意为“获得金牌”,固定搭配。答案:A10A. need B. get

11、 C. decide D. make解析:阿里从来不想失败,只想着获得金牌后所得到的荣誉。答案:B11A. believed in B. cared about C. turned to D. went through解析:根据全文内容可知,本句所表达的含义是:过去我相信自己,现在我仍旧是这样。care about意为“关心”; turn to意为“转向”; go through意为“经受;经历”。答案:A12A. forced B. increased C. damaged D. tested解析:根据下文他得病可知,阿里没有想到他的这种毅力和信念在他退役的时候受到了考验。答案:D13A.

12、forever B. never C. seldom D. almost解析:根据But一词可知,前后两句话之间为转折关系:虽然阿里患上了帕金森症,但是他的自信和活下去的信念从来都不会被打败。答案:B14A. protect B. carryC. light D. touch解析:根据下一段的light the cauldron可知,奥委会邀请阿里点燃圣火。答案:C15A. short B. simple C. no D. yes解析:当时阿里根本没有考虑自己患病会有什么样的问题或困难,他的回答当然是肯定的。答案:D16A. news B. chance C. choice D. moment

13、解析:当阿里点燃圣火的时刻到来时。答案:D17A. spirit B. duty C. eyes D. honours解析:阿里意识到当时全世界的目光都集中到了他身上。答案:C18A. cheer B. laugh C. noise D. shout解析:那时响起了震耳欲聋的欢呼声。答案:A19A. because B. when C. after D. although解析:此时阿里想起了1960年在罗马奥运会上的经历,那届奥运会上阿里获得了重量级的拳击冠军。答案:B20A. expected B. supposed C. proved D. realized解析:阿里想起从罗马奥运会获得金

14、牌到亚特兰大奥运会点燃圣火的36年间的经历,意识到自己又回到了奥运会的殿堂。在这个过程中,任何事情都没把他打败。答案:D.阅读理解One day, while I was walking on the street, I saw a young cat attacking an old cat. I immediately ran to them and drove the young cat away. When I got close to the old cat, I found he had got injured. I held him in my arms and rushed t

15、o the Best Friends Animal Clinic. There he received important medical care. But with a serious infection (感染) in his leg, he_was_far_from_out_of_the_woods. He was very sick and in shock. His body temperature was far below normal. He couldnt move and was breathing hard for air. The vet team immediate

16、ly cleaned his wounds, used medicine to fight off the infection and reduce his pain, and placed him in an oxygen tank. But he was still getting weaker by the minute. At last, the vet team had to remove his damaged and infected leg to save him. After he recovered, I took him home and named him Tommy.

17、 He learned how to ride in a stroller (小推车). Once he got used to the stroller, doors began to open for him. He began going on morning rounds with me. He made a few furry friends, too, including a Chihuahua. He even had a picnic with the Chihuahua on a blanket under the sunny sky. Though Tommys life

18、as an outdoor cat may have ended, the medical care he received has made it possible for him to have a whole new life. Now Tommy stays very positive (积极的). He taught me a good lessonthough bad things happen in our life, we should always stay positive and enjoy what we have.【文章大意】作者救了一只受伤的猫并且精心照顾他,让他过

19、上了新的生活。1The underlined part in Para. 2 means that the cat _.A. was making a slow recoveryB. was in great dangerC. was filled with angerD. suffered a lot from his wounds解析:句意猜测题。根据画线部分后面的“He was very sick and in shock. He couldnt move and was breathing hard for air.”可知,画线部分的内容是指这只猫处于危险之中。答案:B2After u

20、sing medicine to fight off the infection in the cats leg, the vet team found that _. A. the cats body got infected too B. the medicine wasnt very helpful C. the cats body temperature became normal D. the cat would die unless all his legs were removed解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“But he was still getting weaker

21、 by the minute. At last, the vet team had to remove his damaged and infected leg to save him.”可知,兽医们发现药物并不能阻止那只猫的伤势恶化。答案:B3What does Para. 3 mainly tell us? A. The cat was very clever and friendly. B. It took a long time for the cat to recover. C. That stroller was of great importance to the cat. D.

22、 The cat started a new life with the authors help.解析:段落大意题。根据文章第三段的描述,尤其是其中的“Once he got used to the stroller, doors began to open for him.”可知,本段主要是讲这只猫开始了新的生活。答案:D4What did the author learn from the cat? A. We shouldnt be beaten by bad things. B. Humans should treat animals kindly. C. Bad things ca

23、n happen to anyone. D. Animals are humans best friends.解析:推理判断题。根据末段中的“He taught me a good lessonthough bad things happen in our life, we should always stay positive and enjoy what we have.”可知,这只猫让作者明白我们不应该被坏事情击败。答案:A.语法填空At the end of the 16th century, English was only spoken by people from England

24、. They were native speakers. They can understand each other _1_ not all the speakers speak the same kind of English. Today, China may have the largest number of people _2_ (speak) English. _3_ large number of Chinese people speak English _4_ their foreign language.The English language _5_ (change) g

25、reatly over the last four centuries. Old English sounded more like German for it _6_ (base) on German, but _7_ English sounds more like French than German _8_ the fact that England was once ruled by the French. Two great men had great effects on the English changes. One was Shakespeare, who _9_ (ric

26、h) the English vocabulary; the other was Noah Webster, who wrote a dictionary _10_ gave American English its own identity.1解析:even if/even though考查连接词。句意为“他们能够明白彼此,即使不是所有说话者都说同一种类的英语”。根据句意可知上下两句的关系是让步关系。2解析:speaking/ who (that) speak考查非谓语动词。此处的speaking作定语修饰people,表示主动。3解析:A考查固定搭配。词组a large number of

27、 大量的,修饰可数名词复数。4解析:as考查固定搭配。词组speak English as their foreign language意思是“把英语作为外语”。5解析:has changed考查动词的时态。后面的over the last 时间是现在完成时最常见的短语。6解析:was based考查动词的时态和语态。词组be based on意思是“以为基础”。7解析:modern考查反义词。根据前句的old English和此句的转折词but可知此处应该是相对的词汇modern English。8解析:because of考查连接词。后面在解释前面主句的原因,并且后面的中心词是短语the

28、fact 而不是句子,因此用 because of。9解析:enriched考查时态和词性的转变。该定语从句在修饰前面的Shakespeare,且空格处在定语从句中作谓语。 10解析:that/which考查定语从句。该定语从句修饰前面的名词dictionary,且空格处在从句中作主语。.短文改错I start school when I was five. The classes were small and the teachers were friendly. At the eleven I went to other school. Things didnt go so well as

29、 before. I hated to study subject such as biology and physics and I got terribly marks in tests. My parents tried to teach me what I didnt understand, and it didnt help. I got very worrying about my exams. Even though I spent a lot of time review my lessons, I failed all the exams and had to take th

30、em again a few months late. That was the worst year of my school life. But I never gave up. Now I am proud my career as a successful engineer.答案:I school when I was five. The classes were small and the teachers were friendly. At eleven I went to school. Things didnt go so well as before. I hated to

31、study such as biology and physics and I got marks in tests. My parents tried to teach me what I didnt understand, it didnt help. I got very about my exams. Even though I spent a lot of time my lessons, I failed all the exams and had to take them again a few months . That was the worst year of my school life. But I never gave up. Now I am proud my career as a successful engineer.

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