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1、开学典礼致辞英文 开学典礼致辞英文 A:敬重的各位领导,老师;敬爱的同学们。大家,AB:上午好!B:Good morning!Ladies and gengtlemen,boys and girls!Im the host我是主持人朱老师。A:我是主持人贺老师。A: 金色的九月,阳光明媚,秋风送爽。B: 丰收的九月,晴空万里,硕果累累。A:回顾过去的一学期,我们收获了无尽的希望,激烈和喜悦之情洋溢在我们脸上。B:展望将来的新学年,我们承载着崭新的幻想,自信和决心充溢在我们每个人心中。A:今日,我们团聚一堂,总结过去取得的成果。B:今日,我们意气风发,谱写将来美妙的乐章。AB:今日,我们迎来健康

2、成长的新起点,迎来了播种希望的新学年。A:下面,我宣布:xx路小学 秋季开学典礼,A B:现在起先!B:Now, The school opening ceremony of Fu Rong Road Primary School begins.A:大会第一项:出旗。B: First item of the school opening ceremony : Welcome the Flag.A:参与本次升旗仪式的旗手有请升旗手打算就位。升国旗.奏国歌.唱国歌,B:Raising the national flag, playing the national anthem ,and singi

3、ng the national anthem.A:升校旗.奏校歌.唱校歌。B:Raising the school flag, playing the school song,and singing the school song.A:xx路小学是一个满溢着爱的大家庭,B:xx路小学是一个满溢着暖和的大家庭,A:xx的园丁赐予了我们才智的源泉,B:xx的精神给予了我们成长的力气。A:新的学期,学校领导也对大家寄予了很大的期望。那么,接下来大会其次项:让我们以热情的掌声欢迎杜校长为开学典礼致辞。B:Second item of the school opening ceremony :lets

4、welcome Master.Du to give a speech for the school opening ceremony.*A:让我们再一次用热情的掌声感谢校长给老师和同学们提出了殷切的希望和要求。A:大会第三项:代校长讲话,让我们掌声有请。B: Third item of the school opening ceremony :lets welcome Master.Dai to give a speech.A:再次用掌声感谢我们代校长的精彩发言。A:大会第四项:有请陈校长为大家介绍我们学校的新老师,有请!B: Fourth item of the school opening

5、 ceremony : lets welcome Master.Chen to introduce the new teachers.A:让我们再次用掌声感谢陈校长。A:大会第五项:有请我们的新老师代表刘逸凡老师发言!B: Fifth item of the school opening ceremony :lets welcome Teacher.Liu yi fan who represents the new teachers to give a speech。A:让我们再次用掌声感谢刘逸凡老师的发言。A:大会第六项:有请我们的学生代表谢雨航发言!B:Sixth item of the

6、school opening ceremony :lets welcome Xie yu hang who represents the students to give a speech。A:让我们再次用掌声感感谢雨航的.发言。A:大会第七项:有请杜校长为一年级授班牌。B:Seventh item of the school opening ceremony :lets welcome Master.Du to award the class card to the classes of grade one.A:再次感谢我们的杜校长。A:大家都知道,平安是我们在校学习的一个前提。B: 嗯对,

7、我们学校也是始终把对同学平安意识的教化放在首要位置。今日,学校就为我们请来了交警一大队的全老师,那我们大会第八项就有请全老师为大家来上开学的第一课;平安教化讲座;。A:同学们,让我们用最热情的掌声欢迎全老师闪亮登场!B: Eighth item of the school opening ceremony :lets welcome Officer.Quan to give a speech about safty.A:再次用热情的掌声感谢全老师为我们带来意义深刻的讲座。B:嗯,感谢您全老师,我想同学们也会谨记您的忠告的!A:大会第九项:有请龙校长讲话并宣读;xx三雅达人;名单。B:Ninth

8、 item of the school opening ceremony : lets welcome Master.Long to give a speech and read the name list of the ;Fu Rong SanYa Da Ren;.A:有请杜校长.代校长.龙校长.和陈校长为他们颁奖!B:让我们再次以热情的掌声庆贺获奖者,同时也感谢我们的颁奖嘉宾们,感谢你们。A:秋天是播种的季节,只有用辛勤的劳动播下希望的种子,才会有满意的收获。B:同学们,让我们跟着秋天,拿起画笔,把生活描绘得更漂亮。A:同学们,让我们放飞心灵,绽开歌喉,共唱一首欢乐的歌。AB:xx路小学

9、秋季开学典礼到此结束!A:最终祝老师们在新的学年里身体健康!工作开心!B:祝同学们欢乐成长!学习进步!Now,our school opening ceremony is going to the end!Thanks,for your attendence,bye bye!新生开学典礼老生代表全英文发言稿Win at the starting lineGood afternoon, everyone. Very happy to see so many new faces here. I am Wang Pengyuan, a senior student from class 1101.

10、Today, it gives me a great honor to give a welcome speech here, to share with you some of my experiences as well as give you some suggestions in the beginning of your college life.Actually, I am very much curious about your definitions of a good college life at this special point. Someone once compl

11、ained to me that the college life is totally a waste of time and money. Do you think so? The answer is definitely no. Here I want to tell you that if you try to manage your college life well, you will find that it will be really a valuable part of your life.And now I’m going to share with you

12、my personal experiences of my college life. I remember when I was a freshman, a junior student was giving a speech on this stage I was so impressed by her, and made my mind to study hard. So what I did in my pervious three years was just about making full use of college resources to develop my own p

13、otentials. In my first year, I studied hard as I did in my high school, attending every class, listening to teachers carefully, reviewing after class and doing homework by myself. College at that time was a brand new stage for me, I was trying to find my way of adapting to it quickly. I participated

14、 in various kinds of activities to improve my abilities, such as joining in the students union, going to the old people’s home, selling newspapers outside campus, taking part in chorus competition and recitation contest. I think my ability is somehow improved through the year of efforts.The se

15、cond year was a very important turning point for me. I tried to learn more by myself and then apply the knowledge into practice. The very important event for me is the 18th China Daily 21st century cup national English speaking competition in which I got the first prize in our school. But what I wan

16、t to mention is only the benefits I gained from this competition, for example, my English speaking ability has been improved, and no longer afraid of saying a word in public and also I made friends with many students from other universities with whom I can share experience. And some other competitio

17、ns like Hubei provincial translation and interpreting competition, and so many more.Another part is the social activities. In July , I went to Singapore to be a volunteer in the second international traditional martial arts competition. That was also an amazing experience in my life. As you can see

18、that I witnessed with my own eyes a different culture thus broadening my horizons. So here I want to appeal to you all that seize every opportunity to develop yourself, for the college is an integrated platform in the journey of your life through which you are bound to grow up.The third years seems

19、like a great leap for me. Equipped with the solid foundation I laid in the previous two years, I further participated in some important major-related contests, such as the outlook talent show held by CCTV, the fifth cross-strait interpreting competition and national English ability competition. Thro

20、ugh all these contests, I found myself much more confident in the road ahead.Next I’m going to give you some suggestions to help you manage your college life better.Suggestion1: Learn as much as possible.For most of us college can be an unforgettable period for us to learn something. Some one

21、once said that university is like a dye vat, which means that you may be easily influenced by others. If you want to learn something you will be embraced by knowledge and wisdom; and if you don’t have the desire to learn you will find you get nothing after 4 years’ college life.Suggestio

22、n2: Cultivate your potentials and interests.As we know, university is an integrated platform compared with high school. You do not need to bury your head in the books all day long. You need to conduct your self-cultivation and find where your interests lie in. For example, if you have the talent for

23、 dancing, you can join in the dance association. Just show it. Life will be colorful if there is joy.Suggestion3: Always be optimistic and hopeful.Everybody knows that college life is mostly determined by ourselves. Sometimes you may find that teachers can’t instruct you in every aspects. So y

24、ou may easily come across difficulties with which you will get bored. But please remember that life has its ups and downs, adversity is just part of our lives. Be optimistic, you will always find your way out.In a word, combine all the suggestions I’ve mentioned above with your own characteris

25、tics and stick to it, you will find success lies in somewhere along the road.OK, since time is limited, I will stop here. If you have further question, come to me, I will always be willing to help. That’s my part for today. Thank you.本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第11页 共11页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页

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