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1、Unit9 Can you come to my party? SectionB 2a-2b说课稿 郭舒萍The content of my lesson today is Grade 8, Unit 9 Can you come to my party? Section B2a-2b .My lesson consists of 6 parts 1. Analysis of the teaching material 2. Analysis of the students 3. Analysis of Teaching Methods 4. Analysis of Learning Meth

2、ods 5.Teaching procedures 6. Blackboard design Part One Analysis of Teaching MaterialI. Status and FunctionII. Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge objects New words: sad, glad, surprised, reply, invitation, forward , preparation ,without, surprised, Phrases. look forward to, turn down, take a trip

3、 ,at the end of ,so that,hear from Sentences :(1)Im sad to see her go ,and this party is the best way to say“Thank you and goodbye.” Id still be glad to help out with any of the party preparations, like planning the games. To show how much were going to miss her, lets have a surprise party for her n

4、ext Friday the 28th! Bring Ms. Steen to the play without telling so that she can be surprised.I look forward to hearing from you all.2. Ability objects (1) To develop the Ss reading of skimming or scanning. (2) To train the Ss ability of expressing how to make/accept/turn down an invitation.(3) Get

5、a better understanding or western culture.3. Emotion objects (1)Learn how to make/accept/turn down an invitation politely in their daily lives.(2) To educate the students to undertake the obligation.(3) To enable the students to cherish the friendship between the classmates and teachers.III. Key Poi

6、nts and Difficult Points Key points:(1)To make sure that Ss can use these key words, phrases and sentences correctly and skillfully.(2). How to make /accept/turn down the invitation politely. (3).To enable the Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully.Difficult points: (1) Gain the ability of

7、getting the key words and main idea by using the skill of skimming or scanning.(2) Develop the ability of thinking independently, cooperate effectively.(3) Improve the ability of discovering, analyzing and solving the problems.Part Two Analysis of Students . (1) They have the basic knowledge and abi

8、lity to participate and finish the task(2) Their interests are not as strong as before.(3) The content is more difficult(4) They lack reading skills.Part Three Analysis of Teaching Methods “PWP” teaching method Top- down model or bottom up modal.Group cooperate method Free discussion methodPart Four

9、 Analysis of Learning Methods and why1. Teach the Ss how to be successful language learners.2. Advocates to improve students abilities of analyzing and solving problems.3. Make the students take an active part in class activities.4. Teach students to find and solve the problems by themselves.Part Fi

10、ve Teaching Procedures Step1: Warm-upStep2:Pre-reading1. Present some pictures about“invitation”,explain the meaning of “invitation”and get students learn how to make/accept/refuse(=turn down) an invitation.2. Play a tape in Section A 1b.And then ask students some questions.3. Ask students to write

11、down their own invitations on the invitation cards by using:Can you.?4. Ask several students to show their invitation cards,then lead the students to make a list of the kinds of parties people have.(2a)Step3:While-readingActivity1: Skimming for the reason for each message.(学生抢答并做出解释)Activity2: Caref

12、ul reading for more information.(小组PK抢答)(1) Read message about making an invitation carefully, try to answer two questions.(2) Read message about accepting an invitation carefully, try to answer two questions.(3) Read message about turning down an invitation carefully, try to answer two questions.Ac

13、tivity3: Read for language pointsPresent some difficult sentences and encourage students to translate.Activity4: Complete the invitation with words and phrases from the messages.We are planning a housewarming at our new house this Saturday. Can you ? Our house is at 2 London Road. We are serving and

14、 from 7:30 p.m. Please your friends and family. A party is more with more people! Please let us by Wednesday you can come to the party. Hope you can make it!Step4:Post-readingActivity1.Summarize what we have learnt.A. Make an invitation: B. Accept an invitation: C. Turn down an invitation:Activity2.

15、Make a survey. Imagine one of your favorite teachers is leaving. Plan a party for him/her.Ask students to work in groups, filling the chart and then make a group leader to report.NameAccept (Ideas)Turn down (Reason)Activity3 Evaluate students, performance.Step5: Homework假如你叫王平, 你的朋友Jane邀请你下周和她一起去看电影

16、。你根据下面的安排,给你的朋友回一封信。注意信的格式。信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。ActivitiesMonday have a testTuesday have lessons the whole dayWednesday have lessons the whole dayThursday have lessons the whole dayFriday have lessons the whole daySaturday help parents with the housework Sunday visit my auntDear Jane,I,m glad to hear from your invitation. Wang PingPart Six Blackboard DesigninvitationUnit9 Can you come to my party?SectionB 2a-2bbe sad(glad,surprised)party preparationswithout doing sth. look forward to doing sth. hear from sb.(=get a letter from)3

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