2013届高考英语二轮复习书面表达复习专题12 人物类话题指导

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1、2013届高考英语二轮复习书面表达复习专题12 人物类话题指导实例指导1 人物介绍人物介绍类书面表达的写作要求,通常要求考生根据提示介绍一种特定的人物,可以是伟人、名人、也可以是平凡的人,但一般都是对自己或公众有一定影响的人物。一般说来,介绍人物通常包括以下几个方向:家庭背景;教育状况;主要事迹或成就(通常以时间先后为序);公众评价等。 写作指导:与其他题材相比,人物介绍显得比较平淡,写得不好往往给人以枯燥乏味的感觉,但如果文字组织得好,篇章结构安排合理,介绍信息引人入胜,结果也可以成为一篇佳作。下面介绍几种常见的写作技巧。 命题:人物介绍的命题相对比较单一,可以直接用被介绍人物的名字做标题,

2、也可冠上该人物的头衔或职务等。例如:EdisonA Great Scientist,Flying man LiuXiang等。 开头:文章的开头在书面表达中的作用不言而喻,可画龙点睛,可引人入胜。人物介绍的开头可以开门见山,直接介绍主人公,也可引用相关新闻开头语进行介绍,内容包括:出生时间、地点,外貌以及职业等。 结尾:好的开头可以吸引读者的注意力,同样,好的结尾让人深思、回味,增添丈章的效果和说服力,使读者对你的丈章留下深刻的印象。其方式有:总结性的结尾;启发性的含蓄结尾;鼓动型结尾;首尾照应型结尾等。而人物介绍类书面表达则根据需要而定,即结尾有法,但无定法。 第一步 仔细审题,确立主题,明

3、确要求根据文字提示可以确定:写作主要人称为第三人称,字数150左右,体裁为记叙文,时态以一般过去式为主。第二步 围绕主题,提炼要点,编拟提纲第一段:引出主题( 世界被一个27岁誓死保卫火炬的中国女孩感动了)。然后描述详细过程( 在火炬手选拔中,金晶被选为海外火炬手;当圣火在巴黎传递时,有藏独分子攻击金晶;金晶不顾个人安危,;她紧紧抱住火炬致使暴徒没有得逞)最后交待结果(她的微笑和勇敢深深地印在了所有热爱中国、关注奥运的人们心中)。第二段:介绍金晶的成长经历(她是上海的一名残疾人运动员;九岁时因病截肢;截肢并没有带走她生活中的快乐;在教室里妨碍别人走路,她就不撑拐杖,单脚跳;2001年,2001

4、年7月13日参加到上海轮椅击剑队,成为一名轮椅击剑队的队员并在比赛中多次赢得奖牌是她的可爱与乐观使她最选为奥运会境外火炬传递手。)再谈自己受的启发(我从她那里学习到很多,我要成为像她一样积极的人,努力实现自己的目标)。第三步 分析要点及提纲,提炼关键单词和短语。第四步 恰当使用句型,连词成句。 On April 7th,2008, the world was touched by a 27-year-old Chinese girl named Jin Jing. Through the process of Olympic torch bearer selection, Jin became

5、 an overseas torch bearer. When the Olympic torch was being relayed in Paris, Jin Jing was attacked by Tibet independence protestors during the torch exchange, who attempted to grab the torch in her hands. Without concern for her own safety, Jin did everythingshe could to protect the Olympic flame.

6、She held the torch so tightly that the attackers failed to get it. Her smile and bravery impressed all the people who are friendly to China and concerned about Olympics. Jin is a disabled athlete from Shanghai. When she was nine years old, she lost one leg because of her illness. Jin Jing does not l

7、ose her joy for life after losing her leg. Her loveliness and optimism are infectious to everyone around her wherever she is.【学生习作】On April 7th,2008, the world was touched by a 27-year-old Chinese girl named Jin Jing. Through the process of Olympic torch bearer selection, Jin became an overseas torc

8、h bearer. When the Olympic torch was being relayed in Paris, Jin Jing was attacked by Tibet independence protestors during the torch exchange, who attempted to grab the torch in her hands.Without concern for her own safety, Jin did 写“人物介绍”类的作文还可以用到以下句型:1. ,a student from ., surprises.2. For most Chi

9、nese, the Olympics are a sacred event, which they hope will showcase their countrys growing economic might and inspire new international respect. 3. Many people said they were unaware of the protests until they learned about the plight of Ms. Jin, the disabled torch bearer.4. Its easy to see why peo

10、ple have come to .5. With her frail body she was defending the Olympic spirit, which moved many people.6. When Jin Jing protected the torch with all her effort, she was not only defending her motherland, but also the Olympic Games, which belong to the whole world 7. She is the “smiling angel in the

11、wheelchair,” a one-legged fencer from Shanghai 8. I think we have to unite to ensure the smooth running of the relay in San Francisco and cities beyond.9. Her fearlessness was infectious and touched the heart of the entire nation 10. Out of instinct, I clung to the torch and held it close to my body

12、 until a few French policemen came to my rescue. 11. The citizens of Paris were touched by Jin Jing and they applauded her as she finished her leg.12. There are still four months to go before the first gold medal is decided at the Beijing Games, but China is already celebrating its first Olympic her

13、o - a wheelchair-bound amputee who defended the flame in extraordinary circumstances. 13. Upon her return to Beijing, Jin was treated to a heros welcome as crowds gathered to.14. The story of quickly spread across .实例指导2人物传记【写作任务】 请根据以下内容提示,以Chopina great musician 为题,写一篇120词左右的英语短文,介绍著名的音乐家肖邦。11810年

14、2月12日,肖邦出生于波兰。2肖邦最初接触音乐是跟随母亲学钢琴。六岁那年,肖邦创作出了人生的第一部作品,充分展现了他非凡的音乐天赋。316岁时,肖邦进入华沙音乐学院学习,师从德国音乐家JAP埃尔斯纳(JosephElsner)。4离开华沙音乐学院后,肖邦来到了当时的音乐圣地维也纳。在那里,肖邦不仅举行了多场音乐会,也发表了不少音乐作品。 51849年,肖邦逝世于巴黎的寓所中,结束了短短39年的生命。6肖邦是近代世界闻名的作曲家和钢琴家。他一生创作了近150首深受人们喜爱的乐曲。注意:参考词汇:作品composition;华沙音乐学院the Warsaw Conservatory of Musi

15、c;寓所dwelling【写作指导】人物传记是记录人物事迹的一种文学体裁。人物传记一般要介绍人物的童年、少年、青年、中年及老年的成长经历(包括生活、工作和学习),末尾一般总结人物的功绩成败,也可以在记叙成长历程的同时加入一些议论。人物传记通常以时间为线索,以事件为载体,将全文贯通一气。由于表达的需要,经常采用顺叙、倒叙或插叙等手法。 书写传记要全面景统地掌握所写人物的材料。传记不仅要记述人物的生平事迹,而且要表钉出一种思想倾向和精神面貌,并告诉人们一个道理,供人们仿效借鉴,所以传记被认为是“人生的教科书”。 常见的传记写作顺序有:1)以时间先后为顺序;2)以空间的变换为顺序;3)以作者的认识发

16、展为顺序。采用时间顺序的居多。 这种文体的写作时态主要是过去时。1总体评价: 作者能根据本文特点进行组材, 按要点提示以时间为线索介绍了肖邦的一生,所写文章符合写作要求。文章中一些较复杂句式的使用,突出了文章的壳点,同时也说明了作者较强的语言功底。另外,文章时态把握很好。 2亮点或采分点:人物介绍类书面表达的写作要求,通常要求考生根据提示介绍一种特定的人物,可以是伟人、名人、也可以是平凡的人,但一般都是对自己或公众有一定影响的人物。一般说来,介绍人物通常包括以下几个方向:家庭背景;教育状况;主要事迹或成就(通常以时间先后为序);公众评价等。这种题材的作文多以给材料作文、看图作文和缩写改编等形式

17、出现,是高考书面表达的一种重要考查形式。 与其他题材相比,人物介绍显得比较平淡,写得不好往往给人以枯燥乏味的感觉,但如果文字组织得好,篇章结构安排合理,介绍信息引人入胜,结果也可以成为一篇佳作。下面介绍几种常见的写作技巧。 命题:人物介绍的命题相对比较单一,可以直接用被介绍人物的名字做标题,也可冠上该人物的头衔或职务等。例如:EdisonA Great Scientist,Flying man LiuXiang等。 开头:文章的开头在书面表达中的作用不言而喻,可画龙点睛,可引人入胜。人物介绍的开头可以开门见山,直接介绍主人公,也可引用相关新闻开头语进行介绍,内容包括:出生时间、地点,外貌以及职

18、业等。 结尾:好的开头可以吸引读者的注意力,同样,好的结尾让人深思、回味,增添丈章的效果和说服力,使读者对你的丈章留下深刻的印象。其方式有:总结性的结尾;启发性的含蓄结尾;鼓动型结尾;首尾照应型结尾等。而人物介绍类书面表达则根据需要而定,即结尾有法,但无定法。 在写这类题目时我们要注意下面的几个问题:1根据所提供的材料组织文章。首先应确定标题。如:My mother a normal but kind woman 等,这样就为下面的开展理情了思路,明确了要写作的内容和对象。2 叙述时,要有开头语,多为主题句,点名本人的主要身份,并且要注意开头与下文的语言衔接要自然,意思要连贯,合情合理。3本文

19、要求写的是现阶段的活动或起居情况的话,我们要采用一般现在时。而且,主语为第三人称单数时,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式。 4频度副词的运用,恰当地运用频度副词(如:sometimes / often / usually / never等)会使你的作文更加完美,但不是每个句子都一定要用上这些词。 5要突出人物特点 ,在写人物活动,尤其是日常起居情况时,我们不要像记流水帐那样一一俱细,要根据题目要求和自己对题目的理解,把能突出人物特点的略做突出。哪怕只有一两句,也能为你的作文增色不少。【范文欣赏】 My mother My dear mother is a village woman,who is

20、already in her forties. Although she had very little school education , yet she knows that knowledge is of great importance to young people. So she often asks me how I get along with my studies and encourages me to study hard.My mother always takes good care of me and does everything she can for me,

21、so that I can spend more time on my study.Once she was badly ill because of hard work and had stayed in bed for several days. When I got home to see her , I found she was sitting in bed, making new clothes for me ! I was so deeply moved that tears came to my eyes.Such is my mother,a kind and hard-wo

22、rking woman. I will try my best to make mother happy . 1 词语搜索:introdue; icon; tall; short; pretty; naughty; lovely; easy-going; smart; bright; diligent; lazy; clever; healthy; humorous; funny; silent; attractive; friendly; household name; album; musician; specialize; be fond of; hate; be tired of.;

23、be crazy about.; lose interest in.; be absorbed in.2句型搜索Because of. (因为) Thanks to(多亏 、幸亏); As a result. (结果 ); With ones encouragement. (由于某人的鼓励) 3. 单句表达: (1) Zhou Jielun is a popular nusician specializing in R&B and rap. (2) With his mothers encouragement, he learned to play the piano at an early

24、age. (3) He grew up lonely be:ause his parents got divorced vhen he was young.1. 70 岁,头发花白;2. 和蔼、善良、乐于助人,邻里关系融洽;3. 身体健康,生活简朴;4. 喜欢看电视,对对话,京剧( Beijing Opera )感兴趣;5. 教育我以诚待人,做有用人才。注意:1. 词数: 100 左右;2. 可适当增加要点,使短文连贯。My GrandmotherMy grandmother is seventy years of age who has a head of gray hair. My gra

25、ndmother get along well with her neighbours. She is a kind-hearted person and is always ready to help others, so whenever people get into difficulties, they often go to her for help. She is respected by all her neighbours.My gradmother enjoys watching Beijing Opera on TV and she shows much interest

26、in the Dialogue of CCTV. She leads a simple but happy life.She often tells me to be honest. She expects me to work hard at my lessons and be a useful person to the society in the future. I love my granny very much.根据下列内容写一篇描写Jenny的短文。Jenny是我们班个子最高的女生。她的眼睛大而明亮,头发像黑色的波浪,鼻子高高的,牙齿雪白。我们选她为班长,并不是因为她是个美丽的姑

27、娘,而是因为她学习好,乐于助人,很有礼貌,并且从不与别人争吵。在运动场上,她奔跑起来却像个男生。词数:100左右。参考词汇:qualities素质,quarrel争吵,naughty调皮的Those who study with Jenny in the same class will remember her as an excellent girl. She is the tallest girl in our class. Her eyes are big and bright. She has a high nose and her teeth are as white as snow

28、. We made her our monitor not for her fine looks, but for her good qualities. She is good at her lessons and ready to help others. She never quarrels with anyone about small things.She is goodmannered. But on the playground she is like a naughty boy. How can one forget her if he or she has been with

29、 her for quite some time?y Favorite Sports StarYao Ming When it comes to the sports stars, I would like to say that Yao Ming is one of the best in the world. As is known to all, Yao is an excellent basketball player. Born on September 12th, 1980 in Shanghai, he is now 2.26 meters tall and 134 kilogr

30、ams in weight. At the age of 17, Yao joined Shanghai Basketball team and became a member of Chinese national team in 1998. And then, in 2000, he was selected as a member of the Asian All-Star Basketball team. Two years later, the Shanghai Basketball team won the champion of CBA and he was among the

31、top players in it. In the same year, he went to the US and became number one overall pick in NBA draft, which helped him join the team of Houston Rockets. Thanks to his wonderful performances in games, he has become the hero in many peoples hearts. And as a result of his deep love for our country, I respect him more than ever. Besides, his easygoing manner and sense of humor add to his popularity8

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