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1、03年中华人民共和国普通高等学校联合招收华侨、港澳地区、台湾省学生入学考试英语试题分析与详细解答一、试卷整体分析港澳台全国联招的英语考试时间是10分钟,试卷满分是5分,试卷分为选择题和非选择题两大部分,主要考查听力、基础语法知识、完形填空、阅读理解、短文改错和写作部分内容,具体题型和分值见下表。 全国联招英文试题类型及分值分布试卷题型分值总计听力.5200单项填空15完形填空1*20阅读理解2.5*2050短文改错1*155书面表达20*10总的来说,2013年港澳台全国联招的英语考试试卷难度适中,难度较去年稳中有变,延续以往港澳台全国联招的英语考试的命题思路,梯度把握得比较好,符合203年港

2、澳台全国联招的英语考试大纲的要求。不难看出,试卷依然重点考查考生对基础知识的掌握和语言的综合运用能力,试题命题原则、难度,能力测试取向,都与去年基本保持一致,只是考查得更细化了。各题型中规中矩,强调基础、实用,对平时教学中的重难点知识做了全面考查,避免了偏、难、怪的现象,对英语教学起到良好的指导作用。一、听力理解 听力选材多是学生熟悉的日常交际场景,基本没有生僻词语,语速适中,侧重考查考生在规定时间内对听到的语料的反应能力和理解能力。听力的干扰因素主要在于部分题目备选项在听力原文材料中可听到,迷惑性强,混淆较大,难以判断。对于平时听力训练不够的学生是个较大的挑战。学生要加强对听的重视程度,毕竟

3、听是听、说、读、写中首要的语言能力。尤其注意我们联考听力只放一遍,和普通高考的听力有明显的差异。二、单项选择 单项填空考查的知识点比较全面,分布比较合理。考查了冠词、介词短语、代词、名词、连词、形容词、动词短语词义的辨析、时态语态、情景交际和情态动词。对冠词、介词、情态动词和定语从句的考查虽中规中矩,但是需要考生对基础知识掌握得非常扎实,否则也会失一到两分,比如8题考查hih和ere的区别,是个很容易失误的知识点。学生失分题还有5题,考查介词短语,这是学生的软肋;3题考查动词短语搭配,也是易混淆的词组,易失分。总体上来说,单选题有区分度。 三、完形填空 近几年完形填空都生活气息浓郁的非常地道的


5、读理解今年阅读理解的5篇文章选材地道,贴近生活实际,体裁多样。在选材上继续保持了知识性、趣味性强,信息量不是很大,语篇长度适中,题材与体裁广泛的特点,彰显文化特色,考查考生快速获取、处理、分析信息的能力。今年的5篇阅读理解文章整体难度不大,学生答题情况比较好。A篇:记叙文,介绍了The Capuccins收养世界各地孤儿的故事。语篇易于理解。题目设置以细节题为主,57题、8题较容易,59题考查主旨大意,易把握,56题为词意题,而dat又是高频词汇,相信很多学生可以轻松过关。 B篇:说明文,描述了列表,排名的情况。题目设置以细节题为主。虽然是大多考生最不喜欢的文体,但是由于题目设置简单,易得分。

6、 C篇:科技类说明文,内容围绕动物识别脸的能力和其科学价值展开论述。文章难度略微提升,题型涉及细节信息和推理判断等。这篇文章的细节题设置也需要逻辑推理,不是简单地从文章里找到原句就可以的,所以有一定的难度,比如6题、67题。6题考查作者开头的写作目的,需要考生很好地理解文章能力和一定的写作常识方可得出正确答案。D篇:应用文,内容可以说学生们应该不陌生,关于蒙娜丽莎的微笑可以说家喻户晓,但这个题如果想做对,则需要读懂全文,有一定的单词量和难度。E 篇:应用文,纯粹的信息题,内容以介绍伦敦的旅游为主,难度很小,基本上读题找答案即可。 五、短文改错 今年短文改错难度较大,学生容易下手但得分率不高。考

7、点虽分布均匀,但不易察觉地考查了介词、代词、连词、名词、动词、副词、冠词、时态语态等,都是细小的知识,稍不注意就漏掉了一个点。因为改错更加考查学生综合运用语言的能力,在改错题上,学生还是会拉开一定的差距。 六、书面表达 书面表达的设计继续沿袭了近几年的风格,贴近学生生活,新颖之处在于以饼状图出现。但内容贴近学生生活,这种题目让90%以上的考生有内容可写,下笔容易。主要内容的提示给学生一个纲要的指导,使考生有发挥水平的空间,虽下笔容易但是得高分不易。 从整个试卷来看,考生的语言基本功扎实与否,直接关系到能否得到较理想的分数,因为本套试题突出了基础知识和基本技能在英语学习中的地位,而且基础知识的考

8、查非常细化,在单选和改错中考查小词的比重加大了。此外,考查考生运用语境解决问题的能力依然是重中之重,考点在语境中的贯穿非常明显,关键在于能否发现他们之间的逻辑关系。因此,我个人认为,在今后的英语学习中,学生还是必须加强对基本功训练,夯实基础,从听、说、读、写四方面培养自己综合运用英语的能力,还要培养从题干中体会隐含语境的能力。二:试 卷本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2. 将答案涂写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一卷I.听力(共20小题,每小题15分;满分30

9、分)听完录音后,从各题所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。所有录音材料均仅读一遍。例:(录音)M: I odr hy the offi isill no open.oan: Bt its noye eht nfct,is ly qurter to egt.Wh does he ffice opn?A. At 8:0.B. A8:5C.At 8:0.D. At :.答案是。听第段材料,回答第小题1. What does the woan mean?A. She hadadram. Se s hpy or the man.C.Shehad nce holday.D.S s goig th

10、 the m.听第2段材料,回答第小题2. What arehey lkng abo?A. Atrip to Spain. Busiessattrs.C. Langaestud.D. well-aidjb.听第3段材料,回答第3小题3. Wadoes th o?A. A witerB. A slesmanC. ustoe.D. A student.听第4段材料,回答第4小题4. What doethe woman isit on ig?A. Invtigth manto uch. . oing outith e mn.C Argg it ea. D. cting inallya.听第5段材料,

11、回答第5、小题5. What downobot teman?A. Hefogo te ie. .He islways syC. e ates ling. . He iofte at.6. Wn il the ilm stat?A. t6:40. B.At6:45C.A6:50. D. t 6:5.听第6段材料,回答第、小题7. Wt is the an dong?A. iinghis baggage fial ch B.Chking in at a hotel.C. Boking tickes tLondn. D laningth ti bck home.8. W des Mum wat fr

12、omthe trp?A. camera.B. ictrsC. Shoes D ocoat.听第7段材料,回答第9至1小题9. ha des thean caremostabutte tickts?A. A erl s posible.B. me f the concert.C.Moneysi.DNo lt tanidnigt.10. Whenwll he tanstart?A. At2:23.B. A2:2C.At 4:23.D. t 4:2.11. How much i theage?. 1.2 ponds.B7 pounds.C. 80ee.0 pn听第8段材料,回答第12至16小题12.

13、 Wher did ob buy i nw printr?A. Formthe desiner. On he Interne.C.Atcomuer storeD. From a rend.13. Wha e elen usua y nin?A. BoosB. Compurs. Cameas. Tp recorrs.14. Wha uld oe do prven fom bing eted whn buyinghigs online?A. Pa when tingsare rcived. Shop frequently online.Cams.D. Order tough Ema15. Why

14、o some eopl stil efe uing tings nstes?A. T get e latest moeB. T enoy looig aoud.C. Toeure f buyig suitabletis.D. o save the oey for delivery16. Wadoes Bmean a thendo he convestio?A. ele is wrong.B. Hlenas aivedtherC. H cat understad hr.D. e agres largey.听第段材料,回答第17至20小题17. Wysthe spaker gvin he talk

15、?A. Tosowhe ch ofwethe.B. To finsh h homwork.C. o invte riends t is ciy.D. ollfo nvironmta protetn.18. What dowe know abou witr i t spakers cty?A. Therettle so.B. Febray iste olest.C. t as r fiv mnths.D. Peopl are tivewh sports.19. Whais theumeseason like in his ar?A. etand wndy.B Col n dy. o nd drD

16、 Windy an hot.20. Whati one activiy peopelie t o in fl?A. G nd see the fll colorsB. Cle thei oueC. Have fal pincD. Fl kie.II.英语运用(共5小题,每小题1分;满分35分)A) 单项填空(共15小题)21. -Ddyu hav a od m iSingapore lst e?- ,it as eal hotA. e, hy n.B. Noreal.Oh, ga.D. Youre rong【考查目标】本题考查交际英语,难度低。【答案】【详细解答】A项“yno”一般用于对别人的

17、建议表示同意。C项是太好了,与题干中“twas realy ht”不符。D项汉语化而且语气强硬。B项符合英语习惯。故答案为B。22. The had tre goas n e frst alf, ad n he secndA. oherB. rsC.anothe D. he ret【考查目标】本题考查代词,难度低。【答案】C【详细解答】A项oher后一般接名词复数。意思是“其它的”。B、D项ret可表示可数或不可数名词的“其余的”。C项的”aother”表示“又”,本题意思是“他们在前半场得了三分,后半场又得了两份”,故答案为。23. It i usualyrm imy homownin ri

18、l,utt be rather col smtimesA.st B. can C. ugh toD. shld【考查目标】本题考查情态动词,难度低。【答案】【详细解答】A项“必须”,B项“能;可能”,C项“应该”,D项“应该”。根据题意,答案为B。24.- uld yo lk to oin us i tegme?- ,fr I hveoetn imprta t aen toA. Id love B. Wt asme. I didntD. I afrad n【考查目标】本题考查交际英语,难度低。【答案】D【详细解答】A项“我想做”;B项“太丢人了”;C项“我不汉语式回答;项“我恐怕去不了”。答案

19、为。25. h taort hee verycvenien wit uses goibete he hool d the communtyA. common.uul.ruar D.noral【考查目标】本题考查形容词,难度低。【答案】C【详细解答】A“常见的”;B项“通常的”;C项“定期的,有规律的”;“正常的”。根据题意,答案为C。26. Im not raly enoying h oo I reding,ut Ill stik ithit for fe more ae o se ifit es any .A. oodBbetrC.bestD.the best【考查目标】本题考查形容词比较级

20、,最高级。难度中。【答案】B【详细解答】根据题意“我真不喜欢我正读的这本书,但我将坚持读几页看看是否会好点”。答案为B项。27. hn scince, usinss, andart lersoething f mthsa goals,the world will urel be a bttr pae tolie in.A. ne anoters B.e noheC.eachothsDeac other【考查目标】本题考查相互代词及其所有格,难度中。【答案】A【详细解答】oneanother 指三者或三者以上;each othr 指两者。根据题意,“sce,businss and at为三者,去

21、掉C和D;空格后有metds and goas,应使用所有格形式,故答案为A。28. The Britih Musum, we visitd durina recet rp o Brtain, is rely greaplacetlern bouthstA. whhBwht C.a.wher【考查目标】本题考查定语从句问题,难度中。【答案】A【详细解答】本题考查非限制性定语从句,排除B;“,”后面不用that,排除C;同时从句中ise 后缺少宾语,故用关系代词hich,答案为A。29. -I sorry, I a ittl teaier.-N probm,Iavent benaitng fo

22、tolog.A. ould be.hul vebeenC.wl bDmust haven【考查目标】本题考查情态动词及虚拟语气,难度高。【答案】B【详细解答】根据题意,本题为过去时,排除A,C;项表示“肯定早来了”与本题不符,B项代入“对不起,我本应该早来一会的”符合题意,答案为B项30. Andrew rmand firm inhis tth olic was wong.A. adiB.daC.beliefD.reaso【考查目标】本题考查名词,难度低。【答案】【详细解答】项“建议”;项“主意”;项“观念”;D项“原因”。题意:安德鲁坚持他的观念:这个政策是错误的。31. -Im ll wo

23、rking on thporam.-ie is ,an youill be late fothe delineA. runnig igoutgoingut D.givin ot【考查目标】本题考查动词词组,难度中。【答案】A【详细解答】项“用光,用完”,项“出来,出版,发芽”, C项“出去,(火)熄灭”,D项“发出”。根据题意,“时间快用完了”,故答案为A。32. wanted o cth ar bus,bt couldnt get ride to the tation.A. /;te Ba;he .te; a D./;a【考查目标】本题考查冠词用法,难度中。【答案】【详细解答】根据题意,第一

24、空为特指“早班车”,第二空泛指“找不到去车站的车”,故答案为C。33. Ntali tepie fbos a aperint her bag a ef e r.A. wepsB.weCis swepigD.as sept【考查目标】本题考查时态语态,难度低。【答案】【详细解答】A项为一般现在时,B项为一般过去时,C项为现在进行时,项为现在完成时。ad提示前后是两个动作的并列,故答案为B项。34. Thsiger is very wth youngple,wh ikehisvoian tyle.A. amlirB.opularC.partcD.imla【考查目标】本题考查形容词,难度低。【答案】

25、B【详细解答】A项“熟悉的”,B项“受欢迎的”,C项“尤其的”,D项“相似的”。根据题意,“这个歌手在年轻人中是很受欢迎的”。故答案为B。35. The ire escae shuld aays be ope a ir, eeially in draer.A. in case of B.n spie ofCnstedofD.ecause of【考查目标】本题考查介词短语,难度适中。【答案】A【详细解答】A项“以防万一”,项“尽管,即使”,C项“代替”,D项“因为,由于”,根据题意,“消防通道应该总是畅通以防发生火灾,尤其在干燥天气。”B)完形填空(共20小题)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从6

26、至55各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 I one ha a bg, sron dog clled MggsH alwas 36 as if he thougt wast one f h famly.Thre as smll 37 of beng of the famil, 38 he dnbitehe famlyas 39 as hebt strangers 4,in thya tha ehad him h bitverbdy but 41 ,ad he mada pas a hr on,bu 42 .haws urin themont hen e uddenly admice,anM

27、us 3 t do athng aboutthe Theyeeedlikeet mce, 44 lie ie ombody h trned. Thy were so 5 ha nten e hadguestsfordner,Moher 46 lo f little dihes with food in he ohefloor i the kitchen 7 themceould b 4 that nd ouldt me nt he dining ro. Mugs 49 tre wih themi,lyingon te flor,ad 5 ,notitthe mce, but tthe peop

28、le in the nx roomth hewoul ik o ge a.othe 51 te tabl on t se h everytng as52 . I de hro 5 tosee Muggs lyin there, pying attentio to theie,h he slapped(打了一巴掌)him an he bi ather,butdnt ke iter e yers,te 54 of th pess Mggsbi becme longer d onge. ohrued o 55 box of chcolte ery hritmas teac f the pole36.

29、 A.yed BiC.actdD.jumed【答案】C【详细解答】A项“玩,踢(球)”,B项“生活”,C项“行动”,D项“跳”,根据题意,答案为C。37. A.antageB.secreC.chnDfav【答案】A【详细解答】项“优势,好处”,B项“秘密”,C项“机会”,D项“好感;恩惠”根据题意,“作为家庭成员有个好处”,故答案为A38. A.o B.frC.t【答案】【详细解答】A项“所以”,B项“因为“,项“或者;否则”,项“但是”,根据题意,“作为家庭一员的好处就是因为狗不会咬”,故答案为B。39. A.sdenyB.quicklyChad.often【答案】D【详细解答】项“突然”,

30、B项“很快”,C项“难,坚硬”,D项“经常”。根据题意,“狗不会像咬陌生人那样经常咬家人”。故答案为。40. . ill. TherorC Thus. Bsde【答案】A【详细解答】A项“也,仍然,尽管如此”,B项“因此”,C项“于是,因此”,D项“此外”,根据题意,“狗很少要家人,但尽管如此,在我们养狗的这些年中,除了妈妈外Muggs咬了每个家人”,故答案为A。41. A.the strngerB.a gestCmeD.Mother【答案】【详细解答】根据下文可知,“ugs向妈妈扑去,但没有咬中”。故狗咬过每个家人除了“妈妈”。42. .esapedB.stoppdC.miedD.lost【

31、答案】C【详细解答】A项“逃跑”,B项“停止”,C项“错过”,D项“丢失”,见41题解析,答案为。43. AdcieB.eusedliked.forgot【答案】【详细解答】A项“决定”,B项“拒绝”,C项“喜欢”,项“忘记”。根据下文可知,ggs拒绝抓老鼠。故答案为B。44. AonlyalostC.usualyD.aays【答案】B【详细解答】A项“仅仅,只是”,B项“几乎”,C项“通常”,D项“总是”。根据句意,“他们(老鼠)似乎就像宠物鼠,几乎就像有人训练过的一样。故答案B。45. AshyBazyCriendly.paient【答案】【详细解答】A项“害羞”,项“懒惰”,项“友好的”

32、,D项“有耐性的”,根据下文可知,Mgs和老鼠们在厨房一起,故答案只能是C。46. A.cookedBnforC.foudD.pudn【答案】D【详细解答】A项“做饭”,B项“发送,派人去请”,C项“找到”,D项“放下”,根据句意,“妈妈放了饭在厨房的地板上为了老鼠们满意而不去餐厅”,故答案为D。47. .so th .sinceC.henD.even 【答案】A【详细解答】解析见46题。48. A.frofB.hay wihC.cazy about.anius bot【答案】B【详细解答】解析见46题。49. A.ait B.idC.styedD.ate【答案】C【详细解答】A项“等待”,B

33、项”隐藏”,C项“停留,和待在一起”,D项“吃”。根据句意,Mggs和老鼠们待在那里。50. .iapointedB.leased.busyDangry【答案】D【详细解答】项“失望的”,B项“满意的”,C项“繁忙的”,项“愤怒的”。根据句意,“Mggs对隔壁的人很生气,因为它想去隔壁吃饭”。51. A.checkeBsetC.cleaned.le【答案】D【详细解答】A项“检查”,B项“放,安置”,C项“清理”,D项“离开,留下”,根据句意,“妈妈离开桌子去看看事情如何”,故答案为D。52. A.evloping B.doingC.gonD.kepin【答案】C【详细解答】项“发展”,B项“

34、做”,C项“去,(事情)进展”,D项“保持”。解析见51题。53. .adB.madCurousD.frce【答案】B【详细解答】A项“高兴”,项“疯狂的,暴怒的”,项“好奇的”,D项“凶猛的,猛烈地”,根据上下文,“妈妈看到Muggs不抓老鼠,而是和老鼠们有好的待在一起肯定暴怒了。故答案B。54. A.listlinC.umberD.nmes【答案】A【详细解答】根据下文的“nger n loge”,可以推知是“Mggs咬过的人的名单越来越长了”,故答案为.55. A.led.sndC.ell.promse【答案】B【详细解答】根据句意,uggs咬了人,妈妈肯定是送一盒巧克力给人家了。故答案

35、为B,不是“借给”,“卖”或“允诺”了。II阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2.分;满分50分)阅读下列短文,并做每篇后面的题目,从四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。ADo ou in parenti s a dficut job? Jt ask Fed d BonieCppucin,prent o hlden-twoothe own d 19 othes aoped from cntries aroundhorl. “e donavemh touble withr cildn,” sayBnni. “W ae c ofproblems wheyhappen.” Fe sa

36、that if hre are ifficltie, yousouldnworry. “Worr doesnt elp, andintime our childil llright.”red nd Bnniadoedchilrenrom ferent countries, nludig Indi, Japan, ora, and Vetna.Each tie, heymde ure thhaboks, food, music, and pictures thatchids nativ cuntry te hildren woul e godbout hemseves. Caccinos hd

37、escoo cildren runntough heir ue fr 6 yar staight!Th washerws alwas going nd clothsun from one ed fthermt the ther.veryon worked togther o ote housewor. he family rnkenites ofmilk a day!TheCappcio livin a wooden housetheybogt or$800 about3 years Afer ayof te Cappuccno hildren grew u ie bea travlng to

38、Indi, wheeshoendthrerpanages(孤儿院)fo 170 ney hildren hetra ther u times aear trng itais(维生素),edcin, andusd clohig Bcoe, e coos malrer seen cdren slllivng ter.Te amilytil ps in touc. Lt yea when tirVieamese son, Tran,22, got maried, 8 brothers ad siters dancd at is eddg.he puccno want thei cile togow

39、phappy, ealth, an idendet, n hopetheyl find her own wayto hlpthe pepl.56.What do the wr“adted”underlined inPaagraph 1mea?A.aise ilden wi govrmnt supporB.looked aftr cildren for paretswh ee busCprovidd ucatin fo chidrenfrom porfaiieD.brough psoeon ees chid sits legal parent【考查目标】本题考查单词意思,难度低。【答案】D【详细

40、解答】根据“paent to21cldren-two f their on nd 19 ther adopte from countie round the or.即可推出adopt的意思为“收养”。57. hadohe Cucinos d to makehe chilren feel gd aou thesles?A. e theto scoo. Ask them t tbe ore aoutthe difices.C Helpthem find thei prentsD. Let them have omehin omhirholnd.【考查目标】本题考查细节,难度低。【答案】D【详细解答

41、】根据“Echtime, they ma ur they had bos, food, msi, nd ictures fthat il naivecoutry so the hildre wuld fel good about theelvs.”可得出答案为D。58. Wat os Bonnie doater theilrn grp?A. She go abroad to help mo cildren i ned.B. She still stays at ome to okfohemC. She setsp ophanages n ietm.D. he ten vsts her sn i

42、n Inia.【考查目标】本题考查细节,难度低。【答案】【详细解答】根据“After many o teCapuno hildrengrw up Boni begn raveingt India, wheresheopenthreeophanage(孤儿院)for 170 needyhildren”可知答案为A。注意C项不是在Vitnam,而是在India59. Whch ofth follow i te btttle fr theartcle. Worry doesnt help.B. Aig hap famly. Hw to hlp oherD. Famlshould eepintouch

43、.【考查目标】本题考查主旨大意题,难度高。【答案】B【详细解答】全文谈的就是FreadBonie Cappucino收养世界各地的孤儿,故答案为。项仅第一段提了一下,以偏概全。项范围太大,D项以偏概全。BEveryon lvs a good ist.Ive lst out f the uerof “geatealums of all im”nw toie Iv ead caefully in pop us mazine, and I m asoa omplete lorforte boksf the ear feturs in ewpaer and mgazies, inwhi th lier

44、at(文学人士)choe thir favoritetites fm he a12 moths re is erly sometng in t uman brainthat loveste cople varity ad cousiono life beingetly tidied up ito is nd ables.Now The Stge ewpaper, ften escre s the actors bileand a pubiction whre I orkedmyelf w exremelyhappyears i the 180, a cme up wh t o list.Fr1

45、 weeks, TheSaes reades ae e orking o decdente reateststage ctor of all tm-thefirs timeIcan rememb such an execie bing carrid ou, tough lists ofetpflm ars re reativelcmmonlae. Th nesapers dersip asrsent ith a shortlst f 10 nam fte a team o hetre expets, inludingth oducrs Nca Burns ndThlma Hlt, former

46、 Natonl Tha dirctorihre, an heSakesparean chlaranleyWells, ha d in theiowtop 10s, whichould coe from ancountry and any period in hory.tee them, th 16 exper put forward some 0 acos, bothlivig ad dead. They nt ghtback to Thesps, the Gek poet andctrregardeds tfathrof drama, rom whom the wor “thespia” m

47、esint being. The totop20als includeucheatnaes a EdmundKean(789-183)-ofwom Coeridg wrote “o hmact isike readin Shakeser bylashe of ightg”-David Garrc(1717-79) and Sarah Siddons(155-1831)sprsngl, howev, te top argely csistf living Brtish aors, r the who have died reltve cently, andwoserformncs sil brn

48、 bighty nthe memryBoh theoorand the sadnessof stageacting is ha t is o short. rea pantings last for centurie,geatbooks wll alwas thre o be rd, great msicl erformances have recrdedorlost a centry. iththeatr, hweer,agreat stg perforce has onfgood ce sw close,unlessits belme- adhat isreetsiation andsti

49、llsedom hppens,ad o vidorordng n qte fully epress the “lveess” o thearialpeforace60. Wt ose agod itdo mosly acoding o the author?A. To e cuntime.Toelect the best in hstory.C To ememb th great erformances.D.Toelp h rin organize in foratio【考查目标】本题考查细节题,难度中。【答案】D【详细解答】根据第一段中的“Therei clearly smthngin te

50、 uma brn ha love the cmpet vietnconfusonof ie beingealy idied up ino lis ad tbles.”即可得出答案为D。61. hih of thelown sohestepst folowfo a o Lstto be poduced?A. genel reaers poduces literatre scholarsB. teatr expets gnel reersC. podcers genral rdrs irectorsD. top filmsta general reader【考查目标】本题考查细节题,难度难。【答案

51、】【详细解答】根据第三段中的“heewspers eashi was prseted witha htst of 0 nmes aftr ateam of thear exprt,ncluing th pocers caBuns and hea lt,ormer Naional Thetre directo Ricardyre,and he SakespeareanshorSanl Wels, ahnddin thron top 1s”可推知是普通读者是在thetreepers提交后再选出10 ame的。故答案为B。62. hoi gra Sakesearean actor?A. tanley . spis.CEmund an D.Coeridge.【考查目标】本题考查细节题,难度低。【答案】C【详细解答】根据第四段中的“heir

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