八年级英语下册 Unit 8 Review要点攻略 教科版

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1、Unit 8 Review要点攻略区分孪生兄弟-exciting / excited第七单元出现了很多以-ing和-ed结尾的形容词,如何来使用和区分呢?有些表示心理状态的及物动词,如:excite, move, interest, amuse, surprise, please, inspire, encourage, frighten, disappoint等,带有“使人激动(感兴趣、受鼓舞)”的意思。其现在分词多与指事物的名词连用,表示“令人”;其过去分词多与指人的名词连用,表示“人感到”。它们的二种分词没有明显的进行或完成的意思。见图解说明: 事物 ing 人 ed so / such

2、 再现如何准确使用such和so呢?so和such 二者都有“这么,这样”的意思,同学们在使用的过程中容易混淆它们。为了正确使用,记住下面的口诀即可:名(词)前such, 形(容词)、副(词)so,多多少少仍用so。使用注意事项:1such用作形容词修饰名词时,需放在名词之前。例如: I have never read such an interesting book. 我从来没有读过这么有趣的书。 We have never heard such instructive stories. 我们未曾听过这么有教育意义的故事。2so用作副词修饰形容词或副词时,需放在形容词或副词前。例如: Thi

3、s dictionary is so expensive. 这本辞典这么贵。 She sings so well. 她唱的真好。3当名词被“多( many / much )”、“少 ( few / little )”修饰时,其前面仍用so。 例如: I have had so many falls that I am black and blue all over. 我摔了很多跤,以致全身青一块紫一块。 There is so little time that we cant finish work on time. 时间太少,我们不能按时完成这项工作。 It is impossible fo

4、r so few people to do so much work in such a short time. 在这么短的时间里,这么少的人干那么多的活是不可能的。4当little作“小的”解释修饰名词时,其前面仍用such。 例如: They are such little children that they cant do anything. 他们是小孩子,什么也不能做。sothat 句型的转换四法含有sothat从句作结果状语的主从复合句可以转换成简单句的四中方法:A: tooto ( soas not to)B: toofor sb to doC: enough to do ( s

5、oas to)D: enough for sb to do1当that从句是否定式,that从句中的主语与主句中的主语相同时,用A句型。例如: The boy is so young that he cant go to school. The boy is too young to go to school. The boy is so young as not to go to school.2当that 从句是否定式,that从句中的主语与主句中的主语不相同时,用B句型。例如: The novel is so difficult that I cant read it. The nove

6、l is so difficult for me to read.3当that 从句是肯定式,that从句中的主语与从句主语相同时,用C句型。例如: David is so strong that he can lift it. David is strong enough to lift it. David is so strong as to lift it.4当that从句是肯定式,that从句中的主语与主句主语不相同时,用D句型。例如: Tommy spoke so clearly that I could hear him. Tommy spoke clearly enough fo

7、r me to hear him.辨析if / whetherif 和whether 都可以用作连词,极易混淆。一、if 的用法很多,主要有:1表示“如果”引导一个条件句。例如: If weather permits, Ill go. 如果天气允许,我将去。 If you ask me, Ill tell you. 如果你问我,我会告诉你的。2表示“假使”,引导一个假设条件句。例如: If I were you, I would not go. 假如我是你,我不去。3表示“是否”,引导一个宾语从句。例如: I wonder if it is the right answer. 我不知道这是不是

8、所要的答案。 He asked if it snows in winter in Australia. 他问冬季澳大利亚是否下雪。二、wheter不能用于if 上面的前两种情况中,whether 可以和if的第三种用法相互代用,但应注意如下几点:1if一般用在口语中,不跟or not连用,whether常跟or not连用。例如: Tom wonders if she will come. 汤姆不知道她是否会来。 I dont know whether he will come or not. 我不知道他是否会来。2whether引导得从句可以移到句首,if不行。例如: Whether thi

9、s is true or not, I cant say. 这是不是真的,我不敢说。3在不定式前用whether不用if。例如: She hasnt decided whether to go or not. 她还没有决定去还是不去。4whether可以引导一个让步状语从句,表示“不管”,if则不能引导这类从句。例如: Whether he agrees or not, I shall do that. 不管他同意与否,我都要做。 Whether you can see the moon or not, it is always round. 不管你看见看不见月亮,它还是圆的。5whether

10、可以引导主(表)语从句,表示“是否”;而if不能。例如: Whether it is true or not remains a question. 它是不是真的还是一个问题。(引导主语从句) The question is whether he should do it. 问题在于他是否应该做这事。(引导表语从句)辨析desire / hope / want / wish这几个词都表示“想要、希望”的意思,但有所不同。desire 正式用语。指由于愿望强烈而迫切希望、渴望,有时甚至夸大。例如:I desire to make his acquaintance. 我渴望与他相识。We earn

11、estly desire your presence. 我们迫切希望您的光临。hope 指某人希望有一个良好的结果,而且这种希望是可能得到满足的。例如:We hope youll be fit again. 我们希望你不久就会痊愈。We may confidently hope that before long he will be promoted. 我们可以满怀信心地希望他不久就会晋升。want 多用于口语,表示某人因缺少某物而急于想得到它。例如:Countries want independence; nations want liberation. 国家要独立、民族要解放。Helen

12、wants a new skirt. 海伦想要一件新裙子。wish 表示一种不顾可能与否的希望、愿望。后接宾语从句时,从句常用虚拟语气。例如:I wish you wouldnt interrupt. 我希望你不要打断别人的谈话。The committee wished me to call upon you. 委员会希望我邀请你。辨析can / be able to这两个词均可表示 “可以,能够”的意思。can非正式用词,只有现在时和过去时。表示有能力、会、可能。在口语中,代替may, might。还可表示在熟人之间请求得到许可。例如: I can speak German. 我会讲德语。

13、The wheel of history cannot be turned back. 历史的车轮决不会倒转。can 还可以表示否定性的判断,否定性的、疑问的推测,或有意做某事。例如: I can hardly leave him alone. 我不能丢下他不管。 Can the news be true? 这消息会是真的吗?另外,can或cannot与不定式的完成时连用时,可表示从现在角度出发,推测过去某动作可能已发生,还可表示对一过去行为的真实性所持的态度,惊奇或怀疑。例如: Shes an hour late the bad weather can have delayed her. 她

14、迟到了一小时,可能是恶劣的天气使她耽误了。 He cant have written this because it is in French and he doesnt know French. 他肯定没有写,因为这是用法语写的,而他不懂法语。be able to 语气比can 强,常用来代替can所不能表达的时态。在表示有能力、会的意思时,它可表示can 所不能表示的未来或完成的概念,其否定形式是be not able to而不是unable to。例如: As he had plenty of money, he was able to help me. 由于它的手头宽裕,有能力帮助我。

15、 She will not be able to come on Sunday. 星期天她不能来了。be able to 后面不能接被动的不定式。例如: The engine was able to be heard. 应改为The engine could be heard. 能听到引擎声。able一般指暂时现象,can可以指经常现象。例如: He is not able to play basketball. 他今天打不了篮球了。 He cant play basketball at all. 他一点儿也不会打篮球。able用作补语时,其否定形式不用not be able to 而用una

16、ble。例如: He stood there, unable to say a word. 他站在那儿,一句话也说不出来。语法聚焦-现在完成时(一)衡量使用该时态的标准:1状态完成:表示从过去某一时间开始一直延续到现在的状态或动作。2习惯完成:表示从过去某一时间开始到现在重复的动作或事件。3事件完成:表示过去某(段)时曾有的经历,曾发生的事件,常与ever, before连用。4结果完成:表示已完成的动作或状态,常与just, yet 连用。例如:I have lived here for two years. 我住在这里已有两年了。The book has been published ev

17、ery year since 2002. 这本说自2002年以来每年发行一次。She has seen the film. 她看过这部电影。(二)现在完成时常连用时间状语:already, yet, often, sometimes, once, ever, before, twice, for six weeks, since 2006, so far, by this time, now, before, several times, up to now, just, lately 例如:Ive never seen her since then. 从那以后我再也没见到过她。We have

18、nt finished the work yet. 我们尚未完成这工作。(三)现在完成时使用注意事项:1一般过去时单纯叙述过去的事情;现在完成时强调过去的事情对现在的影响。试比较: I saw a film yesterday. 我昨天看了一部电影。 Ive seen the film. 我一看过这部电影(其内容我知道)。2使用现在完成时一般不加事情发生的时间、地点状语。如要加,需要用一般过去时。例如: She has returned from Paris. She returned yesterday. 她已从巴黎回来了。 她是昨天回来的。3when一般不予现在完成时连用,如不能说:whe

19、n have you come? (应为When did you come?)。但有一种修辞性疑问句例外。例如: When have I told you this? 我什么时候同你讲过这事? (= I dont think Ive told you this.)4一般过去时和现在完成时都有相关的壮语,如:today, this morning, this month, before, this year, once, already, recently, lately等。其区别在于说话的时间不同。试比较: How long have you been in Japan? (说话时还在日本)

20、How long were you in Japan? (说话时已不在日本) 你在日本呆了多久? I have done a lot of work today. (说话时尚未下班) I did a lot of work today. (说话时已是下班以后) 我今天干了许多事。5“have been”表示已有的经验; “have gone”表示动作的完成,多用于第三人称。试比较: I have been to Paris. 我去过巴黎。 He has gone to Paris. 他去巴黎了。(他现在人不在)6“have gone”意思为“已经走了,不在这里了”,只能用于人;“is gone

21、”意思为“不在这里了,不见了”,用于人、物都可。试比较: Mary has gone home. 玛丽已经回家了。 Marys hat is gone. 玛丽的帽子不见了。7瞬间动词不跟for, since短语。例如: He died two years ago. 他两年前死的。(他死了两年了) 或He has been dead for two years. (不可以说:He has died for two years.) How long is it since you arrived? 你来了有多久了? 或How long have you been here? (不可以说:How l

22、ong have you arrived here?)8表示“自从起到现在已有了”用以下结构:It + be + + since + .例如:It is three years since I last saw you. 自从我去年见到你已有3年了。It was three years since I had seen you .It has been three years since I have seen you.注意:since从句中不可用否定。如不能说:Its a long time since you didnt come to see me. 应改为:We havent seen

23、 each other for a long time. 我们好久不见了。10since意思为“从那时起到现在”,用于完成时;from意思为“从”,没有“到现在”的含义,不用于完成时,可用于其他时态。试比较: Ive been here since one oclock. 我从1点起(到现在)就在这里。 Ill be here from one oclock tomorrow. 明天我从1点起就在这里。 We worked from morning till night. 我们从早到晚地干活。疑惑解析 keep on doing sth / keep doing sth问:keep这个词的含义

24、我知道,可我好奇地看到keep on doing sth和keep doing sth,这两个短语有什么不同吗?答:Good student! 善于观察,发现问题,好吧就让我简单地分析一下这两个短语动词吧。keep on doing sth的意思是“继续作某事”,表示持续做某事,中间略有停顿。例如: Although it started raining, we kept on working. 尽管下起雨来,我们仍继续干活。 He kept on talking and laughing when the teacher came into classroom. 老师走进教室后,他还在说说笑

25、笑。keep doing sth的意思是“不断地做某事”,强调重复性和决心。表示不间断地持续做某事。例如: He caught such a bad cold that he kept coughing all morning. 他患重感冒,整个上午不停地咳嗽。 He kept shouting and crying, obviously mad. 他不断地哭喊,显然是疯了。链接go的用法:1. go + 现在分词时,还可以表示从事某种职业。例如: go farming 务农 go teaching 执教 go fishing ( shopping, hunting, skating, swi

26、mming, skiing, etc. ) 去钓鱼 (买东西、打猎、滑冰、游泳、滑雪等) Lets go swimming, shall we? 咱们去游泳,好吗?2go on doing sth. 继续做(未完的)事(中间无间断),例如: He told Dr. Bethune not to go on operating any more. 他告诉白求恩大夫不要再继续做手术了。3go on to do sth. 接着做(做完某事),接着干另一件事,例如: However, he went on to explain that he was not too sure about two things the grammar and some of the idioms. 不过,他接着说明他在语法和某些习语这两方面还是不大有把握。4go on with ones work 继续工作(中间曾有间断),例如: Soon they heard the sound of guns. But Dr. Bethune still went on with his work. 不久他们就听到了枪声,但白求恩大夫仍继续他的工作。- 6 -用心 爱心 专心

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