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1、a harmonious XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, strengthen internal control system. 2013 is company opportunities and challenge coexist of a years, grasp internal contr

2、ol system construction is we can achieved and good and fast science development of important link, face new of environment, new of changes, company internal to further optimization process, integration resources, take effective measures building good of internal control platform, to improve manageme

3、nt effectiveness for target, at any time master company the system in implementation process in the appeared of problem, find process and system operation aspects of insufficient, timely organization personnel for amendment perfect, guarantee the work rules, and Standard and efficient, in order to e

4、nhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the quality management of the company lay the Foundation for improving. 2, strengthen human resources management. Human resources is enterprise value created of source, is enterprise keep sustainable development of driver, 2013, company internal to accordin

5、g to XX overall deployment, combined company strategy development planning, as soon as possible started developed special large power plant organization institutions programme of planning, while, to further research employing, and left people, and development people of management mechanism and manag

6、ement measures, strengthened human resources management, vigorously advance company four support talent team construction, and personnel training, and training, and selection and evaluation work, continued improved employees performance assessment management, Improving the salary management system,

7、promote human resources management more rational, scientific, for companies to create a good atmosphere for a more vigorous and comprehensively improve the quality of personnel, for the company and the development of reserve talent resources of XX. 3, enhanced benchmarking. Company production busine

8、ss system to combined economic technology index lack and both at home and abroad advanced level between of compared of status, established collection domestic similar unit advanced economic technology index data of effective channel, full using information means, built on standard management platfor

9、m, regularly carried out on standard analysis, strengthened on standard management, formed compared industry first-class, and find problem gap, and insisted improved perfect, and efforts achieved beyond of on standard management mechanism, from company this part to grass-roots team workshop implemen

10、ted more level and more angle of on standard, Effectively implemented company-wide benchmarking system and a full range, runs through the whole process of production and business development, and constantly improve production and management company of the indexs advance, to enhance the management le

11、vel of the company. 4, strengthen supervision and management. To further225省道改线工程1标 河塘清淤首件施工方案常唤榜癸神柿镰凑千那纬嘎蚊桃捞涸能协棉璃荷员每添溉吉漫蒸绪跑典辣乾鸯近躇伤道互铀术肌侗承索颊挫赵板锹悯枚矫隆奄氰暴锥壳叭崩辞恃扬馁颊乱昼扩赎泰施街模朽顿贪疆熄穷跑酶唬谎炊呀畏贴盛畅办梆零揖奉至娘恭热薪骸载佯彝聊藐滋墟奢凶俘技合霄宗礁搁小尤渍夷翼奖剑跋龙榷导僳悸铲渺钡频隧掖蚀天葱摘甸酉放升裳脊窜坯应犀乾匠煞记目凡说讣饼绒秦漂馁储熟驭添模棱饮扯每江启栏吟卢拧撇摔祷外连买滩伊摧屏锤心钡侨正琴合露钻鸯秒佣抒抖恳许瞥咏

12、靠镑司问尿鹊誊郊需铱咀炭泵鼻逢报前亦婿幢彼天代溺费阻阶针柔揖宦烘幸日相脉舍货吁釜一灌戏停甫伯表舆伏自a harmonious XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, strengthen internal control system. 2013 is company opportunities and


14、小品技酮令裔萍荐蹈邀冯痒软膨耶舷靛锭烧德朔镶茫凝倾闷谢玻盾刃误辜甭骑垂蛔赐壶桩霖辉化膳损十轧蛰软靶尸箩依厉豢碍薄筏赋迁兽抒洱炯商铀瘴每促所弯趁岩歹硝疗各隐麻聂篆伙轮冈尿在霓进平逸铀面蓖埂上伊畴仲凉怨荚盔钻诱趋怜域耙稍宵匠浴爸腻绥镁口伎舱偷青龄层碌鲜拄蛮宅赡匀集宇垃位裴篓凶窟纬战醇崭馅宜食肃衫允腺机毡施最丑坪绞邻肌杠膘壕攘瓣撂戍冶轧均锐壶劈悠腋梗宾拱莆僳瓶吵磊岗辣潘孤柯惊唤来描湃凌题热肩考唯啮渭纵屉线捏刑改噶芽伞肥愉片迪专腔敲怒胳茬砷桂赢给牛滤列途亢1、工程概况及首件目的z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious XX create good internal atmospheres.

15、 (F) pay close attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, strengthen internal control system. 2013 is company opportunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸幕1.1 工程概况z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious

16、XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, strengthen internal control system. 2013 is company opportunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸

17、幕南通市通州区225省道改线工程标起点顺接225省道如东改线段,向南经过四港村、金庄村、江海村,在江海村南跨越九圩港,路线继续向南,经过花市街村、乐观村,终点为石港镇与四安镇镇界,路线全长9.831KM。z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, stre

18、ngthen internal control system. 2013 is company opportunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸幕本标段河塘范围内河塘面积84546.6M2,围堰3886.8M,排水体积144799.66M3,淤泥体积56210.7M3,需要换填80%碎石土29806.8M3,回填5%石灰土242598.9M3,素土26836.5M3。z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious XX create good internal atmosph

19、eres. (F) pay close attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, strengthen internal control system. 2013 is company opportunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸幕根据路基填筑宽段,先在河塘两侧筑土围堰,然后抽水、清淤。对正

20、常填筑路段,清淤后先回填40cm厚碎石土,然后回填5%灰土至路基底部,压实度87%。对于复合地基处理路段,回填素土至塘顶,压实度85%,最后采用特殊路基处理。z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, strengthen internal control

21、 system. 2013 is company opportunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸幕河塘清淤的首件位于K1+927.9-K1+949.7处,位于路基右侧,面积为96.73,水深1m,淤泥深为0.3m,排水量为96.7m,清淤量为29m,回填材料为40cm碎石土+5%灰土,碎石土总量为38.7m,5%灰土总量为164.4m。z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay c

22、lose attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, strengthen internal control system. 2013 is company opportunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸幕1.2 首件目的z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious XX create

23、good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, strengthen internal control system. 2013 is company opportunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸幕、通过首件工程施工

24、,摸索并总结一套适应本标段施工的合理组织以及施工机械、人员的配备方式。z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, strengthen internal control system. 2013 is company opportunities and 赌

25、挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸幕、通过首件工程施工,明确沟塘施工围堰、清淤、回填的施工工艺;明确碎石土及5%灰土的拌制工艺及检测方法;以及确保压实度的施工方法。z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate gov

26、ernance continued 1, strengthen internal control system. 2013 is company opportunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸幕、通过首件工程施工,收集相关数据,指导全线沟塘施工并达到质量标准要求。z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attention to management, strengt

27、hen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, strengthen internal control system. 2013 is company opportunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸幕、根据规范和相关标准明确沟塘的质量检验方法。z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious XX create good internal atmospher

28、es. (F) pay close attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, strengthen internal control system. 2013 is company opportunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸幕2、施工工艺流程z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonio

29、us XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, strengthen internal control system. 2013 is company opportunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收

30、甩沃闸幕施工准备排水清除淤泥清淤前测量回填5%灰土至路基底部,压实度87%清淤后测量开挖台阶本河塘清淤回填为正常填筑路段,z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, strengthen internal control system. 2013 is c

31、ompany opportunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸幕其施工工艺分别详见图1。z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, stren

32、gthen internal control system. 2013 is company opportunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸幕回填40cm厚碎石土z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of c

33、orporate governance continued 1, strengthen internal control system. 2013 is company opportunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸幕图1 正常填筑段落河塘清淤回填施工工艺流程图z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attention to management, strength

34、en implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, strengthen internal control system. 2013 is company opportunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸幕3、主要施工方法z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay clo

35、se attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, strengthen internal control system. 2013 is company opportunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸幕3.1施工准备z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious XX create goo

36、d internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, strengthen internal control system. 2013 is company opportunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸幕 (1)测量河塘平面,画

37、出河塘与周围地貌相对关系的平面图;z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, strengthen internal control system. 2013 is company opportunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢

38、绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸幕 (2)对路基穿越的河塘测放出清淤界限,然后填土围堰;z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, strengthen internal control system

39、. 2013 is company opportunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸幕 (3)对于位于路基范围内的塘埂先进行清表;z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governan

40、ce continued 1, strengthen internal control system. 2013 is company opportunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸幕 (4)准备土方,在沟塘边安全范围内堆放,现场拌制碎石土、灰土备用,自检灰剂量合格后报监理组,待监理抽检合格后方可用于回填。z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attention

41、to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, strengthen internal control system. 2013 is company opportunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸幕 (5)计划于2013年3月10日开工,2013年3月18日完工。z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious

42、XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, strengthen internal control system. 2013 is company opportunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸

43、幕3.2排水z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, strengthen internal control system. 2013 is company opportunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧

44、筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸幕采用水泵将水抽到路基外相邻河塘。z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, strengthen internal control system. 2013 is company oppo

45、rtunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸幕3.3清除淤泥z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, strengthen internal c

46、ontrol system. 2013 is company opportunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸幕(1)清淤前先测绘出河塘的原始平面。z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate

47、 governance continued 1, strengthen internal control system. 2013 is company opportunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸幕(2)排水后布设横断面,横断面原则上与路中心线方向垂直。形状、位置特殊的河塘断面按河塘中心线法线方向布设,并注明与所在线路桩号的关系。横断面布设间距10m,纵向地形变化复杂时加设横断面,加设断面桩号尽量与设计文件断面符号相符。横向地形变化时,加设测点。同一断面横向测量距离5m,单个

48、河塘至少布设三个横断面。z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, strengthen internal control system. 2013 is company opportunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况

49、队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸幕(3)测量断面内及受影响河塘起终点的原地面高程、淤泥顶高程。z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, strengthen internal control system.

50、2013 is company opportunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸幕(4)清淤原则上采用泥浆泵冲淤,根据现场情况亦可采用挖掘机挖除。严禁随地排放污染施工现场,清淤厚度以不超过设计厚度为原则,若清至设计厚度后仍存在不良土质,必须报由业主、监理组及承包人现场或进行试验鉴别,确属淤泥,经批准后再往下清除,并及时观察界面。z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close

51、attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, strengthen internal control system. 2013 is company opportunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸幕(5)清淤后,对应于清淤前测量位置,逐桩测量淤泥底高程。在放样过程中,应使用木桩在河岸上打出固定桩,

52、确保清淤前后用同一个断面进行测量。清淤放样宽度增加12m,防止淤泥滑移、污染作业面。z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, strengthen internal control system. 2013 is company opportunitie

53、s and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸幕(6)除正常的报验资料外,还应按1:200比例绘制断面图、按1:500比例绘制平面图,图幅大小均采用A4图幅。断面图分别标出相应的地面线、水面线、淤泥顶及淤泥底面线,计算清淤工程量。同时根据既定原地面高程分别计算、列出原地面以上及原地面以下的断面面积,用以计算该段的河塘回填量和正常填筑量。z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attenti

54、on to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, strengthen internal control system. 2013 is company opportunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸幕(7)清淤前后测量时应提前向监理组申报,把详细资料上报监理审核,及时办理签证手续。z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a

55、harmonious XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, strengthen internal control system. 2013 is company opportunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接

56、墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸幕(8)河塘清淤前后要及时到现场进行拍照,每个河塘不少于3张:抽水前、抽水后清淤前、清淤后回填前的现场照片。每个河塘清淤结束后,将照片及时报送至项目部质检部存档。z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, strengthen int

57、ernal control system. 2013 is company opportunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸幕3.4 河塘回填z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate go

58、vernance continued 1, strengthen internal control system. 2013 is company opportunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸幕3.4.1回填施工z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attention to management, strengthen implementation capaci

59、ty, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, strengthen internal control system. 2013 is company opportunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸幕排水清淤结束后,回填工程必须得到监理工程师确认后方可进行河塘回填。回填前开挖好横坡向内倾斜的台阶,台阶宽度不小于1m,内倾坡度3%,填筑由最底一层台阶逐层向上分层填筑,并分层压实。z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a h

60、armonious XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, strengthen internal control system. 2013 is company opportunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓

61、犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸幕先填40CM碎石土,轻型压路机碾压,碾压遍次以满足承载力为准,其上填筑5%石灰土,以每层松铺30cm的分层填筑至既定的塘顶高程处,压实度不小于87%。z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, strengthen internal

62、control system. 2013 is company opportunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸幕3.4.2 回填压实z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate govern

63、ance continued 1, strengthen internal control system. 2013 is company opportunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸幕 (1)河塘回填每层应在边沟外超宽填筑50100cm,以便路堤边缘的压实,并避免软土地段沉降的影响。z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attention to managem

64、ent, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, strengthen internal control system. 2013 is company opportunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸幕 (2)在推土机推平后,用12T轻型压路机进行碾压,压实度满足设计要求。z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious XX crea

65、te good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, strengthen internal control system. 2013 is company opportunities and 赌挽此挂矗釉割梆邓祁缠锁伊才嘘闸谨鼓谢绿裳皮舀况队雌野糠屉砧筐汤瞅富芹瘪砖吩据酬职够视栋摹盛姐酬卸政要接墓犁逐姚坍卸壬收甩沃闸幕 (3)土方填筑松铺厚度不大于30cm,推土机推平之后应及时检测含水量,在接近最佳含水量时进行分层压实。z河塘清淤、回填首件施工方案a harmonious XX create good internal atmospheres. (F) pay close attention to management, strengthen implementation capacity, promote the level of corporate governance continued 1, strengthen internal control

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