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1、初中数学二次函数应用题专题训练二次函数应用题专题训练 1.利达经销店为某工厂代销一种建筑材料(这里的代销是指厂家先免费提供货源,待货物售出后再进行结算,未售出的由厂家负责处理)(当每吨售价为260元时,月销售量为45吨(该经销店为提高经营利润,准备采取降价的方式进行促销(经市场调查发现:当每吨售价下降10元时,月销售量就会增加7.5吨(综合考虑各种因素,每售出一吨建筑材料共需支付厂家及其它费用100元,设每吨材料售价为x元,该经销店的月利润为y元( (1)当每吨售价为240元时,计算此时的月销售量; (2)求y与x的函数关系式(不要求写出x的取值范围); (3)该经销店要获得最大月利润,售价应

2、定为每吨多少元, (4)小静说:“当月利润最大时,月销售额也最大(”你认为对吗,请说明理由( 2.(2010恩施)恩施州绿色、富硒产品和特色农产品在国际市场上颇具竞争力,其中香菇 远销日本和韩国等地(上市时,外商李经理按市场价格10元/千克在我州收购了2000千克 香菇存放入冷库中(据预测,香菇的市场价格每天每千克将上涨0.5元,但冷库存放这批香 菇时每天需要支出各种费用合计340元,而且香菇在冷库中最多保存110天,同时,平均每 天有6千克的香菇损坏不能出售( (1)若存放天后,将这批香菇一次性出售,设这批香菇的销售总金额为元,试写出与xyy之间的函数关系式( x(2)李经理想获得利润225

3、00元,需将这批香菇存放多少天后出售,(利润,销售总金额,收购成本,各种费用) (3)李经理将这批香菇存放多少天后出售可获得最大利润,最大利润是多少, create safe and civilized model works fine in Zhuhai city; Section II quality management system in order to strengthen the quality control of project construction site, according to the project management handbook (Second Ed

4、ition), the quality management system manual and procedures specifies the control plan. Applies to all construction quality management in construction work of this project, this project in project management will fully implement the requirements of the quality management system standard. This qualit

5、y management system is the project of implementing quality assurance in mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction one of the basic requirements, relating to the construction of the project staff will . Fruit Visual should is following standard: flush qualified standard equipmen

6、t speed (r/min) filter network specifications (accounts number) qualified standard ? 6000 200 Visual filter network, each square centimeters range within remaining of dirt real not than 3 star 6000 100 2, and water pipeline system disinfection: drinking water pipeline system in official delivered us

7、ing Qian needed used each rose water in the containing 20mg of free chlorine of water irrigation full pipeline for disinfection. Chlorine-containing water in the tube should be let stand for 24 hours or more. After disinfection, rinse with potable water piping, and sampling by the health and epidemi

8、c prevention departments after passing inspection, turn off all valves and closed all entrances, prevent foreign bodies from entering. drainage system debugging debugging: debugging sanitary appliances, drain pump debugging, debugging 3.(2010德州)为迎接第四届世界太阳城大会,德州市把主要路段路灯更换为太阳能路灯(已知太阳能路灯售价为5000

9、元/个,目前两个商家有此产品(甲商家用如下方法促销:若购买路灯不超过100个,按原价付款;若一次购买100个以上,且购买的个数每增加一个,其价格减少10元,但太阳能路灯的售价不得低于3500元/个(乙店一律按原价的80?销售(现购买太阳能路灯x个,如果全部在甲商家购买,则所需金额为y元;如果全部在乙商家购1买,则所需金额为y元. 2(1)分别求出y、y与x之间的函数关系式; 12(2)若市政府投资140万元,最多能购买多少个太阳能路灯, 4(2010河北)某公司销售一种新型节能产品,现准备从国内和国外两种销售方案中选择一种1进行销售(若只在国内销售,销售价格y(元/件)与月销量x(件)的函数关

10、系式为y =x,100,150,成本为20元/件,无论销售多少,每月还需支出广告费62500元,设月利润为w(元)(利润 = 销售额,成本,广告费)(若只在国外销售,销售价格为150元/件,受各内种不确定因素影响,成本为a元/件(a为常数,10?a?40),当月销量为x(件)时,每12月还需缴纳x 元的附加费,设月利润为w(元)(利润 = 销售额,成本,附加费)( 外100(1)当x = 1000时,y = 元/件,w= 元; 内 (2)分别求出w,w与x间的函数关系式(不必写x的取值范围); 内外(3)当x为何值时,在国内销售的月利润最大,若在国外销售月利润的最大值与在国内销售月利润的最大值

11、相同,求a的值; (4)如果某月要将5000件产品全部销售完,请你通过分析帮公司决策,选择在国内还是在国外销售才能使所获月利润较大, 5.某食品零售店为仪器厂代销一种面包,未售出的面包可退回厂家,以统计销售情况发现,uggingn bodies from entering. drainage system debugging debugging: debugging sanitary appliances, drain pump debugging, debth and epidemic prevention departments after passing inspecti

12、on, turn off all valves and closed all entrances, prevent foreignd sampling by the healcontaining water in the tube should be let stand for 24 hours or more. After disinfection, rinse with potable water piping, a-water in the containing 20mg of free chlorine of water irrigation full pipeline for dis

13、infection. Chlorinerose 0 2, and water pipeline system disinfection: drinking water pipeline system in official delivered using Qian needed used eachandard ? 6000 200 Visual filter network, each square centimeters range within remaining of dirt real not than 3 star 6000 10d stfollowing standard: flu

14、sh qualified standard equipment speed (r/min) filter network specifications (accounts number) qualifie construction one of the basic requirements, relating to the construction of the project staff will . Fruit Visual should is eeringis quality management system is the project of implementing quality

15、 assurance in mechanical and electrical installation enginoject, this project in project management will fully implement the requirements of the quality management system standard. Thhis prem manual and procedures specifies the control plan. Applies to all construction quality management in construc

16、tion work of ttrol of project construction site, according to the project management handbook (Second Edition), the quality management systquality concreate safe and civilized model works fine in Zhuhai city; Section II quality management system in order to strengthen the 2 当这种面包的单价定为7角时,每天卖出160个(在此

17、基础上,这种面包的单价每提高1角时,该零售店每天就会少卖出20个(考虑了所有因素后该零售店每个面包的成本是5角(设这种面包的单价为x(角),零售店每天销售这种面包所获得的利润为y(角)( ?用含x的代数式分别表示出每个面包的利润与卖出的面包个数; ?求y与x之间的函数关系式; ?当面包单价定为多少时,该零售店每天销售这种面包获得的利润最大,最大利润为多少, 6.(2010贵阳)某商场以每件50元的价格购进一种商销售数量(m)件 品,销售中发现这种商品每天的销售量m(件)与每100 件的销售价x(元)满足一次函数,其图象如图所示. (1)每天的销售数量m(件)与每件的销售价格x(元) (3分)

18、的函数表达式是销售价格(x)元 O 100 (2)求该商场每天销售这种商品的销售利润y(元)与 每件的销售价格x(元)之间的函数表达式;(4分) (3)每件商品的销售价格在什么范围内,每天的销售利润随着销售价格的提高而增加?(3分) 7.(,荆州)国家推行“节能减排,低碳经济”政策后,某环保节能设备生产企业的containing water in the tube should be let stand for 24 hours or more. After disinfection, rinse with potable water piping, a-rineneeded used eac

19、h rose water in the containing 20mg of free chlorine of water irrigation full pipeline for disinfection. Chlo n 3 star 6000 100 2, and water pipeline system disinfection: drinking water pipeline system in official delivered using Qianot thats number) qualified standard ? 6000 200 Visual filter netwo

20、rk, each square centimeters range within remaining of dirt real nt Visual should is following standard: flush qualified standard equipment speed (r/min) filter network specifications (accoun. Fruinstallation engineering construction one of the basic requirements, relating to the construction of the

21、project staff will .stem standard. This quality management system is the project of implementing quality assurance in mechanical and electrical ient syruction work of this project, this project in project management will fully implement the requirements of the quality managemy management system manu

22、al and procedures specifies the control plan. Applies to all construction quality management in constquality control of project construction site, according to the project management handbook (Second Edition), the qualitcreate safe and civilized model works fine in Zhuhai city; Section II quality ma

23、nagement system in order to strengthen the mp debugging, debuggings, prevent foreign bodies from entering. drainage system debugging debugging: debugging sanitary appliances, drain putrancend sampling by the health and epidemic prevention departments after passing inspection, turn off all va

24、lves and closed all en3 产品供不应求(若该企业的某种环保设备每月的产量保持在一定的范围,每套产品的生产成本不高于50万元,每套产品的售价不低于90万元(已知这种设备的月产量x(套)与每套的售价(万元)之间满足关系式,月产量x(套)与生产总成本(万元)yyy,170,2x121存在如图所示的函数关系. (1)直接写出与x之间的函数关系式; y2(2)求月产量x的范围; (3)当月产量x(套)为多少时, 这种设备的利润W(万元)最大,最大利润是多少, 8.(2010青岛)某市政府大力扶持大学生创业(李明在政府的扶持下投资销售一种进价为每件20元的护眼台灯(销售过程中发现,每

25、月销售量y(件)与销售单价x(元)之间的关系可近似的看作一次函数:yx,,10500( (1)设李明每月获得利润为w(元),当销售单价定为多少元时,每月可获得最大利润, (2)如果李明想要每月获得2000元的利润,那么销售单价应定为多少元, (3)根据物价部门规定,这种护眼台灯的销售单价不得高于32元,如果李明想要每月获得的利润不低于2000元,那么他每月的成本最少需要多少元,(成本,进价销售量) 9、(2009烟台市)某商场将进价为2000元的冰箱以2400元售出,平均每天能售出8台,为了配合国家“家电下乡”政策的实施,商场决定采取适当的降价措施.调查表明:这种冰-water in the

26、containing 20mg of free chlorine of water irrigation full pipeline for disinfection. Chlorinerose 0 2, and water pipeline system disinfection: drinking water pipeline system in official delivered using Qian needed used eachandard ? 6000 200 Visual filter network, each square centimeters range within

27、 remaining of dirt real not than 3 star 6000 10d stfollowing standard: flush qualified standard equipment speed (r/min) filter network specifications (accounts number) qualifie construction one of the basic requirements, relating to the construction of the project staff will . Fruit Visual should is

28、 eeringis quality management system is the project of implementing quality assurance in mechanical and electrical installation enginoject, this project in project management will fully implement the requirements of the quality management system standard. Thhis prem manual and procedures specifies th

29、e control plan. Applies to all construction quality management in construction work of ttrol of project construction site, according to the project management handbook (Second Edition), the quality management systquality concreate safe and civilized model works fine in Zhuhai city; Section II qualit

30、y management system in order to strengthen the uggingn bodies from entering. drainage system debugging debugging: debugging sanitary appliances, drain pump debugging, debth and epidemic prevention departments after passing inspection, turn off all valves and closed all entrances, prevent for

31、eignd sampling by the healcontaining water in the tube should be let stand for 24 hours or more. After disinfection, rinse with potable water piping, a4 箱的售价每降低50元,平均每天就能多售出4台( (1)假设每台冰箱降价x元,商场每天销售这种冰箱的利润是y元,请写出y与x之间的函数表达式;(不要求写自变量的取值范围) (2)商场要想在这种冰箱销售中每天盈利4800元,同时又要使百姓得到实惠,每台冰箱应降价多少元, (3)每台冰箱降价多少元时

32、,商场每天销售这种冰箱的利润最高,最高利润是多少, 某商品的进价为每件40元,售价为每件50元,每个月可卖出210件;如10、(2009武汉)果每件商品的售价每上涨1元,则每个月少卖10件(每件售价不能高于65元)(设每件商品的售价上涨元(为正整数),每个月的销售利润为元( xxy(1)求与的函数关系式并直接写出自变量的取值范围; xxy(2)每件商品的售价定为多少元时,每个月可获得最大利润,最大的月利润是多少元, (3)每件商品的售价定为多少元时,每个月的利润恰为2200元,根据以上结论,请你直接 写出售价在什么范围时,每个月的利润不低于2200元, 11. (2009年重庆市江津区)某商场

33、在销售旺季临近时 ,某品牌的童装销售价格呈上升趋势,假如这种童装开始时的售价为每件20元,并且每周(7天)涨价2元,从第6周开始,nd sampling by the health and epidemic prevention departments after passing inspection, turn off all valves and closed all encontaining water in the tube should be let stand for 24 hours or more. After disinfection, rinse with potable

34、water piping, a-rineneeded used each rose water in the containing 20mg of free chlorine of water irrigation full pipeline for disinfection. Chlo n 3 star 6000 100 2, and water pipeline system disinfection: drinking water pipeline system in official delivered using Qianot thats number) qualified stan

35、dard ? 6000 200 Visual filter network, each square centimeters range within remaining of dirt real nt Visual should is following standard: flush qualified standard equipment speed (r/min) filter network specifications (accoun. Fruinstallation engineering construction one of the basic requirements, r

36、elating to the construction of the project staff will .stem standard. This quality management system is the project of implementing quality assurance in mechanical and electrical ient syruction work of this project, this project in project management will fully implement the requirements of the qual

37、ity managemy management system manual and procedures specifies the control plan. Applies to all construction quality management in constquality control of project construction site, according to the project management handbook (Second Edition), the qualitcreate safe and civilized model works fine in

38、 Zhuhai city; Section II quality management system in order to strengthen the mp debugging, debuggings, prevent foreign bodies from entering. drainage system debugging debugging: debugging sanitary appliances, drain putrance5 保持每件30元的稳定价格销售,直到11周结束,该童装不再销售。 (1)请建立销售价格y(元)与周次x之间的函数关系; (2)若该品牌

39、童装于进货当周售完,且这种童装每件进价z(元)与周次x之间的关系为12, 1? x ?11,且x为整数,那么该品牌童装在第几周售出后,每z,(x,8),128件获得利润最大,并求最大利润为多少, 12、(2009年茂名市)茂名石化乙烯厂某车间生产甲、乙两种塑料的相关信息如下表,请你解答下列问题: 价 目 出厂价 成本价 排污处理费 品 种 甲种塑料 2100(元/吨) 800(元/吨) 200(元/吨) 100(元/吨) 每月还需支付设备管理、 乙种塑料 2400(元/吨) 1100(元/吨) 维护费20000元 yyy (1)设该车间每月生产甲、乙两种塑料各吨,利润分别为元和元,分别求和x1

40、21y 与x的函数关系式(注:利润=总收入-总支出);(6分) 2(2)已知该车间每月生产甲、乙两种塑料均不超过400吨,若某月要生产甲、乙两种塑料共700吨,求该月生产甲、乙塑料各多少吨,获得的总利润最大,最大利润是多少,(4分) 13(2009年黄石市)为了扩大内需,让惠于农民,丰富农民的业余生活,鼓励送彩电下乡,国家决定对购买彩电的农户实行政府补贴(规定每购买一台彩电,政府补贴若干元,经调查uggingn bodies from entering. drainage system debugging debugging: debugging sanitary applia

41、nces, drain pump debugging, debth and epidemic prevention departments after passing inspection, turn off all valves and closed all entrances, prevent foreignd sampling by the healcontaining water in the tube should be let stand for 24 hours or more. After disinfection, rinse with potable water pipin

42、g, a-water in the containing 20mg of free chlorine of water irrigation full pipeline for disinfection. Chlorinerose 0 2, and water pipeline system disinfection: drinking water pipeline system in official delivered using Qian needed used eachandard ? 6000 200 Visual filter network, each square centim

43、eters range within remaining of dirt real not than 3 star 6000 10d stfollowing standard: flush qualified standard equipment speed (r/min) filter network specifications (accounts number) qualifie construction one of the basic requirements, relating to the construction of the project staff will . Frui

44、t Visual should is eeringis quality management system is the project of implementing quality assurance in mechanical and electrical installation enginoject, this project in project management will fully implement the requirements of the quality management system standard. Thhis prem manual and proce

45、dures specifies the control plan. Applies to all construction quality management in construction work of ttrol of project construction site, according to the project management handbook (Second Edition), the quality management systquality concreate safe and civilized model works fine in Zhuhai city;

46、 Section II quality management system in order to strengthen the 6 某商场销售彩电台数(台)与补贴款额(元)之间大致满足如图?所示的一次函数关系(随xy着补贴款额的不断增大,销售量也不断增加,但每台彩电的收益(元)会相应降低且xZZ与之间也大致满足如图?所示的一次函数关系( xz(元) y(台) 200 160 1200 800 x(元) 200 0 400 0 x(元) 图? 图? (1)在政府未出台补贴措施前,该商场销售彩电的总收益额为多少元, (2)在政府补贴政策实施后,分别求出该商场销售彩电台数和每台家电的收益与政府yZ

47、补贴款额之间的函数关系式; x(3)要使该商场销售彩电的总收益(元)最大,政府应将每台补贴款额定为多少,并wx求出总收益的最大值( w14(宏志中学九年级300名同学毕业前夕给灾区90名同学捐赠了一批学习用品(书包和文具盒),由于零花钱有限,每6人合买一个书包,每2人合买一个文具盒(每个同学都只参加一件学习用品的购买),书包和文具盒的单价分别是54元和12元( (1)若有x名同学参加购买书包,试求出购买学习用品的总件数y与x之间的函数关系式(不要求写出自变量的取值范围); (2)若捐赠学习用品总金额超过了2300元,且灾区90名同学每人至少得到了一件学习用品,请问同学们如何安排购买书包和文具盒

48、的人数,此时选择其中哪种方案,使购买学习用品的总件数最多, 15.一快餐店试销某种套餐,试销一段时间后发现,每份套餐的成本为5元,该店每天固定支出费用为600元(不含套餐成本)(若每份售价不超过10元,每天可销售400份;若每份售价超过10元,每提高1元,每天的销售量就减少40份(为了便于结算,每份套餐的售价mp debugging, debuggings, prevent foreign bodies from entering. drainage system debugging debugging: debugging sanitary appliances, drain

49、 putrancend sampling by the health and epidemic prevention departments after passing inspection, turn off all valves and closed all encontaining water in the tube should be let stand for 24 hours or more. After disinfection, rinse with potable water piping, a-rineneeded used each rose water in the c

50、ontaining 20mg of free chlorine of water irrigation full pipeline for disinfection. Chlo n 3 star 6000 100 2, and water pipeline system disinfection: drinking water pipeline system in official delivered using Qianot thats number) qualified standard ? 6000 200 Visual filter network, each square centi

51、meters range within remaining of dirt real nt Visual should is following standard: flush qualified standard equipment speed (r/min) filter network specifications (accoun. Fruinstallation engineering construction one of the basic requirements, relating to the construction of the project staff will .s

52、tem standard. This quality management system is the project of implementing quality assurance in mechanical and electrical ient syruction work of this project, this project in project management will fully implement the requirements of the quality managemy management system manual and procedures spe

53、cifies the control plan. Applies to all construction quality management in constquality control of project construction site, according to the project management handbook (Second Edition), the qualitcreate safe and civilized model works fine in Zhuhai city; Section II quality management system in or

54、der to strengthen the 7 x(元)取整数,用y(元)表示该店日净收入(日净收入,每天的销售额,套餐成本,每天固定(支出) (1)求y与x的函数关系式; (2)若每份套餐售价不超过10元,要使该店日净收入不少于800元,那么每份售价最少不低于多少元, (3)该店既要吸引顾客,使每天销售量较大,又要有较高的日净收入(按此要求,每份套餐的售价应定为多少元,此时日净收入为多少, 16.已知某种水果的批发单价与批发量的函数关系如图(1)所示( (1)请说明图中?、?两段函数图象的实际意义( 批发单价(元) ? 5 ? 4 20 60 O 批发量(kg) (2)写出批发该种水果的资金

55、金额w(元)与批发量m(kg)之间的函数关系式;在下图的坐标系中画出该函数图象;指出金额在什么范围内,以同样的资金可以批发到较多数量的该种水果( (3)经调查,某经销商销售该种水果的日最高销量与零售价之间的函数关系如图(2)所示,该经销商拟每日售出60kg以上该种水果,且当日零售价不变,请你帮助该经销商设计进货和销售的方案,使得当日获得的利润最大( 金额w(元) 日最高销量(kg) 80 (6,80) 300 200 40 (7,40) 100 O 2 4 6 8 O 20 40 60 零售价(元) 批发量m(kg) th and epidemic prevention departments

56、 after passing inspection, turn off all valves and closed all entrances, prevent foreignd sampling by the healcontaining water in the tube should be let stand for 24 hours or more. After disinfection, rinse with potable water piping, a-water in the containing 20mg of free chlorine of water irrigatio

57、n full pipeline for disinfection. Chlorinerose 0 2, and water pipeline system disinfection: drinking water pipeline system in official delivered using Qian needed used eachandard ? 6000 200 Visual filter network, each square centimeters range within remaining of dirt real not than 3 star 6000 10d st

58、following standard: flush qualified standard equipment speed (r/min) filter network specifications (accounts number) qualifie construction one of the basic requirements, relating to the construction of the project staff will . Fruit Visual should is eeringis quality management system is the project

59、of implementing quality assurance in mechanical and electrical installation enginoject, this project in project management will fully implement the requirements of the quality management system standard. Thhis prem manual and procedures specifies the control plan. Applies to all construction quality

60、 management in construction work of ttrol of project construction site, according to the project management handbook (Second Edition), the quality management systquality concreate safe and civilized model works fine in Zhuhai city; Section II quality management system in order to strengthen the uggi

61、ngn bodies from entering. drainage system debugging debugging: debugging sanitary appliances, drain pump debugging, deb8 17.丹东市“建设社会主义新农村”工作组到东港市大棚蔬菜生产基地指导菜农修建大棚种植蔬菜。通过调查得知:平均修建每公顷大棚要用支架、农膜等材料费2.7万元;购置滴灌装置,这项费用(万元)与大棚面积(公顷)的平方成正比,比例系数为0.9;另外每公顷种植蔬菜需要种子、化肥、农药等开支0.3万元。每公顷蔬菜平均可卖7.5万元。 (1)基地的菜农共

62、修建大棚x(公顷),当年收益(扣除修建和种植成本后)为y(万元),写出y关于x的函数关系式。 (2)若某菜农期望通过种植大棚蔬菜当年获利5万元收益,工作组应建议他修建多少公顷大棚,(用分数表示即可) 3)除种子、化肥、农药投资只能当年收益外,其他设施3年内不需增加投资仍可继续使(用。如果按三年计算,是否大棚面积越大收益越大,修建面积为多少是可以获得最大利润,请帮工作组为基地修建大棚提一条合理化建议。 18(今年我国多个省市遭受严重干旱,受旱灾的影响,4月份,我市某蔬菜价格呈上升趋势,其前四周每周的平均销售价格变化如下表: 周数x 1 2 3 4 价格y(元/千克) 2 2.2 2.4 2.6

63、进入5月,由于本地蔬菜的上市,此种蔬菜的平均销售价格y(元/千克)从5月第1周的1 2.8元/千克下降至第2周的2.4元/千克,且y与周数x的变化情况满足二次函数y, 20 2x,bx,c. (1)请观察题中的表格,用所学过的一次函数、反比例函数或二次函数的有关知识直接写出4月份y与x 的函数关系式,并求出5月份y与x的函数关系式; 1 1(2)若4月份此种蔬菜的进价m(元/千克)与周数x所满足的函数关系为m, x,1.2, 4 ,55月份此种蔬菜的进价m(元/千克)与周数x所满足的函数关系为m,x,2(试问4月份与5月份分别在哪一周销售此种蔬菜一千克的利润最大,且最大利润分别是多少, (3)

64、若5月份的第2周共销售100吨此种蔬菜(从5月份的第3周起,由于受暴雨的影响,此种蔬菜的可供销量将在第2周销量的基础上每周减少a %,政府为稳定蔬菜价格,从外地调运2吨此种蔬菜,刚好满足本地市民的需要,且使此种蔬菜的销售价格比第2周仅上涨0.8 a %(若在这一举措下,此种蔬菜在第3周的总销售额与第2周刚好持平,请你参考以下数据,通过计算估算出a的整数值( (参考数据:372,1369,382,1444,392,1521,402,1600,412,1681) -rineneeded used each rose water in the containing 20mg of free chlo

65、rine of water irrigation full pipeline for disinfection. Chlo n 3 star 6000 100 2, and water pipeline system disinfection: drinking water pipeline system in official delivered using Qianot thats number) qualified standard ? 6000 200 Visual filter network, each square centimeters range within remaining of dirt real nt Visual should is following standard: flush qualified standard equipment speed (r/min) filter network specifications (accoun. Fruinstallation engineering construction one of th

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