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1、传播优秀Word版文档 ,希望对您有帮助,可双击去除!形容词和副词比较级和最高级用法复习课教案一、内容分析 形容词和副词的比较级和最高级是人教版新目标八年级重要的语法项目之一,是学生平时常接触的,它在很多题型中都会遇到。因此,复习好形容词和副词比较级和最高级的用法是十分必要的。因为这个语法项目是八年级学过的语法内容,在平时的练习中也经常地接触,所以学生对该语法比较熟悉。但是由于时间间隔长,所以某些语法点及其特殊用法可能有点模糊。二、学生分析语法向来是学生头痛的一项内容,这次任教的十六中的学生应该基础都不错,如果语法复习基本以呈现理论为主再辅以练习,相对枯燥,学生兴趣不够,容易分散注意力,所以我

2、想溶入一些新的教学元素。这个年龄的学生争强好胜,喜欢带有游戏性质的教育,于是我考虑借用大家感兴趣的话题来激发学生的热情,利用习题竞猜的方式调动学生的学习主动性,增强学习的效果。三、教学目标 新课标指导下的英语教学应该以综合语言运用作为最终目的。语法应该成为帮助学生理解英语句子,表达自己思想和情感的工具。所以,我确定了本节课的目标为:学生能够在训练语言综合实践活动中熟练掌握形容词和副词比较级和最高级的用法。(1)语言知识目标:复习形容词和副词比较级和最高级的规则变化和不规则变化的构成,掌握形容词和副词比较级和最高级的综合应用。(2)能力目标:能够在听说读写中熟练应用形容词和副词比较级和最高级。(


4、容量,增强教学的趣味性和时效性。六、课前准备1、分发本节课的练习题。2、教师准备相关多媒体课件。七、教学过程知识导入3分钟导入呈现呈现操练30分钟幻灯片练习发现规律幻灯片运用运用提高10分钟综合运用归纳2分钟小结教学流程图八、教学过程步骤一:导入(课前播放一首学生们熟悉的歌曲)Teacher: Do you like the song that you heard just now? Students: Yes .(most)T: Do you like the singer?Ss: Yes. (most)T: I like him, too. But who is he? Do you kn

5、ow?Ss: Jay Zhou ( Zhou Jielun).T: (show three pictures of singers and players who the students have known)Yes. Who is he?Ss: Liu Xiang T: And who is he?Ss: Yao Ming T : What do you think of them?Ss: handsome /famous /tall /rich .T: Great! But I think they are all tall. And I think Jay Zhou is tall.

6、Liu Xiang is taller than Jay Zhou. And Yao Ming is the tallest of them. (同时引导学生来说)Ss: Yao Ming is the tallest. Liu Xiang is shorter than him. Jay Zhou is the shortest , and so on.步骤二:呈现T: Good! Today, in this class, lets review the comparative and superlative of adjectives and adverbs. (Show a pictu

7、re of three degrees of adjectives and adverbs )T: You remember them? (引导学生来回答)Ss: Positive , comparative and superlativeT: First, we review the regular changes in the comparative and superlative of adjectives and adverbs. (引导学生来回答)Ss:(根据PPT图片回答)T: Now, you can finish the regular changes in the compa

8、rative and superlative of adjectives and adverbs. I give you two minutes. So you tell me your answers. (教师随时关注学生的作答情况,适当的增加或减少练习的时间) (Check the students answers)Ss: important-more important-most important easy-easier-easiest ( and so and )T: Well done! But you must notice the following words. (指导学生关

9、注几个特殊的单音节词的变化) Then, we notice some irregular changes in the comparative and superlative of adjectives and adverbs.Ss: good-better-best well-better-best bad-worse-worst (and so on)目的:激发学生兴趣,为下面的练习提供原始素材。步骤三:练习并发现规律活动:(1)让学生根据八年级所学形容词和副词的比较级或最高级内容完成句子。单项选择 1.- “Food safety” problem is becoming _ thes

10、e days. - I think so. The government must do something to deal with it. A. smaller and smaller B. worse and worse C. better and better D. nicer and nicer 2. People complain that the price of the apartment is getting _. A. lower and lower B. higher and higher C. cheaper and cheaper D. more and more e

11、xpensive T: All the students, look at the two questions. I give you one minute, then tell me your answers.(Check the students answers)Ss: No.1 B ; No. 2 BT: From the two questions, we know “比较级+and+比较级”表示“越来越”,前后形容词为同一个形容词;多音节单词之前用“more and more+原级” 活动:(2)让学生根据八年级所学形容词和副词的比较级或最高级内容完成句子。单项选择1.-The do

12、ctor told me not to eat too much, but I find it difficult. - The doctor is right. _ you eat, _ you will be. A. The less; the healthier B. The less; the more healthy C. The more; the healthier D. The more; the more healthy 2.Mr. Li asks us to remember that _ careful we are, _ mistakes we will make.A.

13、 the more; the fewer B. the fewer; the moreC. the more; the less D. the less; the fewerT: All the students, look at the two questions. I give you one minute, then tell me your answers. (Check the students answers)Ss: No.1 A No. 2 AT: From the two questions, we know “The+比较级, the +比较级”表示“越越”活动:(3)让学生

14、根据八年级所学形容词和副词的比较级或最高级内容完成句子。句子改错1.She bought a cheaper of the two watches. ( ) _ A B C单词填写2.Look at the two stories. The first one is _(interesting)of the two. T: All the students, look at the two questions. I give you one minute, then tell me your answers. (Check the students answers)Ss: No.1 A -th

15、e ; No. 2 the more interestingT: From the two questions, we know“甲+be+the+形容词比较级+of the two+”表强调,表示“甲是两者中比较的”。 活动:(4)让学生根据八年级所学形容词和副词的比较级或最高级内容完成句子。单项选择1.Toms pencil is longer than _. A. my B. mine C. me汉译英2.上海的人口比成都多。T: All the students, look at the two questions. I give you two minutes, then tell

16、me your answers. (Check the students answers)Ss: No.1 B; No. 2 The population of Shanghai is larger than that of Chengdu.T: All the students, we must notice the second question, “That of” cant be omitted.” And from the two questions, we know “这两句要注意比较的逻辑问题,即比较的对象要一致。在有些含有比较级的句子中,常用that(单数可数名词,不可数名词)

17、、those(复数可数名词)代替前面提到过的词,以免重复.”活动:(5)让学生根据八年级所学形容词和副词的比较级或最高级内容完成句子。句子改错1.He is cleverer than any other boys in his class.( )_ A B C单项选择2.Shanghai is bigger than _ in Japan.A. any other city B. any other cities C. any cityT: All the students, look at the two questions. I give you one minute, then tel

18、l me your answers. (Check the students answers)Ss: No.1 C-boy No.2 CT: As we know, “He is cleverer than any other boys in his class.” also can be expressed as “He is cleverer than the other boys in his class.” And “He is cleverer than any of the other boys in his class.” And “He is cleverer than any

19、one else in his class.” And “He is the cleverest boy in his class.” And from the two questions, we know “比较时不能与自身比较。当要比较的两者属于同一范围或类别时,为了不与自身相比较,要用any other+单数名词;若两者不属于同一范围或类别时,不必用other,直接用any+单数名词。”活动:(6)让学生根据八年级所学形容词和副词的比较级或最高级内容完成句子。句子改错1.The pen is as bigger as that one.( ) _ A B C单项选择2.-How is h

20、e getting on with his spoken English? -Great. Now he can speak English _ his English teacher. A. as good as B. as better as C. so well as D. as well asT: All the students, look at the two questions. I give you one minute, then tell me your answers. (Check the students answers)Ss: No.1 A-big No.2 DT:

21、 From the two questions, we know A+ as+原级+ as+ B ,表示“A与B一样”;A +not+ as/so+原级+ as+ B,表示“A不如B”活动:(7)让学生根据八年级所学形容词和副词的比较级或最高级内容完成句子。单项选择1.I am good at math, but Toms English is _ than mine. A. much better B. more better C. very better D. pretty better2. This morning our head teacher came to school _tha

22、n_ student in our class. A. much early; any B. much earlier; any C. much early; any other D. much earlier; any otherT: All the students, look at the two questions. I give you one minute, then tell me your answers. (Check the students answers)Ss: No.1 A No.2 BT: From the two questions, we know可以修饰形容词

23、和副词的比较级的常用词有much /a lot /far 表示“的多” ;a little / a bit 表示“一点儿” ; even “甚至” ;still “依然”活动:(8)让学生根据八年级所学形容词和副词的比较级或最高级内容完成句子。单项选择1.Who listens _ , Jack or Bill? A. the most carefully B. more carefully C. the most careful D. more careful2.-Which city has _ population, Beijing, Guiyang or Zunyi ? -Zunyi,

24、 of course. A. The largest B. the smallest C. the most D. the leastT: All the students, look at the two questions. I give you one minute, then tell me your answers. (Check the students answers)Ss: No.1 B No.2 BT: From the two questions, we know“特殊疑问词+动词+比较级,甲or 乙?” 用于两者比较 “特殊疑问词+动词+the+最高级,甲,乙or丙?”用

25、于三者以上的比较活动:(9)让学生根据八年级所学形容词和副词的比较级或最高级内容完成句子。句子改错1.Changjiang is one of the longer rivers in the world.( ) _ A B C单项选择2. Sun Yang is one of _ swimmers in the world. A. the famousest B. the most famous C. the more famous汉译英3.黄河是中国第二长河。T: All the students, look at the three questions. I give you three

26、 minutes, then tell me your answers. (Check the students answers)Ss: No.1 B-longest No.2 B No.3 The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.T: From the two questions, we know “one of +the + 形容词的最高级+复数名词;the+序数词+形容词的最高级+单数名词”步骤四:综合运用就复习的内容,引导学生加强综合运用。Follow ups(随堂练习)【单项选择】1.- Mr. Zhou, all

27、of the students in our group, who lives _ ?-I think LI Lei does.A. far B. farther C. farthest D. farest2. Either of them can take this job, but I wonder who does everything _.A. The most careful B. most carefully C. more carefully3._ exercise you take, _ youll be.A. The fewer, the fatter B. the less

28、, the fatter C. the less, the more fatter4. -I think English is _ maths. -Yes, I think so.A. so important as B. as important as C. as more important as5. Bob is _ of the two boys. Mary is _ of the three girls.A. taller; the shorter B. tallest; the shortest C. the taller; the shortest6.-How do you li

29、ke banana milk shake?-I love it. I like it _ than yogurt.A. very much B. even better C. much less【单词填写】1. This street is one of the _ (busy) streets in Guiyang.2. When winter comes, the days get _ . (short and short)3. Our country is becoming _ and _ . (beautiful) 4. Lucy is _ (outgoing), and Lily i

30、s quieter.5. Sandys sisters MP4 is cheaper than_ (she).【单句改错】1. The more early kids learn to be independent, the better it is for their future.( )_ A B C 2. Jim is much cleverer than any other students in Grade 3, but he doesnt work hard. A B C( )_ 3. Which is easy to learn, swimming or skating? ( )_ A B C4. The story isnt so longer as that one.( ) _ A B C

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