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1、四川省江油市七年级英语下册Unit11Whatdoyouthinkofgameshows教案1人教新目标板四川省江油市七年级英语下册Unit 11 What do you think of game shows 教案1 人教新目标板 Unit 11 What do you think of game shows? Section B 一、教学目标 ?谈论自己对人、事的态度和看法 倾听并转述他人对人、事的态度和看法 能运用已有的语言知识简单阐明理由 三、主题思维图及任务型活动 1 四、课前准备 将学生分成七组,每组选定本组的话题,可以从以下话题选择,也可自拟话题:Movie, Music, Fo

2、od, Sports, Clothes, TV show etc. 2、准备本组话题的相关图片或其它资料。 3、自学以下单词: hair clip, belt, key ring, sunglasses, scarf, wallet, watch 并设计表格了解家人对以上物品的态度。运用句型:What do you think of the watch? Do you like .? How about?并将调查结果填入下表中。 loves, likes doesnt like doesnt mind cant stand Thing hair wallet scarf belt clip M

3、other Father Grandma Grandpa 五、教学过程 Steps Teachers Activity Students Activity Preparation Warming Tell them the news: Well have a Free Listen and think about Talk Show in class.告诉学生班内将要the task up 举办“自由论坛”活动。大家可以就自Arouse their 己喜欢的话题畅所欲言。在论坛过程中interests 我们将用到哪些句型呢 Reflect what have 提示:Whats your fav

4、orite learned color/food/.? Do you like.? My favorite movies are . What/How about you? 2 Lead in the new words Look and learn Real Objects I have some fashionable things. What Try to answer the do you think of my scarf? questions and try to understand the meanings Help them to answer: I dont like of

5、 the new words it./I love it./I dont mind it/I cant stand it. Group work: Group work: What does your father think of the watch? Ask and answer questions about what your parents think of the things. He doesnt mind it. Task 1 Make a conversation Aim Get to know how to interview other people and how to

6、 make a conversation. 1 Give Ss an example of how to interview Ss listen and learn from Tape recorder other people. Play the recorder and the example. Listen and P68 2a, 2b check the answers finish 2a, 2b. Give the answers of 2a, 2b. 2 Ask Ss to interview 3 classmates, Ss get to know their Handout g

7、ive reasons if possible classmates answers (Chart 1) 提示:What do you think of? Why do you think so? (Why?) 3 Move around the room and give support Finish the table alone PowerPoint as needed and work in pairs 4 Ask pairs of students to show their Pairs of students show OHP works their works 5 Ask sev

8、eral pairs of students to give Ss give their reports reports Task 2 A survey: What do you think of .? Aim Get to know each others attitude to different objects 1 Show Ss how to interview their Listen and understand Handout classmates in groups. For Example: Get ready to interview (阅读提示) Movie Group

9、What do you think of thrillers/comedies/.? How about you? 2 Move around the room and give support Finish the table alone PowerPoint as needed and then work in groups 3 3 Move around the room and give support Change their groups and Handout as needed work in new groups(学生(根据Model 可以选择采访自己感兴趣完成Chart 2

10、) 的话题小组) 4 Check the answers and get to know Give answers their answers Task 3 A report -Whats/Whos cool? Aim Get to know how to write a report 1 Give Ss an example of how to write a Read and finish the Handout report-Read the passage P77 3a table alone (Chart 3) 2 Check the answers Give answers 3 A

11、sk Ss to finish the Ex on P77 3b Finish and give answers P77 3b Check the answers 4 Move around the room and give support Discuss in groups and Handout as needed try to finish the report(Write a (根据附表Chart 2 完成report) 报告) Home- Finish your group report and write it down work Do Ex P78 3 附表 Students

12、Handout Chart 1 Make a conversation Thing Classmate 1 Classmate 2 Classmate 3 hairclip loves, beautiful cant stand belt key ring sunglasses wallet scarf A survey (提示) What do you think of the.? Topics You may ask: (Key words) Movies Kinds of movies, actor, actress. why 4 Music Kinds of music, singer

13、, group, CD, music piece.why Food Kinds of food, fruit, vegetable, drinks,.why Sports Kinds of sports, football player, basketball player.why Clothes Kinds of clothes, color, size.why? TV show Kinds of TV programswhy A survey (Model) What do you think of the.? Things yourself Classmate1 Classmate2 t

14、hrillers love doesnt like cant stand comedies romance basketball pop music pizza Chart 2 A survey What do you think of the.? Things yourself Classmate1 Classmate2 Task 3 A report: Whats cool?/Whos cool? Things Loves Likes Doesnt mind Doesnt like Cant stand 1. hair clip 2. watch 3. key ring 4. sungla

15、sses 5. scarf 6. wallet 7. belt Write a report 5 Model: I like thrillers. I dont like romance. And I cant stand documentaries because theyre very boring. Tony doesnt like pizza. He loves Chinese food very much. He cant stand rock music. 课后反思: 成功完成本实施方案必须遵循以下原则: 课前安排要细致、到位。本节课的课堂容量比较大,如果学生课前准备或老师指导不到

16、位,很难在一课时内完成,即使完成,效果也将很不理想。 课前小组编排要合理。学生可以根据各自喜欢的话题自愿结合,也可根据学习能力和学习程度的差异编排小组,无任采取何种方式,教师在进行本课之前必须有通盘考虑,尤其要考虑小组成员的分工,要使每个成员各负其责,避免出现有的学生参与少或不参与的现象。 在教学进行过程中,老师必须考虑不同学习能力学生的需要,为各任务的顺利推进提供必要的语言提示,让每个学生都能真正参与其中,并从中感受到成功的快乐。 4(方案实施过程中要以表扬和激励为主,帮助学生树立学习英语的自信心,激发他们学习的兴趣。 教案点评: 本设计先设置一个任务活动:举办“自由论坛”活动,导入新词汇的

17、教学;然后设置了3个任务:Make a conversation,A survey, A report,由浅入深,层层深入,由谈论、调查、最后完成报告,构成一个完整的任务链,最终完成目标语言点的练习。 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 3、通过教科书里了解更多的有关数学的知识,体会数学是人类在长期生活和劳动中逐渐形成的方法、理论,是人类文明的结晶,体会数学与人类历史的发展是息息相关。16 (2)圆是轴对称图形,直径所在的直线是它的对称轴,圆有无数条对称轴。圆是中心对称图形,对称中心为圆心。17 (2)圆周角定理:圆周角的度数等于它所对弧上的的圆心角度数的一半.18 当a越大,

18、抛物线开口越小;当a越小,抛物线的开口越大。19 20 (4)二次函数的图象:是以直线为对称轴,顶点坐标为(,)的抛物线。(开口方向和大小由a来决定)21 22 (1) 与圆相关的概念:23 一年级有学生 人,通过师生一学期的共同努力,绝大部分部分上课能够专心听讲,积极思考并回答老师提出的问题,下课能够按要求完成作业,具有一定基础的学习习惯,但是也有一部分学生的学习习惯较差,学生上课纪律松懈,精力不集中,思想经常开小差,喜欢随意讲话,作业不能及时完成,经常拖拉作业,以致学习成绩较差,还需要在新学期里多和家长取得联系,共同做好这部分学生行为习惯的培养工作。24 (2)圆周角定理:圆周角的度数等于它所对弧上的的圆心角度数的一半.25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 (4)直线与圆的位置关系的数量特征:34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 垂直于切线; 过切点; 过圆心.42

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