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1、牛津小学英语3B Unit 2 Yes or No 教案(第一课时)王春丽教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词 computer, radio, camera。2. 能运用Is this /that ?进行提问并回答: Yes,it is. / No, it isnt.3. 能理解感叹句 What a nice! 对物品进行赞美。4. 能正确地使用礼貌用语May I come in? Come in,please.教学重点: 让学生在实际情境中结合学过的物品单词,运用Is this /that a? 进行问答。 教学难点:Is this /that ?句型初次出现,this与that的读法及

2、用法比较混淆,应设计直观的情景和多样的操练,让学生从感知到理解并走向运用。另外,新授单词正确发音也是一难点。教学准备:教师: 多媒体课件、歌曲、课文磁带、电话机、电脑、照相机、收音机、单词卡片、人物头饰。学生: 准备一些精美的物品,包括衣服、文具等。教学过程:Step 1 Warm Up1T: (站在教室门口) May I come in? 引导学生说 Come in, please. (If you say yes, you can say Come in, please.)2. Greeting. Sing a song. ABC song.3. T: Boys and girls. Yo

3、u look nice today. Let me take a photo for you. (take out a camera) Look, its my new camera. Its nice, isnt it?新授单词 camera, 并引导学生用What a nice camera!来赞美。大组齐喊 Camera! (开摄),教师将照相机对准那一大组拍摄,并宣布下课后给表现最好的学生拍一张集体照。(把重要单词放在小小的热身中,降低学习难度,激发学生学习热情。)Step 2 Presentation1. 教师走出教室,拿出Nancy手偶,敲门,大声说:May I come in?(

4、反复几次)Ss: Come in, please.(简单直观的方法,让学生在亲身运用语言的过程中体验语言的交际功能。)2. 教师假装带着Nancy参观教室, What a nice classroom! N: Whats this/ that (on the )?Ss: Its a desk/ chair/ door/ window/ book .教师随手指着或拿起学生的一些文具用品。N: Is this/that a/ your ? (Is this/ that ? 重读并注意上升语调。)T: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. (示范清晰)引导学生回答。学生可以用 Yes

5、. 或 No. 做简单回答。教师发出赞叹 What a nice ! (教师带小客人Nancy参观教室,就教室中的物品随机发问,引导学生观察教室,自然直观,有助于学生理解问题含义并做简单回答。)3. T: Now, youre Nancy. Try to answer my questions together.T: (walk to a TV) Is this a TV?Ss: Yes, it is. 教师指导发音,由慢到快,配上表示正确的动作或拍手。T: (point to a computer) Is this a TV?Ss: No, it isnt. 教师指导发音,配上表示否定的动作

6、(两手胸前交叉)和Yes, it is. 做比较,反复读,练习发音,配上动作增加趣味性。4. T: (point to the computer) It isnt a TV. What is it then? Its a computer.出示单词computer,跟读,指导发音,分音节读 com pu ter 。T: Do you have a computer at home? Do you often play the computer? Do you play computer games? Lets play computer games. (play the computer an

7、d say the word)T: Is that a TV?Ss: No, it isnt. T: Whats this?Ss: Its a computer. (黑板上出示句子,学生朗读)Ss: Is that a TV? No, its isnt. Its a computer. 4) T: (拿出一袋子) Nancy brought us a bag. Whats in it? Guess.学生观察形状猜。T: Is this a rubber? Ss: No, it isnt. T: Yes, its bigger. T: Is this a computer? Ss: No, it

8、 isnt. T: Yes, its smaller than a computer.T: You can guess. Is this a ? (教师用动作提醒学生猜一些形状相似的物品)Ss: Is this a walkman/ pencil box/ book/ camera/ telephone? T: Nice try! But it isnt a . (猜错也给予一些小奖励)T(隔着袋子打开收音机)Listen, whats this?Ss: Its a 教师公布答案,教 radio, 指导发音,边让学生回答,边让他听。T: (to Nancy) Can I have a look

9、?N: Sure. 拿出给学生看。 What a nice radio!5) Guessing game. Whats in my left hand?教师将照相机和收音机分别拿在两个手里,让学生猜左手是什么?S: Is that a camera? T: No, it isnt. Its a radio. 猜对的得奖。(利用一些真实的物品,进行一些带有游戏性质的操练,让学生看到、摸到、听到他们的学习对象,这些物品的英文他们很自然就记住了。而且,单词始终放在句中练,句型也得到了巩固。)Step 3 Text Teaching1. T: Listen, the telephone is ring

10、ing. (answer the telephone). Oh, thats Gao Shan. He asks us to visit him now. Lets go to his home. OK?屏幕出现Gao Shan家的大门。T(knock the door) What should we say?Ss: May I come in? (每个大组轮流说)2. T: Now Nancy is visiting Gao Shan. Listen to their conversation and think about these two questions.a. Is that a

11、dog on the table/in the living room? b. Is that a radio on the desk/ in the bedroom?(show the picture and listen to the tape)教师加一些叙述性的话T: Now, Nancy is at the door. Whats she saying?. Now, they are in the living room. Nancy sees something between the sofas. Whats that?. Now, they are in Gao Shans be

12、droom. Nancy sees something near the vase. Whats that?(Listen to the dialogue again.)Ss give the answers.Ans: No, it isnt. Its a telephone. No, it isnt. Its a camera. (第四幅图片本节课没有重点讲,教师稍做解释,非本节课重点。)3. T: Lets read after the tape. Read after me. Boys, youre Gao Shan. Girls, youre Nancy. .Exchange, tha

13、ts fun.Practice Pic 1 to 3 in pairs.4. Ask two or three pairs to act the dialogue in front.(把课文放在情境中教,学生仿佛亲身经历了一番,印象深刻,表演时就更自然。)Step 4 Consolidation1. T: Gao Shan likes taking photos. Look, here are lots of photos. But some of them are broken. Can you recognize them?课件出现一些不完整的图片,学生猜。S: Is that a watch? T: No, it isnt. Its a . . See.2. Play a guessing game, using the pictures on page. A: Is that a ? B: Yes, it is. Step 5 Homework1. 跟录音机朗读课文;2. 预习B部分剩余的单词;3. 带一些漂亮的手表,挂上名字牌,同桌准备一个不透明的带子。板书设计 Unit 2 Yes or NocameraIs this a computer ? Yes, it is. (that) No, it isnt. Its a radio

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