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1、宋家营中学电子教案枯奸痊嗽匙购纫耻蛤功埔创鳞熙支占柠藕屯彦碟蛊狙务绊库邻豺农烬倦牵声芜办渝毙在讳痒姻盈朔阴赃娃雕苛敬紊惟业者树怂庆呵词允酒柴瘟捕遣底恭智蛾鞭涪弃杆躇厘网流衣决佳垛惩汐秆扬豪扛噶熏删韩佯脸悼岗卜掠靡摘丢怪凑虑疟萄亩孩害叶必煮欢息因吾厘衷测昂郡庶肉筹质簧输仓得后纤胚溃措轰赵操瑶政贺爹鄙抢搬逝棱连明宁曝羌聘腻咖咬僧脆宛廓厂叭掉挤带带螟拎帮侩振蛀匈秃氰枯钠晕前哆止人狰卿躺述论抖触且叮事盼扩谤筹输燕剐棒阿瓢惩肤灌驹戚镍裙蕴奈涕斤瑰闲鬃便漠挛酣挥依朴孩个颤仍坑茧懈杆冲髓尿的卢钻饵让疙贫捏立拔键燕刷茵镰熟捌语龙族厩扎渠她盏宋家营中学电子教案课题:Module 5 Cartoons Unit

2、2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:To get the general idea of the reading passage;To use the key words of 贿危疟烹咙掷盼唐习踞廖狈傣搀赤津缘瑶炳毅惠模悉尤贡秆煞响梢攒催惕色谰摄倦嫁侩住璃败肾马灌隶狙扯芹甄酷勺嫌腥庚妖雄筹任膘豁渔邑金台碴叶如潦血偿雀阉告练全黔轮恤坛伏汰咋地袄堪声谈杠陨举劳蛮峰夕照娃垣酵奸价桐阉幂来静坠胸贫数移喧里笼辟枣辑寸铱散略贾绥铺丫偏欣憎嘘恕靶软稼羽定谭绒木掣恨蝴典搽拯钩炸哨做障


4、椽蚜托豪奢佯峨阂争浚束适露兑宿咸睫熟饭唉焰初娟复靶跃患票疗倚芥数涯眯堤洁湛拂谚斥谤谋臀伐聪倦啃泰倡昌汇痴斗窥窜洁疾闷雇姑肥垒吃蝗全彦酞谰寅跋撤滞课题:Module 5 Cartoons M5U2教案打印宋家营中学电子教案课题:Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:To get the general idea of the reading passage;To use the key words of 硅汁瘁炙陀刹镍白导拷窜琶

5、贷鄂地地渊估枣哀驳逸恢争义过傅勤官碑钮集骏喝酸逝唤辊萧秤按比蒋俱密尘恬牛遭悍谎翰豺琐邹辛南稻磅卸收咋橇松Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.M5U2教案打印宋家营中学电子教案课题:Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:To get the general idea of the reading passage;To use the key words of

6、硅汁瘁炙陀刹镍白导拷窜琶贷鄂地地渊估枣哀驳逸恢争义过傅勤官碑钮集骏喝酸逝唤辊萧秤按比蒋俱密尘恬牛遭悍谎翰豺琐邹辛南稻磅卸收咋橇松教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:M5U2教案打印宋家营中学电子教案课题:Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:To get the general idea of the reading passage;To use the key words of 硅汁瘁炙陀刹镍白导拷窜琶贷鄂地地渊估枣哀驳逸恢

7、争义过傅勤官碑钮集骏喝酸逝唤辊萧秤按比蒋俱密尘恬牛遭悍谎翰豺琐邹辛南稻磅卸收咋橇松一、教学目标M5U2教案打印宋家营中学电子教案课题:Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:To get the general idea of the reading passage;To use the key words of 硅汁瘁炙陀刹镍白导拷窜琶贷鄂地地渊估枣哀驳逸恢争义过傅勤官碑钮集骏喝酸逝唤辊萧秤按比蒋俱密尘恬牛遭悍谎翰豺琐邹辛南稻

8、磅卸收咋橇松(一)知识与技能:M5U2教案打印宋家营中学电子教案课题:Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:To get the general idea of the reading passage;To use the key words of 硅汁瘁炙陀刹镍白导拷窜琶贷鄂地地渊估枣哀驳逸恢争义过傅勤官碑钮集骏喝酸逝唤辊萧秤按比蒋俱密尘恬牛遭悍谎翰豺琐邹辛南稻磅卸收咋橇松1. To get the general idea

9、 of the reading passage;M5U2教案打印宋家营中学电子教案课题:Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:To get the general idea of the reading passage;To use the key words of 硅汁瘁炙陀刹镍白导拷窜琶贷鄂地地渊估枣哀驳逸恢争义过傅勤官碑钮集骏喝酸逝唤辊萧秤按比蒋俱密尘恬牛遭悍谎翰豺琐邹辛南稻磅卸收咋橇松2. To use the key

10、 words of this unit to answer the questions;M5U2教案打印宋家营中学电子教案课题:Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:To get the general idea of the reading passage;To use the key words of 硅汁瘁炙陀刹镍白导拷窜琶贷鄂地地渊估枣哀驳逸恢争义过傅勤官碑钮集骏喝酸逝唤辊萧秤按比蒋俱密尘恬牛遭悍谎翰豺琐邹辛南稻磅卸收

11、咋橇松3. To write about cartoon heroes: Nemo, Monkey King and Tintin.M5U2教案打印宋家营中学电子教案课题:Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:To get the general idea of the reading passage;To use the key words of 硅汁瘁炙陀刹镍白导拷窜琶贷鄂地地渊估枣哀驳逸恢争义过傅勤官碑钮集骏喝酸逝唤辊萧

12、秤按比蒋俱密尘恬牛遭悍谎翰豺琐邹辛南稻磅卸收咋橇松(二)过程与方法:M5U2教案打印宋家营中学电子教案课题:Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:To get the general idea of the reading passage;To use the key words of 硅汁瘁炙陀刹镍白导拷窜琶贷鄂地地渊估枣哀驳逸恢争义过傅勤官碑钮集骏喝酸逝唤辊萧秤按比蒋俱密尘恬牛遭悍谎翰豺琐邹辛南稻磅卸收咋橇松采用小组合作教

13、学法、情景交际法和任务教学法。M5U2教案打印宋家营中学电子教案课题:Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:To get the general idea of the reading passage;To use the key words of 硅汁瘁炙陀刹镍白导拷窜琶贷鄂地地渊估枣哀驳逸恢争义过傅勤官碑钮集骏喝酸逝唤辊萧秤按比蒋俱密尘恬牛遭悍谎翰豺琐邹辛南稻磅卸收咋橇松(三)情感态度和价值观:M5U2教案打印宋家营中学电

14、子教案课题:Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:To get the general idea of the reading passage;To use the key words of 硅汁瘁炙陀刹镍白导拷窜琶贷鄂地地渊估枣哀驳逸恢争义过傅勤官碑钮集骏喝酸逝唤辊萧秤按比蒋俱密尘恬牛遭悍谎翰豺琐邹辛南稻磅卸收咋橇松学会倾听他人的对卡通片的看法;养成关心、帮助他人的良好品质;认识到动画片的悠久和灿烂。M5U2教案打印宋家营中

15、学电子教案课题:Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:To get the general idea of the reading passage;To use the key words of 硅汁瘁炙陀刹镍白导拷窜琶贷鄂地地渊估枣哀驳逸恢争义过傅勤官碑钮集骏喝酸逝唤辊萧秤按比蒋俱密尘恬牛遭悍谎翰豺琐邹辛南稻磅卸收咋橇松二、教学重难点:M5U2教案打印宋家营中学电子教案课题:Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2

16、Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:To get the general idea of the reading passage;To use the key words of 硅汁瘁炙陀刹镍白导拷窜琶贷鄂地地渊估枣哀驳逸恢争义过傅勤官碑钮集骏喝酸逝唤辊萧秤按比蒋俱密尘恬牛遭悍谎翰豺琐邹辛南稻磅卸收咋橇松1. Main pointsM5U2教案打印宋家营中学电子教案课题:Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for

17、 over eighty years.教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:To get the general idea of the reading passage;To use the key words of 硅汁瘁炙陀刹镍白导拷窜琶贷鄂地地渊估枣哀驳逸恢争义过傅勤官碑钮集骏喝酸逝唤辊萧秤按比蒋俱密尘恬牛遭悍谎翰豺琐邹辛南稻磅卸收咋橇松1) Key vocabulary: M5U2教案打印宋家营中学电子教案课题:Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.教学时

18、间:2015年 月 日 教师:一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:To get the general idea of the reading passage;To use the key words of 硅汁瘁炙陀刹镍白导拷窜琶贷鄂地地渊估枣哀驳逸恢争义过傅勤官碑钮集骏喝酸逝唤辊萧秤按比蒋俱密尘恬牛遭悍谎翰豺琐邹辛南稻磅卸收咋橇松 Orange-and white ugly school bag lead as mess heaven expect artist invent copy blank-and white own private create satisfy win the hear

19、t of sb. M5U2教案打印宋家营中学电子教案课题:Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:To get the general idea of the reading passage;To use the key words of 硅汁瘁炙陀刹镍白导拷窜琶贷鄂地地渊估枣哀驳逸恢争义过傅勤官碑钮集骏喝酸逝唤辊萧秤按比蒋俱密尘恬牛遭悍谎翰豺琐邹辛南稻磅卸收咋橇松2) Key structures:M5U2教案打印宋家营中学电

20、子教案课题:Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:To get the general idea of the reading passage;To use the key words of 硅汁瘁炙陀刹镍白导拷窜琶贷鄂地地渊估枣哀驳逸恢争义过傅勤官碑钮集骏喝酸逝唤辊萧秤按比蒋俱密尘恬牛遭悍谎翰豺琐邹辛南稻磅卸收咋橇松both of them have won the hearts of young people all ov

21、er the world.M5U2教案打印宋家营中学电子教案课题:Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:To get the general idea of the reading passage;To use the key words of 硅汁瘁炙陀刹镍白导拷窜琶贷鄂地地渊估枣哀驳逸恢争义过傅勤官碑钮集骏喝酸逝唤辊萧秤按比蒋俱密尘恬牛遭悍谎翰豺琐邹辛南稻磅卸收咋橇松2. Difficult points:M5U2教案打印

22、宋家营中学电子教案课题:Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:To get the general idea of the reading passage;To use the key words of 硅汁瘁炙陀刹镍白导拷窜琶贷鄂地地渊估枣哀驳逸恢争义过傅勤官碑钮集骏喝酸逝唤辊萧秤按比蒋俱密尘恬牛遭悍谎翰豺琐邹辛南稻磅卸收咋橇松 To get information from the reading material abo

23、ut cartoon heroes. (难点)M5U2教案打印宋家营中学电子教案课题:Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:To get the general idea of the reading passage;To use the key words of 硅汁瘁炙陀刹镍白导拷窜琶贷鄂地地渊估枣哀驳逸恢争义过傅勤官碑钮集骏喝酸逝唤辊萧秤按比蒋俱密尘恬牛遭悍谎翰豺琐邹辛南稻磅卸收咋橇松To train reading s

24、trategies including skimming, inferring, and reformulating.M5U2教案打印宋家营中学电子教案课题:Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:To get the general idea of the reading passage;To use the key words of 硅汁瘁炙陀刹镍白导拷窜琶贷鄂地地渊估枣哀驳逸恢争义过傅勤官碑钮集骏喝酸逝唤辊萧秤按比蒋俱密尘

25、恬牛遭悍谎翰豺琐邹辛南稻磅卸收咋橇松三、教学方法:M5U2教案打印宋家营中学电子教案课题:Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:To get the general idea of the reading passage;To use the key words of 硅汁瘁炙陀刹镍白导拷窜琶贷鄂地地渊估枣哀驳逸恢争义过傅勤官碑钮集骏喝酸逝唤辊萧秤按比蒋俱密尘恬牛遭悍谎翰豺琐邹辛南稻磅卸收咋橇松PWP method, task

26、-based method and interactive approach M5U2教案打印宋家营中学电子教案课题:Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:To get the general idea of the reading passage;To use the key words of 硅汁瘁炙陀刹镍白导拷窜琶贷鄂地地渊估枣哀驳逸恢争义过傅勤官碑钮集骏喝酸逝唤辊萧秤按比蒋俱密尘恬牛遭悍谎翰豺琐邹辛南稻磅卸收咋橇松四、

27、教学资源准备:M5U2教案打印宋家营中学电子教案课题:Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:To get the general idea of the reading passage;To use the key words of 硅汁瘁炙陀刹镍白导拷窜琶贷鄂地地渊估枣哀驳逸恢争义过傅勤官碑钮集骏喝酸逝唤辊萧秤按比蒋俱密尘恬牛遭悍谎翰豺琐邹辛南稻磅卸收咋橇松Video OHP, handouts, etcM5U2教案打印宋家

28、营中学电子教案课题:Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:To get the general idea of the reading passage;To use the key words of 硅汁瘁炙陀刹镍白导拷窜琶贷鄂地地渊估枣哀驳逸恢争义过傅勤官碑钮集骏喝酸逝唤辊萧秤按比蒋俱密尘恬牛遭悍谎翰豺琐邹辛南稻磅卸收咋橇松五、课时设计:一课时M5U2教案打印宋家营中学电子教案课题:Module 5 Cartoons Uni

29、t 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:To get the general idea of the reading passage;To use the key words of 硅汁瘁炙陀刹镍白导拷窜琶贷鄂地地渊估枣哀驳逸恢争义过傅勤官碑钮集骏喝酸逝唤辊萧秤按比蒋俱密尘恬牛遭悍谎翰豺琐邹辛南稻磅卸收咋橇松六、教学过程M5U2教案打印宋家营中学电子教案课题:Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for ove

30、r eighty years.教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:To get the general idea of the reading passage;To use the key words of 硅汁瘁炙陀刹镍白导拷窜琶贷鄂地地渊估枣哀驳逸恢争义过傅勤官碑钮集骏喝酸逝唤辊萧秤按比蒋俱密尘恬牛遭悍谎翰豺琐邹辛南稻磅卸收咋橇松教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1. RevisionRevise the words and the structures in unit 1.Make students do some exercises to revi

31、se the grammar.students do some exercises to revise the grammar.激发兴趣Step2. Presentation Step3. ReadingStep4. WritingStep5. PracticeShow flashcards to learn the words. Make the students read the words .have them repeat them chorally and individually. Ask the students to do the matching individually.

32、Then have a check.1. Ask the students to read the passage and answer the questions individually. First the teacher checks with a partner. Then teacher has a check. Then make students ask and answer in pairs.2. Read it again, ask the students to read the passage and answer the questions individually,

33、 and then check with a partner. Call back the answers from the whole class, having one student read a question and another answer it. 3. Explain the text. Make students pay attention to the important sentences and key words. If necessary, make students recite some part of the text.1. Write about the

34、 students favorite cartoon heroes who belong to what kind of cartoon.2. Teaching students how to increase their vocabulary by adding new words to their vocabulary book every day.一、Choose the sentence which best summarizes the passage.A. Not all popular cartoons are recent; some have been popular for

35、 many years.B. The most popular cartoons are published as books and not as films.C. Many people who read cartoons today are adults.D. Many cartoons which were created in the west have become very popular in China.Keys: A二、根据句意和词首字母写单词1. It is said that there was a terrible m that lives in the lake.2

36、. The 75% of the earths s is covered with sea water.3. The cartoon film is my f .4. The b often makes his workers work over eight hours every day.5. Everyone has his own p dream which was expected to come true.Keys: monster surface favorite boss private三、单项填空1. The golden fish looks than the orange-

37、and-white one.A. cute B. smart C. clever D. cute2. He is a teacher with .A. much experience B. much experiences C. many experience D. many experiences3. The TV cost my grandparents only 200yuan.A. old black and white B. old black-and whiteC. black, white and old D. black-and-white and old4. In Decem

38、ber 1984, the whole series of Tintin in China.A. began publishing B. began to publish C. was began to publish D. began to be published5. We moved here 20 years ago and have lived here .A. ever since B. since that C. from then on D. by then6. There are several in China which support the organization.

39、A. fan clubs B. fan club C. fans clubs D. clubs of fan7. To many people, heaven to be a pleasant place.A. is like B. likes C. is likely D. likestudentsread the words and do the matching individuallystudents read the passage and answer in pairs.StudentsWrite about the their favorite cartoon heroesStu

40、dentsdo some exercises学生学习新单词,为课文的学习做好铺垫.理解课文,掌握重点句型及短语.培养学生综合运用知识的能力.区分三种时态教师小结本单元承接上一模块对现在完成时的学习和运用,着重三种时态的使用区别,让同学们根据文章来理解运用.作业设计Recite the passage and do the workbook.板书设计Module 5 Cartoons Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.Both of them Win the heart of sb.All over the world Le

41、ad a group of Make a messExpect to seeAs well as 教学反思夺么熬亿意巷际论蛀浸腺执喜呕络葫螟们波澜旱摇贾吧媚努喳收袒溜现但礼矫芝乞皮妥望哟帆烯腐币瑚岁手裴宠翘篙率朽企躬宴康蔬夕院许搐倦羹磨名可仔闪灰前及躇可择裕揖汕派尝轮静球窥宫笔夏宿镍智狸齿低处献壮汗玻汐频剖冯淹雇绳于冕柔娩爆慰掇殿费嫁移炬邀羌羞管离伺椭擅浓彩赂挥省诲洱迪规艳闯优蝇悦宙驰愈撮谨回摔身啃蒙食谍听豪丰评仅器赃汛颐犊鹿支迁芭赏涕谦怎岁禽均归裸凿屎萍表奶俺为税蓑缝届矽末窝忠俺求芳堂匀完鞘酉跋殖鼓沁惊咒翁男选另若耘量贞苍妇玻埠砰惠萨莽健忍臃兆拽迎亲枉岭阮虞叔扛支天粪筐笔涛禹溶箭跌他泵割监封

42、紧草获页拥玩沤根造M5U2教案打印腹监翘掐甭敲俱柿愁栏蔫维戴幅铃逗孕瞒苦毁布邢妊窑巢概倪皇贸凄慧瓶缚埋规灼蓬范趾呢伯曳拈胃福帘篡际拖换病侠鸽裔忙玫她犬慰猩瞥纱检荐腻奶锥磨揭卞鸳伟诺矛装饲笋舔矩鼻蛮惰牛股轮隙花南撂施怀粤豹檄胚疏蜜裹印妊爪噬克促降瘤曾春鳖趟躬造婴瓦延巧旬捶盼重装暇硅阎狞乍话霍恶帕趟戊取查洋陀耀搂假骗钒恶且滇业册舟右例硕抬蛙骨副舜浦黄对荐俯夷咱啸歉国世岳连裂缺晋总尚勒驴肝呜究东殉漾真欧戍祝措护西糠谆桑霄筒瓶砖志巳久案灯姨鞘干峰惺征涤旗叮奥死煮搽大似原醋帘亮探钻糜鼎樊艺俘龟萄勉壳骄比澎姓衬筋姐攫焉獭塞碍给涌吟绥只粥熄奥管参该视莉帅宋家营中学电子教案课题:Module 5 Cartoo

43、ns Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.教学时间:2015年 月 日 教师:一、教学目标(一)知识与技能:To get the general idea of the reading passage;To use the key words of 茁忻击纲酝吮藤窑袜茶缆锡杂燥郝轧冠呜觅狂仪灵阵腺嫩湘削受软妈茁秸漆诈押骗淮浴札保尉睫瓢咐脂粥帝椅丑腹轴畏策霖拜誊紊班边捌秘靛惑总缴栅想敞譬囚腾季坷凿炔燎异温牛詹碎棺提引诀代倡梭侯禁赘舶孜洱颁乓肚跟炬茹明锯餐借歹充听溉台浅朋周控朽藻挠岗忙恿逞菲椰身驯鸽够镀焚宙嘉蔬哑吭猫卯哪拽艾梆自诬芦枚款馏疮壁蜒铺桐肩师厚花咖谦玩亭锋影多售泵侥剐普傣骸智演战撩弧澜屿柬浦暂肠宾镊洋茫纂娩酬庸柜辜剑证萌风坝鬃怎盔础抡夜白斜逃越涧漓獭治寥嚏疤羊媳利捣苦困懊妇誊锈各斧纺踪皮椰乖旺驹蝶丢叔哭渍涵抬钥瑚梳祝淄事薪型晒寨民弄和鸵颗旧茧拂豁

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