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1、200. Alice was very sorry to hear that her grandmother had _ two days before. A. broken off B. passed off C. given away D. passed away答案D. passed away.注释pass away(=die)死亡,是“死亡”的委婉语。break off中断;give away给掉;泄露;pass off中止,中断。201. What makes the space shuttle _ is that it takes off like a rocket but lan

2、ds like an airplane.A. exceptional B. strange C. unique D. rare答案C. unique.注释unique(=being the only one of its type)同类事物中独一无二的。如:This stamp is unique; all others like it have been lost or destroyed.202. People cannot but feel _, for they simply cannot understand how he could have made such a stupid

3、mistake.A. puzzled B. delighted C. induced D. inspired答案A. puzzled.注释be (feel, get) puzzled感到迷惑、为难。本题译文:人们不得不感到迷惑,因为他们简直不能理解,他怎么能犯这样愚蠢的错误。203. When a space shuttle has accomplished its _, it can be ready for another trip in about two weeks.A. venture B. mission C. commission D. responsibility答案B. mi

4、ssion.注释mission通常指一种特殊的、特定的且有一定难度的使命或工作,常与accomplish, complete等词搭配,如:accomplish a historic mission完成一项历史使命。Venture冒险;常指商业上的冒险投机。例如:He declined the business venture. Commission委任;代理;佣金。He often goes beyond his commission.(他时常越权。)responsibility责任。本题译文:当航天飞机完成了它的使命,它能在大约两周内做好准备再次航行。204. Hes the kind of

5、 man who is fond of _ compliments to other mens wives.A. paying B. saying C. expressing D. showing答案A. paying注释pay a compliment (compliments) to sb.恭维某人。205. Radar enables the pilot of an airliner to take off, fly and land in _.A. danger B. comfort C. continuity D. safety答案D. safety.注释in safety安全地。从

6、逻辑上看,其他选择均不切题。206. The map was drawn to the standard _ of 1/100,000, so there was not much detail.A. route B. line C. rate D. scale答案d. scale.注释scale在此题中意指“(实物与地图、图解等代表物间的)比例,比例尺”.be drawn to be standard scale of 1/100,000(按照十万分之一标准比例尺绘制)。207. Our Party has always devoted great attention to raising

7、the living _ of the working people.A. cost B. situation C. level D. standard答案D. standard.注释living standard生活水准。208. It was _ by the railway board that the cost of rail fares would be increased by ten percent.A. noticed B. stated C. suggested D. noted答案B. stated.注释state此处意为“(=make sth. know, announc

8、e)宣布,通告,声明(口头的或书面的)”,如:It is stated that all the accident were killed.(据宣布,事故中全部人员无一幸免。)suggest建议,是表示欲望意义的动词,从句中要用虚拟语气(should +动词原形)。Note(=notice)“注意到”,如:It was noted that the temperature rose during this time.209. The chances of discovering life on Neptune are about a million _.A. at one B. for one

9、 C. to one D. against one答案c. the one.注释a million to one百万分之一,意为“几乎没有什么可能”。210. Everything he said then was _ by what happened later.A. identified B. signified C. noticed D. verified答案D. verified.注释verify(=prove the truth of)证实,证明:1)It was easy to verify his statements.(很容易证实他说的话。) 2)Later findings

10、verified the scientists theory(后来的各种发现证明这位科学家的理论是对的。)identify识别,鉴别;signify表示,意味,要紧;有重要性:1)He signified that he agreed by nodding.(他点头表示同意。) 2)Never mind, it doesnt signify.(没事儿,这无关紧要。)211. The party, which had been greatly _, was spoiled by the rude behavior of an uninvited guest. A. looked forward

11、to B. looked up to C. called forth D. called for答案A. looked forward to.注释Look forward to 期待,盼望。参阅.109.; call forth引起,唤起。参阅.29注释。 Call for需要,参阅.26注释。Look up to尊敬。212. It was clear that the small grocer was _ people he owed money to. A. at the expense of B. at the risk of C. in the way of D. at the me

12、rcy of答案D. at the mercy of.注释at the mercy of在.支配下:The ship was at the mercy of the waves.(这艘船任凭风浪摆布。)at the expense of以.为代价,靠牺牲.;in the way of碍.事;at the risk of冒.的危险:1)He devoted his time to football at the expense of his studies.(他牺牲学习把时间都花在足球上。) 2)Her social lift got in the way of her studies.(她的社

13、交生活妨碍了她的学习。) 3)We do this at the risk of our lives and liberties.(我们冒丢掉生命和丧失自由的危险做这件事。)本题译文:显然,这家小杂铺任凭其债主的摆布。213. I _ her not to walk on the thin ice but she would not listen to me.A. warned B. persuaded C. suggested D. noticed答案A. warned.注释warn sb. (not) to do sth.警告某人(不)做某事。Suggest不能接sb. to do sth

14、。persuade sb.(not) to do sth.说服、某人(不)做某事;本题中不能选D. persuaded, 因该动词强调行为的结果。从逻辑上讲,既然“说服了”,那么与she wouldnt listen to me就前后矛盾了。如果把句子该为:I tried to persuade her not to walk on the thin ice but she wouldnt listen to me.(我极力劝她不要在薄冰上走,但她不愿听我的话。),那么就符合逻辑了。注意warn sb. of sth.警告某人有.。214. When products made in fact

15、ories _, they are thrown away as garbage. A. come to an end B. are put to use C. are used up D. wear out答案D. wear out.注释wear out本题中意指(become useless form continued use of wear)用坏,穿破,如:The machine will soon wear out.(这机器即将用坏。)come to and end(结束),put . to use(投入使用), use up(用完), come into use(开始投入使用)。2

16、15. She is making herself ill with _ over her sons future.A. trouble B. annoyance C. disgust D. worry答案D. worry注释worry既可作动词用,也可以作名词用,意思是“忧虑”,后接介词about或over。worry over 比worry about对某事的忧虑更为持久,更为专注,如:He worries over the least thing that goes wrong.(他总是惟恐有一点小事出错。)216. The microphone enabled them to keep

17、 in touch, in other words, it made it _ for them to contact each other.A. likely B. capable C. possible D. probable答案C. possible注释able有才能的,有能力的,指人的才智,而且是受过实际锻炼的才干。Capable“有才能的,能胜任的”(有褒、贬 二义),如:He is capable of anything.(他什么事都干得出来。)此句含有明显得贬义。此外,作表语时,able接不定式,capable接of. capable还有一意思是“有可能 的”,例如:The ca

18、r is capable of being repaired .(这辆汽车是有可能修好的。)用于此义时,be capable of 后常接被动语态动名词或有动作意义的名词:The situation is capable of improvement .possible 强调客观可能性,“可能的”程度比probable大概的,很可能的低一些。注意likely与possible在结构搭配上的区别。Likely可用于下列句型中:1)It is likely that.例如:It is highly likely that he will succeed.(很可能他会成功。)2)think(feel

19、, consider)it likely .例如:I think it likely that we will ultimately get a certain amount of money.3)be likely to do sth.例如:He is likely to see you again .但下面的句型是错误的,It is likely for sb to do sth.所以think it likely for sb. to do sth.也是错误的,故本题不能选likely.217. They did not find _ to prepare for the worst c

20、onditions they might meet. A. worth their while B. it worthwhile C. it worth D. it worthy答案B. it worthwhile注释worthwhile值花时间(或精力)干的:1)The visit to Paris was worthwhile .2)He thinks teaching foreign languages is worthwhile.3)She has a very worthwhile job.4)I think it worthwhile to work on my stamp col

21、lection.Worthy (of)配得上,值得:1)He is worthy of being praised.(=He is worthy to be praised.)2)He is a worthy winner.3)She is not worthy to talk to man like you.(她配不上与你这样一位男士谈话)。218. In spite of the thunderstorm, the children slept _ all night.A. densely B. soundly C. loudly D. noisily答案B. soundly注释sleep

22、 soundly熟睡。也可以说sleep heavily.219. John _ knowledge of radio just by staying around the radio station.A. caught on B. worked up C. took up D. picked up答案D. picked up注释pick up学到,习得。详见。130注释。220. I support your decision, but I should also make it clear that I am not going to be _ to it.A. connected B.

23、fastened C. bound D. stuck答案C. bound注释be bound to sth.受.的约束:I was bound to my promise.(我受我的诺言约束)注意be bound to do sth.1)一定会:The plan is bound to win.(这项计划一定会成功。)2)有责任(义务):You are bound to obey the laws.(你有责任遵守法纪)。本题译文:我支持你的决定,但是我得说明,我不打算受它约束。221. Professor Jordon is well known for his _ into the habi

24、ts of the common housefly. A. examination B. introduction C. research D. expression答案C. research注释research into对.研究:1)(作动词用)He is researching into the reading problems of young school children.2)(作名词用)to carry out a research(=some research)into the causes of brain damage.(对大脑损伤原因进行研究)。研究可译为make rese

25、arches into, make a study of 或直接用动词study vt或research into (a problem etc.).222. The Prime Minister refused to comment on the rumor that he had planned to _.A. discharge B. dismiss C. resign D. resume答案C. resign注释resign(=give up a post)辞职:1)imagine he will resign.2)It was his duty to resign his posit

26、ion.discharge sb.= dismiss sb.解雇某人:He was discharged(=dismissed) for being dishonest.223. It was decided to _ the search when there was no hope of finding the missing girl alive.A. call off B. take up C. keep off D. ring up答案A. call off注释call off(=cancel)取消。详见。25注释。224. He put in a special _ for an

27、extra days holiday so that he could attend his daughters wedding.A. request B. demand C. inquiry D. proposal答案A. request注释request请求,put in a request for (提出请求)。enquiry询问,demand 需求,需要,proposal建议,均不和题意。225. She _ the temptation to buy a coat she could not afford.答案D. resisted. 注释resist 此处意指(=keep ones

28、elf back from)“忍住.”,resist temptation(不受诱惑)。本题译文:她不受诱惑,不去买她买不起的外衣。226. Scientists have to work hard to keep _ with modern discoveries and developments. A. company B. track C. touch D. pace答案D. pace.注释keep pace with跟上:1)This horse is too weak to keep pace with the others. 2)I cant help pace with your

29、 plan.Keep in touch with与.保持联系;了解(情况);1)People can keep in touch with each other even when they do leave. 2)I find it very difficult to keep in touch with all the recent developments in my subject.(我觉得很难了解我的科目当前的一切新发展。)Keep company(with)与.相好:Never keep company with dishonest persons.(千万不要和不诚实的人来往。)K

30、eep track of通晓事态,了解动向:I find it difficult to keep track of my old friends.(我很难了解我的老朋友的情况。)keep track of的反义结构是lose track of(失去联系)。以上成语均为考试大纲规定的内容,考生务必熟记。227. He didnt _ what I read because his mind was on something else.A. hold on B. catch on C. take in D. get over答案C. take in注释take in(=understand)理解

31、。参阅。173注释。hold on(打电话时)不要挂断;catch on明白(作不及物动词用),catch on to懂得,明白(作及物动词用);get over克服。228. We made plans for a visit but _ difficulties with the car prevented it. A. consequent B. subordinate C. substantial D. subsequent答案D. subsequent.注释subsequent(=later, following)随后得,接着发生的:subsequent events(随后发生的事件

32、)。consequent(作为结果)而随之发生的:His long illness and consequent absence put him behind in his work.根据题意,本题用subsequent更妥。229. Arrogance and pride are similar in meaning, but there is _ difference between them. A. a submerged B. an indecisive C. an indistinct D. a subtle答案D. a subtle.注释subtle微妙的,微细的,难以捉摸的。a

33、subtle difference.(微细的差别)。Submerged浸没的;indecisive非决定性的,非结论性的,未清楚标明的;indistinct不清楚的,模糊的;subconscious下意识的。230. This watch is _ to all the other watches on the market.A. superior B. advantageous C. super D. beneficial答案A. superior.注释superior。参看,669注释。231. The government has lost a great deal of _ becau

34、se of the large increase in food pries.A. strength B. support C. agreement D. vote答案B. support.注释lose support失去支持。vote作为“选票”解时,是可数名称,所以不能与a great deal of搭配。232. The branches could hardly _ the weight of the fruit.A. retain B. maintain C. sustain D. remain答案C. sustain.注释sustain(=hold up the weight of

35、)承住,支撑:An old wall cannot sustain a new building.233. He thought this was the first pair of shoes that had fitted him _.A. perfectly B. justly C. fairly D. rightly答案A. perfectly.注释perfectly(=quite well, completely)十分,完全地。justly公正地,正当地,应得地;rightly正确地,恰当地,正直地;fairly公正地,正当地;相当,还算;清楚地。234. I feel sure t

36、hat _ qualification, ability and experience, you are abundantly suited to the position we have in mind. A. in case of B. in terms of C. in the opinion of D. in the course of答案B. in terms of.注释in terms of依据,按照。In case of万一.;in the opinion of按照.的看法;in the course of在.的过程中,在.期间。以上4个习语均为大纲规定之列,考生应熟记、活用。H

37、ave.in mind心中想到。本题译文:我肯定,根据资格、能力和经验,你完全适合我们心中想到的工作。235. So far as he could, John had always tried to _ the example he saw in Lincoln.A. live up to B. set forth C. call for D. cut out答案A. live up to.注释live up to不辜负,作到;参阅,102注释, set forth阐明,提出,列举;参阅,154注释, cut out删去;参阅,38注释, call for需要,要求;参阅,26注释。本题译文

38、:只要约翰能够,他总是努力做到他在林肯身上所看到的榜样。236. It would be _ a risk to let the child go to school by himself.A. following B. passing C. running D. carrying答案C. running.注释run(take) a risk 冒风险:You are running a big risk in trusting him.(你信任他是冒极大的风险。) by oneself(=alone)单独,独立地。237. Children who are over-protected by

39、their parents may become _. A. hurt B. spoiled C. damaged D. harmed答案B. spoiled.注释spoil(=make a child selfish from having too much attention or praise)宠坏,惯坏;Spare the rod, spoil the child.(省下了棍子,惯坏了孩子。)这是英国谚语,意为“棒头上出孝子”。238. Paper making began in China and from there it _ to North Africa and Europe.

40、 A. sprang B. spilled C. carried D. spread答案D. spread.注释spread vt./vi. 此处意指“传播”,如:1)The news spread quickly. 2)Files spread disease.(苍蝇传播疾病。)carry是及物动词,意为把某人从一处带到他处,故也有“传送”的含义,如:He carried the news to everyone in the village. 当carry vt. 在本句中与句子的语法结构不符。Carry作vi.用时,指“(发射物、声音等)能射到,能传到”,如:His voice carr

41、ies far. (他的声音能传得很远。)239. When the entire class worked together they finished the project _. A. in no way B. in no time C. on no account D. in no case答案B. in no time.注释in no time (=in a very little time, soon, quickly)立即,马上:The bus filled with students in no time. (这辆公共汽车很快就被学生挤满了。)240. The _ of his

42、 clothes indicated too clearly that he had been playing football.A. state B. condition C. occasion D. situation答案A. state.注释state n. 状况,状态。例如:She is in a poor state of health. Situation处境,形势,局面,情况,工作:He was in a hopeless situation. condition 情况(多用复数): Economic conditions were bad. occasion 场合,时机。241

43、. Circus tigers, although they have been tamed, can _ attack their trainer. A. unexpectedly B. deliberately C. reluctantly D. subsequently答案A. unexpectedly.注释unexpectedly 出乎意料地。例如:He unexpectedly failed to get the job.(他出乎意料没有得到这件工作。)又如:We met each other unexpectedly. (我们不期而遇。)deliberately故意地:I beli

44、eve the house was deliberately set fire to.(我相信这房子是有人故意放火烧的。)reluctantly 不情愿地,勉强地:She agreed, very reluctantly, to help. (她十分买鸟枪地同意帮忙。) subsequently后来,随后:He escaped from prison but was subsequently recaptured. (他越狱逃跑了,但后来又被抓回来。)本题译文:马戏团地老虎虽然已被驯服,但也会出乎意料地袭击驯兽师。242. Stressful environments lead to unhe

45、althy behaviors such as poor eating habits, which _ increase the risk of heart disease.A. in turn B. in return C. by chance D. by turns答案A. in turn。注释in turn (插入语)转而,依次,而又:We need revision of estimated sales and this, in turn , will mean revision in production schedule. (我们必须修改预计销量,而这反过来又意为这修订生产计划。)

46、in return 作为报答: I wish I could do something for you in return. (我要是能为你做点事作为报案就好了。)I gave him a present but he gave me nothing in return.(我送给他一份礼物,可他却什么也不给我作为答谢。)by chance (=by accident)偶然地;无意中:I meet him by chance on Fifth Avenue.(我偶然在第5大街上遇到他。)by turns 轮流地,依次:There were twelve of us in the boat and

47、 we rowed by turns.(船上有12人,我们轮流划船。)本题译文:紧张的环境会导致诸如不良的饮食习惯等不健康行为,而后者又会增加患心脏病的危险。243. The patients believe that the doctor knows exactly how to put them _. A. correct B. perfect C. right D. well答案C. right。注释put sth. /sb. right 纠正;治好,使恢复健康:Since man has done so much damage, it is up to man to put the m

48、atters right. (既然人类已造成了如此巨大的损害,人类又哲人纠正这种状况。)又如:This medicine will soon put you right. (这药很快会使你恢复健康。)其他3个选择均不能与put 构成习语,故不能入选。本题译文:病人相信医生清楚地知道怎样治好他的病。244. They decided to leave the waiter a big _ because the food and service had been excellent. A. note B. reward C. tip D. gift答案C. tip。注释tip 本题中意为“小费”

49、。245. And you find that youre not to be _ with a position of real responsibility.A. offered B. trusted C. furnished D. retained答案B. trusted。注释trust sb. with sth. 把某事托付给某人:I cant trust him with my car.(我不能把我的车托付给他。)本题译文:你认为不会把真正有责任的工作托付给你。246. There was a good _ of the countryside from the front of t

50、he bus. A. sight B. view C. scene D. scenery答案B. view。注释view在本句中意指“看,眺望”,如:It is a large room with a view of the doctors well-kept garden. (这是一间大房间,从房间里能看到医生精心管理的花园。)本题译文:坐在汽车的前排座位可以清楚地看到乡间的景色。247. In aerospace devices the weight of the necessary power producing equipment is _.A. vital B. possible C

51、. capable D. reliable答案A. vital。注释vital 极其重要的。本题译文:在航空航天装置中必要的动力设备的重量问题是至关紧要的。248. This album is _ as it was the only one ever signed by the President. A. unusual B. unique C. rare D. special答案B. unique。注释unique(某一类中)独一无二的。如选unusual(不寻常的,独特的),虽然也说得过去,但毫无疑问,unique是最佳选择,因为它的后面the only one相呼应。Special专门

52、的,专用的,例如;They went to London on a special train.他们搭一班专车(或加班车)去伦敦。rare稀有的,罕见的,如:rare metals(稀有的金属)。Singular单数的。249. Trains stop here in order to _ passengers only.A. get off B. pick up C. pull up D. pull in答案B. pick up注释pick up passages(接运旅客上车。)pull in(火车)进站;(船)靠岸;pull up停车;get off下车。250. He _ the pl

53、ace where he had been bitten by an insect.A. snatched B. scratched C. squeezed D. stretched答案B. scratched.注释scratch抓,搔。此外,有一常用习语:scratch ones head over sth.对某事迷惑不解,搔头皮。Snatch掠夺;stretch拉长,延伸,撑大;squeeze压榨,挤。251. It is not profitable to provide bus services in districts where the population is widely _

54、.A. scattered B. dismissed C. separated D. spread答案A. scattered.注释scattered是scatter的过去分词,也可作形容词用,(=lying in different directions; not situated together, wide apart)分散的,散布在各处的。Separate分开的,spread传播;摊开,dismiss解雇。252. There are usually at least two _ of looking at every question.A. ways B. directions C.

55、 views D. opinions答案A. ways.注释two ways of looking at every questions意指“观察每个问题的两个方面”。253. He left in such a hurry that I _ had time to thank him.A. almost B. even C. nearly D. scarcely答案D. scarcely.注释scarcely(=hardly, not quite, almost not)几乎没有。Scarcely是否定副词,类似的有:hardly, barely, rarely, seldom, littl

56、e等。研究生入学考试中经常测试这类否定副词的用法。254. As more and more cars are produced and used, so the _ from their exhaust-pipes contains an even larger volume of poisonous gas.A. exposure B. distribution C. expansion D. emission答案D. emission.注释emission散发物,发射。exposure(to)暴露于:They believe that their health problems are

57、the result of years of exposure to fine cotton dust.(他们认为,他们的健康问题是多年来暴露于棉花粉尘所致。)expansion膨胀,扩大;Heat causes the expansion of gas.本题译文:正如汽车的生产和使用越来越多一样,汽车的排气管的散发物内所含的有毒气体量也在增加。255. The book seems to have been _ from various books and articles. A. pieced together B. taken off C. broken away D. pulled o

58、ut答案A. pieced together.注释piece together拼合,拼凑;take off起飞;break away from脱离;pull out拔出;驶出;(车)减速。256. We had a marvelous holiday: only the last two days were slightly _ by the weather. A. damaged B. hurt C. ruined D. spoiled答案D. spoiled.注释spoiled使.扫兴: A shower of rain spoiled our days outing.257. I cou

59、ld tell he was surprised from the _ on his face.A. appearance B. view C. sight D. expression答案D. expression.注释expression此处意指“表情”。Appearance表示人的“仪表,外表”。258. Id like to take _ of this opportunity to thank you all for your cooperation.A. profit B. benefit C. advantage D. interests答案C. advantage.注释take

60、advantage of(=make use of sth. for ones own benefit)利用:take advantage of my ignorance(利用我的无知)。259. If you ever have the _ to go abroad to work, you should take it.A. possibility B. offer C. luck D. chance答案D. chance.注释chance(偶然的)机会。Have与the(或 a) possibility不能搭配;常用There is a possibility for sb. to do

61、 sth.表示客观存在的“可能性”。260. Scientists think they have _ in their attempt to find the causes of some major dieases. A. broken through B. worked out C. fallen out D. got round答案A. broken through.注释break through(=be successful after overcoming a difficulty)突破;取得重大成果:Scientists hope to break through soon in their

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