每日一句英语学习3-drop the ball 犯错

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《每日一句英语学习3-drop the ball 犯错》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《每日一句英语学习3-drop the ball 犯错(4页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、韦博每日英语一句学习汇总(三)41、drop the ball 犯错;失职例句We almost enter a contract with that company, but Jim drop the ball and ruin everything.我们差点就跟那公司签合同了,但是吉姆犯了大错,把一切都搞砸了。42、true to form 遵照过去的行为模式;(人或人的行动)一如往常例句The Clintons, true to form, were nearly half and hour late to meet the elder Bushes at the White House

2、 in 1993.克林顿夫妇于一九九三年在白宫会见老布什伉俪时,也同往常一样,迟到了将近半小时。43、get on the ball 用心做例句If you hope to keep your job, youd better get on the ball and meet the deadline.如果你还想要你的那份工作,你最好用心做,赶上最后期限!44、今日短语play a waiting game 等待机会;持续观望;侍机下手;伺机行动例句As Chinas PDA makers battle for market share, cautious global giants play

3、 a waiting game.当中国的PDA厂商竞相抢攻市场占有率时,行事谨慎的跨国大企业持续观望。45、beat someone to it 在别人还没做之前先做例句If we do not take step immediately, some one will beat us to it, which means big loss for us.如果我们不马上采取措施,别人就会抢先一步,而这对我们来说是巨大的损失。46、put someone on the spot 让某人为难例句Dont put me on the spot like this. You know I cant gi

4、ve you confidential information.别这样让我为难,你知道我不能给你机密资料的。47、fat is in the fire 事情已严重到难以挽回的地步;生米已成熟饭;事情搞糟了;闯下大祸例句Sorry, dear. The fats in the fire. No way can you retract the offer without doing a lot of damage to the relationship.对不起,亲爱的,生米已成熟饭,你不可能在不伤及双方感情的情况下取消答应人家的事。48、get wind of something 风闻某事;探出;

5、得到密报例句His wife got wind of his dismissing and become very worried.他太太听说了他被解雇的事情后变得特别忧虑。49、put ones foot in ones mouth 祸从口出;说错话例句Tom is always saying such stupid thing. He has a real talent for putting his foot in his mouth.汤姆尽说这种蠢话。他真有惹是生非的本事。50、put ones foot in ones mouth 祸从口出;说错话例句Tom is always sa

6、ying such stupid thing. He has a real talent for putting his foot in his mouth.汤姆尽说这种蠢话。他真有惹是生非的本事。51、hat in hand 态度谦卑;客气;毕恭毕敬;卑躬屈膝例句when you are pleasing others to help you, you must put your hat in the hand.当你请求他人帮助你的时候,你的态度要谦卑。52、rise from the ashes 重获新生;从毁灭中再生例句His business company went bankrupt

7、cy years ago, but now he opens another big one, it is rise from he ashes.多年前他的公司破产了,现在他有开了一间公司,可以说是浴火重生。53、(go) down the drain 前功尽弃;白费心机;付诸流水例句All our efforts went down the drain when the power went out.电一停,我们努力全付诸流水。54、shape up 表现良好;乖例句Youd better shape up if you want to stay on.如果你还想留下来的话,那就最好乖一点。

8、55、keep an eye on someone 监视;注意;留意例句The private school has found a new way to keep students under control. It installed cameras in its classrooms which allow parents to keep an eye on their children via the Internet.那家私立学校已经发现管理学生的新方法。它在教室装摄影机,让家长透过网络监视他们的小孩。56、with a bang 隆重的例句University Games open

9、ed in Beijing with a bang.世界大学生运动会运在北京隆重开幕。57、one of these days 某天例句One of these days is none of these days.说是总有一天,其实是根本不会有那么一天。 (英美谚语)58、out of the woods 渡过危险期例句I think the company will be out of the woods thanks to its new products.我认为公司会因为新产品的推出而渡过难关。59、jump to conclusion 妄下结论例句Dont jump to conclusion. We have to figure it out first.不要妄下结论,先把事情搞清楚。60、follow in someones footsteps 步某人的后尘;效法某人;接某人的班例句He will probably follow in his fathers footsteps.他可能会继承父业

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