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1、1. terms1) translationTranslation is the communication of the meaning of a source-language text by means of an equivalent target-language text. While interpretingthe facilitating of oral or sign-language communication between users of different languagesantedates writing, translation began only afte

2、r the appearance of written literature. There exist partial translations of the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh (ca. 2000 BCE) into Southwest Asian languages of the second millennium BCE.Translators always risk inappropriate spill-over of source-language idiom and usage into the target-languagetranslatio

3、n. On the other hand, spill-overs have imported useful source-language calques and loanwords that have enriched the target languages. Indeed, translators have helped substantially to shape the languages into which they have translated.Owing to the demands of business documentation consequent to the

4、Industrial Revolution that began in the mid-18th century, some translation specialties have become formalized, with dedicated schools and professional associations.Because of the laboriousness of translation, since the 1940s engineers have sought to automate translation or tomechanically aid the hum

5、an translator.The rise of the Internet has fostered a world-wide market for translation services and has facilitated language localization.Translation studies systematically study the theory and practice of translation.2) Translation methods翻译方法是翻译活动中,基于某种翻译策略,为达到特定的翻译目的所采取的特定的途径、 步骤、手段。Literal tran

6、slation : means not to alter the original words and sentences, it strives to keep the sentiments and style of the original. It takes sentences as its basic units and takes the whole text into consideration at the same time in the ideological context and the style of the original works and retains as

7、 much as possible the figures of speech.eg:纸老虎 paper tiger word for word Liberal translation: is an alternative approach which is used mainly to convey the meaning and spirit of the original without trying to reproduce its sentence patterns or figure of speech. Eg ; Adams apple 喉结 sense for sense3)

8、Translation strategies翻译策略是翻译活动中,为实现特定的翻译目的所依据的原则和所采纳的方案集合。A plan or policy designed for a particular purpose.异化:Foreignization尽量不要打扰原作者,而是把读者带向原作者。Schleiermacher : “Leave the author in piece as much as possible, and move the reader toward him” 尽量保留原文的语言、 文学、文化特质,保留异国风.归化:Domestication尽量不要打扰原作者,而是把作

9、者带向读者。Schleiermacher : “Leave the author in piece as much as possible, and move the author toward reader. ”具体表现为在翻译中, 尽量用目的语读者喜闻乐见的语言、文学、文化要素来替换源语的语言、文学、文化要素, 恪守、回归目的语的语言、文学和文化规范4) equivalenceIi was advocated by Jakobson. Through to the 1950s and 1960s, discussions in translation studies tended to c

10、oncern how best to attain equivalence. The term equivalence had two distinct meanings, corresponding to different schools of thought. In the Russian tradition, equivalence was usually a one-to-one correspondence between linguistic forms, or a pair of authorized technical terms or phrases, such that

11、equivalence was opposed to a range of substitutions. However, in the French tradition of Vinay and Darbelnet, drawing on Bally, equivalence was the attainment of equal functional value, generally requiring changes in form. Catfords notion of equivalence in 1965 was as in the French tradition. In the

12、 course of the 1970s, Russian theorists adopted the wider sense of equivalence as somethingresulting from linguistic transformations.At about the same time, the Interpretive Theory of Translation introduced the notion of deverbalized sense into translation studies, drawing a distinction between word

13、 correspondences and sense equivalences, and showing the difference between dictionary definitions of words and phrases (word correspondences) and the sense of texts or fragments thereof in a given context (sense equivalences).The discussions of equivalence accompanied typologies of translation solu

14、tions (also called procedures, techniques or strategies), as in Fedorov (1953) and Vinay and Darbelnet (1958). In 1958 Loh Dianyangs Translation: Its Principles and Techniques (英汉翻译理论与技巧)drew on Fedorov and English linguistics to present a typology of translation solutions between Chinese and Englis

15、h.In these traditions, discussions of the ways to attain equivalence have mostly been prescriptive and have been related to translator training.5) Translation studiesTranslation studies is an academic interdiscipline dealing with the systematic study of the theory, description and application of tra

16、nslation, interpreting, and localization. As aninterdiscipline, Translation Studies borrows much from the various fields of study that support translation. These includecomparativeliterature, computerscience,history,linguistics, philology, philosophy, semioticsand terminology.The term translation st

17、udies was coined by the Amsterdam-based American scholar James S. Holmes in his paper The name and nature of translation studies, which is considered a foundational statement for the discipline. In English, writers occasionally use the term translatology (and less commonly traductology) to refer to

18、translation studies, and the corresponding French term for the discipline is usually traductologie (as in the Socie te Frangaise de Traductologie). In the United States there is a preference for the term Translation and Interpreting Studies (as in the American Translation and Interpreting Studies As

19、sociation), although European tradition includes interpreting within translation studies (as in the European Society for Translation Studies).Early studiesHistorically, translation studies has long been prescriptive (telling translators how to translate), to the point that discussions of translation

20、 that were not prescriptive were generally not considered to be about translation at all. When historians of translation studies trace early Western thought about translation, for example, they most often set the beginning at Ciceros remarks on how he used translation from Greek to Latin to improve

21、his oratorical abilitiesan early description of what Jerome ended up calling sense-for-sense translation. The descriptive history of interpreters in Egypt provided by Herodotus several centuries earlier is typically not thought of as translation studiespresumably because it does not tell translators

22、 how to translate. In China, the discussion on how to translate originated with the translation of Buddhist sutras during the Han Dynasty.6) Translation schoolsFunctional theories of translationKey concepts Functional theories from Germany in the 1970s-1980s mark a move away fromstatic linguistic ty

23、pologies. Reiss stresses equivalence at text level, linking language functions to text types andtranslation strategy. Holz-Mainttaris theory of translational action: a communicative process involving aseries of players. Vermeers skopos theory of translation strategy depending on purpose of TT isexpa

24、nded in Reiss and Vermeen Nords translation-oriented text analysis: a functional approach with moreattention to ST. L inguistic school of translation studiesEquivalence and equivalent effectKey concepts The problem of equivalence in meaning, discussed by Jakobson (1959) and central to translation st

25、udies for two decades. Nidas adaptation of transformational grammar model, and scientific methods to analyze meaning in his work on Bible translating. Nidas concepts of formal equivalence and dynamic equivalence and the principle of equivalence and the principle of equivalent effect: focus on the re

26、ceptor. Newmarks semantic translation and communicative translation. Development of bersetzungswissenschaft ( science of translating ) in the Germanies of the 1970s and 1980s. Theoretical criticisms of equivalence and the tertium comparationis.Roman Jakobson: the nature of linguistic meaning and equ

27、ivalenceNida and the science of translatingNewmark: semantic and communicative translationKoller: Korrespondenz and quivalenzLater developments in equivalence 交际翻译流派 The Communicative Translation school. 阐释学派 Hermeneutic School of Translation Study代表人物:施某尔。马赫,韦努蒂:1995年 作品译者的隐形The Translator7s Invisi

28、bility.7) Culture turn in translation studiesThe cultural turn: This is the term used in translation studies for the movetowards the analysis of translation from a cultural studies angle.The cultural turn meant still another step forward in the development of the discipline. It was sketched by Susan

29、 Bassnett and Andre Lefevere in Translation - History - Culture, and quickly represented by the exchanges between translation studies and other area studies and concepts: gender studies, cannibalism, post-colonialismor cultural studies, among others.8) translators subjectivityA. The invention of the

30、 text. B. The invention of the translator.C. Text style. (Nida: narrative, descriptive, discussion, dialogue.)D. The readship. (Martion Joos: five oclock theory.)9) Categories of translation10) readers response“if we look at translation in terms of the response, rather than in terms of their respect

31、ive forms, then we introduce another point of view: the intelligibility of the translation, such intelligibility is not, however, to be measured merely in terms of whether the words are understandable and the sentences grammatically constructed, but in terms of the total impact the message has on th

32、e one who receives it”(Nida & Taber, 1969,22)2. Important figures in translation history1) F. Tyltler泰特勒关于翻译理论的传世之作是1790年匿名出版的专著论翻译的原则(Essay on the Principles of Translation),书中最为出色的部分之一是泰特勒给“优秀的翻译” 下的定义,即“原作的优点完全移植在译作语言之中,使译语使用者像原语使用者一样,对 这种优点能清楚地领悟,并有着同样强烈的感受”。在此基础上,泰特勒提出了翻译的三原 则,分别是:A. That the t

33、ranslation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work.B. That the style and manner of writing should be of the same character with that of the original.C. That the translation should have all the ease of original composition.2) Yan Fu以社会学为主,天演论Evolution and Ethics and other

34、essays.严复是中国近代翻译史上学贯中西、划时代意义的翻译家,也是我国首创完整翻译标准 的先驱者。严复吸收了中国古代佛经翻译思想的精髓,并结合自己的翻译实践经验,在天 演论译例言里鲜明地提出了 “信、达、雅”的翻译原则和标准。“信”(faithfulness)是指忠实准确地传达原文的内容“达”(expressiveness)指译文通顺流畅“雅”(elegance)可解为译文有文采,文字典雅这条著名的“三字经”对后世的翻译理论和实践的影响很大,20世纪的中国译者都深 受这三个字影响的。3) Lin Yutang作者,学者,翻译家,语言学家,新道家代表人物My Country and My P

35、eople, The Art of Life, Moment in Peking.标准:忠实,通顺,美。即 Faithfulness, smoothness and beauty.直译:Lireral translation,死译 Stubborn translation,意译 Liberal translation,胡译 Abandoned translation.他提出了翻译的三条标准:忠实、通顺和美。他又从另一角度将这三重标准说成是译者的三 种责任:译者对原著者的责任、对中国读者的责任以及对艺术的责任。三样的责任心备, 然后可以谓具有真正翻译家的资格。这是发人所未发的。此外他总结前人的翻

36、译方法,指 出翻译只能是以句为主体的”句译,不能以字为主体的字译”。因此他提出”忠实标准”的四 义:非字译、须传神、非绝对、须通顺。对于通顺标准,他认为要做到两点:第一,须 以句为本位;第二,须完全根据中文心理。”而关于美的标准”,林语堂认为”翻译于用之外, 还有美一方面须兼顾的,理想的翻译家应将其工作当作一种艺术。以爱艺术之心爱它,以 对艺术谨慎不苟之心对它,使翻译成为美术的一种。尤其翻译文学作品,更不可不注意于 文字之美的问题。4)Xu Yuanchong许渊冲说过:理论来自实践,又要受到实践的检验。实践是检验真理的唯一标准。这是我 提出创中国学派文学翻译理论的哲学基础。他正是在继承前人学

37、说的基础上,集毕生 翻译之经验加以发展,提出了自成一派的翻译理论,优化论,用美化之艺术,创优似竞赛 这十个字加以概括,并且在翻译的艺术( 1984)、文学翻译谈( 1998)、文学 与翻译(2003)等著作中,对形似与神似,求真与求美,翻译与创作,翻译腔和四字 成语,中西文化的差异,两种文化的竞赛等问题进行了具体的论述,归纳起来可以分为以 下三论:三美论(意美 beauty in meaning、音美 beauty in sound、形美 beauty in form)是 译诗的本体论。三美之中,最重意美,音美次之,最后是形美,也就是说翻译是美的创造, 所以神似胜于形似,要在传达原文意美的前提

38、下,努力做到三美齐备。三化论(深化、等 化、浅化)是译诗的方法论。分别利用加词、换词和减词等方法,通过意译来努力达到神似 的境界。三之论(知之、好之、乐之)是译诗的目的论。知之是使人理解,这是翻译的基 本要求;然后要求好之,能使人喜欢;最高的境界是乐之,能使人愉快。5)James Legge译四书五经,The Five Classics, the Shu Ching, The Shih Ching, The I Ching The Book of Historical Recades. The Book of Odes, The book of Changes.6)George Steiner7)James Holmes8)St. Jerome生日9月30日,国际翻译日。圣经拉丁文本的译者。宗教翻译:直译;文学翻译:意译。9)Peter Newmark10)Lawrence Venuti

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