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1、Lesson 36Making Plays Is Fun,课前自主预习,课堂互动探究,Unit 6 Movies and Theatre,课前自主预习,Lesson 36Making Plays Is Fun,actor,actress,act,focus on,put on,对满意,是有趣的,的一小部分,Lesson 36Making Plays Is Fun,began,was,to,that,watch,focused,on,Lesson 36Making Plays Is Fun,to,make,movie,a,put,on,a,play,seldom,Lesson 36Making

2、Plays Is Fun,who,Without,so,learning,many,about,movies,plays,Lesson 36Making Plays Is Fun,课堂互动探究,词汇点睛,actress n. 女演员,观察 The actress is already 50, but she looks much younger than she really is. 这位女演员已经五十岁了,但是她看上去比实际年龄年轻多了。,Lesson 36Making Plays Is Fun,探究 actress为派生词,是由_加后缀_构成的,其复数形式是_。actor意为“男演员”。,

3、拓展类似的词还有waitwaitress, conductconductress等。,act,ress,Lesson 36Making Plays Is Fun,actresses,活学活用,Among all the_(actress), she likes Sun Li best.,actresses,Lesson 36Making Plays Is Fun,句型透视,1Like most people, I always focused on the actors or actresses. 像大多数人一样,我总是对男演员或女演员予以关注。,Lesson 36Making Plays I

4、s Fun,探究 focus用作动词时,其现在分词为_;过去式和过去分词均为_。常用短语:focus ones attention_; focus on_。 The discussion focused on three main problems. 这次讨论集中在三个主要问题上。,focusing,focused,集中某人的注意力,关注,集中精力于,Lesson 36Making Plays Is Fun,拓展 focus还可用作可数名词,意为“焦点”,其复数形式为focuses。 She was the focus of everyones attention. 她是大家注意的焦点。,活学

5、活用,1他每天都关注新闻。 He_ _ news every day.,focuses,Lesson 36Making Plays Is Fun,on,Lesson 36Making Plays Is Fun,2 It can take hundreds of people to make a movie or put on a play. 制作一部电影或上演一场戏剧可能会动用数百人。,探究 put on在此句中意为“_”。 其后面接戏剧、电影等词作宾语。on是副词,若宾语为代词,必须放在二者之间。 This movie is very fantastic. The workers will

6、put it on in Blue Moon Theatre.这部电影棒极了。工作人员将在蓝月亮影院放映它。,上演,上映,Lesson 36Making Plays Is Fun,拓展 (1)put on 还可译为“穿上;戴上;增加(体重)”。 Put on your coat, or youll catch a cold. 穿上你的大衣,否则你会感冒。 He must have put on several kilos. 他的体重一定增加了好几公斤。 (2) put相关短语 put away 收起put down 放下put off 推迟 put out 熄灭 put up 建造; 张贴,2

7、.(1)What did you do on Earth Day this year? We _ a show to spread the message about protecting the environment. Aput on Bput up Cput away Dput down,A,Lesson 36Making Plays Is Fun,(2)Oh, my god! I have_ five pounds. Dont worry. Its normal for a growing teenage girl. Aput up Bput off Cput on Dput down,C,Lesson 36Making Plays Is Fun,

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