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1、,ISO 9001:2015Quality Management Systems质量管理体系,标准换版培训,新版标准审核注意事项,标准解读,实施标准的组织换版思路探讨,18个重点术语,1,2,3,4,Folie Nr. 2,3,ISO9001的发展历程,ISO9001质量管理体系的发展历程大致如下: 1959年由美国国防部发布了第一个有关质量管理方面的国家标准;Mil Std 9858A; 1968年由北大西洋公约组织(NATO)基于MilStd 9858A颁布了统一质量保证文件(AQAP); 1970年在APQP的基础上,英国国防部制定了国防部标准Def Stan 0508; 1972年英国

2、标准化学会制定了国家标准BS 4891质量保证指南; 1973年英国国防部发布了有关质量控制体系要求的国防部标准:Def Stan 052l、Def Stan 0524和DefStan 0529; 1974年英国标准化学会发布了国家标准BS 5179质量保证指南; 1979年英国标准化学会发布了国家标准BS 35750(等同采用国防部标准); 1984年BS 5750被提交国际标准化组织(ISO)作为制定国际标准的蓝本; 1987年ISO 9001:1987、ISO 9002、ISO 9003和ISO 9004标准发布; 1994年ISO 9000系列标准第一次修订;ISO9001:1994颁

3、布。 1999年ISO 9000族标准第二次修订。 2000年12月15日,ISO组织又正式颁布了2000版的ISO9000系列标准。在全球范围内形成了“ISO9000热”,这套标准对面规范质量管理活动,促进国际间的贸易发展,起到了积极的促进作用。 2008年11月15日国际标准化组织颁布了ISO9001:2008。中国GB/T19001:2008于12月30日颁布。 2015年9月国际标准化组织颁布ISO9001:2015,ISO9001:1987,ISO9001:1994,ISO9001:2000,BS5750,ISO9001:2008,ISO9001:2015,新版标准的目的,为未来十年

4、左右时间提供一系列稳定的核心要求 把当前的关注点持续保持在有效的过程管理上,以期产生期望的结果 将2000年以来管理体系的实践和技术变化体现在标准中 应用ISO/IEC导则第1部分附件SL提供的管理体系标准高阶架构,提高与其他标准的兼容度 促进组织有效的实施标准 促进有效的第一方、第二方、第三方合格评定 便于对标准要求的理解和解释的一致性,Folie Nr. 4,标准规定的26处形成文件的信息,4.3 质量管理体系范围 4.4.1组织识别的过程 5.2.2质量方针 6.2.1质量目标监视和测量的资源校准或检定的依据 7.2 人员的能力 8.1运行过程所需的文件及

5、记录 合同评审结果及顾客要求 8.2.4 产品和服务的变更 8.3.2 设计开发策划时规定项目所需的文件 8.3.3 设计开发输入 8.3.4 设计开发过程中进行评审、验证、确认的证据,8.3.5 设计和开发输出 8.3.6 设计开发变更 8.4.1外部供方评价及措施 8.5.1 现场受控的证据:WI、检验标准、操作人员现场检验、质量人员的检验、设备、过程环境控制、人员资质、特殊过程控制及再确认、防错、交付、交付后 8.5.2 可追溯性 8.5.3 外部财产发生状况的证据 8.5.6 变更评审相关证据 8.6 最终检验 8.7.2 不合格控制证据 9.1.1 监视和测量结果 9

6、.2.1 内部审核方案实施及结果 9.3.3 管理评审结果 10.2 纠正措施全过程证据,Folie Nr. 5,其中应该看到记录的条款-23个(22个必须存在),4.4.2过程按照策划进行证据 6.1.2残余风险(可选项-基于组织的策划-文件规定)监视和测量资源满足的证据测量设备校准证据 7.2能力的证据 文件控制的证据 8.1运行策划的证据合同评审证据 8.2.4 合同变更证据 8.3.3设计和开发输入的证据 8.3.4设计和开发控制的证据 8.3.5设计和开发输出的证据,8.3.6设计和开发更改的证据 8.4.1外部供方评审

7、及相关措施的证据 8.5.2追溯性的证据 8.5.3顾客或外部供方财产发生状况的证据 8.5.6变更评审、人员确认、措施的证据 8.6产品发行的证据 8.7.2不合格控制的证据 9.1.1监视和测量的证据 9.2.2内审审核方案的证据 9.3.3管理评审结果的证据 10.2.2不合格及其纠正措施的证据,6,建议编写的26个文件,0.1/0.3.3/4.4.1/5.1/6.1/ 9.1/9.2/10.2.1策划和实施应对风险和机会的措施 4.1 内外部环境评价(业务计划/经营计划) 4.2/4.3/5.2.2/8.3.2/9.3.2 相关方管理 4.4.1/6.2 过程识别 5.3 部门职责权限

8、 4.4.1/5.3/6.3/7.1.6/8.1/8.2.4/8.3.6/8.5.6/9.3 /10.2.1变更管理 7.1 岗位描述 7.1.3 基础设施(建议:信息和通讯技术单独成文) 7.1.4 环境管理(必要时) 监视和测量资源 7.1.6 组织内部知识管理,7.2/7.3 培训/意识 7.4 内外部沟通 7.5 文件控制 8.1 工艺文件、检验标准、相关记录表格 8.2 顾客服务 8.3 设计和开发-含产品、过程、活动、外包 8.4 外部供方控制 8.5.2 标识和可追溯性 8.5.3 顾客和外部供方财产 8.6 产品和服务的放行 8.7 不合格输出的

9、控制 9.1 绩效评价控制 9.2 内部审核 9.3 管理评审 10 改进,Folie Nr. 7,必须看到的文件-9个,4.3 体系范围 4.4.2 过程识别 5.1.2 顾客满意的感受评价 5.2 方针 5.3 质量管理体系策划 6.2.1 质量目标 监视和测量资源 8.1 运行策划产生的文件 9.2 内部审核,8,可以提出不适用的条款,4.3标准提出“范围应说明质量管理体系所覆盖的产品和服务,并对组织确定不适用于管理体系范围的本标准的要求说明正当理由。 ” 无限定章节。A.5 “不实施某项要求不会对提供合格的产品和服务造成不利影响,组织才能决定该要求不适用。” 个人理解允

10、许不适用的条款: 没有需要具备测量追溯性要求的测量设备时,可以提出不适用 8.5.3 没有顾客或者外部供方财产时,可以提出不适用。,Folie Nr. 9,审核员判定组织符合ISO9001要求,组织已经建立了适宜于其产品和过程的质量管理体系 明确了质量管理体系的范围、过程和实施时间 确定了实现预期结果所需的过程-包括产品和顾客满意度的提高 组织能够确保这些过程的运作和监视所需资源的可用性 有分析并且理解顾客、利益相关方的需求和期望,以及关于其产品的相关合规性义务的客观证据 组织的产品特性已经明确,并能够满足顾客和利益相关方的要求及合规性要求 对所确定的产品特性进行监视和测量 以

11、风险控制为核心,具有系统的改进过程 实施了有效的内部审核及管理评审 绩效评价的证据齐全 监视、测量和持续改进质量管理体系的证据充分 26处形成文件的信息证据充分 26处应该有的过程或者程序文件、规定、措施具备客观证据,Folie Nr. 10,如何认定管理体系,没有要求审核员评价组织质量管理体系的适用性、有效性。但是要求审核员评价符合性(符合标准要求),能力(持续、重复提供预期的结果) 建立、实施、保持、持续改进管理体系 组织有确定的战略目标 有自己的一套管理方法 提供了资源,保证组织的持续发展 按照体系运行要求实施 持续改进以保证组织达到最佳运行、最大盈利 不断整合管理体系、使用多种管理工具

12、、员工精神面貌振奋 对实施质量管理体系较好的组织,可以激励、鼓励组织将目光超越认证的要求。但不得强制。 组织使用原来术语不影响15版标准的实施。,Folie Nr. 11,标准换版培训,新版标准审核注意事项,标准的解读,实施标准的组织换版思路探讨,18个重点术语,1,2,3,4,Folie Nr. 12,说明,本培训教材基于ISO9001:2015 英文版标准(2015-9-15发布) 本教材由执笔人翻译,如果国家发布了中文版标准,以中文版标准为准 本教材的解释基于执笔人的理解,不代表官方意见 本教材示例可以作为换版的参考,不得作为理论依据 本教材中的部分中文释义基于本人理解。其准确释义最终以

13、中文版标准为准。 将documented information翻译为形成文件的信息。 将有形成文件的信息中关于maintain翻译为保持,主要针对应该有对应的文件。 将retain翻译为保留,主要针对应该有记录。 将没有形成文件的信息的maintain翻译为维护。 新的审核准则发布后,以新的审核准则为准,Folie Nr. 13,引言 0.1 General 总则,0.1 General 总则 The adoption of a quality management system is a strategic decision for an organization that can hel

14、p to improve its overall performance and provide a sound basis for sustainable development initiatives. The potential benefits to an organization of implementing a quality management system based on this International Standard are: a) the ability to consistently provide products and services that me

15、et customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements; b) facilitating opportunities to enhance customer satisfaction; c) addressing risks and opportunities associated with its context and objectives; d) the ability to demonstrate conformity to specified quality management system requirem

16、ents.,采用质量管理体系应该是组织的一项战略性决策,可以帮助组织改进其整体绩效,并为可持续发展计划提供良好的基础。 对于根据本标准实施质量管理体系的组织来说,潜在的收益是: a) 稳定提供满足顾客要求和法律法规要求的产品和服务的能力; b) 获取增强顾客满意的机会; c) 应对与组织环境和目标相关的风险; d) 证实符合质量管理体系特定要求的能力。,Folie Nr. 14,引言,This International Standard can be used by internal and external parties. It is not the intent of this Int

17、ernational Standard to imply the need for: uniformity in the structure of different quality management systems; alignment of documentation to the clause structure of this International Standard; the use of the specific terminology of this International Standard within the organization. The quality m

18、anagement system requirements specified in this International Standard are complementary to requirements for products and services.,本标准可用于内部和外部。 以下方面不是本标准的目的: - 统一不同质量管理体系的结构; - 统一本标准条款结构的文件; - 在组织中使用本标准的特定术语。 本标准所规定的质量管理体系要求是对产品要求的补充。,引言,This International Standard employs the process approach, whi

19、ch incorporates the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle and risk-based thinking. The process approach enables an organization to plan its processes and their interactions. The PDCA cycle enables an organization to ensure that its processes are adequately resourced and managed, and that opportunities for

20、improvement are determined and acted on. Risk-based thinking enables an organization to determine the factors that could cause its processes and its quality management system to deviate from the planned results, to put in place preventive controls to minimize negative effects and to make maximum use

21、 of opportunities as they arise (see Clause A.4). Consistently meeting requirements and addressing future needs and expectations poses a challenge for organizations in an increasingly dynamic and complex environment. To achieve this objective, the organization might find it necessary to adopt variou

22、s forms of improvement in addition to correction and continual improvement, such as breakthrough change, innovation and re-organization. In this International Standard, the following verbal forms are used: “shall” indicates a requirement; “should” indicates a recommendation; “may” indicates a permis

23、sion; “can” indicates a possibility or a capability.,本标准采用过程方法,该方法结合了策划-实施-检查-改进(PDCA)循环和基于风险的思维。 过程方法使组织能够策划组织的过程及其相互作用。 PDCA循环使组织能够确保其过程得到充分的资源和管理,并确定和实施改进机会。 基于风险的思维能够使组织确定可能导致其过程和质量管理体系偏离所策划的结果的因素,采取预防性控制,以最小化负面影响并在机会出现时将机会利用最大化(见A.4条款)。 在日益变化和复杂的环境中,持续满足要求和应对未来的需求和期望是组织面临的挑战。要实现这个目标,组织可能发现除了纠正和

24、持续改进以外,变革、创新和重组也是必要的。 本标准中采用了以下动词形式: “shall”表示要求; “should”表示建议; “may”表示允许; “can”表示可能性或能力 标注为“注”的信息是理解或说明相关要求的指南。,三个核心概念:过程方法、PDCA循环、基于风险的思维,0.2 Quality management principles质量管理原则,This International Standard is based on the quality management principles described in ISO 9000. The descriptions includ

25、e a statement of each principle, a rationale of why the principle is important for the organization, some examples of benefits associated with the principle and examples of typical actions to improve the organizations performance when applying the principle. The quality management principles are: cu

26、stomer focus; leadership; engagement of people; process approach; improvement; evidence-based decision making; relationship management.,本标准基于ISO 9000中阐述的质量管理原则,该阐述包括每项原则的说明、对组织的重要性、与该原则相关的益处的示例,以及应用该原则时改进组织绩效所采取的典型措施的示例。 质量管理原则是: 以顾客为关注焦点; 领导力; 全员参与; 过程方法; 改进; 循证决策; 关系管理。,0.3 Process approach过程方法0.3

27、.1 General 总则,This International Standard promotes the adoption of a process approach when developing, implementing and improving the effectiveness of a quality management system, to enhance customer satisfaction by meeting customer requirements. Specific requirements considered essential to the ado

28、ption of a process approach are included in 4.4. Understanding and managing interrelated processes as a system contributes to the organizations effectiveness and efficiency in achieving its intended results. This approach enables the organization to control the interrelationships and interdependenci

29、es among the processes of the system, so that the overall performance of the organization can be enhanced.,本标准鼓励在建立、实施质量管理体系以及改进其有效性时采用过程方法,通过满足顾客要求,增强顾客满意。采用过程方法须考虑的特定要求包含在4.4中。 将相互关联的过程作为体系进行理解和管理,会有助于组织实现其预期结果的有效性和效率。该方法能够是组织控制体系的过程间的相互关系和相互依存,以使组织的整体绩效得到提高。,0.3 Process approach过程方法0.3.1 General

30、总则,The process approach involves the systematic definition and management of processes, and their interactions, so as to achieve the intended results in accordance with the quality policy and strategic direction of the organization. Management of the processes and the system as a whole can be achiev

31、ed using the PDCA cycle (see 0.3.2) with an overall focus on risk-based thinking (see 0.3.3) aimed at taking advantage of opportunities and preventing undesirable results. The application of the process approach in a quality management system enables: a) understanding and consistency in meeting requ

32、irements; b) the consideration of processes in terms of added value; c) the achievement of effective process performance; d) improvement of processes based on evaluation of data and information. Figure 1 gives a schematic representation of any process and shows the interaction of its elements. The m

33、onitoring and measuring checkpoints, which are necessary for control, are specific to each process and will vary depending on the related risks,过程方法运用系统的定义和管理过程及其相互作用,以期实现与组织的质量方针和战略方向一致的预期结果。将PDCA循环全面用于旨在利用机会优势和预防不期望的结果的基于风险的思维(见0.3.3),能够实现对过程和整个体系进行管理。 在质量管理体系中应用过程方法能够: a) 对满足要求的理解和一致性; b) 从增值的角度考

34、虑过程; c) 实现有效的过程绩效; d) 在评价数据和信息的基础上改进过程。 图1给出了过程示意图并展示了过程要素的相互作用。将必要控制的监视和测量检查具体到每个过程并将根据相关风险而改变。,0.3 Process approach过程方法0.3.1 General 总则,图1:单一过程要素图-SIAOR方法,Folie Nr. 20,Sources of inputs,Inputs,Activity,Outputs,Receives of outputs,0.3.2 Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle策划-实施-检查-改进循环,The PDCA cycle can be app

35、lied to all processes and to the quality management system as a whole. Figure 2 illustrates how Clauses 4 to 10 can be grouped in relation to the PDCA cycle.,PDCA循环能够应用于所有过程和整个质量管理体系。 图2展示了第4章到第10章分别与PDCA的关联。,图2:本标准中的 PDCA 循环模式,NOTE Numbers in brackets refer to the clauses in this International Stan

36、dard. 图中数字表示本国际标准中的章节。,Folie Nr. 22,0.3.2 Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle策划-实施-检查-改进循环,The PDCA cycle can be briefly described as follows: Plan: establish the objectives of the system and its processes, and the resources needed to deliver results in accordance with customers requirements and the organizatio

37、ns policies,and identify and address risks and opportunitys; Do: implement what was planned; Check: monitor and (where applicable) measure processes and the resulting products and services against policies, objectives and requirements and planned activities, and report the results; Act: take actions

38、 to improve performance, as necessary.,PDCA模式可以简要描述如下: Plan 策划:根据顾客要求和组织方针,为提供结果建立体系目标及其过程,以及所需的资源,识别并提出风险及机会; Do 实施:实施所策划的(安排); Check 检查:根据方针、目标和要求及策划的活动,对过程、产品和服务进行监视和测量(适用时),并报告结果; Act 处置:必要时,采取措施,以改进过程绩效。,0.3.3 Risk-based thinking基于风险的思维,Risk-based thinking (see Clause A.4) is essential for achi

39、eving an effective quality management system. The concept of risk-based thinking has been implicit in previous editions of this International Standard including, for example, carrying out preventive action to eliminate potential nonconformities, analysing any nonconformities that do occur, and takin

40、g action to prevent recurrence that is appropriate for the effects of the nonconformity. To conform to the requirements of this International Standard, an organization needs to plan and implement actions to address risks and opportunities. Addressing both risks and opportunities establishes a basis

41、for increasing the effectiveness of the quality management system, achieving improved results and preventing negative effects.,为实现有效的质量管理体系,基于风险的思维(见A.4条款)是必要的。基于风险的思维的概念在本标准的以往版本中一直是没有言明的,包括如实施预防措施以消除潜在不合格、分析发生的不合格并采取与不合格的影响相适应的措施防止其再发生。 为符合本标准的要求,组织需要策划和实施应对风险和机会的措施。应对风险和机会是为提高质量管理体系有效性、实现改进的结果并防止

42、负面影响建立基础。,0.3.3 Risk-based thinking基于风险的思维,Opportunities can arise as a result of a situation favourable to achieving an intended result, for example, a set of circumstances that allow the organization to attract customers, develop new products and services, reduce waste or improve productivity. Act

43、ions to address opportunities can also include consideration of associated risks. Risk is the effect of uncertainty and any such uncertainty can have positive or negative effects. A positive deviation arising from a risk can provide an opportunity, but not all positive effects of risk result in oppo

44、rtunities.,机会可以形成有益于实现预期结果的状况的结果,例如,让组织吸引顾客、开发新产品和服务、减少浪费或改进生产效率的一系列情况。应对机会的措施还可以包括对相关风险的考虑。风险是不确定的影响,这种不确定可能是正面或负面的影响。来自风险的正偏差可以提供机会,但不是风险的所有正面影响都能产生机会。,0.4 Relationship with other management system standards与其他管理体系标准的关系,This International Standard applies the framework developed by ISO to improve

45、alignment among its International Standards for management systems (see Clause A.1). This International Standard enables an organization to use the process approach, coupled with the PDCA cycle and risk-based thinking, to align or integrate its quality management system with the requirements of othe

46、r management system standards. This International Standard relates to ISO 9000 and ISO 9004 as follows: ISO 9000 Quality management systems Fundamentals and vocabulary provides essential background for the proper understanding and implementation of this International Standard; ISO 9004 Managing for

47、the sustained success of an organization A quality management approach provides guidance for organizations that choose to progress beyond the requirements of this International Standard.,本标准采用了ISO 为改进其管理体系国际标准间的一致性而开发的框架(见A.1条款)。 本标准能够是使组织应用过程方法,再加上PDCA循环和基于风险的思维,使其质量管理体系与与其他管理体系标准的要求保持一致或整合。 本标准与 I

48、SO 9000 和 ISO 9004 相关联: ISO 9000 质量管理体系 基础和术语 为本标准的正确理解和实施提供了必要的背景 ISO 9004 组织持续成功的管理 一种质量管理方法 为选择超越本标准要求的发展的组织提供了指南,与其他管理体系标准的关系,Annex B provides details of other International Standards on quality management and quality management systems that have been developed by ISO/TC 176. This International

49、Standard does not include requirements specific to other management systems, such as those for environmental management, occupational health and safety management, or financial management. Sector-specific quality management system standards based on the requirements of this International Standard ha

50、ve been developed for a number of sectors. Some of these standards specify additional quality management system requirements, while others are limited to providing guidance to the application of this International Standard within the particular sector. A matrix showing the correlation between the cl

51、auses of this edition of this International Standard and the previous edition (ISO 9001:2008) can be found on the ISO/TC 176/SC 2 open access web site at:,附录B 提供了ISO TC/176 开发的与质量管理和质量管理体系有关的其他标准的信息。 本标准不包括针对其他管理体系的特定要求,如环境管理、职业健康安全管理或财务管理。 已开发了一部分基于本标准要求的特定行业的质量管理体系标准

52、,这些标准中的某些标准规定了附加的质量管理体系要求,而其他标准限于为本标准在特定行业内的应用提供指南。 在 ISO/TC 176/SC 2 公开获取网站可以找到本标准和 ISO 9001:2008 标准条款的对照矩阵表。,Quality management systems Requirements质量管理体系 要求,1 Scope范围 This International Standard specifies requirements for a quality management system when an organizat

53、ion: a) needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, and b) aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system, including processes for improvement of the sys

54、tem and the assurance of conformity to customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. All the requirements of this International Standard are generic and are intended to be applicable to any organization, regardless of its type or size, or the products and services it provides. NOTE

55、1 In this International Standard, the terms “product” or “service” only apply to products and services intended for, or required by, a customer. NOTE 2 Statutory and regulatory requirements can be expressed as legal requirements.,本标准为有下列需求的组织规定了质量管理体系要求: a) 需要证实其有能力稳定地提供满足顾客要求和适用的法律法规要求的产品或服务; b) 通过

56、体系的有效应用,包括体系改进过程的有效应用,以及保证符合顾客要求和适用的法律法规要求,旨在增强顾客满意。 本标准的所有要求是通用的,旨在适用于各种类型、不同规模和提供不同产品和服务的组织。 注1:本标准中,术语“产品”或“服务”仅适用于预期提供给顾客或顾客所要求的产品和服务。 注2:法律法规要求可称作法定要求。,2 Normative references规范性引用文件,The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable f

57、or its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 9000:2015, Quality management systems Fundamentals and vocabulary,下列文件中的全部和部分内容在本标准中引用并在应用中不可或缺。凡是标注日期的引用文件,仅该版本适用于本

58、标准。凡未标注日期的引用文件,引用文件的最新版(包括修订)适用于本标准。 ISO 9000:2015 质量管理体系 基础和术语,3 Terms and definitions术语和定义,For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 9000:2015 apply.,本标准采用ISO 9000:2015中的术语和定义。,ISO9001:2015的PDCA,主条款:4.1,确定:目标及战略方向(顾客满意、合格一致的产品或服务)、监视、评审。 相关条款:4.3范围、4.4过程、5.2方针、6.0策划

59、、目标、风险及机遇,标准从第四章开始要求实施证据。 共7章 应该记录相关内容的条款65个。其中: 第四章 5个 第五章 5个 第六章 5个 第七章 14个 第八章 24个 第九章 8个 第十章 4个,4 Context of the organization组织的环境4.1 Understanding the organization and its context理解组织及其环境,The organization shall determine external and internal issues that are relevant to its purpose and its stra

60、tegic direction and that affect its ability to achieve the intended result(s) of its quality management system. The organization shall monitor and review information about these external and internal issues. NOTE 1 Issues can include positive and negative factors or conditions for consideration. NOT

61、E 2 Understanding the external context can be facilitated by considering issues arising from legal, technological, competitive, market, cultural, social and economic environments, whether international, national, regional or local. NOTE 3 Understanding the internal context can be facilitated by cons

62、idering issues related to values, culture, knowledge and performance of the organization.,组织应确定与其宗旨和战略方向有关且影响质量管理体系实现其预期结果的能力的内部和外部环境。 组织应监视和评审有关内部和外部环境的信息。 注1:环境可能是正面或负面的因素或要考虑的状况; 注2:可以通过考虑源于国际、国家、地区或本地的法律法规、技术、竞争、市场、文化、社会和经济环境的情况,促进对外部环境的了解。 注3:可以通过考虑与价值、文化、知识和组织绩效相关的情况,促进对内部环境的了解。,4.1 可能存在的证据,内部

63、:使命、愿景、价值观、企业文化、资源、业务计划 外部:政治环境、经济环境、自然环境、技术环境、竞争态势、行业,Folie Nr. 33,可能存在的证据-SWOT分析,Folie Nr. 34,4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties理解相关方的需求和期望,Due to their effect or potential effect on the organizations ability to consistently provide products and services that meet c

64、ustomer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, the organization shall determine: a) the interested parties that are relevant to the quality management system; b) the requirements of these interested parties that are relevant to the quality management system. The organization shall mon

65、itor and review information about these interested parties and their relevant requirements.,由于对组织持续提供满足顾客和适用的法律法规要求的产品和服务的能力的影响或潜在影响,组织应确定: a) 与质量管理体系有关的相关方; b) 与质量管理体系有关的相关方的要求。 组织应监视和评审有关相关方及其有关要求的信息。,体系有关的相关方:顾客的、社会的、投资方的、供应商、内部员工。 相关方的要求和期望 相关方要求的信息的评审-平衡,理解相关方的证据-不仅仅是顾客,Folie Nr. 36,与7.4条款结合,4.

66、3 Determining the scope of the quality management system确定质量管理体系的范围,The organization shall determine the boundaries and applicability of the quality management system to establish its scope. When determining this scope, the organization shall consider: a) the external and internal issues referred to in 4.1; b) the requirements of relevant interested parties referred to in 4.2; c) the products and services of the organization. The organization shall apply all the requirements of this

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