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1、定语从句 2012,1. 定义:在复合句中通常修饰名词,代词的从句 2. 先行词:通常是被修饰的名词或代词 3. 引导词:关系代词 who, whom , whose, which, that ,etc. 关系副词: when ,where, why,先行词的表现形式? (四种面具之一): 1. 一个词(名词或代词) He is a man who means what he says. 先行词是名词短语 a man Even when homeless individuals manage to find a _ that will give them three meals a day a

2、nd a place to sleep at night, a good number still spend the bulk of each day wandering the street. (2006完形填空) A. lodging B. shelter C. dwelling D. house,先行词(四种面具之二): 2. 一个短语 Many lifes problems which were solved by asking family members, friends or colleague are beyond the capability of the extended

3、 family to resolve. (1995年阅读第三篇) 先行词是:many lifes problems 许多以前可以通过询问家庭成员,朋友或者同事就能解决 的生活问题,是现在的大家庭无力解决的。,先行词(四种面具之二): 2. 一个短语 In Europe, as else where, multi-media groups have been increasingly successful; groups which bring together television, radio, newspapers, magazines and publishing houses that

4、 work in relation to one another. (2005年翻译) 在欧洲,就像在其他地方一样,多媒体集团越来越成功 了,这些集团把相互间有密切联系的电视台、电台 、报 社、杂志社和出版社整合到了一起。,先行词(四种面具之三): 3. 一个分句 The Greeks assumed that the structure of language had some connection with the process of thought, which took root in Europe long before people realized how diverse la

5、nguages could be. (2004年 英译汉) 希腊人认为,语言结构与思维过程之间存在着某种联系。 这一观点在人们尚未认识到语言的千差万别以前就已经在 欧洲扎下了根。,先行词(四种面具之四): 4. 一个完整的句子 He arrived one hour later, which annoyed his girlfriend very much. 先行词是He arrived one hour later 他晚到了一个小时,这让他的女朋友很生气。 He refused to accept the offer, which made the work more difficult.,

6、Because they are adjusting to their new bodies and a whole host of new intellectual and emotional challenges, teenagers are especially self-conscious and need the _ that comes from achieving success and knowing that their accomplishments are admired by others. (2003完形填空) assistance B. guidance C. co

7、nfidence D. tolerance 青少年在不断调整,以适应身体、智力和情感上出现的一 系列新的变化和挑战,因此他们非常敏感,并且需要有自 信心,而这些自信心主要来自于获得成功以及知道自己的 成绩被别人羡慕。,For workers it can mean an end to the security, benefits and sense of _ that came from being a loyal employee. (1997年完形填空) A. excitement B. conviction C. enthusiasm D. importance 对于雇员来说,这(雇佣临

8、时工的趋势)意味着 失去(以前长期工享有的)待遇和安全感,以及 作为一名忠实雇员所具有的那种责任感。,关系代词作用? (三位一体) 1. 关系代词代替先行词(代词功能) Thank you for the book that you gave it to me (F). 2. 关系代词引导定语从句(具有连词功能) There are thousands of islands in China, the largest of them is Taiwan (F) 3. 关系代词在从句中做成分(主语,宾语,定语,表语等)(句法功能) The war and the sufferings which

9、 caused were still very clear in his memory (F). The manager,whose department Mr King worked,knew the secret later that evening (F) Charlie Chaplin, for whose life was once very difficult, later became world famous (F).,But it is a little upsetting to read in the explanatory notes that a certain lin

10、e describes a fight between a Turkish and a Bulgarian officer on a bridge off which they both fall into the river- and then to find that the line consists of the noise of their falling and the weights of the officers: “Pluff! Pluff! A hundred and eighty-five kilograms” (2000 年阅读) 满足定语从句句法功能,否则先行词悬空,

11、意思表达 也不完整。,定语从句的作用(定语?) (一言难尽) 1. This is the story of a man. His wife suddenly died 2. The woman spoke at the meeting . She was Mrs Jones. 3. 盗窃之人,只要他抓到,他都会开除。 He will fire anyone he catches stealing. 4.他不记得他父亲, 因为在他五岁时就过世了。 He didnt remember his father, who died when he was five years old. 5. He i

12、nsisted on buying a car,which he could not afford and had no use for 他坚持要买辆轿车,尽管他买不起,而且也 不需要。,限定性定语从句与非限定性定语区别在于与主句关系是否密切? (没那么简单) 1.The sun which is very far from the earth gives us light and heat F 太阳距离地球很远,却能给我们提供光和热 2. A computer is a machine that can store information and do calculations(F) 3.

13、He wi11 wear no clothes which will make him different from his fellow men 他不穿与众不同的奇装异服 4. He will wear no clothes,which will make him different from his fellow men, 他将赤身裸体,这显得他与众不同,指代,所做成分,是否可省略,that,人;物,主、宾、表,作宾 /表可省,which,物,主语;宾语,作宾语可省,who,人,主语;宾语,作宾语可省,whom,人,宾语,可省,whose,人;物,定语,不可省,关系代词的用法,指人的关系代

14、词who whom whose 1. 轮椅使那些本身无法自由行动的残疾人受益匪浅。 Armchairs greatly benefit the disabled who cant move feely on their own. 2. 玛丽是我昨天晚上认识的女孩。 Mary is the girl (whom) we met last night. 3. 我有一个朋友,他弟弟是舞蹈家。 Ive got a friend whose brother is a dancer.,指物的关系代词that, which ,whose 1. 刚才还在桌子上的钥匙现在不见了。 The keys that/w

15、hich were on this table are missing now. 2. 他去失物招领处认领落在教室的书去了。 He has gone to the lost and found to claim the book he left in the classroom. 3我昨天买了一本书,封面是红色的。 I bought a book yesterday whose cover (the cover of which )is red 4. 王老师上班的的那所大学的校长是美籍华人。 The president ,in whose university Mr. Wang worked,

16、 is an American Chinese. 5. 人们说他具备了正直人应有的一切品质。 He is said to be everything that an honest man should be.,特别提醒: 1. 定语从句的时态独立. 2. 当关系代词在从句中充当主语时,从句的谓语动词必须 与先行词的人称和数保持一致。 He is one of the students who _ from the USA. He is the only one of the students who _ from the USA.,Despite much research, there ar

17、e still certain A elements in the life cycle of the insect that is B C not fully understood. (1996年改错) D,3. Whose后面必须接一个名词连 用,不能单独使用。 Aimlessness has hardly been typical of the postwar Japan whose productivity and social harmony are the envy of the United States and Europe. (2000年阅读第四篇) 二战后日本的目标一直很明

18、确,其生产力与社会和谐令美国和欧洲羡慕。,如何选择定语从句的引导词? (三步走) 1找准先行词 2. 把先行词还原于定语从句中,根据还原后先行词在定语从句中所充当的成分选择关系代词。 3结合先行词是指人指物选择正确的引导词。 特别提醒此规则有待修订。,1I know the student _ you think to be the brightest in your class. 2This is the house_ I once visited. 3I don t know the reason _ he made up for his absence. 4. He made anoth

19、er wonderful discovery, _of great importance to science. A which I think is B which I think it is C which I think it D I think is,5 .Is this the skirt_ you bought yesterday? 6. Is this skirt_ you bought yesterday? 7. Is this skirt _ you paid $20 yesterday? 8I know the student _ you think is the brig

20、htest in your class.,带有插入语的定语从句,这些定语从句的关系词后面往往紧跟一个“主谓结构”,如I know, they believe, he claimed, they assume等。这些“主谓结构”多为表达个人主观观点的结构,它们紧跟在关系代词后面,不影响定语从句的原来结构,因而并非构成定语从句的主谓句。,带有插入语的定语从句,What is harder to establish is whether the productivity revolution that businessmen assume they are presiding over is for

21、 real. (1998 阅读第二篇) 很难证实的商界人士自认为的由他们所主 持的提高 生产效率的革命是否属实。,Which 与 that 的区别 只宜用that, 不宜用which 的情形 1. 先行被only, any, few, little, no, all, one of, the same, the very及序数词,最高级形容词修饰或本身是序数词和最高级形容词。 English is the last subject that I want to learn. That is the most effective measure that is used against poll

22、ution 2. 主句已有疑问词who 或 which Who is the woman that was praised at the meeting ? 3. 先行词既有人又有物 The story and people (that) he has mentioned in his book are from reality. 4. 先行词是all, much , little, something, everything, anything, nothing, none, the only等代词。 You should hand in all (that) you have.,Which

23、 与 that 的区别 宜用which, 不用 that 的情形: 1. 紧跟介词之后充当宾语的关系代词 They are all groaning about soaring health budgets, the fastest-growing component of which are pharmaceutical costs. (2005年七选五) 他们所有人都在抱怨高涨的医疗预算,其中增长最快的部分是药品费用。 2. 在非限定性定语从句中,不用that引导定语从句。,关系副词的用法,指代,所做成分,是否可省略,when,时间,状语,否,where,地点,状语,否,why,原因,状语

24、,否,1. By contrast, they saw in the preceding hundred years from 1650 to 1750, when England was still a completely agricultural country, a period of great abundance and prosperity. (1998完型) 相比较而言,在之前的一百年里,从1650到1750,当时的英国还是一个全面的农业国家,他们看到的是一个富有,繁荣的社会。 2. 我工作的那家工厂将要关闭。 The factory where I work is going

25、 to close down. 3. Is there any reason why you want to leave now?,选择关系副词不仅要求先行词表示时间、地点或原因,还得在定语从句中做状语(?)。换句话说,若定语从句不是缺状语(?),而是缺少主语或宾语,即使先行词是表示时间、地点或原因,也要用which 或that 来引导,如何选择定语从句的引导词? (三步走) 1找准先行词 2. 把先行词还原于定语从句中,根据还原后先行词在定语从句中所充当的成分选择关系代词。 3结合先行词是指人指物选择正确的引导词。 特别提醒此规则有待修订。,定语从句引导词选择策略三步走: 1找准先行词 2.

26、 把先行词还原于定语从句中,根据还原后先行词在定语从句中所充当的成分选择关系代词;如果先行词无法直接还原,可考虑选择关系副词, 也可考虑选择 介词 + 关系代词 which 或 whom. 3结合先行词是指人或指物选择合适的关系代词;结合先行词是地点,时间或原因选择关系副词,The hours _ the children spend in their one-way relationship with television people undoubtedly affect their relationships with real-life people. (2000-12 CET4) A

27、. when B. on which C. that D. in which 孩子们花费很多时间看电视,他们与电视里的人物建立一种被动,单向的关系,这势必会影响到他们在现实生活中的人际交往。,1. In fact, there are now so many deer that some are being sent to place which would like to return this kind of deer to the wild. 事实上,现在鹿群数量过多,以至于有些鹿被送到哪 些能让这些鹿回归到野外的地方。 2. Ive never been to Beijing, but

28、 its the place _ (1999-6 CET-6) A. where Id like to visit B. in which Id like to visit C. I most want to visit D. that I want to visit it most. 我从未到过北京,但北京却是我最想去的地方。 3. The teacher was so experienced that he spotted the reason that he made up for his absence yesterday.,介词+关系代词 介词的选择方法 1. 看主句的先行词 2.

29、看从句的谓语 或形容词的搭配 3. 先行词和谓语的搭配综合看 1Whats the name of the game _ people fight with each other. 2This is the farm _ I grew up. 3I cant find anyone _ I can turn for help. 4Are you talking about the city _ they are about to start out. 5She is the roommate _ we are getting along very well. 6. He referred me

30、 to some reference books _ I am not very familiar.,介词+关系代词 介词的选择方法 1。 看主句的先行词 2。 看从 句的谓语或形容词的搭配 3。 先行词和谓语 的搭配综合看 7Our capital Beijing, _ you arrived a moment ago, has taken on a new look. 8How did you like the caf _ you called last Saturday?,Furthermore, humans have the ability to modify the environ

31、ment in which they live, thus subjecting all other life forms to their own peculiar ideas and fancies. (2003年英译汉) 而且,人类还有能力改变自己的生存环境,从而让所有其他形式的生命服从于人类自己独特的想法和想象。,The professor can hardly find sufficient grounds _ his argument in favor of the new theory. A. which to base on B. on which to base C. to

32、base on which D. which to be based on 这位教授几乎找不到充分的证据来支持他的 新理论。,介词+ 宾格关系代词+不定式相当于一个定语 从句 他有一把小刀用来防身。 He has a knife with which to defend himself. 他还没有到结婚的年龄呢。 He has not reached the proper age at which to marry.,她是一个很好共事的女孩。 She is a pleasant girl with whom to work. She is a pleasant girl to work wit

33、h. She is a pleasant girl whom to work with. He has not reached the proper age which to marry at. There is plenty of water in this area which to make electricity from. 特别提醒: 如果关系代词前没有介词,则需要 谓语动词,介词+关系代词专题复习 Its a theory to which many economists subscribe, but in practice it often leaves railroads in

34、 position of determining which companies will flourish and which will fail. (2003年阅读) 这种理论得到了许多经济学家的认同,但在实际操 作中,它经常使铁路公司可以决定哪些公司繁荣兴 旺,哪些公司频临倒闭。 注:介词与定语从句中的动词搭配。,介词+关系代词专题复习 I am sending you an inquiry, to which your prompt attention is highly appreciated. 兹寄去询价单一张,望尽快办理,不胜感激。 注:所选介词与定语从句中的某个名词构成搭配。,

35、介词+关系代词专题复习 Many hypersomniacs suffer from narcolepsy, for which the primary symptom is excessive daytime sleepiness. 许多嗜睡的人都患有嗜睡病,其早期症状就是在白天非常想睡觉。 注:所选介词与定语从句中的某个名词构成搭配。,介词+关系代词专题复习 1Whats the name of the game _ people fight with each other. 注:介词与先行词(多为名词)的搭配。,介词+关系代词专题复习 We are not conscious of th

36、e extent of which work provides the psychological satisfaction that can make the difference between a full and an empty life. (1995年改错) 我们对工作给我们带来心理上的满足感的程度没有认 识,而正是这种满足感,令充实的生活与空 虚的生活有 所区别。 注:介词与先行词(多为名词)的固定搭配。,介词+关系代词专题复习 The carpet was badly stained, to such an extent that you couldnt tell its or

37、iginal colour. 这块地毯已经脏得辨认不出原来的颜色了,介词+关系代词专题复习 An important factor in a market-oriented economy is the mechanism which consumer demands can be expressed and responded to by producers. (94年阅读) 在以市场为导向的经济中,一个非常重要的因素就是有 一种用来表现消费者需求并使生产商做出反应的机制。 注:介词与先行词(多为名词)的固定搭配。,by,介词+关系代词专题复习 About a thousand specie

38、s of animals are in danger of extinction, and the rate which they are being destroyed has increased. 约有1,000种动物濒临灭绝的危险,而且其受残害速度日 益加强。 注:介词与先行词(多为名词)的固定搭配。,at,介词+关系代词专题复习 When television was first introduced, the extent which it would affect society could not have been foreseen. 最早发明电视的时候,人们并没有预见到它会对

39、人类社会产生重大影响。 注:介词与先行词(多为名词)的固定搭配。,to,介词+关系代词专题复习,The pressure from spending in turn determines the ease which prices increase. 来自消费的压力转而又决定了价格上涨的速度。 注:介词与先行词(多为名词)的固定搭配。,with,介词+关系代词专题复习,由此可见掌握固定搭配尤为重要。考研常考的介 词搭配有: at the rate in the direction, to the extent, to the degree, at the temperature, with e

40、ase, by the means, by the mode, in a culture, in practice, at the pace, etc.,介词+关系代词专题复习 He is her son, than whom a kinder son does not exist. 他是她的儿子,再也找不到像他这么好的儿子了。 注:所选介词与定语从句中的形容词构成搭配。,介词+关系代词专题复习 We assume that the meanings of these underwater sounds are similar to those with which we are famili

41、ar on land. 据我们推测,这些水底的声音的意义同我们所熟悉 的陆地上的声音意义相似。 注:所选介词与定语从句中的形容词构成搭配。,介词+关系代词专题复习 But it is a little upsetting to read in the explanatory notes that a certain line describes a fight between a Turkish and a Bulgarian officer on a bridge off which they both fall into the river- and then to find that t

42、he line consists of the noise of their falling and the weights of the officers: “Pluff! Pluff! A hundred and eighty-five kilograms” (2000 年阅读) 注:先行词和定语从句中的谓语综合考虑介词搭配。简言 之,满足定语从句句法功能,否则先行词悬空,意思表达 也不完整。,介词+关系代词专题复习 但是令人有点难受的是在注释中读到某一行诗描 写 一位土耳其军人和一位保加利亚军人在桥上厮 打,结果双双从桥上坠入河中然后发现这一 行诗由两名军人坠落水中的声音和两位军人的重

43、量构成:“扑通!扑通!100公斤和85公斤。”,介词+关系代词专题复习 Living in the central Australia desert has its problems, _ obtaining water is not the least. (94年语法) A. of which B. for what C. as D. whose 生活在澳大利亚中部沙漠地区会面临很多问题, 其中最大的麻烦就是取水问题。,介词+关系代词专题复习 The Social Security Retirement Program is made up of two trust funds, _ cou

44、ld go penniless by next year. (97年语法) A. the larger one B. the larger of which C. the largest one D. the largest of which 社会保障退休计划由两家信托基金组成,其中数额较大的 那笔到下一年有可能用尽。,介词+关系代词专题复习 Language is a city, to the building of _ every human being brought a stone. (94-1 CET4) A. which B. it C. that D. this 语言就如同一座成

45、,每个人都在为它的建造而添 砖加瓦。,介词+关系代词专题复习 The company, of which Max Harrison was until recently the chairman, has made loss of three million pounds this year. 这家公司今年亏损达三百万英镑,直到不久前 Max Harrison还是其董事长。,介词+关系代词专题复习,They are all groaning about soaring health budgets, the fastest-growing component of which are phar

46、maceutical costs. (2005年七选五) 他们所有人都在抱怨高涨的医疗预算,其中 增长最快的 部分是药品费用。 注: the fastest-growing component of which 也可以改 写 为 of which pharmaceutical costs are the fastest growing component.(原定语从句是倒装句),介词+关系代词专题复习,The higher income tax is harmful in that it may discourage people from trying to earn more. (Tor

47、F) 所得税过高是有害的,因为它可能使人不愿多赚钱。 He differed from his colleague in that he devoted his spare time to reading. (T or F) 他与同事们的不同之处在于他把业余时间花在学习上了。,如何区分when 引导的定语从句和时间状语从 句? when 引导定语从句时,when前面必然有表示时间的名词,即先行词。若when引导时间状语从句,则其前面往往没有表示时间的名词。在翻译when引导定语从句时when 的翻译比较灵活,The near-tripling of oil prices calls up sc

48、ary memories of the 1973 oil shock, when prices quadrupled, and 1979-80, when they also almost tripled. Both previous shocks resulted in double-digit inflation and global economic decline. (2002年阅读第三篇) 这次近三倍的涨价唤起了人们对1973年油价暴涨的可怕记忆,当时油价涨了四倍,也唤起了1979-1980年的可怕记忆,那是油价也涨了近三倍。前两次油价的暴涨都造成了两位数的通货膨胀率和全球性的经济衰

49、退。,如何区分where引导的地点状语从句和定语从句? where引导定语从句时,where 前面必然有表示地点的名词,即先行词。若where前边没有被修饰的名词,则视为地点状语从句。 45 percent of the worlds population live where mosquitoes transmit malaria Approximately 45 percent of the worlds population live in the climate zone where mosquitoes transmit malaria. When you read books, y

50、ou had better make a mark at the spot where you have any question. When you read books, you had better make a mark where you have any question.,The attacks on ambition are many and come from various angles; its public defenders are few and unimpressive, where they are not extremely unattractive. (20

51、00年阅读第五篇) 对雄心壮志的攻击为数众多,并且来自不同的角度;为它公开变化的人极少,也很平淡,尽管辩护者并非极不引人注意。,需要注意的是:只有定语从句中的where 才能转换成介词+which的结构,而地点状语从句的 where不能。 Would you please put the book where it belongs? Would you please put the book to which it belongs?,Where 引导的定语从句的先行词也可以不是地点,而是含 有地点意义的名词,比如case, situation, point等。 Now the tide app

52、ears to be turning. As personal injury as before, some courts are beginning side with defendants, especially in cases where a warning label probably wouldnt have changed anything. (1999阅读第一篇) 现在这种情况似乎正在发生变化。个人受伤索赔案件一如 既往,但是有些法庭开始站在被告一边,特别是在有警告 标签也不可能避免的案件中。,Cheating is most likely in situations wher

53、e the vital interests are high and the chances of getting caught are low. 在利益丰厚而且被人发现可能性很小的情况下,欺诈行为最有可能发生。 He has reached the point where a change is needed. 他已到了需要改弦易辙的地步。 Until such time as mankind has the sense to lower its population to the point where the planet can provide a comfortable suppor

54、t for all, people will have to accept more “unnatural food”. 除非人类意识到,要把人口减少到地球能为之提供足够粮食 的程度,否则人们将不得不接受更多的“人造食品”。,He told us how he dealt with the self-interest of countries to bring them into a kind of international accord _ everyone seemed to benefit. A. Where B. which C. that D. what 他告诉我们他是如何处理各国

55、之间的利益关系的,即让各国达成一种彼 此均受益的国际协定。 Speech has to be triggered and this depends on interaction between the mother and the child, _ the mother recognizes the cues and the signals in the childs crying, smiling, and responds to them. A. when B. which C. why D. where. 语言是需要激发的,而激发语言有需要母亲和孩子之间的互动作 用, 在 这种互动过程

56、(where 的翻译),母亲可以从孩子的哭 笑中捕捉到一些 信息和信号,并且给予反馈。,whereby,关系副词whereby在考研英语阅读理解中经常出现,相当于by which/ through which, 表示“借此,凭这个” The definition also excludes the majority of teachers, despite the fact that teaching has traditionally been the method whereby many intellectuals earn their living. (2006年英译汉) 这个定义还将

57、大多数教师排除在外,尽管教书一直是许多知识分子谋生的方式。,限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句 非限定性定语从句的识别 1.This morning I met LinTao, whom I havent seen for a long time. 2. Sydney, which has a population of more than three million , is Australias largest city 3. Martin, whose mother is a famous writer, is a good friend of mine. 4.I stopped in S

58、hanghai, where my sister owns a shop.,1. A teacher is a person, who teaches 教师是教书的人 2The sun which is very far from the earth gives us light and heat 太阳距离地球很远,却能给我们提供光和热,限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句 非限定性定语从句的识别 1.This morning I met LinTao, whom I havent seen for a long time. 2. Sydney, which has a population of

59、 more than three million , is Australias largest city 3. Martin, whose mother is a famous writer, is a good friend of mine. 4.I stopped in Shanghai, where my sister owns a shop.,实际上,对于世界上独一无二的事物或某些专有 名词,不用限定,指代已经很明确了,故不须用 限定性定语从句 1Beijing,which is an old but modern city, attracts a lot of visitors e

60、very year(T or F) 2The Great Wall,which was one of several wonders in the world,can be seen from the pictures taken on the moon(T or F),而 下定义时,因为核心词需要用定语修饰才能将 句意表达完整,故往往需用限定性定语从句 1A computer is a machine that can store information and do calculations 2Mobile phones are telephones which you can carry

61、 about freely 3Professional football players are ones who devoted their lives to football for a living,,而有些句子,用限定性定语从句还是非跟定性定 语从句则休现了不同的含义 1He has two sisters who are working in the city 他有两个妹妹在这个城市里工作 限制性定语从句,意为有两个在这个城里工作 的妹妹,言外之意是:他还有别的妹妹,但不 在这座城里工作 2He has two sisters,who are working in the city

62、他有两个妹妹,都在这个城里工作 非限定性定语从句,补充说明,而有些句子,用限定性定语从句还是非跟定性定 语从句则休现了不同的含义 1He has two sisters who are working in the city 他有两个妹妹在这个城市里工作 限制性定语从句,意为有两个在这个城里工作 的妹妹,言外之意是:他还有别的妹妹,但不 在这座城里工作 2He has two sisters,who are working in the city 他有两个妹妹,都在这个城里工作 非限定性定语从句,补充说明,复合非限定性定语从句 1There are 50 students in our cla

63、ss, most of whom are girls. (T or F) 2There are 50 students in our class, and most of them are girls. (T or F) 3There are 50 students in our class. Most of them are girls. (T or F),分隔定语从句 1. 我们遭受外国欺凌的日子一去不复返了 Time has gone when we were subject to foreign humiliation 2. 一 位要教你们英语的新教师明天来 A new teacher

64、 will come tomorrow who will teacher us English 3He laughs best who laughs last, 笑到最后笑的最好 4. All is not gold that glitters 闪光的不全是金子。,定语从句的状语化功能 1这项工作由计算机很快就作完了,而若是用手工则需要很长时间 The work was done very fast on a computer, which would otherwise take a long time by hand 2 Anyone who thinks that rational kn

65、owledge need not be derived from perceptual knowledge is an idealist 如果认为理性认识可以不从感性认识得来,他就是一个唯心论者 3Dont leave small things on the floor or table which a baby can put in its mouth 不要把小东西放在地板或桌面上,因为小孩可能会放进嘴里吃掉的,定语从句的状语化功能 1 Wood can burn easily at the surface, where it comes into direct contact with air. 木头表面很容易燃烧, 因为表面和空气直接接触。 2 Liquids, which contain no free e

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