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1、美国副总统拜登在耶鲁大学毕业仪式演讲稿 在美国。毕业仪式是她们是十分重视的,每一个学校全部会请部分名人名流上台演讲讲话。下面是xx搜集整理的, 更多资讯请继续关注毕业仪式栏目。Remarks by the Vice President at Yale University Class DayYou see, the part of China I grew up in was a rural village, and at that time pre-industrial。 When I was born, my village had no cars, no telephones, no e

2、lectricity, not even running water。 And we certainly didnt have access to modern medical resources。 There was no doctor my mother could bring me to see about my spider bite。Yale UniversityNew Haven, Connecticut2:55 EDTTHE VICE PRESIDENT: Hello, Yale! (Applause.) Great to see you all. (Applause.) Tha

3、nk you very, very much.岁月急忙,花开花落小学六年的学习生活日月如梭的就过去了。在马上离开母校的时刻我们的心情格外激动,每个人的心中全部充满了留恋之情。回首往事,六年的小学生活,母校的一草一木、一砖一瓦全部是那样熟悉,那样亲切。Jeremy and Kiki, the entire Class of 2021, congratulations and thank you for inviting me to be part of this special day. Youre talented. Youve worked hard, and youve earned th

4、is day.Mr. President, faculty, staff, its an honor to be here with all of you.今天,你们马上离别母校,踏上新的人生征程,书写新的人生篇章。这个充满机遇、挑战和变革的时代给予了你们无限的可能,你们要学会在变革的交织和激荡中思索、历练和完善自我,在建设有中国特色的社会主义伟大事业中成就自己的人生梦想。在这个庄重神圣的时刻,作为你们的师长,你们的教导员,我今早失眠了!久久不能入睡,三年的朝夕相处,此时此刻我想向大家唠叨,唠叨点什么!谨作临别赠言。My wife teaches full-time. I want you t

5、o know that - at a community college, and has attended 8,640 commencements and/or the similar versions of Class Day, and I know they can hardly wait for the speaker to finish. (Laughter.) But Ill do my best as quickly as I can.To the parents, grandparents, siblings, family members, the Class of 2021

6、 - congratulations. I know how proud you must be. But, the Class of 2021, before I speak to you - please stand and applaud the ones who loved you no matter what youre wearing on your head and who really made this day happen. (Laughter and applause.) I promise you all this is a bigger day for them th

7、an it is for you. (Laughter.)When President Obama asked me to be his Vice President, I said I only had two conditions: One, I wouldnt wear any funny hats, even on Class Day. (Laughter.) And two, I wouldnt change my brand. (Applause.)Now, look, I realize no one ever doubts I mean what I say, the prob

8、lem occasionally is I say all that I mean. (Laughter.) I have a bad reputation for being straight. Sometimes an inappropriate times. (Laughter.) So here it goes. Lets get a couple things straight right off the bat: Corvettes are better than Porsches; theyre quicker and they corner as well. (Laughter

9、 and applause.) And sorry, guys, a cappella is not better than rock and roll. (Laughter and applause.) And your pundits are better than Washington pundits, although Ive noticed neither has any shame at all. (Laughter and applause.) And all roads lead to Toads? Give me a break. (Laughter and applause

10、.) You ever tried it on Monday night? (Laughter.) Look, its tough to end a great mens basketball and football season. One touchdown away from beating Harvard this year for the first time since 2021 - so close to something youve wanted for eight years. I can only imagine how you feel. (Laughter.) I c

11、an only imagine. (Applause.) So close. So close.But I got to be honest with you, when the invitation came, I was flattered, but it caused a little bit of a problem in my extended family. It forced me to face some hard truths. My son, Beau, the attorney general of Delaware, my daughter, Ashley Biden,

12、 runs a nonprofit for criminal justice in the state, they both went to Penn. My two nieces graduated from Harvard, one an all-American. All of them think my being here was a very bad idea. (Laughter.)On the other hand, my other son, Hunter, who heads the World Food Program USA, graduated from Yale L

13、aw School. (Applause.) Now, he thought its a great idea. But then again, law graduates always think all of their ideas are great ideas. (Laughter.)By the way, Ive had a lot of law graduates from Yale work for me. Thats not too far from the truth. But anyway, look, the truth of the matter is that I h

14、ave a lot of staff that are Yale graduates, several are with me today. They thought it was a great idea that I speak here.As a matter of fact, my former national security advisor, Jake Sullivan, who is teaching here at Yale Law School, trained in international relations at Yale College, edited the Y

15、ale Daily News, and graduated from Harvard - excuse me, Freudian slip - Yale Law School. (Laughter.) Youre lucky to have him. Hes a brilliant and decent and honorable man. And I miss him. And we miss him as my national security advisor.But hes not the only one. My deputy national security advisor, J

16、eff Prescott, started and ran the China Law Center at Yale Law School. My Middle East policy advisor and foreign policy speechwriter, Dan Benaim, who is with me, took Daily Themes - got a B. (Laughter.) Now you know why I go off script so much. (Laughter and applause.)Look, at a Gridiron Dinner not

17、long ago, the President said, I - the President - “I am learning to speak without a teleprompter, Joe is learning to speak with one.” (Laughter.) But if you looked at my speechwriters, you know why.And the granddaughter of one of my dearest friends in life - a former Holocaust survivor, a former for

18、eign policy advisor, a former Chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Congressman Tom Lantos - is graduating today. Mercina, congratulations, kiddo. (Applause.) Where are you? You are the sixth - shes the sixth sibling in her immediate family to graduate from Yale. Six out of 11, thats n

19、ot a bad batting average. (Laughter.) I believe its a modern day record for the number of kids who went to Yale from a single family.And, Mercina, I know that your mom, Little Annette is here. I dont know where you are, Annette. But Annette was part of the first class of freshman women admitted to Y

20、ale University. (Applause.)And her grandmother, Annette, is also a Holocaust survivor, an amazing woman; and both Im sure wherever they are, beaming today. And I know one more thing, Mercina, your father and grandfather are looking down, cheering you on.Im so happy to be here on your day and all of

21、your day. Its good to know theres one Yalie who is happy Im being here - be here, at least one. (Laughter.) On “Overheard at Yale,” on the Facebook page, one student reported another student saying: I had a dream that I was Vice President and was with the President, and we did the disco funk dance t

22、o convince the Congress to restart the government. (Laughter.)Another student commented, Yall know Biden would be hilarious, get funky. (Laughter.)Well, my granddaughter, Finnegan Biden, whose dad went here, is with me today. When she saw that on the speech, I was on the plane, Air Force Two coming

23、up, she said, Pop, it would take a lot more than you and the President doing the disco funk dance. The Tea Party doesnt even know what it is. (Laughter.)Look, I dont know about that. But Im just glad theres someone - just someone - who dreams of being Vice President. (Laughter and applause.) Just so

24、mebody. I never had that dream. (Laughter.) For the press out there, thats a joke.Actually, being Vice President to Barack Obama has been truly a great honor. We both enjoy getting out of the White House to talk to folks in the real America - the kind who know what it means to struggle, to work hard

25、, to shop at Kiko Milano. (Laughter and applause.) Great choice. (Laughter.)I just hope to hell the same people responsible for Kikos arent in charge of naming the two new residential colleges. (Laughter and applause.)Now, look, folks, I spent a lot of time thinking about what I should day to you to

26、day, but the more I thought about it, I thought that any Class Day speech is likely to be redundant. You already heard from Jessie J at Spring Fling. (Laughter.) So what in the hell could I possibly say. (Laughter.)Look, Im deeply honored that Jeremy and Kiki selected me. I dont know how the hell yo

27、u trusted them to do that. (Laughter.) I hope you agree with their choice. Actually I hope by the end of this speech, they agree with their choice. (Laughter.)难忘在小学入队时大哥哥大姐姐们亲手帮我们戴上红领巾,难忘在教室里读书,难忘在下课时我们欢乐的声音。In their flattering invitation letter, they asked me to bring along a sense of humor, speak

28、about my commitment to public service and family, talk about resiliency, compassion, and leadership in a changing world. Petty tall order. (Laughter.) I probably already flunked the first part of the test.But with the rest let me say upfront, and I mean this sincerely, theres nothing particularly un

29、ique about me. With regard to resilience and compassion, there are countless thousands of people, maybe some in the audience, whove suffered through personal losses similar to mine or much worse with much less support to help them get through it and much less reason to want to get through it.Its not

30、 that all that difficult, folks, to be compassionate when youve been the beneficiary of compassion in your lowest moments not only from your family, but from your friends and total strangers. Because when you know how much it meant to you, you know how much it mattered. Its not hard to be compassion

31、ate.I was raised by a tough, compassionate Irish lady named Catherine Eugenia Finnegan Biden. And she taught all of her children that, but for the grace of God, there go you - but for the grace of God, there go you.And a father who lived his motto that, family was the beginning, the middle, and the

32、end. And like many of you and your parents, I was fortunate. I learned early on what I wanted to do, what fulfilled me the most, what made me happy - my family, my faith, and being engaged in the public affairs that gripped my generation and being inspired by a young President named Kennedy - civil

33、rights, the environment, trying to end an incredibly useless and divisive war, Vietnam.The truth is, though, that neither I, nor anyone else, can tell you what will make you happy, help you find success.You each have different comfort levels. Everyone has different goals and aspirations. But one thi

34、ng Ive observed, one thing I know, an expression my dad would use often, is real. He used to say, its a lucky man or woman gets up in the morning - and I mean this sincerely. It was one of his expressions. Its a lucky man or woman gets up in the morning, puts both feet on the floor, knows what theyr

35、e about to do, and thinks it still matters.自习室、野游、考试、获奖一幕幕的场景就像一张张绚烂的剪贴画,串连成一部马上谢幕的电影,播放着我们的愉快和忧伤,统计着我们的青春和过往,也见证着我们的情深义重。从大一开始第一次上讲台的激动,第一次加入社团的好奇,第一次考试的担心到此时在为工作多种选择里彷徨,每一个人全部忙忙碌碌,一切好像一首没写完的诗,急忙开始就要急忙离别。这些岁月里,大学是我们的资本,也是我们的慰藉。Ive been lucky. And my wish for all of you is that not only tomorrow, bu

36、t 20 and 40 and 50 years from now, youve found that sweet spot, that thing that allows you to get up in the morning, put both feet on the floor, go out and pursue what you love, and think it still matters.Some of you will go to Silicon Valley and make great contributions to empower individuals and s

37、ocieties and maybe even design a life-changing app, like how to unsubscribe to Obama for America email list - (laughter) - the biggest “pan-list” of all times.Some of you will go to Wall Street and big Wall Street law firms, government and activism, Peace Corps, Teach for America. Youll become docto

38、rs, researchers, journalists, artists, actors, musicians. Two of you - one of whom was one of my former interns in the White House, Sam Cohen, and Andrew Heymann - will be commissioned in the United States Navy. Congratulations, gentlemen. Were proud of you. (Applause.)But all of you have one thing

39、in common you will all seek to find that sweet spot that satisfies your ambition and success and happiness.Ive met an awful lot of people in my career. And Ive noticed one thing, those who are the most successful and the happiest - whether theyre working on Wall Street or Main Street, as a doctor or

40、 nurse, or as a lawyer, or a social worker, Ive made certain basic observation about the ones who from my observation wherever they were in the world were able to find that sweet spot between success and happiness. Those who balance life and career, who find purpose and fulfillment, and where ambiti

41、on leads them.Theres no silver bullet, no single formula, no reductive list. But they all seem to understand that happiness and success result from an accumulation of thousands of little things built on character, all of which have certain common features in my observation.First, the most successful

42、 and happiest people Ive known understand that a good life at its core is about being personal. Its about being engaged. Its about being there for a friend or a colleague when theyre injured or in an accident, remembering the birthdays, congratulating them on their marriage, celebrating the birth of

43、 their child. Its about being available to them when theyre going through personal loss. Its about loving someone more than yourself, as one of your speakers have already mentioned. It all seems to get down to being personal.Thats the stuff that fosters relationships. Its the only way to breed trust

44、 in everything you do in your life.Let me give you an example. After only four months in the United States Senate, as a 30-year-old kid, I was walking through the Senate floor to go to a meeting with Majority Leader Mike Mansfield. And I witnessed another newly elected senator, the extremely conserv

45、ative Jesse Helms, excoriating Ted Kennedy and Bob Dole for promoting the precursor of the Americans with Disabilities Act. But I had to see the Leader, so I kept walking.When I walked into Mansfields office, I must have looked as angry as I was. He was in his late 70s, lived to be 100. And he looke

46、d at me, he said, whats bothering you, Joe?I said, that guy, Helms, he has no social redeeming value. He doesnt care - I really mean it - I was angry. He doesnt care about people in need. He has a disregard for the disabled.Majority Leader Mansfield then proceeded to tell me that three years earlier

47、, Jesse and Dot Helms, sitting in their living room in early December before Christmas, reading an ad in the Raleigh Observer, the picture of a young man, 14-years-old with braces on his legs up to both hips, saying, all I want is someone to love me and adopt me. He looked at me and he said, and the

48、y adopted him, Joe.I felt like a fool. He then went on to say, Joe, its always appropriate to question another mans judgment, but never appropriate to question his motives because you simply dont know his motives.It happened early in my career fortunately. From that moment on, I tried to look past t

49、he caricatures of my colleagues and try to see the whole person. Never once have I questioned another mans or womans motive. And something started to change. If you notice, every time theres a crisis in the Congress the last eight years, I get sent to the Hill to deal with it. Its because every one

50、of those men and women up there - whether they like me or not - know that I dont judge them for what I think theyre thinking.Because when you question a mans motive, when you say theyre acting out of greed, theyre in the pocket of an interest group, et cetera, its awful hard to reach consensus. Its

51、awful hard having to reach across the table and shake hands. No matter how bitterly you disagree, though, it is always possible if you question judgment and not motive.Senator Helms and I continued to have profound political differences, but early on we both became the most powerful members of the S

52、enate running the Foreign Relations Committee, as Chairmen and Ranking Members. But something happened, the mutual defensiveness began to dissipate. And as a result, we began to be able to work together in the interests of the country. And as Chairman and Ranking Member, we passed some of the most s

53、ignificant legislation passed in the last 40 years.All of which he opposed - from paying tens of millions of dollars in arrearages to an institution, he despised, the United Nations - he was part of the so-called “black helicopter” crowd; to passing the chemical weapons treaty, constantly referring

54、to, “weve never lost a war, and weve never won a treaty,” which he vehemently opposed. But we were able to do these things not because he changed his mind, but because in this new relationship to maintain it is required to play fair, to be straight. The cheap shots ended. And the chicanery to keep f

55、rom having to being able to vote ended - even though he knew I had the votes.After that, we went on as he began to look at the other side of things and do some great things together that he supported like PEPFAR - which by the way, George W. Bush deserves an overwhelming amount of credit for, by the

56、 way, which provided treatment and prevention HIV/AIDS in Africa and around the world, literally saving millions of lives.So one piece of advice is try to look beyond the caricature of the person with whom you have to work. Resist the temptation to ascribe motive, because you really dont know - and

57、it gets in the way of being able to reach a consensus on things that matter to you and to many other people.四年,她们从懵懂稚嫩到睿智成熟,从青涩羞怯到自信坚强,一路走来,可能一直全部有您默默的关心:因您的呵护而荫蔽风雨,因您的资助而学途坦荡,因您的教育而破茧成蝶现在,她们马上身披学士服,接收盛大的学位授予,从大学殿堂扬帆启航,怀感恩之心,承责任之重,以激情之志,寻梦想之途。诚邀您共同参与我校_届本科生毕业仪式,见证这一庄重的盛大仪式,分享她们人生中的珍贵时刻,定格为永恒的美好记忆。Re

58、sist the temptation of your generation to let “network” become a verb that saps the personal away, that blinds you to the person right in front of you, blinds you to their hopes, their fears, and their burdens.Build real relationships - even with people with whom you vehemently disagree. Youll not o

59、nly be happier. You will be more successful.The second thing Ive noticed is that although you know no one is better than you, every other persons is equal to you and deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.Ive worked with eight Presidents, hundreds of Senators. Ive met every major world lead

60、er literally in the last 40 years. And Ive had scores of talented people work for me. And heres what Ive observed: Regardless of their academic or social backgrounds, those who had the most success and who were most respected and therefore able to get the most done were the ones who never confused a

61、cademic credentials and societal sophistication with gravitas and judgment.Dont forget about what doesnt come from this prestigious diploma - the heart to know whats meaningful and whats ephemeral; and the head to know the difference between knowledge and judgment.But even if you get these things ri

62、ght, Ive observed that most people who are successful and happy remembered a third thing: Reality has a way of intruding.I got elected in a very improbable year. Richard Nixon won my state overwhelmingly. George McGovern was at the top of the ticket. I got elected as the second-youngest man in the h

63、istory of the United States to be elected, the stuff that provides and fuels raw ambition. And if youre not careful, it fuels a sense of inevitability that seeps in. But be careful. Things can change in a heartbeat. I know. And so do many of your parents.这位中国留英学者的儿子也真是优异,到伦敦才没几年,竟然英国文学课程也能考整年级第一,数学、

64、物理就更甭说了。Six weeks after my election, my whole world was altered forever. While I was in Washington hiring staff, I got a phone call. My wife and three children were Christmas shopping, a tractor trailer broadsided them and killed my wife and killed my daughter. And they werent sure that my sons woul

65、d live.Many people have gone through things like that. But because I had the incredible good fortune of an extended family, grounded in love and loyalty, imbued with a sense of obligation imparted to each of us, I not only got help. But by focusing on my sons, I found my redemption.I can remember my mother - a sweet lady - looking at me, after we left the

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