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1、模拟操练模拟操练阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从从2130各题所给的各题所给的A、B、C和和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。卡上将该项涂黑。(1)Faith is an awesome force that can give us the power to accomplish the seemingly impossible.There are many well-known 21 of the power of faith in action.Mother Theresa,for instance,always had

2、 22 that God would somehow provide the food,money and 23 she needed to continue her service to the poorest of the poor.Writings about her work are filled with 24 stories of how the things she needed showed up exactly when she needed them,often in the most surprising ways.21.A.stories B.ways C.exampl

3、es B.reality C.truth D.evidence23.A.fruit B.vegetables C.provisionsD.inventions24.A.strange B.folk C.foreign D.trueIf you put your hand in 25,do you believe it would burn?Of course you do,and it probably would.Yet if you were to attend a fire-walking event and spend an evening wi

4、th a group of people convincing yourselves that the fire wouldnt 26,it probably wouldnt.Many ordinary people have attended such events and 27 walked over impossibly hot coals with little or no blistering(水泡水泡).25.A.sand B.water C.paper D.fire26.A.burn B.end C.hurt D.work27.A.carefully B.successfully

5、 C.beautifully D.wonderfullyGroup 28 such as these,where a group of people decides that reality is going to work differently,are very powerful.Faith is 29.We can catch it from each other and one person with particularly 30 faith can encourage the faith of many.28.A.agreements B.movements C.amusement

6、s D.measurements 29.A.losing B.realizing C.going D.catching30.A.thankful B.hopeful C.powerful D.thoughtful Spending time for a few minutes each day being awake and noticing is a good way to begin the practice of being present.It is a good way to begin to expand ones idea of what 21 a meaningful life

7、.What is needed is the greater opening of the heart to the one 22 self that exists within all.21.A.lives B.notices C.brings D.forms22.A.all B.self D.person(2)The gift of being 23 as it applies to relationships is that it brings love to every interaction,no matter how small or 24 .And it brin

8、gs 25 into each moment as it unfolds.23.A.excited B.meaningful C.presentD.intelligent24.A.incorrect B.insignificant C.incomplete D.inaccurate25.A.gratitude B.patience C.presence D.courageAs a sense of being present deepens and ones capacity to notice 26 ,the deep richness of life and of love can be

9、found everywhere and 27 nowhere.In this state,one 28 only the one who lives within all.One feels the 29 within every other.Here,consciousness can only affirm(声称)(声称)the greater life:26.A.plants B.sows C.waters D.flowers27.A.discussion B.creation C.separation D.cooperation28.A.cares B.likes C.concern

10、s D.senses 29.A.flavor B.habit C.hobby D.assistance 广东高考完形填空题究竟考什广东高考完形填空题究竟考什么?怎么考?请看以下研究结果。么?怎么考?请看以下研究结果。命题揭密命题揭密I Am and You Are.We are both of the stars and of the dust of the earth.We are both of the rocks and of the sandy shores.We are water and we are sky;we are earth,and we are air.We are t

11、he breath that life 30 through itself,in a single and continuous song of creation.30.A.holds B.takes D.expresses C.breathes (3)Millions of people come into this world and leave this world and never ever realize or develop their full powers and potential.They 21 in life for a penny,and life would pay

12、 no more,not realizing that any wage they would have asked of life would have been gladly paid.Some of those people never even 22 ,they just settled for ordinariness.Others,got a dream,an idea,a desire or goal,and decided to go for it,but then 23 when the going got tough.21.A.paid B.asked C.bargaine

13、d D.looked22.A.tried B.worked C.started D.dreamed23.A.sold out B.came out C.dropped out D.found out There are many 24 in life,but very few finish.Too many people give up on their dreams too soon in life.No matter what the level of our ability,we have more 25 than we can ever develop in a lifetime.De

14、ep within every man and woman dwells those sleeping powers;powers that would astonish them,which they never dreamed of possessing;forces that would 26 their life if aroused and put into action.24.A.dreamers B.settlers C.droppers D.starters25.A.confidential B.refusal C.potential D.trial26.A.revolutio

15、nize B.modernize C.popularize D.socializePotential means:27 -and unrealized-powers,possibilities,and capabilities-that can-but have not yet come into being.In other words,the best is yet to 28 !You have powers and talent you have not developed or used yet.You also have 29 and fantasies you have not

16、realized yet.Your unlimited 30 are still alive,just waiting for you to give them power.27.A.undeveloped B.unfinished C.uncertain D.unfortunate28.A.end B.bargain C.develop D.come29.A.powers B.dreams C.possessions D.thoughts30.A.qualities B.disabilities C.equalities D.possibilities(4)Disease and healt

17、h,like circumstances,are rooted in thought.Sickly 21 will express themselves through a sickly body.Thoughts of fear have been known to kill a man as 22 as a bullet,and they are continually killing thousands of people just as surely though less rapidly.The people who live in fear of 23 are the people

18、 who get it.Anxiety quickly 24 the whole body,and lays it open to the entrance of disease,while impure thoughts,even if not physically spoiled,21.A.stories B.thoughts C.examples D.people22.A.violently B.steadily C.speedily D.sharply23.A.disease B.dark D.cancer24.A.dismisses B.discourages

19、C.displeases D.disappoints will soon 25 the nervous system.Strong,pure and happy thoughts build up the body in 26 and grace.The body is a delicate and plastic instrument,which 27 readily to the thoughts by which it is impressed,and habits of thought will produce their own effects,good or bad,upon it

20、.25.A.create B.poison C.accelerate B.force C.shape D.health27.A.leads B.sticks C.responds D.contributes Men will continue to have 28 and poisoned blood so long as they convey unclean thoughts.Out of a clean heart comes a clean life and a clean body.Out of a dirty mind 29 a dirty

21、 life and corrupt body.Thought is the 30 of action and life;make the fountain pure,and all will be pure.28.A.immovable B.imbalanced C.impolite D.impure 29.A.keeps B.follows C.provides B.fountain C.power D.direction(5)There is a very old joke about two young brothers.One was an o

22、ptimist and one was a 21 .As a test,they were each told they had received a gift and then were put in a 22 with a huge pile of horse droppings.The pessimist was,understandably,disgusted.When the researchers went into the room with the optimistic child,they found him 23 digging in the horse dung,excl

23、aiming,“I know theres a pony in here somewhere!”21.A.cyclist B.tourist C.novelist B.parkC.farmD.room23.A.bitterly B.happily C.willingly D.understandably A poor joke perhaps,but an excellent life lesson.How our lives unfold is largely dependant on how we 24 challenges that pres

24、ent themselves.24.A.realize B.give C.approach D.offer 广东高考完形填空题究竟考什广东高考完形填空题究竟考什么?怎么考?请看以下研究结果。么?怎么考?请看以下研究结果。命题揭密命题揭密 25 is a fact of life.How you view trouble controls your reality.If you are always looking at the down side of life,that is what you are going to 26 .Understandably,some challenges a

25、re bigger than others and take more work to deal with.However,you can 27 them if you begin to see them as challenges to be worked out rather than 28 that are not overcome.25.A.Challenge B.Trouble C.Optimism D.Pessimism26.A.accept B.sufferC.get D.drop27.A.overcome B.receive C.develop D.control28.A.en

26、ds B.thoughts C.dreams D.walls It is really just as easy to be optimistic.In fact,it may be easier to see the good in life and the 29 in trouble.Being happy takes less energy.Why not be the type of person who 30 the pony?29.A.meanings B.challenges C.possessions D.morals 30.A.heads for B.waits for C.looks for D.calls for

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