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1、华山英文导游词 Hua Shan is the highest of Chinas five sacred mountains. It is 120 kilometers east of Xian. It has five peaks that resemble the petals of a flower. The highest peak is 2180 meters (7085 feet).趵突泉公园在济南市中心繁荣地段,是国家AAAAA级旅游景区,南倚千佛山,北靠大明湖,东和泉城广场连接,是以泉水、人文景观为主的文化名园。下面是为大家搜集的有关山东趵突泉英文导游词,期望大家喜爱!Has

2、 entered south the fontanel, relative is the main hall names withit is Not porch Porch two sides each has not beenallowed north. Leaves the gate to have a mountain peak toward the westto call Month view peak On the mountain has thepavilion, famous month view pavilion. It is said, the clear sky andfr

3、esh air late autumn season, also may to as soon as look at inhere; Yellow River gold brings Strange landscape: Shines upon inthe setting sun under the backdrop, the big diastrophism has beendark, only some tune yellow river water, reflected suns glory, likedflash the golden belt, day in place contin

4、ually in same place. Atnightfall, under the bright moonlight, looks obviously Jinanslamplights of ten thousand families from this the north, therefore themonth view peak calls Looks government office mountain .As the hometown of the great man of the generation, now Shaoshan is one of the important t

5、ourist zones in Hunan province. The major tourist sites including the Former residence of Chairman Mao, Memorial Hall of Mao Zedong, Water-dripping Cave and Steles Forest of Maos Poems,and so on.We had had discussions about going to Hua Shan with some graduate students from Computer Science. That di

6、dnt work out due to changes in schedules on both sides. Also, they were planning to do the climb at night to be able to reach the peak at sunrise. That did not appeal to us. We wanted to spend a night on the mountain. Frans department arranged a trip for us, making reservations at the simple hotel o

7、n the North Peak. They sent two graduate students to accompany us, though they had not been to Hua Shan before. We met them at 8:00 on Saturday morning and took a taxi to the train station. There we asked around and located a mini-bus. The bus made a couple of stops. One was to see a presentation ab

8、out the traditional medicines grown on the mountain and a chance to buy some of them. It probably would have been interesting if we understood Chinese. Our guides gave us the general outline about what was said. The other stop was a quick lunch stop.There are two approaches to Hua Shan. Chinese prov

9、erb: “There is one road and only one road to Hua Shan,” meaning that sometimes the hard way is the only way. The west entrance involves 10 kilometers of walking on a road before you start climbing. We went with the east entrance, where the bus brings you to the base of a cable car that goes up to th

10、e 1500 meter North Peak. Our plan was to walk up to the North Peak, then climb to the four other peaks the next day and take the cable car down.We started the climb in the early afternoon. The path consists of stone steps with rough chain link handrails in the narrowest areas (we wore our bicycling

11、gloves for hand protection). Physically, it is more like climbing the steps of a skyscraper than trails at home. However, the temperature was about 95 degrees and there was not much shade. We brought lots of water, including some bottles that we froze and some Gatorade that we got at the fancy depar

12、tment store in downtown Xian. There are plenty of refreshment stands along the way where you can buy bottled water, the Chinese equivalent of Gatorade, and other drinks or snacks at a premium price.We reached the North Peak before 4:00 PM and rested at the hotel. Our room was basic, but comfortable

13、and clean enough. Because water is scarce on the mountain, there were neither showers nor sinks available for washing. In that sense the experience felt like camping, but we were sleeping in a big tent!The friends, Chinas ancient architecture has the unique status in theworld construction history, t

14、his remote senate pavilion constructionidea already will stem from the ancient rite of making sacrificesgrand ceremony from this but step by step to enter the high tide forthe prelude the need, after also will be esthetics thought manifestingwhich China ancient times first damped raises.After dinner

15、 at the hotel restaurant, we spent some time talking with our guides. We were a bit surprised to find that they both think of Japan negatively, but like the It seems that Japans WWII behavior in China has not been forgotten, and is emphasized in school.Look! So many monks, why? Yes, thats it! Becaus

16、e is a Buddhist mountain. Especially on July 30th of Chinese Lunar is the birthday of Earch Buddha, and a great Buddhist ceremony is held on this day. Around that day every year, the mountain is the site of a temple fair. A large number of monks, nuns, pilgrims and visitors come to burn incense, cha

17、nt and sacrifice food. The activities of each year are different. Though today is not the festival, we can also enjoy the beautiful scenery. They are: Sunrise at Tiantai Platform, Evening bell of Huacheng Temple, Sitting on East Stone with pleasure, Fairy mark of Tianzhu, Taoyan waterfall, clouds ar

18、ound lotus peak and Phoenix Pine.After Middle Peak, the crowds got much thinner. The next was East Peak, which had a steep ladder climbing rock. Fran was dubious about this ascent, but realized that the ladder wasnt so bad and went for it. That was a good decision because we were then able to do a l

19、oop and the trails got almost empty at this point. After skirting the top of a cliff with a steep dropoff on both sides, we had a pleasant walk to South Peak and West Peak. There was even a small amount of dirt trail! The summit of South Peak was the highest point on Hua Shan, so of course we asked

20、another hiker to take a photo of our guides and us. The views from the tops of each peak were beautiful. Hua Shan and the surrounding mountains are very rugged and remind us somewhat of hiking in the southwestern United States or the Sierras.We saw a beautiful sunset and watched the sky become respl

21、endent with thousands of stars, including the Milky Way galaxy. This was the clearest sky that we have seen in China. The fresh air at Hua Shan is a treat!Our guides had both been planning to get up at 4:00 AM to watch the sunrise. Fran and I made sleep a priority. We did happen to wake up a bit bef

22、ore sunrise (our room faced east) and went outside to watch the sky become rosy. Ironically, our guides missed the sunrise because they had stayed up late watching the European soccer championships on the television in their roomThe plan for the day was to climb the other four peaks, but we reserved

23、 the right to shorten the route. The first part was a steep climb to Middle Peak. After the low North Peak, all the others are at roughly 2021 meters. There were crowds on the way to Middle Peak mostly Chinese hikers but we did see a few other wai guo (foreigners) as well.We visited two Taoist templ

24、es en route to Middle Peak. Each one had an altar with incense and offerings of fruit. The friendly monks invited us to say a prayer or to send blessings to loved ones. Fran accepted their invitation. At the first temple, she lit incense sticks and knelt on a cushion in front of the altar saying a s

25、ilent prayer for our safe journey to the various summits of Hua Shan (the prayer was answered). At the second temple, she knelt on a cushion in front of the altar and sent silent blessings to several friends who are experiencing challenging situations in their lives at present. After each blessing,

26、she leaned forward and the monk struck a drum.We reached the North Peak before 4:00 PM and rested at the hotel. Our room was basic, but comfortable and clean enough. Because water is scarce on the mountain, there were neither showers nor sinks available for washing. In that sense the experience felt

27、 like camping, but we were sleeping in a big tent!After Middle Peak, the crowds got much thinner. The next was East Peak, which had a steep ladder climbing rock. Fran was dubious about this ascent, but realized that the ladder wasnt so bad and went for it. That was a good decision because we were th

28、en able to do a loop and the trails got almost empty at this point. After skirting the top of a cliff with a steep dropoff on both sides, we had a pleasant walk to South Peak and West Peak. There was even a small amount of dirt trail! The summit of South Peak was the highest point on Hua Shan, so of

29、 course we asked another hiker to take a photo of our guides and us. The views from the tops of each peak were beautiful. Hua Shan and the surrounding mountains are very rugged and remind us somewhat of hiking in the southwestern United States or the Sierras.游客们,开平碉楼到了,大家请带齐行李物品下车。下面我们一边走我一边给大家介绍一下:

30、广东江门开平市是著名的华侨之乡,建筑之乡和艺术之乡。更是著名的碉楼之乡,碉楼的兴起和当初的开平的地理环境社会治安及华侨文化历史亲密相关,碉楼最关键的作用就是用来防涝防匪之用。开平碉楼是集防卫,居住和中西建筑艺术为一体的建筑群体,始建于清初,大量兴建在20世纪30年代,现在尚存1466座。这些碉楼是旧时广东华侨为防御盗匪、海外侨胞筹资回乡兴建的。在鼎盛时期达3300多座,而现在经开平市人民政府的普查,登记在册的有1833座,是国务院公布的国家关键文物保护单位,在2021年6月28日,开平碉楼和村落正式列入世界遗产名目。We took a route that eventually brought

31、 us to the main line returning down from Middle to North Peak. We were happy to have ascended each of the five peaks (petals) of Flower Mountain.Alternatively visitors could take a right to Lotus Peak. Huashan means Flower Mountain, and it got the name from Lotus Peak, which resembles a beautifully

32、blooming lotus flower. Finally there is a gondola which taks visitors acroa steep valley to Landing Wild Goose Peak, the highest among the five summits. The path to the summit is characterized by steep rock faces, with obstacles including a foot-wide plank walkway fixed to a sheer rock face with onl

33、y a chain along the rock for support. The route continues with footholds in the rock and a chain for holding. This is followed by a vertical ladder in a cleft in the rock. Finally there are steep stone steps. The South Peak is not for the faint of heart and is particularly dangerous in winter weathe

34、r. However, the views are breathtaking. The climb to its summit makes it clear how the impenetrable mountain repelled attackers over the centuries.By cable car (the longest in Asia), it was just 7 minutes down to the park entrance. We caught a shuttle bus into town, then transferred to a bus for Xia

35、n.Our guides told us that we had walked up and down a total of 4000 stairs! We were glad that we did not have this information when we started. For three days after returning home, our sore leg muscles instructed us to take the elevator to our fifth floor apartment rather than climbing the stairs.Th

36、e Giant Buddha on the east bank of Mingjiang River in Leshan City, Sichuan Province, rests his feet where three riversthe Minjiang, Qingyi and Dadujoin. The Buddha faces Emei Mountain across the river and at its back is the western slope of Lingyun Mountain. Standing at meters with shoulders 24 meters wide it is an impressive sight. A water drainage system reduces erosion by rain and slows weathering.

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