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1、第一课时 预习课 Module 10 Lao She Teahouse一预习目标:1. 拼读单词、词汇。2. 不定式做宾语和双宾语等情况二预习提纲: 1. 学生自主预习学习单词。根据音标自读单词,后听录音,跟读单词,纠正发音,在自读单词,后限时速读,限时速记。2.词汇预习效果检测:连线main 银 lose 发生 interest 充满的 master 特别的offer 让人感到快乐的twentieth 不可能的agree 民间的 waiter 几乎audience 顾客 customer 观众almost 男服务员 folk 同意special 大师 full 兴趣important 第二十

2、 enjoyable 给予take place 失去 silver 主要的3. 小组合作,自主讨论,不定式在句中作什么成分:We decided to stay for a cup of tea.1) I tried to understand the words. 不定式做_语I want to go to the teahouse.2) 找出下列句子中的双宾语:(1) My brother bought me some storybooks.(2) My uncle gave me a very nice birthday present.(3) Can you pass me that

3、pencil?(4) Who teaches you English?同学们,你们知道不定式在谓语动词之后作宾语吗?比如 我决定买那本杂志。_.同学们,你们知道有那些动词之后可以接双宾语吗?如:_.4. 1).不定式预习效果检测: (1)We plan _(visit) the Great Wall. (2) She wants _ ( buy)a new computer. (3)He hopes_(become) a famous actor. (4)I decided _(buy) Mum some flowers. (5)He agreed _(help) her. 2.双宾语预习效果

4、检测:找出下列句子中的双宾语(1) She lend me a pen.(2) He send Mary an email.1 / 9(3) They showed us some photos.(4) Jack bought me a present.5. 反馈检测: (一)词汇:根据汉语能说出英语即可。1. The Summer Palace is a place of _(兴趣).2. Today is Toms _(二十岁) birthday. 3. M y father _(给予) to buy me a watch.4. Its_(不可能的) to lift a car.5. Th

5、e story _(发生) in village. (二)单项选择:( )1. We tried_ hard .A. study B. to study C. studies D. to be studied( )2. Dont forget _ the letter. A. send B. to send C. sending D. being sent ( ) 3. She read the letter _her mother. A. for B. in C. on D. at ( ) 4.Jim teaches himself English .A. Jim teaches Engli

6、sh himself . B. Jim learn himself English.C. Jim teaches himself for English.D.Jim learn English by himself. ( ) 5. I want_ the exam. A. to pass B. pass C. passing D. to passing6. 思考: 想一想我们预习了什么内容?并把你还不明白的问题写下来,问一问。_第二课时 听说课导学案Unit1 She wanted to see Beijing Opera教学目标:1. 知识目标:New vocabulary/ sentenc

7、es / 不定式的用法2. 能力目标:能听懂对话,了解老舍茶馆; 能够用动词不定式描述生活中的一件事。 3.情感态度:能够积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。教学过程:一听前说:1. 检测课前读词:“汉英互译大闯关”main 银 lose 发生interest 充满的 master 特别的offer 让人感到快乐的 twentieth 不可能的agree 民间的 waiter 几乎 almost 男服务员 folk 同意2. 导入:学生根据书中的图片回答问题:1) Have you ever seen Beijing Opera?2) What do you know Beijing opera

8、?3) Who is Lao She?4) What do you know about Lao She?5) What works of Lao She have you read?6) Have you ever heard about his play Teahouse?7) What do you think people can do in Lao She s Teahouse? 3. 展示图片,呈现含有不定式的句型。小组合作,归纳总结不定式作宾语的用法。 4. Work in pairs,同桌互相做问答练习。二听中说:(一)听听力:1)让学生熟悉Activity 2中的六句话,尝试

9、排序。2)听录音,完成练习。 (二)Listen and write T (true) or F (false) 1.Sally wanted to see some Beijing opera so her parents took her there.( )2. Lingling likes Beijing Opera ,too.( )3. Sally understood Beijing Opera very well.( )4.Teahouse is Lao Shes play.(三)Listen again and answer the questions:1. Did they p

10、lan to stay for two hours?2. What is Lao She most famous for?3. Did Sally find the opera easy to understand?4. Whats Sallys interest?三听中学: (一)读对话,找出含有不定式的句子,写到背面,并讨论分别做什么成分。 (二)再读,完成下列问题: 1. 读对话,翻译短语:(1)想看京剧_ (2)提议做某事 _(3)同意做某事_ (4)设法做某事_ (5) 计划做某事_ (6)决定做某事_(7)不知道_ (8) 几乎不可能 _(9)以而著名 _ 2.完成下列问题,小组合

11、作,总结归纳:1). She wanted _ (see) some Beijing Opera . 同学们,这是不定式做_语,请用不定式做宾语造句子。 (1)_ (2)_ (3)_ (4)_ 2). Sally and I went _ (visit) Lao She Teahouse last night . 同学们,你们能说一下 to visit做什么成分吗?再举个例子 _3).have a good time=_ 4). Finish P83 activity 5(三)Read again and make sentences with:1) agree2) hope3) offer4

12、) want5) decide6) plan (四)解疑答惑:找出listen and read中不明白问题,讨论,答疑。四学以致用:(一)Work in pairs,Make true sentences for you.1. We decide to _ next week.2. They Offered to_ for me.3. My hope is to _ one day.4. My parents agreed to _ on Saturday. (二)Work in group,think of an event in your life.For example: Flying

13、 kitesI wanted to fly a kite in the park. I was very glad my parents offered to drive me there. They agreed to spend the whole day with me in the park.I had a very good time that day. I hope to go to the park and fly kites again one day.五盘点收获:讨论这节课我们学了些什么?_六作业 :书面表达:使用动词不定式描述生活中发生的事情。 第三课时 读写课导学案教学目

14、标: 1. 知识目标:New words / drills / 不定式作宾语的用法和双宾语结构2. 能力目标:能够运用阅读策略获取信息,回答问题。感知动词不定式的用法。 3. 情感态度:通过阅读老舍的作品,增强学生的爱国情怀。一 读前导1、 复习检测:小组竞赛,“英汉互译大闯关2、 main 主要的 impossible 不可能的 Special 特别的 take place 发生 Custom 顾客 dynasty 王朝 Twentieth 第二十 folk 民间的 同学们:我们在语文课上学过老舍的作品,今天,让我们阅读一下英语课中老舍的作品“Lao She Teahouse ” 二读中读:

15、(一) 迅速通读全文,回答问题:(1) What is Lao She Teahouse? Where is it ? _.(2)What can people do in Lao She Teahouse? _(二)分段阅读: 1. 读第一段,回答问题: (1) When did Lao She write Teahouse? _. (2)Whose story does it tell us? _ 2. 读第2段,完成下列问题: ( 1 ) When did the Anti-Japanese War? Who lose the Teahouse? _ (2) What is the ma

16、in idea of this paragraph? ( ) A The story of TeahouseB Lao S he TeahouseC The play Teahouse D Lao She 3. 读第3段,完成下列问题: 1 Lao S he learned _at the Teachers School in Beijing .2 Lao She taught _ to the English in London. 4. 读第4段,完成下列问题: (1 ) What is the main idea of this paragraph? ( ) A The story of

17、TeahouseB Lao S he TeahouseC The play Teahouse D Lao She (2) What can you enjoy in the Teahouse?三读中学:(一)通读全文,将文中含不定式的句子划出,熟读能背。(二)分段阅读,完成下列问题:I读第一段1. 译短语:发 生 _ 给我们讲故事_让去做_ 在老北京 _ 对说再见 _ _ 2. 测一测吧:(1)这个故事发生在老北京。_(2)她给我们讲了老舍的故事。_II.读第二段:1. 译短语:在清朝时期 _ 抗日战争_2. 测一测吧:(1)这个故事在清朝时开始的。The story starts_ _ _

18、_(2)他把观众带到了抗日战争的结束。It brings the audience to the end of_III. 读第三段, 完成下列问题:1、译短语:出生在北京_ 送去_人民艺术家_ 伟大的语言学家 _其中之一 _2、测一测吧:(1)、他的父母送他去教师学校并且学着教学。His parents _ him _ the teachers School and learned _(2)他被命名为人民艺术家和伟大的语言学家。He was named a _and _.IV. 读第四段,完成下列问题:1. 译短语:民间音乐_ 京剧_ 全世界 _2、Waiters bring tea to t

19、he customers . They sell them delicious Chinese food.把上边两个句子该成同义句。_ (三) 让学生简单复述课文:四写作训练:确定主题,将收集的资料改编成短剧,内容覆盖以下几点。a) Whats the name of the play?b) Where does it take place?c) Who is in it ?d) Whats the story ?五Homework:Write a passage about the film or play. Use Activities4 and 5 to help you .第四课时 语

20、法课导学案一 、导入:Free talk同学们,我们在第九模块学过动词不定式,这节课我们看一下动词不定式可以做宾语和双宾语的情况。二、精讲规则:同学们,不定式在句中做什么成分呢?请根据下列句子,小组讨论,找出规律。 We decided to sing English songs.(1) I want to protect the animals. 不定式做_语I tried to learn English well.(2) They give me some food.They send me a letter. 句子的宾语_ I tell you to buy a new book. (

21、3) He gives a letter to me. 不定式做_语 We send a letter to him . ( 然后教师精讲规则:什么是不定式,它在句中分别作什么成分,然后小组合作,造句。) 。 。三 专项训练:(以比赛的形式,限时训练)(一) 专项训练,重点难点各个击破:4填词:(主要训练动词不定式做宾语) 见课本P148 第3题5 同义句改换:见课本P148 第3题6连词成句子:见课本148第2题(主要训练动词不定式)专项训练,进行写的练习。见课本P148第11题。(一)词汇考察: 1. There are many _(顾客) in his restaurant. 2. T

22、he teahouse is _ of people on weekends. 3. My father o_.to take me to Beijing for holiday. 4. Some people sat on stone seats to watch the magic _。5. The s_ is becoming worse, we should do something to stop it.(二)单词适当形式填空: 1.I want _(see) plays in the teahouse.2. We need _(eat) vegetables every day3.

23、 They want _(play) basketball this afternoon.4. I come here _(tell) you this news.5. He always makes me _(laugh). 6. They were _ at this _ thing. (surprise) 7. The boy decided _(help) the person in trouble. 8. Id like you _ (go) there with me. 9. Youd better not_(go) to school by car. 10. She went t

24、o the hospital _(look) after the old man.三、发 生 _ 给我们讲故事_让去做_ 在老北京 _ 对说再见 _ _其中之一 _在清朝时期 _ 抗日战争_出生在北京_ 送去_人民艺术家_ 伟大的语言学家 _发生_ 爱上_ 上周末._ 人民艺术家_语言大师_ 热烈欢迎_装满_ 在结束时_ _ 每天 _ 越来越少_努力工作_ more than _制定一个计划_ 教某人某事_think of _ 决定做某事_ 比如 _ 给某人买某物_四、 综合运用:在国庆节这一天,你想干什么,不想干什么,你认为干什么是有趣的,做什么事才会过个快乐国庆节呢?用上动词不定式作宾语和双宾语 I want to. I don t to.It is interesting to. I will do. 盘点收获,疑难解答:_五、 Homework:见课本P148 1,4题。

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