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1、高考提能练(三) Module 3My First Ride on a Train.阅读理解A2019昆明调研 Nine months ago, I was packing my daughters backpack with new school supplies, wondering how I was going to send her off to kindergarten. I stood on the playground, tears pouring down my face because I wasnt ready for this first day of kinderga

2、rten but she was ready. Today I will be standing on the playground, once again with tears, because this precious time went by too quickly. This week I realized that I never told you “thank you”. I dont know how to express a mothers thanks in the way a teacher deserves.We first met you at the open ho

3、use the week before school started and I immediately knew you would be the type of teacher we would appreciate forever. While the students lined up for the day, you touched each one on the shoulder as you greeted them. If a student was having a tough morning, you quietly held his hand and walked him

4、 into the school.I got to know you as I volunteered in the lunch room. You made sure your students were all ready for lunch before you went on your own lunch break. You kept track of their big things and small things, because as a veteran kindergarten teacher, you know that the small things are the

5、big things. I loved the way you made each student feel special. You helped them fall in love with school, which is so important at the start.To all of the teachers in the world who are like you, I wish you knew how grateful parents are for you. We adore you, respect you, and appreciate you. We dont

6、tell you enough we probably dont tell you ever. I wish we could take you with us to the next 12 grades.体裁:记叙文题材:家校关系主题:感激师恩【语篇解读】本文主要描述了一位幼儿妈妈表达对幼儿园老师的感激。1Why did the authors tears come down on her daughters first day of kindergarten?AShe hadnt made full preparations for her daughter.BHer daughter w

7、asnt willing to go to kindergarten.CShe felt worried about her daughters being away.DHer daughter wasnt familiar with the teachers.答案与解析:C考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“I stood on the playground, tears pouring down my face because I wasnt ready for this first day of kindergarten but she was ready”可知,作者落泪的原因是自己心里未做好

8、面对孩子离开自己去上幼儿园的事实的准备。故C项为正确答案。根据第一段首句中的“Nine months ago, I was packing my daughters backpack with new school supplies”可知,作者对孩子入园前的各项物品的准备是充分的,故A项错误;B、D两项均为无中生有。2The author noticed the teachers characteristics when _.Ashe stood on the playgroundBshe was at the open houseCshe said goodbye to the teache

9、rDshe worked as a teacher at lunch time答案与解析:B考查细节理解。根据第二段首句“We first met you at the open house the week before school started and I immediately knew you would be the type of teacher we would appreciate forever”可知,在开学前一周的校园开放参观日当天,作者就看出了孩子的老师将会是自己永远感激的人。3What does the underlined word “veteran” in Pa

10、ragraph 3 mean?ABeautiful. BGenerous.CSkillful. DHumorous.答案与解析:C考查词义猜测。根据第三段的内容可知,老师关注孩子们的大小事,并且深知幼儿园无小事。由此可推知,这是一位经验丰富的幼儿教师,故画线词与C项“熟练的”词义相近。A项意为“美丽的”,B项意为“慷慨的”,D项意为“幽默的”,均与语境不符。4What is this text mainly about?AGood wishes to a kindergarten teacher.BSincere thanks to a kindergarten teacher.CA swee

11、t memory of kindergarten life.DA kids daily behavior in the kindergarten.答案与解析:B考查主旨大意。通读全文可知,本文是一位幼儿妈妈表达对老师的感激,故选B项。A项“对幼儿园老师的美好祝愿”,C项“幼儿园生活的美好回忆”,D项“一个孩子在幼儿园的日常行为”,均与文意不符。B2019合肥质检 In todays society, language plays a key role in defining gender (性别) by vocabulary, and also the nonverbal (非语言的) voc

12、abulary. Each one of these different types of ways of communicating is obviously different between men and women.Many different studies show that men tend to talk much more than women. It has also been proven that women tend to speak faster than men; this is due to the fact that women tend to be int

13、errupted more often than men are, and also have the ability to speak more clearly, precisely,and more quickly than men. In one study it was found that women spoke for an average of three minutes describing a painting, as opposed to the thirteenminute average it took men to describe it.Men and women

14、also tend to have a very different nonverbal way of communicating, which can also make it very hard for one another to understand what the opposite sex is trying to say. Mens body language is much more reserved when they are talking to women. Men tend not to make as much eye contact and they general

15、ly stay farther away from women when talking to them. Men avoid other peoples body space while talking, and they also tend to sit back when talking. All of these have given off the impression of disinterest or boredom. Women are by far better listeners and much more enjoyable to talk with and they t

16、end to raise more topics for conversation.Women also make it clearer whether or not the conversation is going somewhere or just stuck in neutral. After learning about our styles of communicating with each other, I have decided that although men have not quite mastered communicating, what fun would i

17、t be if we all spoke the same “language”? The little games men and women play with each other while conversing would be lost. The question everyone asks himself or herself after talking with someone of the opposite sex, “I wonder if theres something there?” would no longer exist.体裁:说明文题材:性别差异主题:性别差异

18、导致沟通方式不同【语篇解读】本文主要介绍了男性和女性因性别差异而导致在沟通方式上也有所不同的现象。【难句分析】Men and women also tend to have a very different nonverbal way of communicating, which can also make it very hard for one another to understand what the opposite sex is trying to say.分析:本句是一个复合句。which引导非限制性定语从句,在从句中作主语,指代前面的整个句子;it作形式宾语,不定式to un

19、derstand. to say作真正的宾语;what引导宾语从句,在宾语从句中作宾语。译文:男性和女性在非语言的表达方式上通常也是不同的,这也让彼此在理解对方所说的话上变得非常困难。5What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 2 refer to?AThe differences between mens and womens languages.BThe different speed of mens and womens speech.CThe ability of mens and womens spoken language.

20、DThe nonverbal vocabulary of men and women.答案与解析:B考查代词指代。由this承接第二段中的“It has also been proven that women tend to speak faster than men”可推知,此处的this指代女性比男性说话快的现象,故选B。6In what way do men and women differ according to the third paragraph?ASpeed of understanding.BUnderstanding of speech roles.CPoliteness

21、 of communication.DApplication of body language.答案与解析:D考查推理判断。根据第三段的整体内容,尤其是该段第二句“Mens body language is much more reserved when they are talking to women”可推知,本段主要讲的是男性和女性在非语言表达方式上的不同,即肢体语言使用上的差异,故选D。7What is the authors attitude to the differences between mens and womens communication?ACautious. BFa

22、vorable.CAmbiguous. DSkeptical.答案与解析:B考查观点态度。根据最后一段第二句和第三句“After learning about our styles of communicating with each other, I have decided that although men have not quite mastered communicating, what fun would it be if we all spoke the same language?The little games men and women play with each ot

23、her while conversing would be lost”可推知,作者对男性和女性在沟通的差异性上持赞成态度,故选B。cautious“谨慎的”;favorable“赞成的”;ambiguous“模棱两可的”;skeptical“怀疑的”。8What is the best title for the text?AWomen, born excellent talkersBMens and womens social rolesCVocabulary and communicationDOpposite gender, different language答案与解析:D考查标题判断

24、。根据第一段的话题导入,并结合全文的整体内容可推知,本文主要讲的是男性和女性因性别差异而导致在沟通方式上也有所不同,故选D。.七选五2019惠州调研 By 2025, water shortage will be a big problem for about 1.8 billion people. In a world where water resource is increasingly short, nations cannot afford to waste it. _1_ After we use water in our homes and businesses, it is w

25、ashed away, and takes many valuable resources with it.Waste water is rich in carbon and nutrients. _2_ A number of nations and major cities have already built waste water treatment plants. They can effectively recover nutrients and bioenergy, and produce “new water” that can be reused. But more than

26、 80% of all waste water still currently flows into natural ecosystems, polluting the environment and taking valuable nutrients and other recoverable materials with it._3_ This is still better than the situation in smaller cities. In Latin American countries, those living in small and mediumsized cit

27、ies at most treat it in the form of septic tanks (化粪池) that lack regular and proper maintenance.Imagine that outside one of these small cities lies a lovely piece of land: on the surface it is pleasingly built and provides habitats for local wildlife. Beneath the surface is a wetland that treats was

28、te water and produces energy. The energy produced saves families from having to use firewood collected in the wild. This is not a dream project. _4_ A team of scientists have been looking into the potential of constructed wetland environments. Having analyzed 800 examples of biomass in more than 20

29、countries, they found that, depending on climate and the type of plant used in the construction of this type of wetland, up to 45 hectares of land could be irrigated with waste water. _5_ABut that is exactly what we do.BThis can provide easy access to clean water.CThere is no longer any good reason

30、to waste any type of water.DA constructed wetland environment is already in practice on a small scale.EThis would reduce the need for fresh water for irrigation and energy for pumping.FIf collected and treated properly, it could provide “new water”, fertilizer, and energy.GAlthough waste water syste

31、ms in large cities are effective, the whole procedure usually costs much.体裁:说明文题材:环保主题:世界水资源【语篇解读】本文主要介绍了当前世界水资源的现状以及有效利用水资源的方法。1答案与解析:A上文说在水资源短缺的大环境下,很多国家不能承担浪费(的后果),下文说我们用完水后,就直接把水冲走。根据上下文可知,A项“但是那正是我们所做的”与此处匹配,起承上启下作用,故选A。2答案与解析:F上文说废水富含碳元素和养分,而F项说如果收集和处理得当,它就能提供“新的水”、肥料和能量,前后形成语义上的衔接,故选F。3答案与解析:

32、G下文讲述的是拉丁美洲的中小城市的废水处理系统缺乏常规和合适的维护,而G项提到大城市的废水处理系统有效但成本高,与本段内容吻合,故选G。4答案与解析:D上文提到在这些小城市建造湿地环境的设想,下文提到已经有科学家在研究建造的湿地环境的潜力了,由此可知,D项“建造的湿地环境已经在小范围的实践中了”符合语境。5答案与解析:E上文讲述的是这种解决方案的另一种好处是人们可以用废水灌溉农田,而E说这可以减少用淡水灌溉的需求及抽水所需的能量,前后语意衔接,故选E。.短文改错2019辽宁联考 Last weekend, after pay a visit to the city of New York, I

33、 visited the National Air and Space Museum of the Smithsonian Institution, where lies in Washington, DC.The museum, which covers a area of 18,000 square meters, is made of 24 exhibition halls. All kinds of planes, rockets, missiles and spaceship of great importance and variously old instruments that

34、 famous pilots and astronauts used are on display. In addition, I see copies of some satellites and aircraft. More interestingly, I tried operating on some aircraft by myself. During the visit, I took lots of pictures as well.This brief visit helped myself learn much about the history of human space

35、 exploration. It made me more interesting in science and technology.答案:Last weekend, after pa a visit to the city of New York, I visited the National Air and Space Museum of the Smithsonian Institution, wher lies in Washington, DC.The museum, which covers area of 18,000 square meters, is made of 24

36、exhibition halls. All kinds of planes, rockets, missiles and spaceshi of great importance and variousl old instruments that famous pilots and astronauts used are on display. In addition, I se copies of some satellites and aircraft. More interestingly, I tried operating some aircraft by myself. Durin

37、g the visit, I took lots of pictures as well.This brief visit helped mysel learn much about the history of human space exploration. It made me more interestin in science and technology.pay改为paying。考查非谓语动词。根据该句中的介词after可知,该处作介词after的宾语,故用动名词形式。where改为which。考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,该句为包含非限制性定语从句的复合句;句中“the Nat

38、ional Air and Space Museum of the Smithsonian Institution”为先行词,关系词指代先行词且在从句中作主语,故用which引导该定语从句。a改为an。考查不定冠词。area是发音以元音音素开头的单词,故用不定冠词an。在made后加up。考查固定搭配。be made up of为固定搭配,意为“由组成,由构成”。此处表示:这个博物馆面积达18 000平方米,由24个展厅构成。spaceship改为spaceships。考查名词的单复数。spaceship为可数名词,根据该句中的“All kinds of”可知,该处应用其复数形式。variou

39、sly改为various。考查形容词。该词修饰名词instruments,表示“各种各样的老式仪器”,故用形容词形式。see改为saw。考查动词的时态。根据本文首句中的“Last weekend”可知,本文叙述的是过去发生的事情,故用一般过去时,故将see改为saw。删除operating后的on。考查介词。operate为及物动词,在该处意为“操作”,后面直接跟宾语,故删除介词on。此处表示:更有趣的是,我亲自尝试操作了一些飞行器。myself改为me。考查代词。此处表示:此次短暂的参观帮助我学到了很多人类太空探索的历史。此处作help的宾语,故用me。interesting改为interested。考查形容词。此处表示:这让我对科学技术更感兴趣。由该句中的me可知,该处修饰人,表示“感兴趣的”,故用形容词interested。

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