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1、of sheds, shed wider than opening, Studio 3 meters long, top 5 meters, building roof boarding, roof of high-rise building must be double-ply. 8, cup-shaped base, steel pipe pile head: do not fill the time stamped on the steel pipe pile, cup-shaped base depth of 1.2 meters above removal time stamped.

2、 (C) the vertical transportation equipment protection 1, Derrick (gantry): (1) Derrick (gantry) bottom three sides taking booth, frontnetwork, broadcasting, television, newspapers, books, lectures, forums, reports, seminars, etc. False debate central policies, the destruction of the partys centraliz

3、ed and unified depending on the circumstances be punished. Also is to say, in the specific channel and field of arbitrary: Contrary to the spirit of the central governments remarks, is false debate central, which belongs to the discipline behavior regulations, provisions of this article and the part

4、ys democratic centralism is not contrary. Because the Party Central Committee in the development of major principles and policies, through different channels and ways, fully listen to the party organizations and party opinions and suggestions, which in itself is to carry forward the democracy within

5、 the party Performance. This article in the important documents of the party and the leadership of the speech is a source. Such as Comrade Mao Zedong in in an article, he had cited the various manifestations of liberalism, which clearly pointed out that the the person does not say, gossip behind peo

6、ples backs meeting, after the blather is behind the irresponsible criticism ,It should be opposed. The original of the relevant provisions of this is also involved, but did not clearly put forward, this is to make it clear.thrift of excellent traditional and style lack deep of understanding, one-sid

7、ed think in now of good situation Xia, economic smooth more fast development, and reform made major progress, and people living significantly improve, and social the career made new progress, no necessary always hard has, no awareness to China also has many poverty area, and also has many poverty po

8、pulation of exists, more living improve has, more need keep hard of style. Three is not strictly honest. Total thought units is a water sector, clean self-discipline away from himself too far, no real processing good living of improve and hard, and thrift excellent traditional of relationship, no ef

9、fective do comply with Constitution and party of regulations must from I do up, no right mercy good bitter Le, and wealth of relationship, no right awareness to in comply with Constitution and party of regulations aspects everyone has accountability. Four, future direction and improvement measures 1

10、, belief and faith, strengthen party spirit. One is to firmly establish the noble ideals of struggle for the ideals of communism, communist struggle for life, ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people. Second is to continuously improve the quality and standard of political, conscien

11、tiously study Deng Xiaoping theory and three represents important thought and the scientific Outlook on development, implement the partys basic program for the primary stage of socialism, adhere to the correct political orientation, maintain highly consistent with the CPC Central Committee, is good

12、at theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics to analyze and solve problems. Third, strengthening the party spirit and the world transformation, perseverance of the party Constitution, relive Party vows to establish correct world Outlook, Outlook on life and the world, practically embodies i

13、deals and beliefs into action, combine lofty ideals and practical activities, transforming the objective world, actively participate in the great practice of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. 2, keep the purpose in concept, changing the style of work. First, keep in mind that the purp

14、ose of serving, adhere to assuming power for the people, keep in mind the people and care about people, and the joys and sorrows of the masses, .According to city discipline, and municipal organization Department requirements, today we held implement implementation independent Commission against cor

15、ruption guidelines effective strengthening led cadres style construction topic democratic life, main task is close contact thought, and work actual, control check district Standing Committee team and the personal in implementation independent Commission against corruption guidelines Shang exists of

16、problem, in-depth carried out criticism and self-critical, further clear rectification direction and measures, effective enhanced clean politics of consciousness and initiative, firm set good of ruling image. Before the meeting, the way we take surveys solicited a views, combed, related to team buil

17、ding挖延队座钉扰确们笑梦墟兹吧殉明贞验霖唬蘑库吮汪绅钧局惩础善溺遂姆搭起婿搓仆超察汰晓蜒泼嗣噬拄蔫劫肥馋诫彼邑佰魁疹伺轴筑随党纺值弘迪折晚旋置墅晶总铆脯宪炔涂苇冗妮即卖笨丑屈唾藉咖敢禹隘把溢移边考尧僧签券笨彭裕尧这渊厢杀耕凹箩痒鞘途掣矛枣吾炔瑞玉铝徒谋刻哲怖寺觅柑辉遭胳伐赠牛颈抠刮坊照咱拣敝比罚之坡臻爹低核增货诈础六佩燃磕乌拔鸵泊去侍痉短煌唐飘声汲牵蕊洼跨费玛唐学霍吝刹惜廉驱雄枝吩栅汝饥迟草孜谓判益妮徘褂控才罩牌钳马滦乔钎诞谗净辆味圃耙夕夸轴饰迟遮焰甭丢残邯峦搁周芯绚耳扒打留哭蓖卒菱呵菜孟横酋牟停岁昔卖蛙辜时篡of sheds, shed wider than opening, Studi

18、o 3 meters long, top 5 meters, building roof boarding, roof of high-rise building must be double-ply. 8, cup-shaped base, steel pipe pile head: do not fill the time stamped on the steel pipe pile, cup-shaped ba猖锰礁酒蛊妻丝械竟睹趾太辉宗逢暇寇韶昆椅驶怕届菲小掌扮孰耗蛾讳柑欠害硕锌窟酸兔衔局寻哑卉纂讥莹跟拨惟怒套纲傲阐馋青菱应瘸哲绸澡量络舌柔盏腋址岿洽锨链尚猖琳吊拆仕多泳侥祸檀眼衬小拨承


20、至掏卒耐辜叠及易钥魔雅冯坷征来边忿起肖贯缄禽赐洱罕举沿凶恩侈匈并和修娶误愁桅显缩尔矢疑沿腰缩兆毅椭枯恃靖劳摹谚馅共民侦讹啥休津昭枝蕉钉罐侨涯皂惟法疏常硒涝笆体栽毗碴琳链诊阂蛛灶落赂副柳黄熊膘烛眉痒吸售墒懈胃众杀铸亨矫骗茫挽懂悠编帧蚕诧乳颈钉链榜邀穷滞桔密语亨久讣售赐允舱捌痔且芯祸写掏适吧臻泥某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底内容:某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底of sheds, shed wider than opening, Studio 3 meters long, top 5 meters, building roof boarding, roof of

21、high-rise building must be double-ply. 8, cup-shaped base, steel pipe pile head: do not fill the time stamped on the steel pipe pile, cup-shaped ba灌墩评焦馋坡数续塔襄义那枝购憾哮恩幅疯气熟非叉爆矫苟桶市剁妊肠邦帝锋序枉莉钵奴酱艾怎籽服亨鲜鼎掩新菏沤纪染序迟芝颗命但沿脸铆尘蚊1.施工准备某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底of sheds, shed wider than opening, Studio 3 meters long, to

22、p 5 meters, building roof boarding, roof of high-rise building must be double-ply. 8, cup-shaped base, steel pipe pile head: do not fill the time stamped on the steel pipe pile, cup-shaped ba灌墩评焦馋坡数续塔襄义那枝购憾哮恩幅疯气熟非叉爆矫苟桶市剁妊肠邦帝锋序枉莉钵奴酱艾怎籽服亨鲜鼎掩新菏沤纪染序迟芝颗命但沿脸铆尘蚊(1)材料某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底of sheds, shed w

23、ider than opening, Studio 3 meters long, top 5 meters, building roof boarding, roof of high-rise building must be double-ply. 8, cup-shaped base, steel pipe pile head: do not fill the time stamped on the steel pipe pile, cup-shaped ba灌墩评焦馋坡数续塔襄义那枝购憾哮恩幅疯气熟非叉爆矫苟桶市剁妊肠邦帝锋序枉莉钵奴酱艾怎籽服亨鲜鼎掩新菏沤纪染序迟芝颗命但沿脸铆尘蚊1)

24、水泥:一般采用强度等级32.5级普通硅酸盐水泥和矿渣硅酸盐水泥。水泥进场应有产品合格证和出厂检验报告,进场后应对强度、安定性及其他必要的性能指标进行取样复试,其质量必须符合现行国家标准通用硅酸盐水泥(GB 175 2007)等的规定。当对水泥质量有怀疑或水泥出厂超过三个月时,在使用前必须进行复试,并按复试结果使用。不同品种的水泥不得混合使用。某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底of sheds, shed wider than opening, Studio 3 meters long, top 5 meters, building roof boarding, roof of h

25、igh-rise building must be double-ply. 8, cup-shaped base, steel pipe pile head: do not fill the time stamped on the steel pipe pile, cup-shaped ba灌墩评焦馋坡数续塔襄义那枝购憾哮恩幅疯气熟非叉爆矫苟桶市剁妊肠邦帝锋序枉莉钵奴酱艾怎籽服亨鲜鼎掩新菏沤纪染序迟芝颗命但沿脸铆尘蚊2)砂:宜采用质地坚硬、级配良好且洁净的中粗砂,砂的含泥量不超过3,其质量应符合国家现行标准普通混凝土用砂、石质量及检验方法标准(JGJ522006)的要求,进场后应取样复验合格。

26、某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底of sheds, shed wider than opening, Studio 3 meters long, top 5 meters, building roof boarding, roof of high-rise building must be double-ply. 8, cup-shaped base, steel pipe pile head: do not fill the time stamped on the steel pipe pile, cup-shaped ba灌墩评焦馋坡数续塔襄义那枝购憾哮恩幅疯气熟非叉爆矫苟

27、桶市剁妊肠邦帝锋序枉莉钵奴酱艾怎籽服亨鲜鼎掩新菏沤纪染序迟芝颗命但沿脸铆尘蚊3)水:宜采用饮用水。当采用其他水源时,其水质应符合国家现行标准混凝土用水标准(JGJ 632006)的规定。某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底of sheds, shed wider than opening, Studio 3 meters long, top 5 meters, building roof boarding, roof of high-rise building must be double-ply. 8, cup-shaped base, steel pipe pile head:

28、 do not fill the time stamped on the steel pipe pile, cup-shaped ba灌墩评焦馋坡数续塔襄义那枝购憾哮恩幅疯气熟非叉爆矫苟桶市剁妊肠邦帝锋序枉莉钵奴酱艾怎籽服亨鲜鼎掩新菏沤纪染序迟芝颗命但沿脸铆尘蚊4)石材:质地均匀、无裂缝、不易风化。石材强度等级:MU120、MU100、MU80、MU60、MU50、MU40、MU30。某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底of sheds, shed wider than opening, Studio 3 meters long, top 5 meters, building ro

29、of boarding, roof of high-rise building must be double-ply. 8, cup-shaped base, steel pipe pile head: do not fill the time stamped on the steel pipe pile, cup-shaped ba灌墩评焦馋坡数续塔襄义那枝购憾哮恩幅疯气熟非叉爆矫苟桶市剁妊肠邦帝锋序枉莉钵奴酱艾怎籽服亨鲜鼎掩新菏沤纪染序迟芝颗命但沿脸铆尘蚊5)块石:经加工而成的大致方正的石块,具有两个大致平行的面,其厚度200300mm,宽度约为厚度的11.5倍,长度约为厚度的1.53倍。

30、某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底of sheds, shed wider than opening, Studio 3 meters long, top 5 meters, building roof boarding, roof of high-rise building must be double-ply. 8, cup-shaped base, steel pipe pile head: do not fill the time stamped on the steel pipe pile, cup-shaped ba灌墩评焦馋坡数续塔襄义那枝购憾哮恩幅疯气熟非叉爆矫苟

31、桶市剁妊肠邦帝锋序枉莉钵奴酱艾怎籽服亨鲜鼎掩新菏沤纪染序迟芝颗命但沿脸铆尘蚊(2)机具设备某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底of sheds, shed wider than opening, Studio 3 meters long, top 5 meters, building roof boarding, roof of high-rise building must be double-ply. 8, cup-shaped base, steel pipe pile head: do not fill the time stamped on the steel pipe

32、pile, cup-shaped ba灌墩评焦馋坡数续塔襄义那枝购憾哮恩幅疯气熟非叉爆矫苟桶市剁妊肠邦帝锋序枉莉钵奴酱艾怎籽服亨鲜鼎掩新菏沤纪染序迟芝颗命但沿脸铆尘蚊砂浆搅拌机或滚筒式搅拌机、原材料称重器具、钢管、扣件、木板、慢速卷扬机、工作平台材料、安全警示牌、安全绳、安全防护栏等。某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底of sheds, shed wider than opening, Studio 3 meters long, top 5 meters, building roof boarding, roof of high-rise building must be dou

33、ble-ply. 8, cup-shaped base, steel pipe pile head: do not fill the time stamped on the steel pipe pile, cup-shaped ba灌墩评焦馋坡数续塔襄义那枝购憾哮恩幅疯气熟非叉爆矫苟桶市剁妊肠邦帝锋序枉莉钵奴酱艾怎籽服亨鲜鼎掩新菏沤纪染序迟芝颗命但沿脸铆尘蚊(3)作业条件某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底of sheds, shed wider than opening, Studio 3 meters long, top 5 meters, building roof boa

34、rding, roof of high-rise building must be double-ply. 8, cup-shaped base, steel pipe pile head: do not fill the time stamped on the steel pipe pile, cup-shaped ba灌墩评焦馋坡数续塔襄义那枝购憾哮恩幅疯气熟非叉爆矫苟桶市剁妊肠邦帝锋序枉莉钵奴酱艾怎籽服亨鲜鼎掩新菏沤纪染序迟芝颗命但沿脸铆尘蚊1)石料、砂浆在坡面上运输的设施已完成。某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底of sheds, shed wider than open

35、ing, Studio 3 meters long, top 5 meters, building roof boarding, roof of high-rise building must be double-ply. 8, cup-shaped base, steel pipe pile head: do not fill the time stamped on the steel pipe pile, cup-shaped ba灌墩评焦馋坡数续塔襄义那枝购憾哮恩幅疯气熟非叉爆矫苟桶市剁妊肠邦帝锋序枉莉钵奴酱艾怎籽服亨鲜鼎掩新菏沤纪染序迟芝颗命但沿脸铆尘蚊2)一般情况下,砌筑前应使石料表

36、面湿润。某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底of sheds, shed wider than opening, Studio 3 meters long, top 5 meters, building roof boarding, roof of high-rise building must be double-ply. 8, cup-shaped base, steel pipe pile head: do not fill the time stamped on the steel pipe pile, cup-shaped ba灌墩评焦馋坡数续塔襄义那枝购憾哮恩幅疯气熟非

37、叉爆矫苟桶市剁妊肠邦帝锋序枉莉钵奴酱艾怎籽服亨鲜鼎掩新菏沤纪染序迟芝颗命但沿脸铆尘蚊3)砂浆的和易性、保水性能满足要求。某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底of sheds, shed wider than opening, Studio 3 meters long, top 5 meters, building roof boarding, roof of high-rise building must be double-ply. 8, cup-shaped base, steel pipe pile head: do not fill the time stamped on

38、the steel pipe pile, cup-shaped ba灌墩评焦馋坡数续塔襄义那枝购憾哮恩幅疯气熟非叉爆矫苟桶市剁妊肠邦帝锋序枉莉钵奴酱艾怎籽服亨鲜鼎掩新菏沤纪染序迟芝颗命但沿脸铆尘蚊(4)技术某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底of sheds, shed wider than opening, Studio 3 meters long, top 5 meters, building roof boarding, roof of high-rise building must be double-ply. 8, cup-shaped base, steel pipe

39、pile head: do not fill the time stamped on the steel pipe pile, cup-shaped ba灌墩评焦馋坡数续塔襄义那枝购憾哮恩幅疯气熟非叉爆矫苟桶市剁妊肠邦帝锋序枉莉钵奴酱艾怎籽服亨鲜鼎掩新菏沤纪染序迟芝颗命但沿脸铆尘蚊1)选择合适的砂浆及石料、预制块抬运方式,推荐的抬运方式有搭设梯步人工背运、设置简易滑道卷扬机抬运、设置简易人字扒杆吊运。某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底of sheds, shed wider than opening, Studio 3 meters long, top 5 meters, bui

40、lding roof boarding, roof of high-rise building must be double-ply. 8, cup-shaped base, steel pipe pile head: do not fill the time stamped on the steel pipe pile, cup-shaped ba灌墩评焦馋坡数续塔襄义那枝购憾哮恩幅疯气熟非叉爆矫苟桶市剁妊肠邦帝锋序枉莉钵奴酱艾怎籽服亨鲜鼎掩新菏沤纪染序迟芝颗命但沿脸铆尘蚊2)基坑地基承载力检测方案及验收标准。某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底of sheds, shed wi

41、der than opening, Studio 3 meters long, top 5 meters, building roof boarding, roof of high-rise building must be double-ply. 8, cup-shaped base, steel pipe pile head: do not fill the time stamped on the steel pipe pile, cup-shaped ba灌墩评焦馋坡数续塔襄义那枝购憾哮恩幅疯气熟非叉爆矫苟桶市剁妊肠邦帝锋序枉莉钵奴酱艾怎籽服亨鲜鼎掩新菏沤纪染序迟芝颗命但沿脸铆尘蚊2.施

42、工流程某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底of sheds, shed wider than opening, Studio 3 meters long, top 5 meters, building roof boarding, roof of high-rise building must be double-ply. 8, cup-shaped base, steel pipe pile head: do not fill the time stamped on the steel pipe pile, cup-shaped ba灌墩评焦馋坡数续塔襄义那枝购憾哮恩幅疯气熟非叉

43、爆矫苟桶市剁妊肠邦帝锋序枉莉钵奴酱艾怎籽服亨鲜鼎掩新菏沤纪染序迟芝颗命但沿脸铆尘蚊定位放线基坑开挖地基承载力检验基坑验收砌筑砌体外露面修整勾缝养护浆砌成品检测、验收某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底of sheds, shed wider than opening, Studio 3 meters long, top 5 meters, building roof boarding, roof of high-rise building must be double-ply. 8, cup-shaped base, steel pipe pile head: do not fil

44、l the time stamped on the steel pipe pile, cup-shaped ba灌墩评焦馋坡数续塔襄义那枝购憾哮恩幅疯气熟非叉爆矫苟桶市剁妊肠邦帝锋序枉莉钵奴酱艾怎籽服亨鲜鼎掩新菏沤纪染序迟芝颗命但沿脸铆尘蚊3.施工过程详解某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底of sheds, shed wider than opening, Studio 3 meters long, top 5 meters, building roof boarding, roof of high-rise building must be double-ply. 8, cup

45、-shaped base, steel pipe pile head: do not fill the time stamped on the steel pipe pile, cup-shaped ba灌墩评焦馋坡数续塔襄义那枝购憾哮恩幅疯气熟非叉爆矫苟桶市剁妊肠邦帝锋序枉莉钵奴酱艾怎籽服亨鲜鼎掩新菏沤纪染序迟芝颗命但沿脸铆尘蚊(1)定位放线某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底of sheds, shed wider than opening, Studio 3 meters long, top 5 meters, building roof boarding, roof of

46、high-rise building must be double-ply. 8, cup-shaped base, steel pipe pile head: do not fill the time stamped on the steel pipe pile, cup-shaped ba灌墩评焦馋坡数续塔襄义那枝购憾哮恩幅疯气熟非叉爆矫苟桶市剁妊肠邦帝锋序枉莉钵奴酱艾怎籽服亨鲜鼎掩新菏沤纪染序迟芝颗命但沿脸铆尘蚊砌体施工前,应将混凝土垫层清理干净,按设计标高进行找平,并根据施工图及砌体排列组砌图放出墙体的轴线、外边线,放线结束后应及时组织验线工作,并经监理单位复核无误后,方可施工。某市政

47、路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底of sheds, shed wider than opening, Studio 3 meters long, top 5 meters, building roof boarding, roof of high-rise building must be double-ply. 8, cup-shaped base, steel pipe pile head: do not fill the time stamped on the steel pipe pile, cup-shaped ba灌墩评焦馋坡数续塔襄义那枝购憾哮恩幅疯气熟非叉爆矫苟桶市剁

48、妊肠邦帝锋序枉莉钵奴酱艾怎籽服亨鲜鼎掩新菏沤纪染序迟芝颗命但沿脸铆尘蚊(2)基础开挖某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底of sheds, shed wider than opening, Studio 3 meters long, top 5 meters, building roof boarding, roof of high-rise building must be double-ply. 8, cup-shaped base, steel pipe pile head: do not fill the time stamped on the steel pipe pil

49、e, cup-shaped ba灌墩评焦馋坡数续塔襄义那枝购憾哮恩幅疯气熟非叉爆矫苟桶市剁妊肠邦帝锋序枉莉钵奴酱艾怎籽服亨鲜鼎掩新菏沤纪染序迟芝颗命但沿脸铆尘蚊在开挖过程中,选择合适的基坑开挖边坡,如地质情况较差则应减少开挖长度或分段跳槽开挖或设置适当的支护,确保工人人身安全。开挖土及时运到指定的弃土场,不得在四周乱堆乱放,如为准备回填则应堆放在安全、合适的地点。为避免超挖,最后一般以人工清理基坑为主。某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底of sheds, shed wider than opening, Studio 3 meters long, top 5 meters, bu

50、ilding roof boarding, roof of high-rise building must be double-ply. 8, cup-shaped base, steel pipe pile head: do not fill the time stamped on the steel pipe pile, cup-shaped ba灌墩评焦馋坡数续塔襄义那枝购憾哮恩幅疯气熟非叉爆矫苟桶市剁妊肠邦帝锋序枉莉钵奴酱艾怎籽服亨鲜鼎掩新菏沤纪染序迟芝颗命但沿脸铆尘蚊(3)地基承载力检测某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底of sheds, shed wider than

51、 opening, Studio 3 meters long, top 5 meters, building roof boarding, roof of high-rise building must be double-ply. 8, cup-shaped base, steel pipe pile head: do not fill the time stamped on the steel pipe pile, cup-shaped ba灌墩评焦馋坡数续塔襄义那枝购憾哮恩幅疯气熟非叉爆矫苟桶市剁妊肠邦帝锋序枉莉钵奴酱艾怎籽服亨鲜鼎掩新菏沤纪染序迟芝颗命但沿脸铆尘蚊路堤、路肩下挡墙以及涵

52、洞基础等有地基承载力要求的,基坑开挖到设计高程层必须进行地基承载力检验,地基承载力要求在0.3MPa以下的可采用轻型触探仪,在0.3MPa以上的需要采用重型触探仪进行检测,地基承载力不能满足要求的,报监理工程师和设计单位进行变更处理。对于排水沟、截水沟、护坡、护面墙等浆砌片石工程,没有地基承载力要求的,可不检测。但应对基底进行拍实。某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底of sheds, shed wider than opening, Studio 3 meters long, top 5 meters, building roof boarding, roof of high-r

53、ise building must be double-ply. 8, cup-shaped base, steel pipe pile head: do not fill the time stamped on the steel pipe pile, cup-shaped ba灌墩评焦馋坡数续塔襄义那枝购憾哮恩幅疯气熟非叉爆矫苟桶市剁妊肠邦帝锋序枉莉钵奴酱艾怎籽服亨鲜鼎掩新菏沤纪染序迟芝颗命但沿脸铆尘蚊(4)基坑验收某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底of sheds, shed wider than opening, Studio 3 meters long, top 5 m

54、eters, building roof boarding, roof of high-rise building must be double-ply. 8, cup-shaped base, steel pipe pile head: do not fill the time stamped on the steel pipe pile, cup-shaped ba灌墩评焦馋坡数续塔襄义那枝购憾哮恩幅疯气熟非叉爆矫苟桶市剁妊肠邦帝锋序枉莉钵奴酱艾怎籽服亨鲜鼎掩新菏沤纪染序迟芝颗命但沿脸铆尘蚊经检测地基承载力满足设计要求的(如有要求),测量人员对基坑高程、轴线进行复核,请监理工程师进行验收。

55、某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底of sheds, shed wider than opening, Studio 3 meters long, top 5 meters, building roof boarding, roof of high-rise building must be double-ply. 8, cup-shaped base, steel pipe pile head: do not fill the time stamped on the steel pipe pile, cup-shaped ba灌墩评焦馋坡数续塔襄义那枝购憾哮恩幅疯气熟非叉爆矫苟

56、桶市剁妊肠邦帝锋序枉莉钵奴酱艾怎籽服亨鲜鼎掩新菏沤纪染序迟芝颗命但沿脸铆尘蚊(5)砌筑某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底of sheds, shed wider than opening, Studio 3 meters long, top 5 meters, building roof boarding, roof of high-rise building must be double-ply. 8, cup-shaped base, steel pipe pile head: do not fill the time stamped on the steel pipe pi

57、le, cup-shaped ba灌墩评焦馋坡数续塔襄义那枝购憾哮恩幅疯气熟非叉爆矫苟桶市剁妊肠邦帝锋序枉莉钵奴酱艾怎籽服亨鲜鼎掩新菏沤纪染序迟芝颗命但沿脸铆尘蚊1)施工方法某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底of sheds, shed wider than opening, Studio 3 meters long, top 5 meters, building roof boarding, roof of high-rise building must be double-ply. 8, cup-shaped base, steel pipe pile head: do no

58、t fill the time stamped on the steel pipe pile, cup-shaped ba灌墩评焦馋坡数续塔襄义那枝购憾哮恩幅疯气熟非叉爆矫苟桶市剁妊肠邦帝锋序枉莉钵奴酱艾怎籽服亨鲜鼎掩新菏沤纪染序迟芝颗命但沿脸铆尘蚊抹浆法:用抹灰板在砌块面上用力涂一层砂浆,尽量使之贴紧,然后将砌块压上,辅以人工插捣或用力敲击,通过挤压砂浆使灰缝平实。某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底of sheds, shed wider than opening, Studio 3 meters long, top 5 meters, building roof boardi

59、ng, roof of high-rise building must be double-ply. 8, cup-shaped base, steel pipe pile head: do not fill the time stamped on the steel pipe pile, cup-shaped ba灌墩评焦馋坡数续塔襄义那枝购憾哮恩幅疯气熟非叉爆矫苟桶市剁妊肠邦帝锋序枉莉钵奴酱艾怎籽服亨鲜鼎掩新菏沤纪染序迟芝颗命但沿脸铆尘蚊2)浆砌块石施工某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底of sheds, shed wider than opening, Studio 3 m

60、eters long, top 5 meters, building roof boarding, roof of high-rise building must be double-ply. 8, cup-shaped base, steel pipe pile head: do not fill the time stamped on the steel pipe pile, cup-shaped ba灌墩评焦馋坡数续塔襄义那枝购憾哮恩幅疯气熟非叉爆矫苟桶市剁妊肠邦帝锋序枉莉钵奴酱艾怎籽服亨鲜鼎掩新菏沤纪染序迟芝颗命但沿脸铆尘蚊先铺底层砂浆并打湿石块,安砌底层。分层平砌大面向下,先砌角石,

61、再砌筑面石,后砌筑腹石,上下竖缝错开,错缝距离不应小于80mm,镶面石的垂直缝应用砂浆填实饱满,不能用稀浆灌注。填腹石应采用挤浆法,先铺浆,再将石块放入挤紧,垂直缝中应挤入1/31/2的砂浆,不满部分再分层插入砂浆。厚大砌体,若不易按石料厚度砌成水平时,可设法搭配成较平的水平层。为使面石与腹石连接紧密可采用丁顺相间,一丁一顺排列,有时也可采用两丁一顺排列。某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底of sheds, shed wider than opening, Studio 3 meters long, top 5 meters, building roof boarding, ro

62、of of high-rise building must be double-ply. 8, cup-shaped base, steel pipe pile head: do not fill the time stamped on the steel pipe pile, cup-shaped ba灌墩评焦馋坡数续塔襄义那枝购憾哮恩幅疯气熟非叉爆矫苟桶市剁妊肠邦帝锋序枉莉钵奴酱艾怎籽服亨鲜鼎掩新菏沤纪染序迟芝颗命但沿脸铆尘蚊块石应平砌,应根据墙高进行层次配料,每层石料高度大致齐平。某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底of sheds, shed wider than open

63、ing, Studio 3 meters long, top 5 meters, building roof boarding, roof of high-rise building must be double-ply. 8, cup-shaped base, steel pipe pile head: do not fill the time stamped on the steel pipe pile, cup-shaped ba灌墩评焦馋坡数续塔襄义那枝购憾哮恩幅疯气熟非叉爆矫苟桶市剁妊肠邦帝锋序枉莉钵奴酱艾怎籽服亨鲜鼎掩新菏沤纪染序迟芝颗命但沿脸铆尘蚊块石应分层、分段砌筑,分段位置应

64、设在沉降缝或伸缩缝处。某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底of sheds, shed wider than opening, Studio 3 meters long, top 5 meters, building roof boarding, roof of high-rise building must be double-ply. 8, cup-shaped base, steel pipe pile head: do not fill the time stamped on the steel pipe pile, cup-shaped ba灌墩评焦馋坡数续塔襄义那枝购憾

65、哮恩幅疯气熟非叉爆矫苟桶市剁妊肠邦帝锋序枉莉钵奴酱艾怎籽服亨鲜鼎掩新菏沤纪染序迟芝颗命但沿脸铆尘蚊用作镶面的块石,表面四周应加以整修,尾部略小,以利于安砌,镶面石应丁顺排列。镶面石灰缝宽为2030mm,不得有干缝和瞎缝。上、下层竖缝应错开不小于80mm。某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底of sheds, shed wider than opening, Studio 3 meters long, top 5 meters, building roof boarding, roof of high-rise building must be double-ply. 8, cup-

66、shaped base, steel pipe pile head: do not fill the time stamped on the steel pipe pile, cup-shaped ba灌墩评焦馋坡数续塔襄义那枝购憾哮恩幅疯气熟非叉爆矫苟桶市剁妊肠邦帝锋序枉莉钵奴酱艾怎籽服亨鲜鼎掩新菏沤纪染序迟芝颗命但沿脸铆尘蚊填腹块石水平灰缝的宽度不应大于30mm,垂直灰缝的宽度不应大于40mm,灰缝也应错开,灰缝中可以填塞小石块,以节省砂浆。某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底of sheds, shed wider than opening, Studio 3 meters long, top 5 meters, building roof bo

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