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1、写给懒惰但又想过专八的同学们-专八考生必看 来源: 吴慧冬的日志 全国各地高校的专八考生不断加我的校内咨询考试细节,甚至有部分高校的老师邀请我去做讲座,可惜时间不允许了,发现其大部分的同学们早已放弃这考试,怀着投机的心态,我当然会告诉同学们一切我知道的方法和技巧,但心态一定要端正!你是不是很懒惰 ,是不是不爱学习英语,是不是四年大学没怎学英语,是不是学了四年英语水平还是跟初学者一样,是不是老师教是不好,是不是过了考试也找不到工作?马上要考专八了,你的心态一定要端正。如果现在就放弃,你就提前结束了这场游戏,如果不放弃,最后可能输得更惨?你该如何选择?我辅导过很多学生,二流大学,非英语院校,考到7

2、0分以上甚至优秀,也曾辅导过重点语言类学校高才生不及格或刚过线,同样的教学方法,为什么出来的结果不一样?还是那句话:心态。你相信你自己吗?相信你会成功吗?老给自己找借口的人永远不会成功,我很笨,我很懒,我很丑,我专四没过,不可能过专八,我大学没怎学习,我要考高口,专八是废纸! 是的,专八不能代表你的能力,但如果一个英语专业的学生学了四年英语,严格来讲从小学3年级算起,你学了10几年英语还不过,那你不配做一个专业的学生,没有专八,北外不给发学位证书,当然其他院校只要求你过专四就行了。还有两周就考试了,我希望下面的技巧能对你们有所帮助,不要放弃我亲爱的同学们和朋友们,特别是世博会,亚运会,大运会,

3、给中国大学生,特别是语言专业的同学们所提供的机会是无限的,不是非得要过专八,但你自己要求你一定要过专八! 专八究竟哪里最难?阅读和作文?有多少同学可以在 40分的阅读里取得26分以上。有多少同学可以能用简单句写出好文章?专八谁出题?上外,上外的老师是怎样出题的?更多的不是来自语言学,而是心理学?1) 首句和尾句法:经我多年研究,阅读中的每一段的第一句和最后一句加起来就是后面5个问题的60%的答案所在地,把每一个名词和动词用铅笔划出来)2) 作者态度题和单词互换题。(作者态度一般都是中立和积极向上的,单词互换一定要选择最简单的,因为给出的单词就是文中很难的词)3) 阶梯和长短选题法(这个要面授才

4、可以懂得如何运用)4) 关键题回归法,每个问题都会有一个名词,把这个名回到回文中找(注意,找的时候一定要找它的同义词和相近词),它所在的句子一般就是答案。5)作者引用,大写字母,THAT,WHICH ,AS 等句型是必考内容。 作文是最能体现一个人的综合水平,词汇,语法和思想。下面的作文思路是我多年研究所总结出的,同学们务必记住每一段所要包括的内容,每写出来的句子不可以少于7个单词(一但你写出来的句子少于7个单词,作文是不可能取得高分,这也是上海外国语大学改卷老师所要求的),每天坚持写作文,题目可以看下往年真题,我推荐一个方法就是背,然后用自己的话写出来。下面的都是曾经考过的作文,看看我是怎样

5、写思路的。(必要作文思路) what is your ambition?第1段: Ambition is the decision one that makes resolution and carries out into action. It is a burning desire to achieve any tasks and mission in our life. Shakespeare put it, “one who has no ambition that means one who has no soul.” Indeed, once we make up our mind

6、s to accomplish our goals, then our life becomes meaningful, which almost have a bearing on all aspects of life. 1,主题定义。2,延伸主题(解释)3,引用名人名言(自编)4,对名人名言的态度(赞成还是反对)5,主题的影响(国家,社会,个人等方面) 第2段: First aspect, ambition offers us a sense of mission (观点一和例证一) In the second place, ambition can bring ones potenti

7、als to the full play.(观点二和例证二 ) Last but not the least,(观点三和例证三) 对比观点(好与坏)第3段: To sum up 1)自己的独特看法 2)主题的意义 3)问题的存在和解决方法What I Have Learned at University The development of an individual human existence can be divided into several important stages. But no period can be more influential upon the later

8、 course of our life than the years we have experienced in college. Here is the cradle of intelligentsia with vision, mission and passion. And now, as I am ready to leave campus and face the real world, I dare say that no other place can teach me more. I am very proud that in university I have learnt

9、 how important it is for one to have vision, that ability to see ahead of time and possibly others. College has raised me up, so that I could enjoy a broader view of the world. University Library, the sanctuary of mind always keeps me in a close touch with the great thoughts of giants, Shakespeare,

10、Russell, Churchill, Roosevelt, to name only a few. All these overwhelmingly famous names have turned familiar and friendly here. These great minds teach me how to live a meaningful life. They warn me that the last but greatest enemy for mankind is human existence itself. Their words of wisdom shall

11、guide and guard meovercome all the obstacles beset in the course of my life. In the light of this statement, I have to say that college years havebrightened up my vision. It is at university that I have acquired an added understanding of the meaning of mission i.e. man should have shoulders strong e

12、nough to take more responsibilities of the time. College has enriched me, so that I, to some extent, have discovered the truth to live by. When I was a sophomore, I was chosen a volunteer for the Red Cross Institution. My job, then, was to assist the doctor with the blood collecting in a blood donat

13、ion car on the street. Those days bestowed me with a moving but a little bit singular picture, in which the painful injection and hearty smile are perfectly and beautifully combined. Every parcel of blood means a piece of hope, through which I see that the possession of life lies in sharing. This is

14、 how college years has defined my mission. It is after some years at university that I have better apprehended Toynbee when he said, “Glory belongs to those who are actually in the arena, fighting passionately whilst showing every now and then mistakes or shortcomings.” I have understood the spirit

15、of transcending myself, sometimes even in a crazy way. If youth is the freshness of the deep springs of life, then college must be the fountain of passion. It cheers in the chaos of gym; it hides in the silence of lab. During the college years, I never stopped pursuing my own dream, because I never

16、fail to be inspired by the flowing current of young passion. Lawrence H. Summers, former President of Harvard said in his farewell speech, “College graduates, capable of deep reflections are what the world needs.” Living in a world of madding crowd, a group, or even a small group of people are expec

17、ted to remain transcendental and sober. If any can live up to so high a standard of existence, college graduates can. And I am fortunate in being among them at this moment and having spared little time cultivating my vision, mission and passion in the past four years. With these, I have better coura

18、ge to change myself and most probably better preparation for my future. 第1段列举了四位名人的思想对本人的影响;第2段讲了自己在大二期间做志愿者的经历,真实感人,证明mission的重要性;第3段引用了历史学家汤恩比(Tonybee)的名段讲了passion(激情)对人生的影响;最后一段,再引哈佛大学前任校长Summers(现任奥巴马内阁成员)的演讲进一步深化了主题。当然,此文如果在遣词造句方面再下一定功夫,就会更加完美! 成功不是必然的,一定要有方法,要坚持,我在全国讲学,看到很多同学很容易放弃,一遇到问题就躲避.我不会定义成功,但我会定义失败,那就是放弃,就算你没有通过也没关系,成功不在乎你失败多少次,不在乎你跌倒了多少次,而是你最后一次有没有站起来.记住你是最强的。当年专八考了89,没什么了不起的,就是考试前一个月把01年到06年的所有考过的题一字不漏全背下来并且写下来,考前做了下托福和GRE的题,你相信你行,你就一定行,目标一定要制定高一点,我当年要雅思考到9分满分,最后8.5,要专八考到90分,最后89, 我要在北大和清华演讲,我大四还没毕业就做到了,我要在剑桥大学演讲,我也做到了,一切一切是因为我有目标,并且为了目标的达成赋予一切的努力,不堕落,不自弃,你们都可以超越我,我算哪跟葱!

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