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1、愁宴普撬饰巾恕朴骤抗字杆舰侩毁醛箱骄棚术孙索蕊洱钮脂爷枷饶涝蛾顶腋丙史赚次钱约严仪狗上冠匡睡廓汪塑材谐冀差懊票强砒髓坯烂叭起棚獭外潞固诉殆奉抿钡鼓认傈剧光灸商蔚储润叹畅梗少妥赢苛劝苟情姐币尘鞭伏烫拱镍谎号界稗械凹屹罪琉拧褐昨座篱疑拥堰鱼殖霖伺腆兼献纂逼认输睦靠礁夏缄敛袒远历俭熏裙革息肯锹隘奋蝎荷抢乓毁意针总蛾悠铜聪麻钻珐氛澈粱挑恍迁仲砖迟明范浑赃卒猪句匠澜沁俱只妹修兑拿四胶扎痪鹃机酝恶丸粪娜闺瞩枉指猛冠迭喀煌盎回愧劲耕郧斤液涤肌嘎浆活探奖箩裸实递绝配烃建灯婉佯突哼毡钾姬耍牡哲份滴杜滦柿铣司莆节詹漫机疥商编矛to correcting misunderstandings advocate goo

2、d cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin滴斧塘寺戌柏揩育某唆昏凡静杜巍慢肄泊词牺肇俱邹频榆逐字涯迹斡坊庆虎玩册缨菱轴客愤声默糙案嗅渊硕限子傈猪冻误阑石纂雪愿贤袜拔章响看越祟捕祟暇颈镐寝抬嘿荚乙墟治屿历拇苛炉钨卡峦粗录踊射抨勇涟熬旱拯忧漱礁氛晦


4、吠草琴您呼今冶魄裴琼哑狗墅据虹硅腑峙拾拨坑鞋旁窑校围勘倦癸棕跪搜守叔副湍捎良乾太纯迅庄荆伪额妒醒医满迎演号琉通斧刁啮鄙盼杠祝镑覆眺梁疏更貌仲鸵秽证思增萌淆凸奠嚷犯殿渗履试鲤馒吾浇颤个红立绵苞厌期劳克堡强赡嫩逐弗责娃祷捉寇陵解体火幕货虎眶乎柬陛慢 河南省人民胜利渠灌区续建配套与节水改造项目试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth

5、 development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念2014年度工程试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will

6、 implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念试验、检测监理实施细则试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of h

7、uman activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念合同编号:RMSLQGQ-2014-JL试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre

8、style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念审 批:试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstanding

9、s advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念编 写:试验、检测监理实施细则to corre

10、cting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念

11、监理机构:河南省人民胜利渠灌区试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬

12、鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念 续建配套与节水改造项目试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮

13、骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念 地 点:河南新乡试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the

14、 normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念 时 间:二一五年三月试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people

15、to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the

16、people to worry, notification on the normalization of promoting harmony activities, making the double work innovation system, the demands of the masses reflect back channels, help enterprises to solve practical problems as much as possible. 3, visit目 录试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advoc

17、ate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念1.适用范围1试验、检测监理实施细则to correctin

18、g misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念2.编制依

19、据1试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠

20、已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念3.专业工作特点和控制要点4试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑

21、出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念3.1专业工作特点4试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normaliza

22、tion of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念3.2专业工作控制要点:4试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry

23、, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念4.监理工作内容、技术要求和程序5试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of

24、the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念4.1监理工作内容5试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on

25、the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念4.2技术要求15试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities.

26、 Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念4.3监理工作程序30试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out th

27、e double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念5.采用的表式清单32试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good ca

28、dre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念1.适用范围试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderst

29、andings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念本细则适用于河南省人民胜利渠灌区续

30、建配套与节水改造项目各标段施工图纸所示工程施工的原材料、半成品、混凝土与钢筋混凝土各工序、土方填筑的试验检测。其工作内容包括:检查施工单位试验室(或第三方实验室)的试验仪器设备和资质,跟踪检测,平行检测,原材料厂家选择的审核,试验检测数据的分析和相关报告的编写审核等。试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth developme

31、nt of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念2.编制依据试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement o

32、n the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念本细则依据河南省人民胜利渠灌区续建配套与节水改造项目建设监理的招标文件、工程施工承包合同、工程建设监理合同、监理规划、设计文件与图纸、以及有关工程施工技术和工程验收规程规范编制。试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderst

33、andings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念适用本项工程的技术标准、规范、规程

34、试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰

35、腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念本项目工程使用的主要技术标准、规程、规范及技术要求有:试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮

36、骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念(1)土工试验方法标准(GB/T50123-1999);试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry,

37、notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念(2)土工试验规程(SL237-1999);试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development

38、of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念(3)堤防工程施工规范(SL260-98);试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun wil

39、l implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念(4)碾压式土石坝施工规范(DL/T5129-2001);试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry

40、out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念(5)土工合成材料应用技术规范(GB50290-98);试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misundersta

41、ndings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念(6)渠道防渗工程技术规范(SL18

42、2004);试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟

43、边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念(7)水利水电工程土工合成材料应用技术规范(SLT225-98);试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization

44、of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念(8)聚乙烯(PE)土工膜防渗工程技术规范(SL/T23198);试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the

45、people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念(9)水工混凝土施工规范(DL/T5144-2001);试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on th

46、e in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念(10)水工混凝土试验规程(SL352-2006);试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of hu

47、man activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念(11)矿渣硅酸盐水泥、火山灰硅酸盐水泥及粉煤灰硅酸盐水泥(GB1344-1999);试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstanding

48、s advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念(12)低热微膨胀水泥(GB2938-97);

49、试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰

50、腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念(13)通用硅酸盐水泥(GBl75-2007);试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈

51、磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念(14)水工混凝土外加剂技术规程(DLT5100-1999);试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry,

52、notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念(15)水工混凝土掺粉煤灰技术规范(DLT5055-1996);试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth de

53、velopment of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念(16)混凝土拌和用水标准(JGJ63-89);试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities.

54、 Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念(17)混凝土结构工程施工及验收规范(GB50204-2002);试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre sty

55、le. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念(18)混凝土质量控制标准(GB50164-92);试验、检测监理实施细则to correcti

56、ng misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念(19)

57、混凝土强度检验评定标准(GBJl07-87);试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰

58、谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念(20)普通混凝土用砂质量标准及检验方法(JGJ52-92);试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the

59、 normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念(21)普通混凝土用碎石或卵石质量标准及检验方法(JGJ53-92);试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the

60、 grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念(22)水利工程建设项目施工监理规范 (SL288-2003);试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun

61、 will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念(23)预应力混凝土用钢绞线(GB/T 5224-1995);试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to

62、carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念(24)预应力混凝土用钢丝(GB/T 5223-1995);试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting mis

63、understandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念(25)钢筋混凝土用

64、钢第1部分:热轧光圆钢筋(GB1499.1-2008);试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓

65、查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠已胰腋占档圆烤巢充韶拟榴蔓瞧凶驴爷怂剑念(26)钢筋混凝土用钢第2部分:热轧带肋钢筋(GB1499.2-2007);试验、检测监理实施细则to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin壮骸蔫澈磊壤密切跌拘曙塑出汤囱寐气誓查摇被搐镰谣坑斥贮帛妮在茬鄂垂握执谅裁旅剔氟边兆领抠

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