高考英语二轮复习 第二部分 专题十二 特殊句式及其他课件.ppt

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《高考英语二轮复习 第二部分 专题十二 特殊句式及其他课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语二轮复习 第二部分 专题十二 特殊句式及其他课件.ppt(24页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、怎么考 此专题是语法填空及短文改错的冷考点,侧重考查倒装、强调及主谓一致。 怎么学 在平时的阅读练习中,注意体会倒装句、强调句、省略句的用法。 怎么解 1.掌握基本句型,以不变应万变;2.拓宽思维,注意变式与特殊形式;3.辨别考查的综合性和情景性。,.体验考向 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.(2015湖南卷)It is important to remember that success _(be)a sum of small efforts made each day and often _(take)years to achieve. 2.(2015湖南卷)Video games can

2、be a poor influence if _(leave)in the wrong hands. 3.(2015湖南卷)Always _(keep)in mind that your main task is to get this company running smoothly.,答案 1.is; takes句意:重要的是要记住,成功是每天付出的点滴努力积累而成,常常要花费数年才能实现。that引导宾语从句,在从句中,主语是success,是不可数名词,因此从句的谓语使用单数形式。is和takes是并列谓语。 2.left句意:电脑游戏如果在不合适的人手中可能产生糟糕的影响。此处if

3、left为省略形式,后面省略了video games are。在时间状语从句,条件状语从句和让步状语从句中,如果从句的主语和主句的主语一致,而且从句含有动词be,可以把从句的主语和be 一起省略。 3.keep句意:时刻记住,你的首要任务是使公司平稳运行。此处为“祈使句and. .结构”。keep in mind that记住。,.语境感悟 根据提示,完成下列短文,然后朗读或背诵短文,体会特殊句式的用法。 Every man and every woman here _1_ (have) a good reason to be proud of the work done by Mrs.Gre

4、en.Every day after she went home,_2_ (如果不累) from work,she always helped in the kitchen.But today it seemed different.She was shut in._3_ (尽管努力) she might,she didnt open the door.She _4_ (的确希望) that someone could help her.She shouted for,help as if _5_ (cry).For a moment nothing happened.Then _6_ (声音

5、传来) all singing together.The door was opened,_7_ (跑进来) his son.After that,she saw a big birthday cake on the table.Only then _8_ (她意识到) that it was her families _9_ shut the door on purpose in order to give her a surprising birthday party._10_ (多么令人难忘的生日) it was!,答案 1.has主谓一致。every.and every.的谓语用单数第

6、三人称。 2.if not tired省略。if she was not tired。 3.Try asas引导的让步状语从句,应采取倒装结构。 4.did hope强调句式。do,does,did谓语动词原形。 5.crying省略。she was crying。,6.came voices倒装。表示时间、地点或方位的副词放在句首,且主语是名词时,全部倒装。 7.in ran同第6题。 8.did she realize倒装。only修饰副词、介词短语或状语时,应部分倒装。 9.that/who强调句。it was.that/who(人)。 10.What an unforgettable

7、birthday感叹句。what(a/an)adj.n.主语谓语!,.正反探究 1.【误】 If you have a job,dont devote yourself to it and finally youll succeed. 【正】 If you have a job,do devote yourself to it and finally youll succeed. 解析本句为“祈使句and陈述句”句型;do是对谓语动词devote的强调。,2.【误】 Not only can he repair bikes but can he repair televisions. 【正】

8、Not only can he repair bikes but he can repair televisions. 解析not only.but (also ).的部分倒装,其结构为:not only 倒装语序,but also 陈述语序。此外,当 not only.but also.位于句首连接两个并列的主语时,主谓也不倒装。如:Not only she but also I will get married next year.,3.【误】Apples of this kind tastes good and sell well. 【正】Apples of this kind tast

9、e good and sell well. 解析由a kind of,kinds of,an amount of,amounts of,a quantity of,quantities of跟名词或“名词 of this kind”等作主语时,谓语动词与of之前的名词保持一致。 4.【误】 A child as / though he is,he is very brave. 【正】 Child as / though he is,he is very brave. 解析由 as /though 引导的表示“虽然,尽管”的让步状语从句用倒装语序,把从句的表语或状语等放在 as / though

10、 的前面,但是如果从句中的表语是名词,该名词前不加任何冠词。,5.【误】Are you and Jane getting married? We hope. 【正】Are you and Jane getting married? We hope to. 解析动词不定式在 like,love,care,want,hope,expect, prefer,refuse,decide,mean,intend,try,promise 等动词后作宾语时,为了避免重复,常常省略不定式后的内容,但是要保留不定式符号 to。,.考点确认 一、强调句 1.强调句型 强调句型由“Itis/was被强调部分that

11、/who.”构成,可以用来强调句子的主语、宾语、状语;被强调部分是 指人的名词或代词时用who和that均可,其他情况一律用that。 (1)强调句的一般疑问句式 Is/Was it被强调部分that/who.? Was it yesterday that you met your old friend in the supermarket?,(2)强调句的特殊疑问句式 特殊疑问词(被强调部分)is/wasitthat/who.? Why was it that you didnt attend the meeting? What was it that made her so upset?

12、(3)对not.until.进行强调 It is/wasnot until.that. It was not until I failed in the exams that I realized I had not studied hard.,2.使用助动词do(does,did)强调 强调句子谓语动词时,将助动词do(does,did)置于动词原形之前,用来加强语气。 Do be careful!一定要细心! He does enjoy drawing.他确实喜欢画画。,二、倒装句 1.部分倒装 部分倒装指的是只将be动词、助动词和情态动词提到主语前面。 (1)表示否定意义的词或短语置于句

13、首时句子用部分倒装。 常见的这类词或短语有not,never,hardly,seldom,rarely,by no means,in no way,in no case,at no time等。 Seldom in my life have I met so determined a person. At no time should you touch it or get it hurt.,(2)not only.but (also).连接两个分句,not only.置于句首时,前一个分句用部分倒装。 Not only do I enjoy less spare time,but I fin

14、d myself even busier than before. (3)在no sooner.than.,hardly(scarcely).when.结构中,no sooner/hardly(scarcely)置于句首时,主句部分用部分倒装,且用过去完成时,than/when后的句子用一般过去时。 Hardly had he begun to speak when his father stopped him. No sooner had she seen him than she smiled.,(4)在not.until.结构中,当not until.置于句首时,主句/句子用部分倒装。

15、Not until then did he know he lost his way. Not until all the fish died in the river did the villagers realize how serious the pollution was. (5)only强调状语置于句首时,主句/句子用部分倒装。 Only in this way can we learn English well. Only when he returned did we find out the truth. (6)so,neither,nor置于句首表示前面的情况也适用于另一人或

16、物时。 We saw the film last week.So did they. I have never been abroad.Neither has he.,(7)在so/such.that.句型中,so/such.置于句首时,主句用部分倒装。 So moved was she that she could not say a word. Such was the force of the explosion that all the windows were broken. (8)虚拟条件句中如果有were/had/should,省略连词if时,were/had/should要提到

17、主语之前,构成部分倒装。 Were they here now,they could help us. Had you come earlier,you would have met him. (9)neither.nor.连接并列的句子,前后两个分句都要倒装。 Neither do I know what has happened,nor do I care about it.,2.完全倒装 完全倒装指的是将谓语部分全部放在主语前面。 (1)表示地点、方位的词(短语),或there,here,now,then等置于句首,且主语是名词时用完全倒装结构。 Down came the rain.

18、Here comes the train to Beijing. In the deep forest lies a lake,with a variety of fishes in it. On top of the mountain stands an ancient temple. (2)主系表结构中的表语置于句首时。 Present at the meeting were Professor Zhang and many other guests. (3)直接引语的一部分位于句首时。 “Exactly,”said my father,shaking the old mans hand.

19、,三、主谓一致的常见用法 1.“主语with/along with/together with/as well as/rather than/but/except名词”,谓语动词的形式与主语一致。 A gift together with many flowers was sent to me on Teachers Day by my students. The father as well as his children goes skating on the frozen river every Sunday morning in winter.,2.由either.or.,neithe

20、r.nor.,not only.but(also).,or,nor连接的并列成分作主语,以及there be句式中,谓语动词的形式与最靠近的主语一致。 Either you or I was wrong in this matter. Not only the teacher but also his students have been invited to the meeting. 3.被every,each,many a,more than one等修饰的名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数。 Every boy and (every) girl has adapted to the new t

21、eacher. Many a student in this school is from the country.,4.class,family,crew,team,group,crowd,government等集体名词作主语时,若侧重整体,谓语动词常用单数;若侧重成员,谓语动词用复数。 The football team is made up of 22 members. The football team are taking their training course on the playground.,5.从句、不定式或动名词作主语时,谓语动词通常用单数。 When the mee

22、ting will be held has not been decided yet. Reading in the sun does harm to our eyes. 注意:主语是what引导的从句,谓语动词的形式根据主语从句表示的意义而定。例如:What we want is money./What we want are skilled workers. 6.定语从句中,关系代词作主语时,谓语动词的形式与先行词保持一致。 Mr Smith,who is now downstairs,is asking to see you. The Smiths,who are now downstairs,are asking to see you.,

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