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1、北京市房屋租赁协议英文版 房屋租赁协议属于财产租赁协议的一个主要形式,今天xxxx要和大家分享的是:英文版的北京市房屋租赁协议范本。详细内容以下,欢迎参考阅读!北京市房屋租赁协议DATE日期:Lessor (Hereafter referred to as THE LESSOR)出租人(以下简称甲方):ID Card No.身份证(护照)号: TEL电话: Mail Add通讯地址.:Lessee: (Hereafter referred to as THE LESSEE)承租人(以下简称乙方):ID Card No.身份证(护照)号: TEL电话: Mail Add通讯地址:This Lea

2、se has been mutual agreed and set up by THE LESSOR and THE LESSEE complying with The Lease or Rent Contract Law Of The Peoples Republic Of China and related regulations provided by the Tianjin government.依据中国租赁协议法甲乙双方在自愿、平等、互利的基础上,经协商一致,签订本协议。内容以下:1:The property to be leased is described as出租物业: Loc

3、ation地点: Area面积:2:Rental fees租金:2.1:RMB_ per month.该房屋月租为人民币 元;大写:万 仟 佰 拾元整。2.2: Rental should be payable on _ month base in advance. The first rental shall be paid before moving in and the following rental shall be received by within the _ day of each succeeding months term.租金每 个月付一次。详细付款日期: 前支付,甲方

4、收到为准。2.3:Any delayed of the rental shall be charged 0.2% of the monthly rental day by day as a penalty. Delayed payment more than 7 days shall be regarded as a breach of the contract, THE LESSOR shall have the right to take back the premises after a prior written notice to THELESSEE, and THE LESSEE

5、shall bear all the responsibilities caused by such breach.乙方如逾期支付租金,每逾期一天,则乙方需按月租金的0.2%支付滞纳金,欠交租金超出七天,视同违约,甲方有权收回房屋,并由乙方负担一切违约责任。2.4:Rental is to be paid in cash in RMB YUAN.THE LESSOR will make out receipt. 租金以人民币支付,甲方出具收据。3: 押金Deposit:3.1:At the time of signing of the contract, a deposit of months

6、 equivalent rental RMB _shall be paid by THE LESSEE in cash. 签约时,承租人须支付相当于月房租的押金,即人民币元整。该押金不得冲抵房款。3.2:The deposit shall be refundable after its expiration or early termination ( with same currency and with no interest thereupon ), providing all furnishings, contents and rental property are not subje

7、ct to any loss of unusual damage, and all the various bills have been duly settled. 在协议到期或解约后, 甲方在乙方不拖欠任何费用和保持室内设施完好的情况下即返还押金。4:租期Lease term:4.1:From the date_ to_ for continuous_ months. If residence is overstayed, one monthrent is due to lessor, even if oversay is less than one month.乙方租用该房期限为 个月,

8、即自 年 月 日至年 月 日止。超出该租期,不足30天按30天计算。4.2:No early termination either by THE LESSOR or by THE LESSEE is allowed during the lease period, Otherwise, one month rental penalty for such early termination shall be paid to the counter party.在租赁协议期内,甲乙双方任何一方未经对方同意中途私自解除协议的,应向对方支付30天的房租作为违约金。4.3:At its expirati

9、on ,with a must of 30 days prior written notice to THE LESSOR, THE LESSEE retains his priority to renew this lease.THE LESSOR shall also inform THE LESSEE 30 days in advance whether the rental will be adjusted. If the occupants decide not to renewlease within THE LESSEEs term, THE LESSEE shall give

10、a prior written notice to THE LESSOR. 本协议期满时,乙方有优先续租权,但须提前30天给甲方书面通知,取得甲方的同意,并签署续租协议。甲方亦须在30天前通知乙方是否变动租金。4.4: If Force Majeure (such as earthquake, typhoon, flood, nonmanmade fire, government order etc.)cause to terminating the contract, THE LESSEE and THE LESSOR should be free of duty.因洪水、地震、或政府拆迁、

11、征用等不可抗力原因,造成双方不得不中止协议,双方不负担违约责任,按实际天数计算房租。4.5:In case that the property ownership is transferred during the lease, THE LESSEE has the right to continue to use the said premises according to the contract without any disturbance from THE LESSOR or any the third party.在租赁期间,甲方的房屋全部权发生转移,乙方有权继续主张本协议的权利和

12、义务,甲方及第三方不能损害乙方的权利和义务。5:Lease Term租赁条件:5.1: These premises are limited of residential use only by THE LESSEE, and are prohibited from registering as legal address for any company or agency, or using as public office. 乙方不得将该房屋用作企业或代表处的注册地址。5.2:THE LESSEE shall not carry in the premises any unlawful o

13、f illegal activities which are not allowed according to China laws and the leasing regulations of the government. Otherwise, THE LESSOR shall have the right to take back the premises after a prior written notice to THE LESSEE.乙方不得在出租房屋内进行违反法律及政府对出租房屋用途相关要求的行为,不然甲方有权在书面通知乙方后收回房屋。5.3:THE LESSEE shall

14、not partly or totally sublet, sell, lend, mortgage, exchange, exchange the said premises or use it so as to raise any jointventure or become a certain shareholder without the written permission from THE LESSOR. Otherwise, THE LESSOR can terminate the contract and confiscate the deposit. THE LESSEE a

15、nd the third party shall return the property unconditionally to THE LESSOR. THE LESSEE shall bear all the responsibilities caused herefrom.未经甲方书面同意,乙方不得将出租房屋转租、分租、转让、转借、联营、入股、抵押或和她人调剂交换使用,不然甲方有权终止协议并没收押金。乙方及第三方必需无条件退还出租房,且由乙方负担一切违约责任。5.4:THE LESSEE should pay in time the water, gas, electricity , he

16、ating fee, the TelBills, TV receiving , managing fee and the lease related invoice taxes on actual user basis. Delayed payment more than 15 days shall be regarded as a breach of the contract, THE LESSOR shall have the right to take back the premises after a prior written notice to THE LESSEE, and TH

17、E LESSEE shall bear all the responsibilities caused by such breach.乙方应按时支付因租用该出租房屋而产生的相关费用,包含:水费、电费、煤气费、暖气费、存车费、电话费和有线电视收视费、物业管理费、发票税金等费用。如经甲方催促,乙方仍欠交费用,超出15天,甲方有权收回房屋,并由乙方负担一切违约责任。5.5:The damage of the premises or the fittings that is within the control of THE LESSEE shall be borne by THE LESSEE,an

18、d THE LESSEE shall contact the management office or THE LESSOR instantly. If THE LESSEE refuses to compensate or to contact the management office to repair, THE LESSOR shall have the right to repair and charge the cost from THE LESSEE. The cost of repairs to the said premises, if damaged by Force Ma

19、jeure (such as earthquake, typhoon, flood, nonmanmade fire, etc.), reasonable wear and tear or by accidents beyond THE LESSEEs control, should be borne by THE LESSOR.因乙方使 用不妥,房屋及其内的设施出现损坏,乙方应立即联络管理机构进行维修,并负担相关维修费用。若乙方拒不维修或赔偿,甲方有权代为维修,维修所需费用由乙方负担;但因为不可抗力,如地震、台风、洪水、非人为的火灾等,自然损耗或乙方以外的原因造成的损坏,由甲方负担相关费用。

20、5.6:THE LESSEE, upon written permission of THE LESSOR, may make additions or alterations dealing with water, electricity supply or fire protection, at his own expense, subject to necessary permits or licenses required by the authorities concerned and under the supervision of THE LESSOR. No structura

21、l alterations can be removed from the premises, upon expiration or termination of this contract. No reimbursement for said additions, and any structural damage to the premises must be repaired or compensated by THE LESSEE.租赁期内,乙方对出租房屋进行装修或增加设施须取得甲方同意并经政府相关部门同意,并由甲方实施监理,所需费用由乙方负担。双方解约时,乙方不能移走自行添加的结构性

22、设施,甲方亦无须对上述添加设施进行赔偿。如损坏原有之设施,由乙方负责修复或赔偿。5.7:THE LESSEE shall obey the regulations made by the management office such as not to litter or take any private use of public area and etc.租用房屋之内部卫生,设施保养、维护均由乙方负责。乙方不得占用公共场所及通道作任何用途。5.8:THE LESSEE shall have the right to move in after paying off the deposit

23、and the first term of rental.乙方在付清押金,首期租金后即可入住。5.9:In case there is a cut of water, power or any other hitch which is caused by the accident beyond the control of THE LESSEE, THE LESSOR shall take the responsibility to assist and push the authorities concerned to repair and resume it as soon as poss

24、ible.若因为甲方以外原因造成出租房屋停水,停电或其它故障,甲方有义务敦促并帮助相关部门抢修,使之立即得以恢复。5.10:THE LESSEE shall not store in or out of the premises any inflammable or dangerous thing, nor let any corrosive or dirty thing come out of the premises.乙方须做好安全及防火工作,不得在房屋内外存放或排放有害,腐蚀性或污臭物质,禁止存放易燃,易爆品。5.11:Insurance: THE LESSOR will retain

25、insurance on his property and belongings, and THE LESSEE will be responsible for his own property brought into or kept in proximity of the premises. If there is anything lost, THE LESSOR shall assist to conduct investigations, but has no responsibility to compensate it.乙方须负责好自己带来的财物,妥善保管,如有意外,甲方可帮助调

26、查,但不负责赔偿。5.12:THE LESSEE shall return the property intact to THE LESSOR at the expiration of the contract if there is no renewal thereupon. THE LESSOR shall have the right to take any effective measures to take back the premises in case that THE LESSEE refuses to move out at the expiration of the co

27、ntract.租赁期满,若甲、乙双方未达成续租协议,乙方应于租期届满时或之前迁离出租房屋并将钥匙及房屋按租用时之情况归还甲方。若乙方逾期不迁离或不归还出租房屋,则甲方有权采取有效方法收回出租房屋并另行处理。5.13:THE LESSOR or his nominees, with the prenotice and consent to THE LESSEE, shall have the right to inspect or repair the premises at any reasonable time (except for emergency). If THE LESSEE ha

28、d any trouble ,which was foreign to THE LESSOR ,with the third party。在双方协议期间或解除协议后,乙方和第三方的任何纠纷全部和甲方无关,乙方应自行处理。6:Other conditions其它条件:6.1:Three copies of the lease will be drawn, and remain in the possession of THE LESSOR , THE LESSEE and THE WITNESS. 本协议一式三份,甲、乙双方各持一份,见证方一份,含有相同法律效力。6.3:The contract

29、 is drawn in both Chinese and English versions. Chinese versions will have validity finally in law. The contract shall come into force on the date that the lessor receives the deposit and the frist term of rental.本协议为中英文版本,中英文含有相同效力。发生争议,以汉字为最终解释。本协议自出租人收到首期房租和押金后生效。6.4:The appendix(Property list ) is an indivisible part of this contract.协议的附件是本协议不可分割的组成部分。Signatures or official marks签章:THE LESSOR甲方: THE LESSEE乙方:THE WITNESS见证方

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