四川省乐山市2014高考英语 完形填空 2013暑假作业题(8)

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1、乐山市2014高考英语完形填空:2013暑假作业题(8)及答案All the World AsksOn my first day in a college classroom, I felt like an overgrown child returning to civilization (文明世界) after having been lost in the forest for thirty years. There I sat, 1 enough to be a father to most of the students in the room, 2 unconfident enou

2、gh to be their baby brother. We were crowded elbow (肘部) to elbow, listening to a 3 who looked even younger than the students. I felt uncomfortable and out of place as the professor carefully 4 what she expected us to learn. As I listened, I couldnt help but 5 of my own oldest daughter who was now be

3、ginning her first year in 6 , just like me. I remembered how hard I had tried to help build self-confidence in her and my other children. So why did I suddenly feel like a scared 7 myself? When I walked out of that classroom, I had serious 8 about my ability to make it 9 college. Not until late that

4、 night did my thinking 10 . It was a long-distance 11 from my daughter, my fellow college freshman (新生), that did the trick. She spoke on the phone about the doubts, worries and anxieties she was 12 . She was certain that shed never 13 at college. How 14 her worries sounded. In my most confident par

5、ental 15 , I said, “Doing your best is all the world 16 .” The next day in class, those words still repeated in my head. When the professor raised a 17 for the class, nobody, including me, 18 to answer. When I looked around at the 19 and uncertainty on the young faces in that room, I knew 20 what I

6、had to do: my best. Thats all the world asks. So I raised my hand, and the professor called my name. I spoke. 1. A. big B. tall C. old D. strong 2. A. andB. soC. orD. yet 3. A. professor B. teacher C. lecturer D. instructor 4. A. showed B. explained C. designed D. offered5. A. think B. speak C. talk

7、 D. hear6. A. school B. office C. classroom D. college7. A. father B. parent C. child D. son8. A. fears B. doubts C. opinions D. ideas9. A. over B. on C. with D. through10. A. stop B. turn C. change D. continue11. A. call B. talk C. report D. discussion12. A. acquiring B. gaining C. experiencing D.

8、feeling13. A. fail B. succeed C. win D. pass14. A. common B. ordinary C. regular D. familiar15. A. sound B. whisper C. word D. voice 16. A. hopes B. asks C. wants D. expects17. A. request B. problem C. question D. demand18. A. dared B. preferred C. tried D. prepared19. A. sorrow B. joy C. fear D. an

9、ger20. A. exactly B. roughly C. gradually D. certainly参考答案15 CDABA 610 DCBDC1115 ACBDD1620 BCACA*结束. 完形填空It may be difficult to understand nonverbal(非语言的)messages because different cultures have different expectations about eye contact, physical 1 , body gestures, etc. Lets consider eye contact. Chi

10、ldren from many Latin American and Asian 2 show respect by avoiding the glance of important persons. A teacher whos 3 with this, however, might consider the lack of eye contact as a sign of 4 . For many American Indian children, 5 a teacher in the eye and answering her question in front of the class

11、 is “showing off”. Culture greatly 6 attitudes about physical contact, whether its a handshake, hug, or pat on the back. In Asia, female friends 7 hold hands and men casually(随便地) hug one another as they walk down the street. Americans, however, may feel 8 with such public behavior. In some Asian cu

12、ltures, affectionately patting an 9 head is strictly taboo(禁忌), 10 it can be acceptable behavior between adults and young children. How 11 should people stand to each other when theyre having a conversation? In areas of the Middle East and South America, people stand very close when 12 . European Am

13、ericans like to have 13 distance between them, while some African Americans 14 even more space. You can 15 great discomfort by standing too close to another person. Not being 16 of this can even prevent someone from understanding or 17 the ideas youre trying to get across. To create a positive envir

14、onment for communication, your nonverbal message must closely 18 your verbal message. One way to do this is to carefully observe how children and families speak and 19 around each other and with people they respect. This can 20 clues(线索) about the true meaning of their nonverbal interactions. 1. A.

15、exerciseB. touchC. educationD. strength2. A. schoolsB. villagesC. homelandsD. cultures3. A. uncertainB. angryC. unfamiliarD. popular4. A. disrespectB. ideaC. dangerD. disappointment5. A. seeingB. staring atC. lookingD. glancing at6. A. influencesB. guaranteesC. arrangesD. indicates7. A. neverB. ofte

16、nC. seldomD. sometimes8. A. pleasedB. comfortableC. madD. uncomfortable9. A. childrensB. babysC. adultsD. mans10. A. becauseB. althoughC. unlessD. if11. A. farB. closelyC. properlyD. close12. A. talkingB. eatingC. waitingD. listening13. A. moreB. lessC. no D. little14. A. hateB. preferC. wishD. drea

17、m15. A. changeB. expectC. createD. accept16. A. afraidB. ashamedC. proudD. aware17. A. suggestingB. considering C. refusingD. accepting18. A. passB. explainC. matchD. prepare19. A. talkB. behaveC. useD. look20. A. provideB. supportC. proveD. search【文章大意】在不同的文化中,人们对目光交流、身体接触、身势语言等有不同的理解,因此,有时要理解这些非语言

18、信息会很难。1.【解析】选B。考查名词。此题属于原词复现。physical touch意为“身体接触”,这从第6空后的physical contact可得到暗示。2.【解析】选D。此题属于原词复现。第一段已提到不同文化(different cultures)中人们对视线接触、身势语等有不同的理解。此处举例说明,故此空填“文化”一词。3.【解析】选C。考查形容词。在拉美和亚洲文化中,小孩回避他人的视线是对其尊敬的表示。而对此不了解的老师会误以为这是缺乏尊重。be unfamiliar with sth. 意为“对不熟悉”。4.【解析】选A。考查名词。此空前的however说明此句与前一句之间在逻

19、辑上是转折关系。既然前一句说是show respect,此处当然是a sign of disrespect。5.【解析】选C。考查动词。look sb. in the eye意为“直视某人”。6.【解析】选A。考查动词。在文章首段中说“不同的文化对视线接触、身体接触等有不同的期待(different cultures have different expectations about eye contact, physical touch)”,然后在第二段讲视线接触在不同文化中的不同理解,此节则是讲physical contact在不同文化中的影响,即“文化极大地影响到人们对身体接触的态度”。

20、这也是这一段的主题句。7.【解析】选B。考查副词。由于男性之间可以随意地拥抱一下,故可推测作为女性握手则是常事。8.【解析】选D。考查形容词。此句中的however同样表示转折。而在美国文化中这种公开场合的行为令人感到不舒服。9.【解析】选C。考查名词所有格。从第10题后可得到暗示。在亚洲摸成人的头是严格禁止的(strictly taboo),但是成人和小孩之间摸头却是可以接受的(be acceptable)。10.【解析】选B。考查连词。前后句之间是让步关系,故用although。11.【解析】选D。考查副词。从本段的people stand very close,distance,stan

21、ding too close等处可知本段是谈人与人之间站位的距离。closely“紧密地,仔细地”。12.【解析】选A。考查动词。此空的when talking与前一句的when theyre having a conversation意思一样。13.【解析】选A。考查形容词。来自中东和南美的人谈话时站得很近(stand very close),而来自欧洲的美国人的心理距离要更大一些。14.【解析】选B。考查动词。此句中的while表示对比。来自非洲的美国人的心理距离相比之下(双方的心理距离)更远。15.【解析】选C。考查动词。双方谈话时,站得太近,超过可接受的心理距离,人就会感到极不舒服。c

22、reate“引起,造成”。16.【解析】选D。考查形容词。对谈话时的心理距离要知道,否则会造成麻烦。be aware of意为“意识到,知道”。be ashamed of“以为羞愧”。17.【解析】选D。考查动词。此题属于近义复现。此空前的or表示选择关系,说明此空后的内容“ 17 the ideas”与前面的understanding意思相近。不意识到人们交流时默认的心理距离甚至会阻碍他人理解或接受你试图传达的意思。18.【解析】选C。考查动词。指非语言信息与语言信息要相配(match),要一致。19.【解析】选B。考查动词。这些文化差异可通过观察小孩和家人间的谈话及举止方式(behave)

23、来了解。20.【解析】选A。考查动词。这样就可为你真正理解他们的非语言交流提供(provide)线索。*结束The story happened in Vietnam during the war. A bomb 1 in an orphanage(孤儿院)and several children were wounded, 2 an 8-year-old girl. People from the village 3 medical help from the nearby American forces. Soon, an American doctor and a nurse arriv

24、ed in a jeep. They found out the girl was the most seriously injured. 4 quick transfusion (putting new blood into a persons body), she would die of shock and 5 of blood. A quick test showed that 6 American had the correct 7 , but several of the uninjured orphans 8 . Speaking poor Vietnamese, the doc

25、tor tried to explain to their 9 audience that unless they could 10 some of the girls lost blood, she would certainly die. Then they asked if anyone would be willing to give blood to help. The request was met with 11 . After several moments, a small hand slowly went up, 12 back down, and then went up

26、 again. He was Heng.Heng was quickly 13 on a bed, a needle inserted in his arm. After a moment, he let out a sob (抽泣), quickly covering his face with his 14 hand. When the doctor asked him if the needle hurt, he 15 his head. But soon his occasional sobs gave 16 to a steady, silent crying. Something

27、seemed 17 . At this point, a Vietnamese nurse arrived to help. She spoke to the boy rapidly in Vietnamese and after a moment, the patient stopped crying and a(n) 18 of happiness spread over his face.Glancing up, the nurse said to the Americans, “He thought he was dying. He misunderstood you. He thou

28、ght you had asked him to give all his blood 19 the little girl could live.” “But why would he be willing to do that?”The Vietnamese nurse 20 the question to the boy, who answered simply, “Shes my friend.” 1. A. attacked B. landed C. blew D. knocked2. A. including B. concerningC. containingD. regardi

29、ng3. A. provided B. asked C. offered D. requested4. A. Without B. ForC. Besides D. Except5. A. delayB. decrease C. leak D. loss6. A. bothB. neither C. either D. each7. A. kindB. typeC. sortD. variety8. A. didnt B. hadnt C. did D. had 9. A. frightened B. injured C. surprised D. expected10. A. remain

30、B. repairC. replace D. return 11. A. peace B. calmC. absence D. silence 12. A. fallenB. droppedC. taken D. drawn 13. A. lain B. laid C. lied D. lay14. A. free B. spare C. extra D. second15. A. raised B. lowered C. shook D. nodded 16. A. way B. time C. room D. chance17. A. mistaken B. right C. normal D. wrong18. A. appearanceB. sightC. sense D. look19. A. because B. when C. so D. although 20. A. gaveB. replied C. repeated D. told 15 BADAD 610 BBCAC1115 DBBAC1620 ADDCC*结束 - 6 -

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