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1、英语作文应试技巧,简介,菜单,所谓作文,作文,它是听说读写里最容易拿高分的项目,因为不懂的地方你完全可以回避过去。因此,要树立这样一个目标:任何级别的作文考试你至少要拿到80%以上的分数。而要做到这一点,仅仅需要花还不够背1000个单词的时间。,真是鬼扯,有道理,同意?,本来就是嘛,下面看好了,下一步,不同意啊?,也许才听到这种说法有点让人接受不了吧,但很多人都做得到哦,所以更需要看看这个课件了,是不是?,知道什么是好作文吗?,看看这三个句子,你觉得哪句最象能拿高分的样子?,C最好,B最好,A最好,例句C,例句B,例句A,例句A,More and more students want to g

2、et a part-time job, because they need much money.,例句B,The number of students who want to get a part-time job has been increasing, because they have to spend more money.,例句C,With the spending increasing, the number of students, they want to get a part-time job, has been rising.,什么呀,再想想,你的语感可能有问题哦,答对了

3、!,有什么根据?该不是蒙的吧?,Menu,实施6,卷面5,衔接4,词汇3,亮点2,定义1,范文7,定义,在你有足够的鉴赏能力之前,请记住:一篇好的作文是由被动语态、抽象名词、独立主格加上复杂得乱七八糟的从句组成。,返回菜单,再看例句,亮点,考试考的是你的语言表达能力而非你的思想,所以,当你内心赞同某个观点但却有几个关键单词不会写的时候,你完全可以转为反对它。当然,你若是掌握了几个特别好的用法,也可以使文章的内容去将就这几句话。因为一篇没有大错误的文章里,必须一两个亮点才能得高分 。,尾段亮点,首句亮点,返回菜单,启始句亮点,With time passes, there has been tw

4、o opposing views about using computer in English teaching.,总结句亮点,According to these reasons we have discussed above, we can find a really safe conclusion that it is necessary to use computer in English teaching and do something about their disadvantages.,词汇,单词和句子结构的深度、广度也是很重要的。所谓深度,就是少用简单句、简单词(三级大纲里

5、面的词汇);多用从句和复杂高深的字眼。别怕,其实真正在议论文中出现的翻来覆去就那几个单词和那几个句型,多写写就习惯了。,举例,返回菜单,词汇举例,Significant Vital Essential Key Crucial,Important,衔接,句子的衔接非常重要,有人用了这样一个比方,汉语就象竹子,一截一截的,铿锵有力;英语象大树,一片一片,连接紧密。在英语的文中,不能象汉语那样只靠逻辑关系来衔接各个段落和句子,必须有过渡性词汇 。虽然有很多,但你也用不着全部学会,掌握一两套就够了。,英文短句,中文短句,衔接词,返回菜单,中文短句,关公曰:“酒且斟下,某去便来!”出帐提刀,飞身上马。众

6、诸侯听得关外鼓声大振,喊声大举,如天摧地塌,岳撼山崩,众皆失惊。正欲探听,鸾铃响,马到中军,云长提华雄之头,掷于地上其酒尚温。,英文短句,I hiked yesterday. The weather was bad. But I was very happy. I want to do this in the future. And I prefer to go in sunshine.,常用衔接词,附加:In addition Moreover Also Likewise Furthermore Even 顺序:To begin with The former Firstly After t

7、his 结果:As a result Thus therefore eventually in that case 对比:However Despite On the contrary otherwise instead of,文体和卷面,书面正式文体和平常所写的略有差别。比如 I am就不能写成Im,最好彻底不用简写。还有格式,可以采用的是英美国家今年来流行的格式,抬头不加空格、段与段之间空一行,这样写的好处是可以掩盖你的字迹混乱,而给人一种清爽的感觉。作文毕竟是要靠老师主观评价的,卷面太差明显要吃亏。,齐头式,缩进式,返回菜单,缩进式,January 12th, 2002 Dear Mr.

8、 President, Im a student in the English department of our university. Im writing to tell you some problems with the canteen service on campus and my own suggestions on how to improve it. First, the price is too high. We have to pay thee or four Yuan for a single dish. That is really too much for us

9、students. As I know, some of my classmates come from countryside or rural areas; some have parents who are laid-off workers. They are even short of tuition fees, how can they afford such expensive meals? Second, the service is not quite good. The dining hall is small, old and dirty, with flies and m

10、osquitoes everywhere. The waiters dont seem to like their jobs and act lazily. Many of us feel no appetite in such a kind of dining hall. As for my suggestions, I think we should have more than one canteen on our campus. With competitions among them, their quality of food and service will surely be

11、improved. Since most students live and study on campus, I sincerely hope you will pay more attention to our life here, especially our canteen service. All of us will quite appreciate it if you help to improve the service. Thank you! Yours Sincerely, Li Ming,齐头式,January 12th, 2002 Dear Mr. President,

12、 Im a student in the English department of our university. Im writing to tell you some problems with the canteen service on campus and my own suggestions on how to improve it. First, the price is too high. We have to pay thee or four Yuan for a single dish. That is really too much for us students. A

13、s I know, some of my classmates come from countryside or rural areas; some have parents who are laid-off workers. They are even short of tuition fees, how can they afford such expensive meals? Second, the service is not quite good. The dining hall is small, old and dirty, with flies and mosquitoes e

14、verywhere. The waiters dont seem to like their jobs and act lazily. Many of us feel no appetite in such a kind of dining hall. As for my suggestions, I think we should have more than one canteen on our campus. With competitions among them, their quality of food and service will surely be improved. S

15、ince most students live and study on campus, I sincerely hope you will pay more attention to our life here, especially our canteen service. All of us will quite appreciate it if you help to improve the service. Thank you! Yours Sincerely, Li Ming,具体实施,一般来说,在掌握了以上的原则之后,还需要按照一定方法才能取得比较好的效果。,下一步,返回菜单,第

16、一步,先把一篇好的范文看懂,把自己认为写得好的地方体会一下,背几个你认为漂亮的单词。,下一步,返回菜单,第二步,翻译,将全文翻译成比较“土”的中文,比如:The CALL is such a course rich in use that I think there are more functions than you can afford time to learn. 可以翻译为:CALL用途广泛,你恐怕学不全的。胆子放大点,在这里不是考你的翻译能力,不要求很准确;而是练习把英文表达换成自己习惯的中文表达。把被动翻成主动、复杂句打散,以符合自己的思维习惯为原则。,下一步,返回菜单,第三步,

17、在一个星期后,拿出你的中文,照着写一篇英文出来,那时候你就会明白为什么要把文章按那种要求翻译了。,下一步,返回菜单,第四步,比较原文和你写的文章,对比差距。然后好作文的标准去评价、去感受,当然现在要开始背经典句型。为什么没早让你背,因为你那时候没个对比,感受不深,背起来事倍功半。,下一步,返回菜单,第五步,再等一个星期,再来一次。,下一步,返回菜单,小结,一般来说,一篇文章这时候你就吸收得差不多了。就我感觉,任一类型的文章你只需要三五篇就足够,当然,学会写作和在三十分钟之内完成一篇完美的作品之间还是有一定差距的,但那就是实践功夫了。,返回菜单,六级满分作文(注意看下划线部分的文字哦),Do “

18、Lucky Numbers” Really Bring Good Luck?,开始,返回菜单,第一、二段,There are people who believe that some numbers bring good lucky, while others bring bad lucky. For instance, in China the number eight is thought to be lucky. Turning our attention to the West, we find that the number seven is considered lucky, bu

19、t the number 13 is avoided like the plague.,第三段,In spite of all these claims, most people would agree that there is little evidence that numbers have any influence on our lives. In fact, they say, the reverse seems to be the case. For one thing, we might expect calculators to break down every time t

20、hey note the number 13, and for another, although every week has seven days we know that not every week is lucky for us.,第四段,Weighing the pros and cons of these arguments, I am inclined to agree with the latter point of views. It is obvious that there is no scientific base for the belief that there is a connection between luck and numbers. All in all, it seems to me a sheer superstition.,退出?,真的想要退出吗?,谢谢,

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