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1、The Kite Runner Book Report蔡佳伟 学号:1312036 Book written by Khaled HosseiniThis report is based on the book “The Kite Runner” written by Hosseini. The book was published by arrangement with TKR Publications , LLC. It is the bestseller recommended by NEW YORK TIME.Introduction of the Author Khaled Hoss

2、eini was born in Kabul ,Afghanistan. Later, he went to America with his father. The Kite Runner is his first book , and soon after the book was published , it is famous to every reader . And the reason why he can write such great story may have some contact with his childhood life and experience.Sum

3、maryThe story happened in Afghansitan . The protagonists are two boys Amir and Hassan . Amir was born in a rich family with his father , because his mother died after bearing him . Hassan was a servant of the rich family with his nominal father Ail. However, there is a secret that no one knows excep

4、t Amirs father .The truth is Hassan is Amirs father and Alis wifes son , but considering Amirs fathers fame and his social status .They accepted Hassan as their servant instead of telling people the truth . So thats why Amirs father treated Hassan the same as Amir.Amir and Hassan grown up together,

5、and they are best friend . Hassan cant be more loyal to Amir, he can do anything for Amir .What he enjoys most was when Amir read stories to him. Hassan always said to him : ”Someday, you will be a great writer, and people all over the world will read your stories. “page198. In Hassans birthday, Ami

6、r send him a slingshot , which Hassan liked very much .But pleasant time is always short. In a kites running competition, Amir and Hassan wined the game , and then Hassan went to catch the kite . Hassan said:” For you, tens of thousand times.” Page 96.Just at this time, Hassan was bullied by some ol

7、der boys .Amir saw this, he hided in a corner but not help Hassan! In daily life, Hassan can do anything for Amir ,no matter how dangerous or how difficult .Amir just looked at the sense and escaped as soon as he can . He was merely a coward just like he remark himself :”I have been for me at the be

8、ginning of cowardice remorse guilt these years.” Page 374 . And his statement is just like the essay remarks:” Negative and fear caused by not being confirmed by his father always covers his heart over these years.” 3Later on , Amir dared to face Hassan , but Hassan didnt know why . Amir said to his

9、 father Hassan had stolen his watch and forced Hassan to leave the house. Not long after that, Russia invaded Afghansitan, Amir had to go to America with his father. Later, Amir said to himself:” Id betrayed Hassan, lied, driven him out, and destroyed a forty-year relationship between Baba and Ail.”

10、 Page179.He felt very regretful.Several years has passed, Amir has never once seen Hassan. One day , his fathers old friend call him to come back to his hometown. And Amir know the truth, but Hassan has died. He remembered his father had said:” When you tell a lie, you steal a mans righto the truth.

11、”page334 He can only find Hassans son and take him to America. He treat Hassans like his own son. He want to astone for his crime in his heart for Hassan. He flying kite with Hassans son together and he also says to him :”For you , tens of thousand times.”page390. Body of the reportThe story tells u

12、s a boy grows up,with friendship ,kinship ,country ,nation concentrating on himself. Amir thinks of himself a coward, and he feels regret, but he dare not to face what he had done on the other hand. They both good boys, but due to race, their fates are doomed different. Amirs betray to Hassan makes

13、him pay a heavy price. These 20 years, he lives with enormous sense of guilt, regret and pain. The kite stands for freedom, equality and nation emotion. Mrs.Chen says in her essay :”It is just the epitome of Afghan people.”1 And in the essay ,it says:” Kite is the symbol of Afghan culture, and to so

14、me way it means peoples chasing for the culture.” 2 Afghansitan is invaded by Russia, people live in chaos caused by war, family broken up. Amir and Hassan are the epitome of the Afghansitan society. The two boys are in two social level, standing for different level peoples life. It indicates that r

15、acial discrimination is a common phenomenon in Afghansitan. Over 20 years later, Amir come back to find Hassan means the country want to get rid of Russia and Taliban, people want to live quietly and harmoniously. Equality is another aspect of the story. Amir wants to look at Hassan as equal as his

16、brother, but the fact tells him that he is noble race, and he shouldnt be close with Hassan. In Afghansitan, female are seriously oppressed and they are eager to get freedom and legitimate rights. Whats more, Haraza nations long for dignity, they play servants in grace race family, Hassan and Ail ar

17、e typical victims of nation distinguish. Afghansitan people defend their motherland in spite of losing life, they are struggling to help their country to be independent. People want to live equal, free, quiet and blessed life without wars, distinguish and hunger. Just like Amir and Hassan want to li

18、ve happy life. Conclusion The author spent his childhood in Afghansitan his motherland, so he must know a lot of the life there, the story expresses his thoughts from bottom of his heart under his childhood background. He tells the story in the first person narration. As the essay remarks:” From the

19、 first person narration of a child, readers could understand a kids psychological activities that Im eager for Babas companion.” 4 This helps readers understand the story better. From the small story, we can know about the whole society of Afghansitan. The two boys reflect many aspects of Afghansita

20、n. “Afghansitan people must realize explicitly that they must clear unequal thoughts and solve conflicts to rebuild their home. ” 5 The author intend to tell people equal, rights, freedom nation equality and dignity are what all countries should emphasize, especially those countries in wars. References:1陈美陵.浅析追风筝旳人中风筝旳象征意义 J文学教育,2王云青.论追风筝旳人中旳友好 小说评论 01期3李争.身份认同旳焦急与寻找-追风筝旳人 学术界 02期4禹霆.从成长小说角度解读追风筝旳人 辽宁大学硕士论文 4月1日5曾万全.追风筝旳人人物关系隐含旳阿富汗民族关系 社科纵横 3月15日备注:1. 由于没有搜集到有关评论旳书籍,因此只引用了期刊论文等参照文献。2. 斜体加下划线脚标为page*旳是引用原书旳话。3. 斜体加下划线脚标*旳对应references 中旳参照文献中旳句子。

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