浙江省台州市2011-2012学年八年级英语下学期第一次月考试题 人教新目标版

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浙江省台州市2011-2012学年八年级英语下学期第一次月考试题 人教新目标版_第1页
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《浙江省台州市2011-2012学年八年级英语下学期第一次月考试题 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《浙江省台州市2011-2012学年八年级英语下学期第一次月考试题 人教新目标版(11页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、浙江省台州外国语学校2011-2012学年八年级英语下学期第一次月考试题 人教新目标版第一部分 听力部分一、听力(本题有15小题,第一节、二节每小题1分,第三节每小题2分,共20分)第一节:听对话,选择图片。( ) 1. How does the girl think she will study in the future? ABC ( ) 2. What will Sally have in five years?ABC ( ) 3. What will Bob do every day next year?ABC ( ) 4. What will the girl give John?A

2、BC ( ) 5. What do Lily and Sally look like?ABC第二节:听对话,回答问题。听下面一段对话,回答第6至第7两个小题。( ) 6. Whose cat is it?A. Its Bens. B. Its Daisys. C. Its Mikes. ( ) 7. What color is Daisys pet?A. Its black. B. Its white. C. Its blue.听下面一段对话,回答第8至第10三个小题。( ) 8. When will Bob and Linda go to watch the basketball game?

3、A. In the evening. B. In the afternoon. C. In the morning.( ) 9. Whats the matter with Bob?A. He lost his money. B. He lost his ticket. C. He lost his pet.( ) 10. Where is Peters math book?A. In Peters schoolbag. B. In Lindas schoolbag. C. In Bobs schoolbag.第三节:听独白,从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。Markcom

4、es from(11) _is good at(12) _wants to be(13)_Marks problemHe is (14) _because he argued with his best friend Ted.Mark didnt go to watch Teds _game because he had to study for his science test.( ) 11. A. Canada B. America C. England( ) 12. A. math B. science C. chemistry( ) 13. A. a scientist B. a te

5、acher C. a singer( ) 14. A. upset B. angry C. excited( ) 15. A. volleyball B. soccer C. basketball第二部分 笔试部分二、单项填空(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。16. Will there be more people in 100 years? .A. No, there wont B. No, there arent C. No, there isnt D. No, they wont. 17. If you want better

6、 grades, you _ watch so much TV.A .shouldnt B .should C. could D. must18. He is happy that he in a tall apartment next year. A. live B. lives C. will live D. will living19. I hope I have free time. I dont like to keep busy. A. more B. less C. many D. little20. The old lady lives in the mountain, but

7、 she doesnt feel .A. lonely; lonely B. alone; lonely C. alone; alone D. lonely; alone21. Everyone has his own dreams, but those dreams dont always _.A. come true B. come over C. keep true D. come out22. Im very _ because my best friend didnt invite me to come to his party. A. popular B. happy C. lat

8、e D. upset23. If you want to talk to your teacher, you should _ first.A. called to her B. called up her C. call her up D. called her up24. Davy _ his homework at home yesterday. A. left B. leaves C. forgot D. forgets25. He doesnt have any money, _. A. too B. also C. either D. neither 三、完型填空(本题有10小题,

9、每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D选项中选择最佳选项。Life in 30 years will be 26 because many changes will take place, but what will the changes be? The population is growing fast. There will be 27 _ people in the world and most of them will live longer than before. Computers will be 28 _ smaller and mo

10、re useful, and there will be at least one in every home. And computer studies will be one of the important _ 29 in school. People will work fewer hours than they are doing now, and they will have more free time for sports, watching TV and traveling. Traveling will be much cheaper and 30_. And many m

11、ore people will go to other countries 31 holidays.There will be changes in our food, too. More land will be used for 32 new towns and houses. Then there will be less 33 for cows and sheep, so meat will be more expensive. Maybe people wont eat it every day, they will eat more vegetables and fruit ins

12、tead. Maybe people will be healthier.Work in the future will be different, too. Robots_ 34 most of dangerous and hard work. Because of this, many people will not have 35 to do. This will be a problem. 26. A. same B. difference C. different D. difficulty27. A. little and little B. less and less C. ma

13、ny and many D. more and more28. A. much B. many C. more D. most29. A. subject B. subjects C. way D. games 30. A. easily B. more easily C. easy D. easier31. A. for B. with C. at D. in32. A. build B. building C. to build D. builds33. A. rooms B. room C. spaces D. sea34. A. did B. do C. will do D. shal

14、l do35. A. works enough B. enough works C. work enough D. enough work 四、阅读理解(本题有15题,每小题2分,共30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AMr. Smith has made a robot. He says to Mrs. Smith, “Meet Robot, he is going to do all the housework for you.”“Can he talk?” Mrs. Smith asks.“No, he cant.” he says, “But he

15、is very clever, he knows English. Hes going to help you with the housework. Robot can cook, make the bed and sweep the floor. He can do all the work. He never needs a rest.”“Do you, Robot?” Mrs. Smith asks.Robot smiles and nods his head. Robot begins to work at once. He washes the dirty plates in th

16、e kitchen. After that, he sweeps the floor. The kitchen is now clean and tidy. Mrs. Smith is very happy.36. Mr. Smith made a robot _. A. to meet Mrs. Smith B. to help Mrs. Smith do the housework C. to learn English from Mrs. Smith D. to talk to Mrs. Smith37. The robot _. A. can speak English B. can

17、talk C. can eat D. cant talk 38. Who did the housework before Mr. Smith made the robot? A. Mrs. Smith. B. Mr. Smith. C. The neighbors D. Nobody.39. The robot can do all the housework and _. A. needs a long rest. B. needs a short rest. C. never needs a rest. D. feels tired.40. Which is wrong? A. The

18、robot understands English. B. The robot is a housewife. C. Mrs. Smith feels happy to have the robots help. D. The robot can smile and nod his head.BMany teenagers feel that the most important people in their lives are their friends. They believe that their family members dont know them as well as th

19、eir friends do. In large family, it is quite usual for brothers and sisters to fight with each other. When this happens they can only go to their friends for company. It is very important for teenagers to have one good friend or a group of friends. Even when they are not with their friends, they usu

20、ally spend a lot of time talking to each other on the phone. This communication(交际) is very important while children are growing up. Friends can discuss things that are difficult to talk about with family members.However, parents often try to choose(选择) their childrens friends for them. Some parents

21、 may even stop their children from meeting their friends. Have you ever thought of the following questions?Who choose your friends?Do you choose your friends or your friends choose you?Have you got a friend your parents dont like?Your answers are welcome.41. Most teenagers feel that _ are the most p

22、eople in their lives. A. their parents B. their brothers and sisters C. their friends D. their children42. In larger families, the fights between brothers and sister are _. A. usual B. unusual C. not common D. difficult43. Many teenagers believe that friends can understand them _ than their family m

23、embers. A. worse B. better C. less D. fewer44. What do teenagers usually spend a lot of time doing with their friends? A. Doing homework together. B. Playing computer games. C. Going shopping together.D. Talking to each other on the phone.45. What do parents often try to do for their children? A. Co

24、ok for them.B. Do their homework for them. C. Choose their childrens friends for them. D. Buy clothes for them.CExperts(专家) say that students usually need eight to ten hours sleep at night, but most Chinese students do not get enough sleep. Some Chinese parents are usually glad to see their children

25、 studying late. They will think their children work very hard, but not all parents are happy about this. Once a mother told us that every morning her 10-year-old boy put up one finger (手指)with his eyes still closed, begging(请求) for one more minute to sleep. Like thousands of students “ early birds”

26、in China, he has to get up before six every morning. A report shows that without a good nights sleep, students seem to be weaker (虚弱)than they should be. Many students have fallen asleep during class at one time or another. Too much homework is not the only reason why students stay up late. Some wat

27、ch TV or play the computer games late into the night. Experts have ever said that the students should develop good study habits. So some clever students never study late, they are able to work well in class.46. The 10-year-old boy begged for more minute to sleep because_.A. he didnt have enough slee

28、p B. it wasnt time for him to get upC. he didnt want to go to school D. he wanted his mother to wake him up47. In this passage we know if students dont get enough sleep, they may_.A. become too weak to sleep B. not work well in classC. go to bed early D. be weak in English 48. In this passage “early

29、 birds” means “persons who _”A. get up early B. get up late C. sleep less D. dont want to sleep49. “Stay up late” here means “_”A. study late B. watch TV late C. not go to bed until late D. stay outside50. According to the passage, which of the following is right?_ A. If you want to study better, yo

30、u must work hard at night.B. Sleeping less means working hard.C. Some clever students are able to work well in class because they have good study habits.D. Students dont have enough sleep because they have lots of homework to do.五、词汇运用(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)A、根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处填入单词。每空限填一词。A young man c

31、ouldnt sleep well every night. He was very 51 (担心). One day, he went to see the doctor. The doctor looked him over carefully. But nothing was 52 (有毛病的) with him. The doctor told him to count from 1 to 10 again and again. “keep doing it 53 (直到) you fall asleep.” The doctor said.After a few days, the

32、young man came to the doctor again. But to his 54 (惊奇,惊讶), the doctor found the young man was even 55 (糟糕)than before! “Didnt you count as I told you?” the doctor asked. “Yes, I did.” the young man answered. “But every time when I reached eight, I couldnt help jumping from bed.”“But why?” the doctor

33、 wanted to know. The young man said, “I am a boxer.”(拳击运动员)B、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。life paper shape interview push56. Susan thinks books will be on computers, not on 56 in 50 years.57. Linda will have a(n) 57 tomorrow, I hope she can get the job.58. The doctor saved many 58 .59. I think she is a(n)

34、 59 girl, she never listens to others.60. Today, pencil cases are in different 60 .六、任务型阅读(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分)NameDave ScottSchoolKelvin Grove State High SchoolGrade8Term ending6, MayMathHe is a little weak in this, but he has tried his best to catch up with others.Science He can work out many difficu

35、lties. Well done.English He is the best in class. Keep it up.French His reading is very good, he can remember many words.History He is not so good at this, but he had done better than before.Geography He is familiar with the names of many places in the world.Music He doesnt like pop songs, though he

36、 sings very well.Conduct(行为)Better Absence(缺席)8Remarks(评语)Dave has the ability to do a lot better. More work is needs next term.Head TeacherIvy Principal(校长)M.L. MartinSchool reopens6, September请根据表格内容填写下列句子。61. After reading this, we know this is a 61 about Dave Scott.62-63. From this form, we know

37、 that Daves best subject is 62 and hes not so good at 63 64. Dave can 64 , but he doesnt like pop songs.65. According to the form, we know that Dave can do better if he 65 七、书面表达(本题有2小题,第一题5分,第二题10分)第一题: 你的好朋友性格内向且英语成绩不好,他/她感到很有压力,请你为他/她提五条建议,帮助他/她提高英语成绩。(5分)66. You could / should 67. _68. _69. _70.

38、 _第二题: 以“My life in the future ”为题,描述你将来的生活(如居住环境、工作、生活情况、家庭、事业、爱好等的变化),词数不少于60,短文标题不计入总词数。(10分)My life in the future_2012学年第二学期八年级第一次月考英语答题卷一、听力(本题有15小题,第一节、二节每小题1分,第三节每小题2分,共20分)1. 二、单项填空(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)16. 三、完型填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

39、四、阅读理解(本题有15题,每小题2分,共30分)五、词汇运用(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)51. _ 52. _ 53. _ 54. _ 55. _56. _ 57. _ 58. _ 59. _ 60. _六、任务型阅读(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分)61. _ 62. _ 63. _ 64. _ 65._七、书面表达(本题有2小题,第一题5分,第二题10分)66. _.67. _.68. _.69. _.70. _.第二题: 以“My life in the future ”为题,描述你将来的生活(如居住环境、工作、生活情况、家庭、事业、爱好等的变化),词数在60左右,短文标题不计入总词数。(10分)My life in the future_ _ 11

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