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1、教学基本信息课题Module 9 PopulationUnit 2 Arnwick was a city with 200,000 people姓名学校年级八年级课型读写 教学设计教材分析 本模块以“人口”为主要话题,涉及污染、城市发展等问题,与人们的生活息息相关;主要的语言点是英文大数字的读法。 Unit 2课文以一位15岁的女孩Jo为主人公,介绍了她从家乡Parkville 搬到Arnwick的经历。通过Jo的视角,阐述了Parkville 和Arnwick的变化以及随之而来的新问题、新需要,反映了城市及周边地区的发展变化。最后文章指出城镇化是一个全球都面临的问题,并抛出两个问题“Can

2、money help solve all these problems?”及“Will it be your town?”从而引发学生对于城市问题的思考并对比自己的城市与文中的城市。文中的内容与学生的实际生活息息相关,因此容易激发学生的学习兴趣。文章的逻辑性很强,适合训练学生的思维。学情分析本节授课的对象为八年级学生,学生在本册书第2模块中已接触“人口”这个话题,而且也掌握了部分相关词汇,如population, million和其它表达数字的相关词汇。但文中仍有一些生词如public service需要在细读前教授以扫清基础较弱同学的阅读障碍。文中涉及的语法知识点是冠词的使用,对于学生文本理


4、,帮助学生梳理文本信息,进行信息归类,最终与文本产生互动,分析、对比和总结自己的家乡的问题并提出建设性的建议,引导学生培养思维能力。 教学目标在本节课结束后,学生能够:1. 理清文章结构。2. 通过阅读活动,获取文章的主要内容以及关于Arnwick存在的一些问题和变化。3. 对比北京与Arnwick的不同于相似之处4. 提出一些改善城市问题的建议。 5. 形成一定的环保意识、全球意识、社会责任意识、合作意识和积极面对问题的态度。 教学重点和难点【教学重点】通过阅读活动,获取文章的主要内容以及关于Arnwick存在的一些问题和变化,引导学生给出建议。突破途径:通过设置悬念,把阅读任务由易到难一步

5、步搭建,引导学生完成略读和细读任务。【教学难点】针对自己家乡的问题小组讨论并写出自己的建议。突破途径:通过给一定的补充材料如北京如何在交通方面逐年扩张及上下班人口流动的数据以及在小组合作给建议时提供word bank给学生一定的思路和词汇帮助。【教学用具】 Handout,Computer【教学方法】 PWP【教学过程】Teachers ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesDesigning PurposeI. Lead-in (3min)1. Ask Ss to guess the teachers hometown and the reason why she cam

6、e here.2. Ask Ss where are they from and where are their parents from.3. Ask Ss to discuss why do people come to Beijing.Pre-reading (2 minutes)1.Introduce some basic information about Jo.(provide context)2. Ask Ss to look at the picture and guess why Jo looks unhappy?(prediction)1. Guess what the t

7、eachers hometown and the reason why she came here.2. Answer their hometown and their parents hometown 3. Discuss and list reasons.1. Learn the basic information about Jo.2. Guess why Jo looks unhappy. 从教师自己的“北漂”经历引入本课话题,激发学生兴趣。为学生预测课文内容及阅读课文做铺垫。了解有关文中主人公Jo的背景知识并预测课文内容,激活学生有关的背景知识。 While-reading ( 20

8、 minutes) Gist Reading (3min)1. Ask Ss to read quickly and choose the reason why Jo is unhappy.2. Class check. Pre-teach new vocabulary (5min)Teach the following new words through pics.pupil ; rubbish; pollution; solve; public service (M-P-F) Fast Reading (3min)1. Ask students to read the five parag

9、raphs quickly and match them with the subtitles on the work sheet.2. Do peer check and then class check. Careful Reading (5min)1. Ask Ss to read the story again carefully and choose T/F and correct the false ones.2. Do peer check and then class check. Deeper thinking(5min)1. Ask Ss to think about Do

10、es Beijing have the same situation(情形) like Arnwick? How?2. Ask Ss to watch a short video about how Beijing expanded over the years.3. Ask Ss to think aboutWhat problems will these changes bring to Beijing?Can money help solve all these problems?1. Read quickly and choose the right reason.2. Learn t

11、he new words and answer the questions for each word.3. Match the main idea for each paragraph.4. Read the whole passage carefully and do 6 T/F questions.5. Watch the short video, think deeply about the questions and give their answers.1. 学生带着好奇心去阅读文本查看自己的预测情况并对文章大意有粗略的了解。2. 通过教授生词扫除阅读中的障碍并为后续输出环节提供部

12、分词汇支撑。3. 通过快速阅读,让学生清楚五个段落的大致内容和文章结构。4.通过细读文章,了解Arnwick的具体的变化、问题和需要,培养学生获取细节信息的能力。5.启发学生独立思考,深度分析文本的能力。给机会让学生与文本产生互动,比较北京与Arnwick,总结北京的问题并提出粗略的建议。同时锻炼学生口头表达能力。. Post-reading(14minutes)1. Ask Ss to work in groups and give suggestions to the top 5 questions in Beijing in the form of bus stop.Ask a few

13、ICQs to check their understanding about the activity.2. Ask Ss to pass the handout to add more every 2 mins. After several times, ask group leaders to stick the handout to the wall.3. Ask Ss to students to work as groups. Walk around and give their stars to the best suggestion for each problem.Ask a

14、 few ICQs to check their understanding about the activity.4. Ask group leaders from each group to take the handout back and report the best suggestion. Ask other students to listen and guess the problem.5. Summarize what we can do to solve city problems.1. Work in groups. Discuss and write down thei

15、r suggestions.2. Pass the handout to the next group and give suggestions to the new questions.3.Walk around and give their stars to the best suggestion.4. Group leaders report the best suggestion while the others guess the problem.5. Answer the teachers questions and summarize1.让学生以合作的方式共同商讨针对北京问题的建

16、议和对策,培养合作意识、公民意识、责任意识、环保意识。2. 通过让学生自己选出最好的建议能够突出以学生为中心。3. 启发学生思考对城市问题的看法和建议,意识自己作为公民所承担的责任和应尽的义务。. Homework (1 minute)Ask students to write a letter to Jo and give her some suggestions.Finish the homework after class.让学生通过写信的方式提建议,从而帮助Jo解决她的问题。Blackboard DesignStudents answer about problems in Beiji

17、ng Students answer about reasons why do people come to Beijing 课后反思:附1:students handoutPara 1Para 2Para 3Para 4Para 5A. New problems.B. The lesson we got from the story.C. The old Parkville.D. New needs.E. The changes in Parkville.I. Match the main idea for each paragraph.II. Choose T/F and correct

18、the false one. 1. Arnwick was a city with 20,000 people.2. People from Parkville moved to Arnwick to find jobs.3. Arnwick now has a population of more than one million.4. The local school in Parkville has 2,000 pupils.5. Big cities have enough money for public services.6. This story describes what is happening all over the world.附2:word bank for possible problems raised by students 4

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