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1、 fork v.fk( forks; forked; forking ) 双解释义 vi.1.分叉 divide into two parts vt.2.走岔路 take one fork of road, path, etc. vt.3.叉; 耙 lift, move, turn soil, grass, etc. with a fork vt.4.支付 pay (money) 基本要点1.fork用作名词的意思是“叉子,耙,(路、河、树)的分岔处”,转化为动词则为“叉起,耙起,在分岔处拐弯”的意思。2.fork可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。 词汇搭

2、配 +名词 fork hay用叉子叉干草 fork the ground叉地 +副词 fork out耙出 fork over the whole garden耙一下整个花园 +介词 fork in manure用耙施肥 fork the hay into the wagon用耙子把干草挑进马车里去 fork onto耙入 常用短语fork into(v.+prep.)耙入 move sth into sth with a forkfork sth into sthWe have to fork the hay into the wagon.我们将把干草用叉子挑进马车里去。fork out(v

3、.+adv.)fork sthout1.耙出 move sth out of sth with a forkFork out the dead plants and put in the new ones.用耙除去枯死的植物,种上新的。He forked the weeds out.他用耙子除草。2.口付钱 pay (money)Having no alternative, he has to fork out so much money for social intercourse each year.他每年要花这么多钱去应酬,别无选择。Father is complaining that

4、he has to fork out more money to the children every week.父亲抱怨说他每星期不得不拿出更多的钱给孩子们。The man who had a guilty conscience forked out 2000 dollars to the man in the know to keep the matter quiet.这个做贼心虚的人给了知情者2000美金,让他守口如瓶。 用于be ed结构A small sum of money is supposed to be forked out quarterly for burglary an

5、d robbery insurance.每季度要交一小笔防盗防抢保险金。fork over(v.+adv.)fork sthover1.整平,移动 dig or move sth with a forkI must be sure to fork over the whole garden before the winter.入冬前,我一定要把整个花园耙一遍。2.付钱 pay for sthEvery year I have to fork over more taxes to the government.每年我必须向政府交纳的税款一年比一年多。fork up(v.+adv.)1.耙出 di

6、g sth outfork sthupYou have to dig down deeply to fork up the roots.你得深挖一些才能耙出根来。2.付钱 pay for sthfork upEvery year the tax man expects us to fork up.每年税收员都等着我们纳税。fork sthupHe had to fork up some money again to have his watch repaired.他又要花些钱去修表。 句型例句用作不及物动词S+(+A)The road forks further ahead.路在前面分岔。Yo

7、u will see our house just before the road forks.走到道路分岔处,你就会看到我们的房子。The river forks just before it reaches town.河流正好在流到城市之前分岔了。用作及物动词S+n./pron.The farmer forked hay.这农民用叉子叉干草。Fork the bales and lift them onto the wagon.用叉子把草捆挑到马车上去。 补充资料词源 古英语forca(叉) fork n.fk( forks ) 双解释义 C1. 餐叉 a thing with long

8、points at one end, that you use for putting food in your mouth C2. 耙子,叉 a large tool with points at one end, that you use for digging the ground C3. (道路或河流的)分岔处 a place where a road or river divides into two parts 基本要点fork的意思是“餐叉,耙子,叉,(道路或河流的)分岔处”,是可数名词。 词汇搭配 动词+ use fork用叉子 形容词+ left fork左边的岔道 righ

9、t fork右边的岔道 名词+ dinner fork餐叉 hay fork干草叉 road forks道路的岔口 salad fork吃色拉用的叉子 table fork餐叉 介词+ at the fork在岔口 a set of forks一套餐叉 +介词 fork at the crossroad路口岔道 fork of a river河的分岔 fork in a road道路的岔口 常用短语fork in the road决定性的时刻 point or moment of decisionOn my fortieth birthday I had reached a fork in t

10、he road, and I decided to give up working for somebody else and start my own business.在我40岁生日那天,我已到达路岔口,我决定不再为别人工作,开始自己的事业。 句型例句They usually eat with a knife, fork and spoon.他们通常用刀、叉、勺吃饭。Set the table with knives and forks.把餐刀和餐叉摆在桌子上。We use forks for digging the ground.我们用叉子翻地。Take the right fork.走右边的岔道。They parted at the fork.他们在岔路口处分手。We came to a fork in a road, and we couldnt decide whether to take the left or the right.我们走到一条路的岔口,不知该向左拐还是向右拐。6

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