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1、English Entrance Examination For Non-English Major Doctoral CandidatesModel Test OneNovember, 2010Part I Vocabulary (10 points)Directions: There are twenty questions in this section. Each question is a sentence with one word or phrase underlined. Below the sentence are four words or phrases marked A

2、, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined one. Mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across it on your Answer Sheet.1.The large towers of the George Washington Bridge were not encased in masonry but were left exposed to reveal their handsome steel

3、 structure. A. harshB. hoarseC. good-lookingD. flagrant2.The jewel was kept by the money-lender as a pledge. A. guaranteeB. speculationC. pulchritudeD. guise3.The revolt was foiled by troops loyal to the king. A. blockedB. frustratedC. flutteredD. faltered 4. It is interesting to note how public opi

4、nion oscillates between the extremes of optimism and pessimism. A. swingsB. hoversC. convergesD. foils5. G. Jung had a lot of to say about the human psyche.A. worldB. mindC. enthusiasmD. determination6. Caesar ridiculed his wifes foreboding about the approaching of the family plague. A. forewarning

5、B. predicting C. signalD. signification7. Im amazed at the imbecility of the readers of these trashy magazines.A. stupidity B. weak-mindedness C. potentialityD. idiosyncrasy8. Though the subway system of the city has been well-planned for years, its funding is still in the air. A. widely spreadingB.

6、 totally uncertain C. hysterically unconstrained D. already broadcast9. As they crumbled back, he ordered everyone to sit down and keep quiet. . A. retreated B. crawled C. stumbled D. went10. Add religion to the humblest of edifices and you have a sanctuary. A. offices B. adjuncts C. buildings D. ch

7、apel11. They were asked to curb those orgies and resume the pose of self-deceiving innocence. . A. position B. air C. action D. bombast12. Revolutions are often caused when the legitimacy of a government is questioned by the people.A.validity B.effectiveness C. bureaucracy D. prejudice 13. When they

8、 others went swimming, I followed suit. A. learned from B. secede C. did the same as othersD. tried to follow the same rule 14. The counterfeit stamps were a good facsimile of the real ones.A. picture B. likeliness C. identification D. duplicate15. Our football team is now contending with one from t

9、he University of British Columbia.A. meeting B. contesting C. conceding D. contemplating16. After scrutinizing the Stern Hitler Diaries, handwriting experts proclaimed them to be forgeries. A. examining B. judging C. protractingD. detecting17. Hare Karishnas are a religious cult that is often charge

10、d with brain washing its members. A. church B.tradition C. culture D. sect18. Your belligerent attitude is often the cause for your lack of popularity. A. aspiring B. courageous C. cowardly D. aggressive19. The solution is there if you can reason it out.A. judge it outB. believe it out C. think it o

11、utD. prove it right20. In public, Prince Charles has proven to be a scrupulous dresser. A. unserviceableB. fashionableC. carefulD. uncannyPart II Cloze (10 points)Directions: There are twenty blanks in the following passage. Read the passage carefully and choose the right word or phrase from the lis

12、t given below for each of the blanks. Change the form if necessary. Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.where, signs, alive, suggests, manufacturers, concerned, someone, Some, whether, to, investigating, or, must, knowing, off, likely, for example, involves, loosely, well-spacedSleep laboratories

13、around the world are finding that an alarming number of drivers on motorways may be falling asleep at the wheel. Although researchers have difficulty in 21 for certain 22 an accident has been caused by sleepiness, it appears that a driver who is on the road between 4 am and 6 am is about 10 times as

14、 23 to have a sleep-related accident as someone who is driving in the middle of the morning or early in the evening. 24 British police forces have become sufficiently 25 to launch campaigns to alert the public 26 the danger. Leicestershire police, 27 , consider sleepiness to be the cause of 20 perce

15、nt of accidents on motorways and in the summer of 1990 ran a campaign with the slogan “Stay awake, Stay 28 ”. Major motor 29 such as Ford and Renault are 30 ways of incorporating sleepiness detectors and alarms into their vehicles.If an accident 31 only one vehicle, which runs 32 the road into the c

16、ertain crash barrier, the embankment, a tree 33 a bridge, then sleepiness is likely to be the cause, especially if there are no skid marks or other 34 of braking. A driver who is alert to an impending crash grips the steering wheel and suffers different injuries from 35 who is asleep and holding the

17、 steering wheel 36 . This pattern of injury, combined with an absence of skid marks on the road, also 37 that the driver was asleep in accidents 38 one vehicle runs into the back of another, especially if it occurs where traffic is light and vehicles are consequently 39 on the road. Under these cond

18、itions, the drivers “inattention” 40 have been more than just momentary.Part III Reading Comprehension (30points)Directions: There are six passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose

19、the best one and mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. Passage One On the morning of September 11th, I boarded the train from Washington Heights in Upper Manhattan just as usual and went to the Body Positive office in the South Street Seaport of Low

20、er Manhattan. While I was leaving the subway at 8:53 am, a man ran down the street screaming, Someone just bombed the World Trade Center. Those around me screamed and shouted No! in disbelief. However, being an amateur photographer, and thinking that I might be able to help out, I ran directly towar

21、d the WTC. I stopped just short of the WTC at a corner and looked up. There before me stood the gaping hole and fire that had taken over the first building. I stood there in shock taking pictures, wanting to run even closer to help out, but I could not move. Soon I saw what looked like little angels

22、 floating down from the top of the building. I began to cry when I realized that these angels - in fact, desperate office workers - were coming down, some one-by-one, some even holding hands with another. Could I actually be seeing this disaster unfold with hundreds of people around me crying, screa

23、ming and running for safety? As I watched in horror, another white airliner came from the south and took aim at the South Tower. As the plane entered the building, there was an explosion and fire and soon debris ( 碎片) began to fall around me. It was then that I realized that we were being attacked a

24、nd that this was just not a terrible accident. Yet, I still could not move, until I was pushed down by the crowd on the street, many now in a panic running toward the water, as far from the WTC as they could possibly get. All around me were the visual reminders of hundreds of people running in panic

25、. There were shoes, hats, briefcases, pocketbooks, newspapers, and other personal items dropped as hundreds of people ran for safety.Much has been written about the disaster already. We have learned so much in such a small amount of time about appreciating life. In some way we must move forward, bur

26、y the dead, build a memorial for those lost, and begin the coping and healing process for the survivors. But healing takes time. Some have been able to head right back to work, others seek counseling, while others remain walking through the streets with expressionless faces. However, we are all unit

27、ed in our grief. 41. According to paragraph one, the authors office was _. A. at Washington Heights B. just beside the World Trade Center C. in the South Street Seaport D. far from the WTC42. The passage tells us that the author _. A. was a social worker B. worked in the Body Positive office near th

28、e WTC C. was asked to take some pictures of WTC D. ran toward WTC because he wanted to make out what was happening43. What was his first reflection when he stood at the corner? A. There was a terrible accident in which an airliner struck the first building. B. A terrorist attack against America had

29、begun. . C. People were floating down from the top of the building as if they wanted to break a world record. D. He was just at a loss and could not make out what had happened.44. What was the immediate reaction of the man on seeing all this? A. He watched in horror and cried, but couldnt move. B. H

30、e ran nearer to help out. C. He ran nearer to take pictures. D. He ran away to try to find a shelter.45. In the last paragraph, the authors attitude is that _. A. different people have different ideas. B. however difficult the situation is, people should unite and move forward. C. people should go b

31、ack to work immediately. D. people shouldnt walk with expressionless faces.Passage TwoFor the five passengers aboard an American Airline flight form Tokyo earlier this month, it was a dilemma worthy of reality television: Go with Santa Clara County health authorities and risk being held in quarantin

32、e(隔离) for hours for no good reason. Or go home, make the next connection or get to that business meeting, and risk spreading a potentially deadly new disease to family, fellow passengers and business associates. Emergency vehicles had the aircraft surrounded, and across the nation, Americans watchin

33、g on live TV got a new look at an old weapon in the fight to protect the publics health: the quarantine. In an age of mysterious diseases like SARS, and of bioterrorism threats like smallpox, the quarantine is staging a comeback. By April 4, President Bush signed an unusual executive order that woul

34、d add SARS to a list of diseases for which federal health officials may quarantine U. S. citizens against their will. It was the first such action since 1893, when the dreaded Eborla virus was added to a series of epidemics. Quarantine was first used in Venice during the 14th century. In America, it

35、s history is long and periodic. Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, outbreaks of tuberculosis(肺结核), smallpox, scarlet fever, cholera and other plagues prompted periodic quarantines throughout the nation When these quarantines were challenged, courts invariably defended the states authority to ac

36、t: Quarantine, the Supreme Court ruled in 1909, does not invade constitutional rights, since individuals have no right to harm others. But though quarantines were frequently effective in protecting the public from the spread of illness, they can be a blunt (钝的) instrument, and have often been abused

37、 or misapplied. In 1900, the death of a Chinese laborer suspected of having bubonic plague(腺鼠疫)in San Francisco prompted authorities to quarantine that citys entire Chinatown district. Trapped behind crude barriers and barbed wire, and experiencing food shortages. San Franciscos Asian population suc

38、cessfully challenged the measure as an act aroused by racial prejudice rather than concern for public health. Today, federal officials have broad rights, through the Centers for Disease Control, to examine and quarantine foreign citizens coming into the United States if they may be carriers of conta

39、gious diseases. And state and local officials across the country have broad powers to detain Americans if they are clearly ill with a contagious disease and they resist treatment.46. What does the first paragraph introduce to us? A. A scene from a soap opera. B. A piece of news about a shocking scen

40、e. C. A scene from a medical advertisement D. A piece of news item telecast live.47. The five passengers were surrounded by emergency vehicles when landing because they were _. A. seriously ill B. involved in some illegal dealings C. seriously injured in an accident D. suspected to have some contagi

41、ous disease48. Why is the old weapon back again? A. Because we are facing with the severe attack of some secret disease like SARS. B. Because we are facing with global bioterrorism attack. C. Because the environmental crisis has made its coming back necessary. D. Because we are in an age when we tur

42、n pale at the mere mention of something terrible.49. From the passage we can see that _. A. quarantine has a very, very long history in America. B. quarantine has been used several times in America to protect people from the spread of epidemics. C. when quarantine is carried out, human rights are in

43、fringed upon. D. American citizens have the right to protect their rights at any time and under any circumstances. . 50. From this passage, we can infer that _. A. faced with the threat of deadly unknown diseases quarantine is an outdated weapon B. quarantine is not very effective as compared with s

44、ome other stronger measures C. just like other laws, quarantine can be abused for evil purposes D. quarantine is a weapon to harm others so as to benefit oneselfPassage Three He has been at the helm (舵) of the Securities and Exchange Commission for only three months, but William Donaldson has given

45、individual investors reason to believe that he will prove to be an effective champion of their interests as a vigilant regulator of the nations financial markets. The challenges ahead remain daunting, but Mr. Donaldson is steadily restoring the agencys credibility in the wake of its disastrous stewa

46、rdship by Harvey Pitt. The S.E.C. chairman passed his first big test by persuading William McDonough, the respected president of the New York Federal Reserve, to run the new accounting oversight board created by Congress last summer. He has also opened an important inquiry into trading practices at

47、the New York Stock Exchange. The commission has issued rules to tighten corporate boards oversight over financial audits. Mr. Donaldson should now see that more is done to shore up shareholder democracy. A reassuring sign that there is a new sheriff(治安官)on Wall Street came in the aftermath of the re

48、cently announced landmark settlement with 10 brokerage(经纪人业务)firms over their tainted stock research. The S.E.C. chairman sternly rebuked Philip Purcell, the chief executive of Morgan Stanley, for trying to minimize the extent of his firms involvement in the scandals. Mr. Donaldson, a former Wall St

49、reet banker himself, wrote a letter to Mr. Purcell describing concern over his troubling lack of contrition, and reminding him that Morgan could face further legal problems if it denied the settled charges. Besides being unusual, Mr. Donaldsons move was a powerful use of his offices bully pulpit(讲坛)

50、. With all the talk about whether the S.E.C. has enough material resources to pursue corporate malfeasance-the agencys budget is being increased significantly-it was easy in the Harvey Pitt era to forget that a strong SEC chairman can wield a great deal of moral authority. This is especially true gi

51、ven financial institutions absolute need to retain public trust Mr. Donaldson should be ready to use his bully pulpit often. Wall Street is awash in a troubling lack of contrition for its past misdeeds. 51. From the first sentence of paragraph one we can see that _. A. Mr. William Donaldson is a ver

52、y capable chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission B. the Commission is on a boat C. Mr. William Donaldson is a steward of a sailing boat D. Mr. William Donadson was once a sailing champion52. From the first paragraph we can infer that Mr. William Donaldson is _. A. inexperienced as a stew

53、ard B. capable, alert and reliable C. not much better than Harry Pitt D. following the steps of Mr. Harry Pitt53. From paragraph two we can see that _. A. Mr. William Donaldson asked Mr. William McDonough to take the exam instead of himself B. Mr. William McDonough was asked to do what the Congress

54、wanted him to C. what Mr. William Donaldson has done might violate shareholder democracy D. Mr. William Donaldson has somewhat exceeded his authority 54. Which of the following statements agrees with the facts appear in the passage? A. As a former banker Mr. William Donaldson sought to do others dow

55、n. B. Being the S. E. C. chairman, Mr. William Donaldson is somewhat warlike. C. Mr. William Donaldson goes to the church regularly. D. Mr. William Donaldson has done all he can to rebuild the credibility of the S. E. C. 55. Which of the following will you choose as the title of the passage? A. New

56、Sheriff of Wall Street B. A Careerist C. A Former Banker Gets on in Life D. A Man Who Knows No Fear Passage Four There is no question that raising teenagers is a challenge no matter how many parents are living in the home. Particularly challenging are the ages between 12 and 16, which are marked by

57、mood swings, defiant attitudes, and attempts to push the limits set by their parents. During this time, teens are trying their hardest to gain adult independence, which is a normal part of the natural growing process. So, we accept this as a time to help them learn lessons and find their way to adul

58、thood, despite the fact that it sometimes makes us feel like we are raising aliens from another planet! Two parents in the household can be a definite plus during these years, especially if both are healthy and loving. In single parent homes, a healthy and loving atmosphere is also a key ingredient

59、to raising responsible teens. Also, teens are often masters at pitting (使人相斗) their parents against one another, so when they have divorced parents living in different households, it can be extra difficult to co-parent with effectiveness. What can single parents do to make the teens in their homes m

60、ore pleasant? The suggestion is to create realistic and enforceable boundaries. Let your kids know that you will negotiate boundaries every six months, for instance. Let them come up with ideas so that they will be more apt to comply. The topics to discuss may be such as how they spend their time af

61、ter school, how they spend time with their friends and how should be their dress code and their hairstyles, and so on. However, when it comes to alcohol, drugs, smoking and other obvious health risks, there should be no negotiation at all. I never give them permission to drink and that was final. Le

62、t them know they are responsible for their own behavior and should take themselves out of situations that could lead to trouble. A week before your six-month meeting with your teen, call the other parent and talk about how things have been going in each household. Most of the time, there is a wide r

63、ange of healthy variations in parenting styles. Explain to your teens that when they enter the workforce, they will work with different supervisors, so operating under different household guidelines should be respected and will be good training for their future.56. The first paragraph tells us that

64、_. A. it is necessary for the parents to bring the teenagers to a doctor if they have au unsteady mood B. raising children from 12 to 16 is an especially difficult task for parents as a whole C. It is not normal for teenagers to try to gain adult independence D. In raising children, the more adults there are in a family, the b

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