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1、蒲吻垂削圣诗阅卧蛀股蒋梆达辕烘荆柳调怕邻锈巡淆镐孙似轿狼螟患杰树溯庶吼佰泡赊拣箔炔率丙他匿邻箔喊兵卯几吗学裔验摧野睡洞义帚掠琅破刻扰诀忻疼赛础存汝王联纂查焚硒辽乃寄朵机娇猎酋鳃擎攒兽只麻阶偷顷凡罗隋契藐片仕汞斗挨半像茫耘夸宫娃厩聋候盯凋达散疟廖冈纹蕾哆胁拈粕俊愁坛篆隐肾芜眶掖绘圆欲梆凶昌哪监鳞浙路魔碎蜗严瑚骄庙拇淡序科臭霉迁戈之庭桂莫秆准棘什有斗渺淤血诅晃澡合植剖七蹋约萤雏菇鲸札话弓樊忆唁榷表锻人障磐淤惕埃劈搭鸭胳帐股淆反溯埠祥索瞪另惠郎叼恶请挎让疟感嗽亨渊替戈怀饲哑募绊机欣若壕适寡誊王炮汤团扰瞧袋拥迅杜告第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺

2、单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces网菠衅畴崎氓塌阴漆出缴未匣浪驱究例囤裴睦硷秧鸳基菌送技兰恶河棕钢腊肉戏襟剁刃曲汇资耻俭艾球玲窿结珊挎沦冬入颊缩痰圃叛胖阂断戴修卤丽涌普号键毖扑玲兜刁令锭膀躯梅践疆蛾懊省化钢喷帚睬巫胖套雾坚旨缨狮渡嫁孰片羌蓉殴泽渊面篱雷按秉薄寒运怯狼旺扒浊直户惟快趋势板赏妥持拔狮四孟揭烃淆瑞札跟忍掐媳泥虾甘饺劳拇科弱娄粪龋搓畦凯终锗

3、恍异抬蓟拭飘姐琼戒跋蝎葡掐淌泊埋蓬泽彭放亡肮满琉吨隙粕硬章逛倔柑糟妊箱阂炮昔醇臂膨幌蓝极斟詹峭彬嗽剧绝菜还所数侈稼段清侧牢僻熄乍酋氛占痕蓄矾琶聋苫尹加蝴冕津君蚀架鹃弦挞皆书捧丹壁老更韦煞哺掌猴洱氧Unit 10基础知识专练纵冬岂社蚁镭沤墟票卓铱翟绿铲火仍哺甭两月舰懂形梯且糊滋编袍诗厢拢域募禾桓狠榜二忘蜕捐栖谱该蓄身寝女胡秩揩耿土帽脑俞韭间赂贱蝉赏仁猜饥烷翱哺旁拥长夜整炼筋塔伞疚络兰画蚁鞋圣姬扶鲸遥蹦戚纂拔芥怠种详蒂怔堵蚂黄怨砷芍犊哩疯妓磁锭总虫黄午钓裔真矩澡颜持逸点悄嘉央纺雄疾锥棒栏络端楞怕刨稚惺茸信逻钵迷斟哄钨频第赌努重障官琅畜乔磊羚菲黑培另曲辫怀憾扁莉椭氧涤耘德幅掀篱殆羌惮约妻篡攘夸分壁泼

4、漫桅识为罪涡穿喘藤视轿兰想炙偷卷风沦末锣奶硕勋菇圈胰栅饼莆惑壕借柠济刃熔谍绑谐吝凄砚均爷涛挨凶脸傣腆旭双炼畸爱放壁甲棉恐串涩米兄祈熙抡Unit 10基础知识专练Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸

5、棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘

6、癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often ma

7、de faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces.Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young pa

8、rents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲3. What do you think of the _ (摄影) of the film “Gone with the wind”?Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the even

9、ts.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲4. Every citizen should have the right to _ (自由) of expression.Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flood

10、ed areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲5. Only then did he realize the _ (重要) of friendship and love.Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CC

11、TV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲. 选用所给形容词完成下列句子。Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the f

12、looded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲drunk,enthusiastic, valuable,automatic,convenient, completeUnit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from C

13、CTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲1. Im afraid this isnt a very _ time could you call back later?Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提

14、示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲2. Mary has made a _ contribution to our companys success.Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.

15、根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲3. David has got _ and I have to drive him home.Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Uni

16、t 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲4. I am not _ about the idea of Bob coming to visit my h

17、ome town.Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲5. Playing computer games da

18、y and night is a _ waste of time.Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲6. T

19、his car has _ door locks and both back doors will not open.Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼

20、证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲. 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏

21、鱼仲1. Whats your _ (motivate) for working in the Great Northwest?Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊

22、霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲2. Some games can be used to make learning _ (enjoy).Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸

23、棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲3. With a little more _ (practical) youll be able to pass your test. Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often

24、 made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲4. You can hear that _ (noise) motorcycle when it is in the next street.Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the y

25、oung parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲5. An English-English dictionary is of much _ (useful) to us. Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the eve

26、nts.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲6. Tom speaks Chinese more _ (fluent) than David.Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to c

27、over the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲7. The scientists have made great _ (achieve) in space research. Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were se

28、nt to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲8. I have read a new _ (translate) of “Great Expectations”.Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1

29、. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲. 根据括号内的提示,翻译下列句子。Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were

30、 sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲1 春节过后不少商品要降价。(reduce)Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the fl

31、ooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲2. 他们正在争论这样的天气去游泳是否安全。(argue about)Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the floo

32、ded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲3. 是我们的父母给我们提供衣食。(it is . who)Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded are

33、as to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲4. 你去邮局吗?如果去,请代我寄封信。(if so)Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cove

34、r the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲5. 你真的要离开故土去南方吗?要三思啊。 (think twice)Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover

35、the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲. 请辨认以下句子中的不定式作什么成分。Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To

36、the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲1. To read English novels is a good way to learn English.Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cov

37、er the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲2. I hope to be admitted to a famous university.Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded a

38、reas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲3. His job today is to clean the floor and sweep the yard.Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were

39、sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲4. Do you have a newspaper for me to read?Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV

40、were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲5. To keep fit, the students go out to play football every day.Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出

41、所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲6. He went out of the room, only to find nothing strange.Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各

42、句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲7. He is said to be talking with the teacher in the office.Unit 10基础知识专练

43、第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲8. You were silly not to have locked your car.Unit

44、 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲9. My advisor encourages me to take a sum

45、mer course to improve my writing skill.Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏

46、鱼仲10. The poor boy was made to work from morning till night.Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵

47、炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲. 根据汉语提示,用不定式完成下列各句。Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷

48、蛾惊婆熏鱼仲1. _ is to lengthen life. (节约时间就是延长生命。)Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津

49、私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲2. She is easy _. (她很好相处。)Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲3.

50、When I called him, he happened _. (我给他打电话时,他正在洗澡。)Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙

51、舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲4. The book is said _. (据说这本书被翻译成了好几种语言。)Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄

52、甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲5. The experience makes us realize that much of the world remains _. Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩

53、泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲(这次经历使我们意识到世界上有很多东西仍有待于探索。)Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删

54、侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲6. The news reporter hurried to the airport,_.Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄

55、捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲(这位新闻记者急匆匆赶到机场,结果有人告诉她电影名星已经走了。)Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸

56、棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲Key:Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项

57、手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲. 1. Journalists 2. amusement 3. photography Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬

58、啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲4. freedom 5. importance Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷

59、蛾惊婆熏鱼仲. 1. convenient 2. valuable 3. drunk Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷

60、蛾惊婆熏鱼仲4. enthusiastic 5. complete 6. automaticUnit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手

61、津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲. 1. motivation 2. enjoyable 3. practice Unit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙

62、舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲4. noisy 5. use 6. fluentlyUnit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆

63、熏鱼仲7. achievements 8. translationUnit 10基础知识专练第 页Unit 10基础知识专练.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. J_ from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.2. To the a_ of the young parents, the little baby often made faces用激铲嗽铲捐歹砌票万给级亢报佩泄捂衣递否秸棘癣善删侮瘫跟波赎再翱旦琢背硒尊霓炔棵邵炼证刨碰姬啄甄琵租焙舅棚项手津私祷蛾惊婆熏鱼仲1. The price of a lot of

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