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1、海南省屯昌中学2021届高三英语上学期第三次月考试题(无答案)第I卷第一部分: 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What are the speakers talking about?A. A prize.B. A travel plan.C. A contest.2. What will the woman most probab

2、ly do?A. Skip dessert.B. Take a look at the menu. C. Have some chocolate cake.3. Where are the speakers probably?A. In a shop.B. In a theater.C. In a bank.4. How much is the bill for international call this month?A. S30.B. $100.C.$130.5. What is the man trying to do?A. Find a parking lot. B. Get som

3、e small change.C. Go to a shopping center.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选 出最佳选項,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小題5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What will the man explain first?A. The reasons for restructuring. B. The new tasks for the com

4、pany.C. The timeline of his presentation.7. How can the staff learn more information?A. By the companys network.B. By the companys meetings.C. By the companys presentation.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. What is the topic of the mans writing assignment?A. A sport he participated in. B. An activity in the woods.

5、C. A discovery in nature.9. What problem does the man have while working on his paper?A. He cant find good examples.B. He doesnt know how to write.C. He cant do the assignment peacefully.10. What is common in writing papers according to the professor?A. New ideas come up as you write. B. Collecting

6、data takes much time.C. The writers point of view often changes.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. What was the womans first job?A. A guide. B. A hotel manager C. A marketing consultant (顾问).12. What was the womans advantage of her trip in Japan?A. Being able to speak Japanese. B. Having been to the country befor

7、e.C. Knowing some key people in tourism.13. Why is the woman applying for the new job?A. Itll involve lots of train travel. B. Ill bring her potential into full play.C. Itll give her more chances to visit Japan.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14. For what purpose did the woman go to India?A. To spend her honeymoon

8、.B. To take photos of the Taj Mahal.C. To study the origin of a love story.15. What can we know about the Taj Mahal?A. It looks older than expected. B. It is built of wood and bricks.C. It has walls decorated with jewels.16. What is the womans impression of Indian cities?A. Their streets are narrow.

9、 B. They are mostly crowded.C. Their people are unfriendly.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. When did Andrea start playing tennis?A. At the age of 6.B. At the age of 8. C. At the age of 10.18. What do we know about the foundation?A. It offers free services.B. It teaches students aged 5 to 18.C. It has a history

10、 around 50 years.19. Who is Audra Bell?A. A student.B. A worker.C. The president.20. What can students learn from tennis according to Rebecca?A. Self-discipline (自律). B. Mental toughness.C. Independence.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。AW

11、elcome to Edinburgh, the worlds leading festival cityEdinburgh International Science FestivalTime: 6 April to 20 April Edinburgh International Science Festival, founded in 1983, is the worlds first public science festival. The two-week festival gives audiences amazing experiences through a diverse p

12、rogram of inspiring events. Alongside the annual festival in Edinburgh, the organization has a strong focus on education and runs a touring program that visits schools around Scotland throughout the year.Edinburgh International Book FestivalTime: 10 August to 20 AugustEdinburgh International Book Fe

13、stival is the largest public celebration of the written word in the world, which was first held in 1997. Every August around 1,000 writers and thinkers from across the world gather with the audience in Edinburgh. Here book lovers can rub shoulders with world-renowned authors or just relax in the sun

14、shine with a deckchair, a drink and a favorite read.Scottish International Storytelling FestivalTime: 19 October to 31 October Beginning in 1989, the Scottish International Storytelling Festival is the largest storytelling event in the world. Drawing heavily on traditional tale-tellers from Scotland

15、 as well as international guests with stories from their own cultures, the festival is a very special celebration of the oral tradition. Skilled storytellers draw their audiences in, bringing together past and present, real and unreal, for an attractive 10 days.Edinburgh International Childrens Fest

16、ivalTime: 25 May to 2 June Edinburgh International Childrens Festival is the one dedicated specifically to children. It brings some of the worlds best theatre, dance and plays made for young people to Edinburgh for nine days of inspiring and entertaining shows and special events. The Festival began

17、in 1980 and is now spread over 10 activity fields, attracting a loyal audience of 10,000 families, schools and artists.21. What is the duration of Edinburgh International Science Festival?A. About one week. B. Less than 10 days. C. About two weeks. D. More than half a month.22. What can the tourists

18、 do in Edinburgh International Book Festival?A. Meet world-famous authors.B. Buy all their favorite books.C. Relax by listening to stories.D. Share stories with audiences.23. Which festival has the longest history?A. Edinburgh International Science Festival. B. Edinburgh International Book Festival.

19、C. Scottish International Storytelling Festival.D. Edinburgh International Childrens Festival. BA few weeks ago,I bought a locally-grown salad from a vending machine(自动售货机)But then I immediately realized that it was packaged in a plastic jar“I guess I live with this jar now and forever” I thought sa

20、dly as I stared down at my new childThe salad jar was only the latest in a long line of examples of how I am addicted to the responsibility of reusing everything,trying to never throw anything awayWater bottles have been given second lives,and berry containers are transformed into TupperwareI recent

21、ly even looked at a plastic straw in my fruit juice:Could I reuse it too?Yet trying to squeeze my salad jar under my kitchen counter this weekend,I finally had to admit:Being an environmentalist has turned me into a hoarder(囤积者)While keeping a certain number of jars and vegetable bags will allow me

22、not to buy new containers,at a certain point those 30 berry containers begin to get a bit unnecessaryWho am I kidding? Then one day I came across a blog post that asks accusingly“Are you turning your own home into a landfill(垃圾填埋场)?”In my defense,there is absolutely no excuse not to be a conscious c

23、onsumerThe solution is painfully obvious,but hard to admit:Delaying waste is not,in fact,rejecting wasteIn an over-packaged,over-consuming culture,this can feel like a burdenWhile I refuse to throw away packaging,the fact remains:I already have itThe damage is doneIve been ignoring one of the most e

24、ssential and difficult partsreduce,reuse,recycleEven if I go out of my way to reuse the waste I do have,I need to reduce what I am bringing home in the first placeWhile I might not be ready to go full zero-waste,its a goal that is admirable to work towardUntil then,my salad jar child is going to mak

25、e a great overnight oats jar24What does the author try to indicate by the last sentence in paragraph 2 ?AHow important reusing isBHow enthusiastic she is about reusingCHow she makes use of the plastic strawDWhy she is responsible for reusing plastic straws25Why does the author say she has turned int

26、o a hoarder?AShe enjoys collecting a variety of small jarsBShe has saved far more containers than she needsCShe likes the idea of saving fine packages in daily lifeDShe stores more berry containers than other containers26What does the underlined word“this”in paragraph 4 refer to?AOver-packaging BDel

27、aying wasteCOver-consumingDRejecting waste27The author realizes at last that she should_Abuy fewer over-packaged goodsBthrow away unnecessary packagingCreuse materials as much as possibleDappreciate the value of recycling materialsCThe new garbage sorting regulation has taken effect in Shanghai star

28、ting July 1. Many citizens are still confused about the classification of the four different types of trash. Thankfully, authorities have released an official guideline to clarify the new rules.The guideline, published by the Shanghai Greenery and Public Sanitation Bureau, provides a rather clear de

29、finition on the four kinds of waste: recyclable waste, hazardous (有害的) waste, household food waste and residual (剩余的) waste.Hazardous waste, as the name suggests, includes assorted poisonous materials like used batteries, light bulbs, out-of-date medicines, paint and pesticides.Household food waste,

30、 which is translated to “wet trash” in Chinese,refers to food leftovers, rotten food, pet food, fruit peels, remains of TCM herbs (中药) and flowers.Paper, plastic, glass, metal and textiles (纺织品) are counted as recyclable waste.The definition of residual waste is a little confusing. Anything that is

31、not listed above belongs in this category.As specific as the new guideline is, residents still have a hard time sorting trash correctly and are finding it challenging to memorize them all. For instance, both plastic bottles and bubble tea or coffee cups are plastic materials. However, the former fal

32、ls to the category of recyclable waste and the latter belongs to residual waste. To save the hassle, some netizens have come up with their own ways to sort trash.“We should do this from a pigs angle,” commented one netizen. “Those edible (可食用的) for pigs are household food waste. Those even pigs dont

33、 want to eat are residual waste. If a pig consumes something and dies of it, then something must be hazardous waste. Those which can be sold and the money we gain can be used to purchase pigs are recyclable waste.” The new regulation has gone into effect on July 1. Those who do not sort their trash

34、properly will be fined RMB200.28. What do the old thrown-away sweaters belong to?A. Residual waste.B. Hazardous waste.C. Recyclable waste.D. Household food waste.29. What does “wet trash” have in common?A. They are completely wet.B. They all come from plants.C. They can give off bad smell.D. They ca

35、n break down easily.30. What is the tone of the netizen?A. Humorous.B. Serious.C. Delightful.D. Uncertain.31. What is the main idea of the text?A. Shanghai bans four sorts of garbage.B. Shanghai launches garbage sorting enforcement.C. Citizens in Shanghai still question garbage sorting.D. Citizens i

36、n Shanghai welcome the garbage sorting policy.DSmart cities are coming. And you can be sure that hackers(黑客) wont be very far behind.Weve already gotten a glimpse of that future, as cities across the globe start to use technology to connect their services and residents in ways that was science ficti

37、on just a few years ago. They are using sensors to collect data such as traffic, garbage collecting, and road conditions and then using that data to deliver services to more people and more efficiently.But this rush to become a smart city has a major drawback: The more connected a city is, the easie

38、r it is to cyber-attacks. Hackers have, in recent years, effectively held cities hostage through ransom ware(赎金器), sometimes damaging critical systems for months at a time. The damage can cost millions to repair, as Baltimore and Atlanta have discovered.And this is just the beginning. As cities add

39、connectivity to their streetlights, power grids, dams, transit lines and other services, they are adding more targets that have the potential to be hacked. Whats more, as additional information on residents is collected, officials worry the result lots of data could attract nation-states or terroris

40、ts who could incorporate the data into physical and cyber war.What cyber security lesson cant be taught in this hack? For example: Dont open email attachments from unfamiliar sources; dont click on unrecognized links; dont leave sensitive information visible on the walls or surfaces of your office.

41、But lets just stick to the most important lesson: The information you share on social media can be used to profile and target you, whether thats by engineering click bait(点击诱饵) aimed at your particular interests, guessing your password based on your birthday or figuring out your schedule and travels

42、 so that an intruder can access your home or office.Wednesday, September 18, 2019 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. 32. What did people use to think of smart cities?A.It was the product of science. B. It was bound to be popular.C. It existed in imagination. D. It improved peoples life.33. What does the autho

43、r intend to do in Paragraph 3? A. Introduce the harm of hackers. B. Show the danger of a smart city.C. Add some background information. D. Summarize the previous paragraphs.34. What is officials attitude to big data?A. It is convenient to provide service. B. It is certain to bring about revolution.C

44、. There are actually potential dangers. D. Theres competition in high technology.35. What does the underlined word profile in Para. 5 mean?A. Describe.B. Protect. C. Pursue.D. Fund.第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,共12.5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。The World Health Organization (WHO) has

45、 the following advice to protect yourself from being infected with the coronavirus or other flu-like diseases. 36 Clean your hands often and carefully with an alcohol-based hand cleaner or wash them with soap and water. Washing your hands kills viruses that may be on your hands.Keep social distancin

46、g. 37 When someone coughs or sneezes, he releases small drops of liquid from his mouth or nose which may contain the viruses. If you are too close, you can breathe in the liquid, including the COVID-19 virus if the person coughing has the disease.Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth. Your hands touch

47、 many surfaces where viruses can survive up to nine days. Once contaminated(弄脏), hands can carry the viruses to your eyes, nose or mouth. 38 Promote respiratory hygiene(呼吸道卫生). Make sure that you cover your mouth and nose with your elbow or facial tissue when you cough or sneeze. 39 If you have a fe

48、ver, a cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early. Stay home if you feel unwell, even with mild signs of infection such as headache and slight runny nose, until you recover. If you have a fever, a cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention, and follow the directions of your

49、local health official. 40 This will also help to prevent possible spread of the coronavirus and other viruses.A. Wash your hands frequently.B Then throw away the used tissue in a specially provided dustbin immediately.C. If not, you are bound to be in a horrible condition.D. Stay home and never part

50、icipate in any social activities.E. From there, the viruses can enter your body and can make you sick.F. Stay at least one meter away from anyone who is coughing or sneezing.G. Calling ahead will permit the health official to quickly direct you to the right health facility.第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节(

51、共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。You just cant imagine what a brave mother is like. She was a mother of three, who just 41 an earthquake, couldnt tell if her children were 42 for help. Or what if you knew you couldnt yell at her for help because she couldnt 43 you?

52、That was what happened to Connie and her three children 44 the 6.1-magnitude earthquake rocked Napa, California. Connie is 45 and communicates with her children using sign language.At midnight, Connie and her three children were 46 on the first floor of their two-story home. She and her 16-year-old

53、son, Juan, were shaken awake. Instantly, they realized there were no disaster supplies downstairs. Connie, also 47 one-month-old Raul and 8-year-old Adriana, called Juan to come close to her in the darkness and 48 for him to go upstairs to get a 49 .Juan slowly 50 the stairs. He heard a loud creak (

54、嘎吱声). Arriving on the top floor, he moved quickly but 51 to get what he needed. Using the flashlight to guide his steps back 52 the stairs, the family was able to take a few items from the first floor and 53 . Their home was almost in ruins.Being deaf was not deterrent (妨碍物) for this 54 mother. The

55、family made it to the 55 safely, which comforted everyone.41.A. experiencedB. dreamedC. avoidedD. reported42.A. turning aroundB. standing byC. running awayD. crying out43.A. seeB. hearC. forgiveD. reach44.A.whenB. afterC. unlessD. before45. A. blindB. deafC. oldD. sick46. A. aloneB. awakeC. aliveD.

56、asleep47.A. chatting toB. playing withC. focusing onD. running after48.A. signedB.phoned C. shoutedD. explained49.A. helperB. flashlightC. boxD. suitcase50.A. moppedB. examinedC. climbedD. left51.A. carefullyB. regularlyC. bravelyD. hurriedly52.A. upB. aboveC. underD. down53.A. stayB. returnC. fleeD

57、. cry54.A. famousB. skillfulC. ordinaryD. determined55.A. darknessB. shelterC. ruinsD. stairs第II卷第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Acupuncture ( 针 灸 ) is a traditional Chinese medical practice of treating 56 (vary) physical and mental conditions. It gained respect and interest

58、in the United States after New York Times journalist James Reston visited China with President Nixon and needed an operation. Chinese doctors used acupuncture on Reston after surgery 57 (reduce) his pain, and his recovery was swift. Curious about this, Reston 58 _ (allow) to watch surgery on patient

59、s 59 received acupuncture for anesthesia ( 麻 醉 ). Patients talked with their doctors during the operation and then walked back to their rooms 60 their own.The effectiveness of acupuncture left Reston such a deep impression that he wrote a front-page article in the New York Times about his operation

60、61 (immediate) after he returned to the United States. “A leading medical specialist sent by Premier Chou En-lai 62 (remove) my appendix (阑尾). I was conscious in 63 whole process.”The National Institutes of Health (NIH) began to sponsor some of their top physicians to visit China to investigate acup

61、uncture and its possible 64 (function) in western medicine. With years 65 (go) by, acupuncture has earned itself a great reputation across the world with magical effect.第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)第一节:应用文写作(满分15分)假定你是高三学生李华。随着高考的临近,你感到学习压力越来越大。晚上经常失眠,上课精力不集中,学习效率低下,现在对备考复习很茫然。你写信给心理学家Dr. Bloom, 咨询解决问题的方法。内容包

62、括:1、写信目的; 2.、咨询内容; 3.、期待回复。Dear Dr. Bloom:_ Yours Sincerely, Li Hua 第二节:读后续写(满分25分)阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。Whether we notice it or not, our child is a little reflection of ourselves. They grow up looking more and more like us. They even have similar personalities and hobbies. And in some cases, the standard of choosing a good friend.One day, my 10-year-old Jane said, “Mom, I

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