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1、 2014年秋旺苍县张华初中8年级上册英语导学案 (初2016级3班) Unit 7 Will people have robots? Period 1 (Section A 1a-2c)学习目标: 知识目标:1.熟练掌握词汇:will, robot, everything, paper, use, fewer, less, pollution2. 熟练掌握以下句型:(1) There will be more pollution.(2)A: Will there be fewer trees? B: Yes, there will./No, there wont. (3)Kids will

2、study at home on computers. (4)People will live to be 200 years old.(5)Really? I dont think so.技能目标:1.学会运there be句型的一般将来时和will 构成的一般将来时态对未来进行预测。2.学会运用“more, fewer, less”比较多少。情感态度:学会积极的心态去面对未来的变化。注意保护环境、爱护地球。自主预习. 保护自然环境,减少环境污染:近50年来,全球气候变暖、臭氧层破坏、森林植被锐减、生物多样性减少、酸雨和空气污染、土地荒漠化、水资源危机等一系列环境问题,使人们饱尝了环境恶化的

3、后果。遏制环境污染,实施可持续发展,成为当今世界的最强号召。联合国环境署确定今年世界环境日的主题为“冰川消融,后果堪忧”,旨在控制温室气体排放,以扭转全球气候变暖的危险趋势。. 请用there be句型描述我们的生活现状。例句:There is a lot of pollution. 一百年后,世界环境会有什么变化?人们的家居生活会是什么样的?发挥你的想象力,把它们用图画描绘出来。合作展示Before listening1. 全班进行讨论,交流展示课前准备的预习成果。2. 全班共同讨论1a对未来的预测,发表自己的观点。将自己课前所画图画在班内展示,讨论出可能性最大的预测,评比最佳预言家。3.

4、Groupwork:小组讨论1a中预测未来的句子在句式结构上有什么共同特点。While listening1. 听1b录音中对未来的预测,完成1b的听力任务。2. 再听一遍1b录音,你听到哪些对将来进行预测的句子?讨论一下吧! 看看谁说的多!3. Pairwork:对于一百年后的预测,哪些可能发生?哪些不可能发生?结合1a内容,两人一组自由讨论。讨论时可借助如下对话形式:(1)A:Will people use money in 100 years? (2)A: Will there be one country? B: Yes, they will /No, they wont。 B: Ye

5、s, there will./ No, there wont.观察与思考:观察以上听力训练中所填词汇,结合1a中预测未来的句子,请你来总结:(1) 表示将来发生的动作或情况应该用_ +_来表达。其否定形式为_+_。你能写出它的疑问句式吗?_(2) There be 句型的一般将来时结构为_。练习:将下列句子译成英文。 一百年后人们将会拥有机器人。People _ _robots in 100 years. 每样东西都将会免费吗?_everything _ _? 将来污染会很严重吗? _ _ _much pollution?(3) 其他人对将来还有哪些预言?听2a录音,选出你所听到的单词。(4)

6、 听2b录音,选出你所听到的预言。(听录音之前,首先浏览2b各句,明确其含义。观察与思考:根据所填内容,请你来总结一下:(1) fewer译为_,是_的比较级,修饰_(复数/不可数) 名词。(2) less译为_,是_的比较级,修饰_ (复数/不可数)名词。(3) more译为_,是_或_的比较级,修饰_(复数/不可数)名词NowIn 100 years600 houses1000 housesa lot of pollution almost no pollutionseven schoolstwo schools a little clean water a lot of clean wa

7、ter a lot of snow a little snowsix movie theaters two movie theaters练习:根据表格内容,用fewer, less, more填空。In 100 years There will be _ houses. There will be _pollution. There will be _ schools. There will be _clean water.There will be _snow. There will be _movie theaters.After listening1. Pairwork:借助2c的对话形

8、式,结合2b内容,两人一组,练习对话。2. Pairwork: 借助2c的对话形式,结合自己对未来的预测,两人一组,试着做一组新对话。达标测评. 将下列句子译成英语。1. 明天的城市汽车会更少,地铁会更多。There _ _ _cars and _subways in the city.2. 城市的污染会更少,人口会更多。There _ _ _ _ more people in the city tomorrow.4. 这位老人非常健康,他可以活到100多岁。The old man is very healthy, he can _ _ _ over 100 years old.5.孩子们将通

9、过电脑在家里学习。他们将不用去上学。Kids_ _ at home_ _ .They _go to school. 仿照例句改写句子。1. I feel sick today. (be better tomorrow) Ill be better tomorrow.2. Gina has six classes today.(have a lot of homework tonight)_3. Im tired now.(sleep later)_4. My parents need a new car. (buy one soon)_5. We cant leave right now. (

10、leave a little later)_6. The weather is awful today. _反思提高:今日我最大的收获: 今日我最大的失误: 今日我的表现: Unit 7 Period 2 (Section A 2d-3c)学习目标: 知识目标:1.熟练掌握词汇:future,environment,planet,building,play a part,world peace2. 熟练掌握以下句型(1)In the future,there will be.(2)A:Will there be. ? B:Yes,I hope so.技能目标: 学习一般将来时态的相关知识,学会

11、对未来进行预测。情感态度:能根据自己过去和现在的实际情况预测未来,拥有远大的理想并为之努力学习。自主预习I.根据实际情况,回答下列问题:1. Which school are you in now? _ 2. What do you think the school will be like in the future? _ 3. Whats the city like now?_4. What do you think the city be like in the future? _. 小组交流,完成下面的调查表。NameWhich school are you in now?What d

12、o you think the school will be like in the future?Whats the city like now? What do you think the city be like in the future?. 在你的朋友和家人中展开调查,咨询一下他们对现在肥城的城区面貌和生活状况的看法。There are a lot of_ (old houses/tall buildings).There is_(little/much)pollutionThere are_(few/many)peopleThe people live in a _(happy/h

13、ard)life.五十年后,肥城会有什么变化?发挥你的想象力,把它们用图画描绘出来。合作展示While reading1. 情境导入:运用上节课所学的将来时的表达展示你心中一百年后世界的模样2. 2d.(1)Read the conversation quickly and answer a question. What is the book that Jill is reading about? (2) Read it carefully and judge the sentences are right or wrong. (R or W) A. Cities will not be c

14、rowded and polluted any more in the future. B. There will be a lot of trees everywhere and the environment will be beautiful. C. People will use less water and plant more trees to save the earth in the future. (3) Listen and repeat. The read aloud for 5 minutes to recite (4)Role-play the conversatio

15、n.语言点:1)about. prep.关于 Its a book _the future .这是一本关于未来的书2)move to 搬到. We have to_ other city.3)play a part in (doing) sth. 参与,在.中扮演角色,起作用. Everyone should play a part in_(save) the earth.3. 自我检测你对Grammar Focus的理解, 完成3a,相信你是最棒的1)In the future,there will be_fresh water because there will be_pollution

16、 in the sea.2)In 100 years,there will be _cars because there will be_ people in the cities.3)There will be_ jobs for people_ robots will do the same jobs as people.4)I think there will be_cities because people will build _buildings in the country.5)In 50 years,people will have_free time because ther

17、e will be_things to do.观察与思考:通过刚才的填空练习,你发现下面这些用法的规律了吗?(1)预测某人将来的情况应该采用_时态。在运用时,我们应注意句子本身的时间状语,一般含有in the future. in+一段时间等.(2)无论哪一种时态,都有许多常见的时间状语。(3)Groupwork:一般将来时态还有哪些常用的时间状语?请就此问题展开小组讨论。练习:用所给动词的适当形式填空。a) I_(study)in high school ten years ago, and now I_(be)a college student. In ten years, I_(be)a

18、 lawyer.b) He_(live)in a big city now. He _(go)to the country next month.c) Kate often _(watch)TV at night, but this evening she _(watch)a new movie in the cinema.After reading1.Pairwork:利用3a中有关将来时的表达方式,预测未来的其他情况。可借助3b的提示信息。2. 全班进行讨论,对将来的状况进行预测。比一比谁的预测最合理。For example: Kids study at school now. In 10

19、0 years, they will study at home or.3.Groupwork:结合课前准备和的内容,完成3c,写一写将来的城市会是什么样子,然后在小组里进行汇报。_4. 结合课前准备的内容,将自己的课前所画的成武未来的面貌图在班内展示,全班同学各抒已见,发表自己的观点,对成武的未来进行预测。预测时可仿照课本中4的形式。达标测评 I.用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.I_(be)a little kid ten years ago. I_(be)a middle school student now. I_(be)a college student in five years.2.

20、She _(not have)a pet parrot five years ago. She _(have)a parrot now. She_(have) a car in five years. 根据所给汉语完成句子: 现在,我是一名中学生。我喜欢打网球,擅长英语,拥有许多好朋友。十五年后,我将是一名足球运动员。我会挣很多钱,我将拥有一架飞机。 Now, I _ a middle school student. I_ tennis. I_ good at English. I _ a lot of good friends. _fifteen years, I_ _a football

21、player. I _ _much money, and I _ _a plane.反思提高:今日我最大的收获: 今日我最大的失误: 今日我的表现: Unit 7 Period 3 (Section B 1a-1e)学习目标:知识目标:1熟练掌握以下词汇:astronaut, rocket, space, space station, fly, took, moon.2.熟练掌握以下句型:(1) A:What do you think your life will be like in ten years? B: I think Ill be an astronaut.(2) A: Where

22、 will you live? B: Ill live on a space station.(3) Ill fly rockets on the moon.(4) Maybe there will be flights to other planets.技能目标:1. 继续学习will表将来的用法并能熟练运用will句式对未来进行预测。2. 通过时间对比复习一般过去时态、一般现在时态,巩固一般将来时。情感态度:能根据自己过去和现在的实际情况预测未来,拥有远大的理想并为之努力学习。自主预习I.收集有关职业和交通工具的名词。Job:_Transportation:_. 根据自己的实际情况完成下列

23、表格。How did you get to school five years ago?How do you get to school now?Where did you live five years ago?Where do you live now?What will your life be like in ten years?(职业)合作展示Before listening1.朗读la单词,理解其汉意,并按照职业、交通工具、居住地点进行分类,完成表格。2.Groupwork:除了1a中列举的这些词汇,你还掌握哪些类似词汇?结合课前准备的内容,进行小组讨论。比一比哪一组收集得最多。W

24、hile listening 1. 听录音,完成课本1c任务。2.速读1d句,理解其汉意。再听一遍录音,完成课本1d任务。3. 听第三遍录音,选择正确的句子完成下面的对话。Conversation 2:Alexis: So, did you live here in Techville ten years ago?Joe: No, I lived with my parents in Greenville._. I went to school here in Techville, though.Alexis: Really? Thats pretty far from here. How d

25、id you get to school?Joe: Oh, I think Ill be an astronaut. Alexis: An astronaut? Are you kidding?Joe: No, Im serious. _. Maybe there will be flights to other planets.Alexis: Oh, and where will you live? Joe: _1. Oh, I took the train to school. 2. Ill fly rockets to the moon.3. We lived in a house in

26、 the country.4. Ill live on a space station.5. What do you think your life will be like in ten years?4. 模仿秀:听录音并跟读,注意模仿你所听到的问句的语音语调。After listening 1.Pairwork:(1)和同桌合作,寻找有关Joe十年前、现在、十年后生活状况的信息。(2)操练2e. 和同桌分别扮演Alexis和Joe,根据刚才找到的信息进行对话练习。表演时可借助2c的对话形式。(进行对话练习时应注意时态的变化。) 2. Pairwork:结合课前预习II的内容,根据自己的实际

27、情况与同伴进行交流。观察与思考:通过刚才的训练,请你来总结:(1) 谈论他人上班或上学的交通方式应该用什么句型?请用三种时态形式表示出来。一般过去时:-_ _you get to school? -I _(take)the train to school.一般现在时:-_ _you get to work? -I_(get)to work by bike.一般将来时:-_ _you get to work? -I_(fly)to work.(2)谈论他人居住地点应该用什么句型?请用三种时态形式表示出来。一般过去时:-_ _you _? -I_(live) in an apartment.一般现

28、在时:-_ _ you _? -I _(live)in a house.一般将来时:-_ _you _? I_(live)on a space station.(3)表示自己现在的职业用:I_ a/an预测自己将来的职业用:I_ _a/an(4)请仔细观察下面的两个句子有什么不同。What will your life be like in ten years?What do you think your life will be like in the years?在插入do you think之后,疑问句出现什么变化? _练习:汉译英。你认为她什么时候会来? _do you think _

29、 _ _?一百年后世界会是什么样? _do you think the world _ _ _ _100 years?达标测评. 句型转换。1.There was a heavy rain last night. (用tomorrow代替last night)There _ _ a heavy rain tomorrow.2.I will live in the house.(变为否定句) I _ _in the house.3.Robots will help people do chores.(提问)_ _robots_people _?4.His father will play gol

30、f next evening.(变一般疑问句)_ _ _play golf next evening?. 请选出能回答下列问句的答语。A B 1. Where do you live? A. By rocket.2. How will you fly to the moon? B. I live in an apartment.3. Does she like living here? C. Yes, she does.4. What will she be in 5 years? D. Shell be a teacher.5. Will there be more trees in the

31、 future? E. Yes, there will.反思提高:今日我最大的收获: 今日我最大的失误: 今日我的表现: Unit 7 Period 4 (Section B 2a-2e)教学目标:知识目标:1.熟练掌握以下词汇: scientist, already, made, factory, simple, human, shape, snake, possible, seem, impossible, housework, hundreds of , be able to,over and over again,fall down,look for,for example,look

32、like,wake up ,bored,such2.熟练掌握以下句型:(1) He thinks that it will be difficult for a robot to do the same things as a person.(2) They think that robots will even be able to talk to people in 25 to 50 years.(3) Some will look like humans, and others might look like animals(4) We never know what will happ

33、en in the future!技能目标:1.能够运用所给信息,如标题、图片等预测文章大意。2. 能够运用本课的核心句型,想象和预测未来社会发展。情感态度:21世纪的青少年应该开拓思维,敢于设想和实践,善于运用科学知识发明创造。自主预习. 机器人发展史:早在三千多年前的西周时代,我国就出现了能歌善舞的木偶,称为“倡者”,这可能是世界上最早的“机器人”。上世纪五六十年代,出现第一代机器人,它属于“示教再现”(Teach-in/playback)型机器人,只具有记忆、存储能力,按相应程序重复作业,但对周围环境基本没有感知与反馈控制能力。进入80年代,出现了第二代机器人有感觉的机器人。它能够获得作

34、业环境和作业对象的有关信息,进行一定的实时处理作业,在工业生产中得到广泛应用。第三代机器人是目前正在研究的“智能机器人”。它不仅具有更加完善的环境感知能力,而且还具有逻辑思维、判断和决策能力,可根据作业要求与环境信息自主进行工作。. What do these robots look like? What can they do?合作展示Before reading:1.(1)根据要求,利用本课词汇填空。Safe(反义词)_ possible(反义词)_ make(过去式)_ easy(近义词)_ hardly(近义词)_dirty(近义词)_(2)拼装游戏。将下列词汇进行组合,看看能否构成其

35、他词汇。你还能举出类似的例子吗? danger im dis house agree ous possible2.利用课前画的机器人草图,全班同学就其外形和功能进行讨论,注意句型:3.Groupwork:根据文章标题和插图猜测文章大体内容,完成2b.While reading 1.Fast reading:回答下列问题.(阅读策略:以极快的速度阅读文章,寻找字面上阐述的信息)(1)Are there any robots now? (2)Will there be more robots in the future?2. Careful reading (阅读策略:仔细阅读短文,有目的性、针对

36、性地在文中查找问题答案。)根据文章内容,判断各句正误。( ) (1) The robots help people do the most pleasant jobs.( ) (2) Scientists try to make robots look different from people.( ) (3) Robots will never get bored to do simple jobs over and over again.( ) (4) Humans will have more work to do it the future.( ) (5) Space rockets

37、seemed possible a hundred years ago.3. Detailed reading(阅读策略:有选择地精研细读有关章节或段落,解决疑难之处。)阅读文章的13自然段,回答下列问题。(1) What do the robots do in some science movies?(2) Will robots get bored?(3) What can the robots do in Japanese companies?(4) Does Mr. White think robots can do the same things as a person?4.阅读文章

38、的45自然段,根据文章内容完成下列各题。将下列发明按时间归类。computers,the robots that can talk to people,the robots that look like humans,the snake robotsa hundred years agonowin the future5. Reading up(研读)1) 自主学习找出重、难点。_2) 合作探究细读全文,提出疑难问题,小组讨论,互助解答。观察与思考:1. However, they agree it may take hundreds of years.hundreds of 意思为_,后跟_

39、。当hundred 表示具体数量时,不可以+s,也不可以和of 连用。例如:400_。练习:There are _books in our school library.A. hundred of B. hundreds of C. nine hundreds D. nine hundreds of 2. He thinks that it will be difficult( for a robot) to do the same things as a person.,its easy for a child to wake up and know where they are. It i

40、s +形容词+(for sb. +)to do sth. 意思为_练习:汉译英。 学好英语对我而言很难。_is difficult for me _ _English well. 按时到校对我而言很容易。_is easy for me _ _to school on time.3. For example,there are already robots working in factories. There be sb. /sth. +doing sth. 意思为_练习:Listen! There is a girl _(sing)in the next room.4. That may n

41、ot seem possible now,seem意思为_,其后可跟_词或to do.练习:她似乎病了。She _ _ _ _. / She _ _.看,机器人似乎动了。Look! The robot _ _ _.After reading1. 完成课本2c和2d的内容。2. 介绍自己在课前设计的机器人的用途,完成2e3. Groupwork:小组讨论全班同学设计的机器人图片,猜测它们的功能。达标测评. 根据汉语提示完成句子。1. No one knows what will happen _the _(在将来).2. These things were invented _ _(数百)yea

42、rs ago.3. When I work for a long time, Ill _ _(感到厌倦).4. I still dont have a computer of _ _(我自己的).5. When she was 20, her dream to be a singer _ _(实现).反思提高:今日我最大的收获: 今日我最大的失误: 今日我的表现: Unit 7 Period 5 (Section B 3a-Self Check)学习目标:知识目标: 1.熟练掌握以下词汇:pet, probably, be good for, wear, holiday, both.and.,

43、the meaning of,during the week,interesting,on the weekend2.熟练掌握以下句型:(1)In 20 years,I think Ill be a newspaper reporter.(2)On the weekend, Ill look less smart but I will be more comfortable.(3)What will your be like ?技能目标:能完成阅读任务并运用3a核心句型,写出对自己未来生活的预测和设想。情感态度:每个人都应该拥有梦想和人生目标,并且为之不懈努力直至梦想实现。自主预习I.据自己的

44、实际情况为自己的未来制定计划。未来职业未来居住地点未来爱好未来衣着打扮未来度假计划Ill be_Ill live_Ill _Ill wear_Ill go to_.在同学之中展开调查,询问他们梦想的职业并记录下来。NameJob合作展示While reading1. Skimming(略读):在3a中作者预测了自己20年后的生活状况。快读短文,回答问题:(1) What will Jill be in 20 years? (2)What does Jill mention(提到)in 3a?(多选题)A. 职业 B. 居住地点 C. 爱好 D. 衣着打扮 E. 薪水 F. 度假计划2. Sca

45、nning(找读):1)仔细阅读短文,完成3a的填空。 2)再细读短文,在3a中标出含有“will”的句子,并熟读这些句子。3. Ss read the filled passage aloud for 5 minutes to recite.4. Reading up(研读)1)自主学习找出重、难点。_2)合作探究细读全文,提出疑难问题,小组讨论,互助解答。_观察与思考:(1) 这篇短文中出现了一般将来时这种时态,请从短文中找出这种时态的时间状语。你还知道哪些常用的时间状语?(2) 注意观察文章的开头与结尾,这篇文章从哪些方面描述了作者二十年后的生活?(3) 请仔细观察下面的二个句子,然后总

46、结be good for和be good at的用法我的公寓对养宠物不太好。My apartment will be no good for pet.我擅长唱歌。 Im good at singing.be good for 后跟_,译为_主语通常为_be good at 后跟_,译为_,主语通常为_练习:用 be good for 和 be good at填空Ming _swimming in the river. Doing morning exercises _your health.(4)wear指_,意为;put on 指_,意为_;in后跟_,指_, dress sb.既可指_也可

47、指_。练习: (1)I_ a coat every day.1) Look! The girl_ red is my sister.2) Some Kids can_ themselves before five years old.After reading1. Groupwork:交流课前准备的预习成果。讨论时可借助如下形式:Ill be an astronaut. Ill live on a space station. Ill play football in my free time. Ill wear a suit and Ill have long hair. Ill go to

48、 Japan on vacation.2. 通过讨论,在班里评选出来未来的最佳职业、居住地点、爱好、衣着打扮和度假计划3. 完成3b的表格。借助3a,尝试写成短文。4. 仔细观察下列各句的时间状语,利用所给动词的适当形式填空。(1) Which country _(win)the next World Cup?(2) What _ the weather _(be)like tomorrow?(3) Which movies _(win)awards next year?(4) What _teenagers_(do)for fun twenty years from now?5. Pairw

49、ork:结合生活实际,同桌之间就以上四个问题进行讨论。6. 完成4和self check.达标测评. 用所给词的正确形式填空。1. There are many new _ (build) in our city.2. We can do the work with _ (little) money and _(few) people.3. Maybe he wants to go _ (skate).4. There are _ (hundred) of people on the ground.5. Where do you think Sally _(work)ten years fro

50、m now?6. The boy _(fly) to New York two days ago, and he _(be) back soon.7. _(be) you at school yesterday evening? We had an exciting party.8. When I grow up, I_ (be) a famous pilot. 用适当的介词填空。1. _ten years, I think Ill be a reporter.2. Ill live _ Shanghai.3. I fell _love _the beautiful city.4. _ a r

51、eporter, I think I will meet lots of people.5. _ the week, I go to school and have many classes.6. _the weekends, I usually stay at home.反思提高:今日我最大的收获: 今日我最大的失误: 今日我的表现: 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,写出空白处各单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。What will the life be like in 2050 ? Well , yesterday we did an ( 56) _(面谈)with Mr Black . Mr Black is a g

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