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1、,Grammar,专题十一介词和介词短语,PART 1,高频考点清单,PART 2,重温高考真题,PART 3,热考点集训,PART 1,高频考点清单,介词和介词短语的核心考点,介词是虚词,不能单独作句子成分,必须与名词、代词(或相当于名词的其他词类、短语或从句等)构成介词短语,在句中充当一个成分。介词分为:简单介词,如at,in,for等;合成介词,如within,inside,onto,throughout等;短语介词,如according to,out of,because of,by means of,in spite of,instead of等;双重介词,如from behind/

2、above/under,until after等;分词介词,如considering,including,judging (from/by) 等。 1.介词搭配 (1)“动词介词”搭配:注意特定搭配与同一介词与多个动词搭配意义不同的情况。,rob sb. of sth. /clear the road of snow(表示“夺去、除去”意义的动词与of 连用) supply us with food/fill the glass with wine(表示“供给”意义的动词与with连用) make a desk of wood/make bread from flour/make the ma

3、terial into a coat(表示“制作、制造”意义的动词与of,from,into连用) 介词the部位与动词的关系(动词sb. s部位,可换用) strike him on the head(表示“击;拍;碰;摸”意义的动词与on连用) catch him by the arm(表示“抓;拉;拿;扯”意义的动词与by连用) hit the boy in the face(表示“肚;胸;眼;脸”等人体前部的器官名词与in连用),prevent(stop,keep)sb. from doing sth. (表示“阻止,禁止”意义的动词与from连用) persuade(advise,w

4、arn)sb. into doing sth. (表示“说服;建议;警告”意义的动词与into连用) buy(leave,get,win,gain,lose) sth. for sb. (表示“得失”意义的动词与for连用) tell(show,teach,sing,write,read) sth. to sb. (表示“告知”意义的动词与to连用) give(allow,promise,pass,hand) sth. to sb. (表示“授予”意义的动词与to连用),注意:可换成buy sb. sth. ,tell sb. sth. ,give sb. sth. 双宾结构。 say to

5、sb. (suggest,explain,apologize,murmur,whisper等与“对象”连用必须用to)不可说suggest sb. sth. 。 (2)同一介词与不同动词搭配,意义各异。 reply to the letter回信,sing(dance) to the music和唱(跳),amount to 达到,加起来有,devote to把贡献给,drink to为干杯,object to反对,look forward to 渴望,e to苏醒,belong to属于,search for搜,ask for请求,use.for用作,leave for前往,take.for

6、误以为,call for要求,wait for等待,care for喜欢,make up for弥补损失,turn to求助/救于,help oneself to随意,agree to同意,pare.to把比作,send for派人去请/拿,sail for驶向,起航,set out for动身去,go in for爱好,(3)常见“形容词介词”搭配。 be worthy of值得的,glad about sth. for sb. 为某人某事高兴,far from离远,grateful to sb. for sth. 为某事感激某人,free from没有/免除,proud of/take p

7、ride in自豪,satisfied with/by满意,sure of/about确信,fond of喜欢,fit for适合,busy with sth. /in doing sth. 忙着干某事,full of充满,ready for准备,similar to相似,wrong with不对;有毛病,(4)“名词介词”习惯搭配和意义区分。,the absence of water缺水 the hope of success成功的希望 have a chance of/for entering college上大学的机会,take pride in them为他们感到骄傲 the key

8、to the question问题的答案 a medicine for cough治咳嗽的药 the ticket for tomorrow明天的票,his absence,in Beijing他去了北京 from Beijing他不在北京,to study学习方法 of studying maths学习数学的方法,the way,题组训练1 用适当的介词填空 1.Our opinions on language learning differ greatly each others in that respect. 2.Our teacher often asks us to retell

9、stories our own words. 3.Ive promised to keep it secret,so I cant really tell you anything _ what you know already. 4. time passing by,they have grown into big boys and big girls. 5.What was the cause the fire?,from,in,查看答案,beyond,With,of,2.核心介词用法归纳与辨析 (1)表示时间的介词in的用法如下。 表示在某一较长时间内,如世纪、年、季、月、周等,一般用介

10、词in,如:in the 1990s,in the year,in January,in (the) winter/summer/fall/spring,in the first week of May。 还可以用时段名词组成固定短语或词组。如:in a while,in no time,in the daytime,in a short while,in time,in the morning(afternoon,evening)。 注意:at night/at noon,in the day(在白天),in the night(在夜间)。 in five days(weeks,months

11、,years)中in意思是“在以后”。,(2)在具体的某一天或某天上午、晚上、前夕,常用on。 on Sunday(s),on Tuesday morning on Christmas Day(但at Christmas),on Christmas Eve,on Childrens Day on March 8,on the morning(afternoon,evening)of Oct.1 early on the morning of Oct.1(区别:in the late/early morning of Oct.1) on a rainy night,on warm winter

12、days (3)表示某一时刻或某一点时间用at,如小时、分钟等。 at breakfast(supper,lunch),at six at noon(sunrise,sunset,midday,night,midnight,dawn) at the age of 15,at the time of war(但in time of danger/trouble),注意:有些时间名词前不接介词。 next day,last Sunday,that morning,these years one,each,any,every,some,all修饰时,一般不用介词,如some day,one day,

13、all afternoon。,(4)till,until的用法。 till(until)与持续动词连用一般用于肯定句中,与短暂动词连用一般用在否定句中。 He waited for me till twelve oclock. He didnt get up till(until) 10 a.m.(不可用to). 注意:在句首出现或强调句型中一般不用till而用until。 Not until 9 a.m.did Mr.Smith e back to school.,(5)in,later,after in一段时间:表示说话时为起点一段时间之后,与一般将来时连用;但表示“在之内”时,用于各种时

14、态。 一段时间later(later是副词):表示某一具体时间或某一方面具体时间算起的一段时间后。 after一段时间:表示“在之后”,用于一般过去时;但时间为点时间时,只能用after,即after点时间,用于各种时态。 The doctor will be with us in six minutes. She graduated in 1981,and eight years later she became the manager of the factory.,He received her letter after four weeks. 另外,in一段时间stime与within

15、一段时间的用法如下: in a weeks timein a week They will arrive in three days time.(与将来时连用) My brothers birthday is in two weeks time.(作表语) Ill finish the book within two weeks.(withinin less than.用于各种时态,意为“不超出,在之内”) (6)地点介词at,on,in,to,off,across,through,over,above,under,below。,at 在较小的场所;in在较大的场所;on在的平面上。如at t

16、he door,at the airport,at the station,at 55 Park Street,in China,in the north,in Asia,on the desk,on the wall等。 on,at,in,off还可以表示两地的相对位置。若A地属于B地,用in;A地位于B地的外面且有边缘衔接,用on;无边缘的衔接,用to;A在B附近,用off。 Japan lies to the east of China.(范围之外) Taiwan lies in the southeast of China.(范围之内) Hunan Province lies on t

17、he west of Hubei Province.(毗邻) The island lies off the coast of China.(相隔一定距离),across在物体表面“穿过”;through则表示在三维空间内部“穿过”。 They walked across the playground. I walked through the forest. over,above译作“在之上”;under,below译作“在的下面”,其区别在于over,under表示一种直接的、垂直的上下关系;而above,below则表示一般的“高于”或“低于”,不一定是垂直“在上”或“在下”。 A li

18、ttle boat is now under the bridge. There is a bridge over the river. The sun sinks below the horizon(地平线). The window is well above the tree.,(7)表示方式、手段、工具的介词 by the year/hour/day按年/小时/天。如:He rents a house by the year(day,hour).(按bythe单位名称,但to the pound按磅算,to the ton按吨计)。 表泛指的方式、手段 by post/mail邮寄,by

19、 telephone(radio)(但on the phone/on the radio/on TV),by electricity用电,by machinery用机器,by hard work,learn sth. by heart,through the satellite,through practice,through his own efforts,through experience,through the telescope,交通工具类 by bus/train/car/taxi by bike/bicycle,on horseback/foot by plane/jet/spa

20、ceship/air by ship/boat/lifeboat/sea/water 另外:by means of 用方法,by way of 经由,取道于;用方法,with the help(permission) of sb. /with sb. s help(permission)。 表方式、手段的其他用法 He beat the dog with a stick.(with工具/机器) One smells with his nose.(with人体器官,但by hand手工,用手) He stood up with pride.(with情绪、情感、态度的名词),注意:使用语言、材料

21、、文字等用in。如:in English(ink,pencil)。另外如:in high(good,low)spirits,in anger,in joy,in fort,in sorrow,in safety,in danger,in need,in debt,in love,in fun,in pain,in tears,in surprise,in good(poor) health,in good order,in flower,in a way,in a low voice,in silence,in(with) satisfaction,in a hurry,in(with) wo

22、rds,live/feed on food,kneel on ones knee,take(catch) sb. by surprise(出其不意),(8)表示“除之外”的常用词。 besides 除以外(还有)。作副词时意思是“而且,更何况”。 We all went to the cinema besides Shaw. It was too late to see a film,and besides,I was tired. except除去,除之外(不再有)。 We all went except John. 在否定句中,两词可以换用。 He has no other hats ex

23、cept/besides this one. except for除了(对句子主题进行细节校正或附加说明),后接名词、代词或what从句,此时与“except that句子”意思相同。 He was very clever except for carelessness.,except that.除了以外。 He has not changed except that he is wearing dark glasses. but与except but和except在表示“除了以外”时可以通用,但应注意以下三点: (A)前面有不定代词、疑问代词在意义上对称时,多用but。 All but on

24、e are here. Nobody but I likes making model ships. (B)后接不定式短语为排除对象时,多用but。 He has nothing to do but wait.(前有do,后省to) (C)but与一些固定结构连用。 have no choice but to do sth. 只得做某事,can not but do sth. 不得不,can not help but do sth. 不得不,but for.若不是,(9)between与among between通常指两者之间,也可以用于三者或三者以上的每两者之间的相互关系。 Ann is b

25、etween Tom and Bill. Switzerland lies between France,Germany,Australia and Italy. They soon finished the work between themselves.(共同,合作) She was busy between cooking,washing,sewing and looking after the baby.(表示接连不断地,一个接一个地忙这忙那) A horse can be seen between trees now. among表示三者以上之间。,The story is said

26、 to have happened in a village among the hills. He was happy to be among friends again. We must agree among ourselves.(一起,共同) London is among the largest cities.(one of与最高级连用) (10)表原因的介词for,because of,due to。 He didnt e to the meeting because of his illness. The reason for his ing late is that he wa

27、s ill. He was praised for his bravery and courage. The accident is due to your careless driving.,(11)不定式复合结构中的for,of。 这里所说的不定式复合结构形式指的是for 或of加上人或事,作动词不定式逻辑主语的结构。 It is clever of you to answer it like that. It is quite hard for me to explain why. 注意:两句中的of和for的使用,表语形容词能够说明不定式逻辑主语的性质、特征与面貌时用of,如果说明不定

28、式行为本身的性质、状态等则用for。 (12)兼作连词和副词的介词。 after,since,till/until,before这些词既是介词,又是连词。 The children went home at once after school.(介词) They went to bed after they had finished the job.(连词),in,on,along,down,up,after,before,beyond等介词可兼作副词。 He ran down the hill.(介词) Can you lift that box down from the shelf fo

29、r me?(副词) 有的介词可以兼作连词和副词。 All the students got to school before me.(介词) We do want to buy something now before prices go up.(连词) Havent I seen you before?(副词) (13)介词的省略。 某些动词短语之后的介词可以省略。 Nothing can prevent me (from) doing the job. She spent nearly two hours (in) translating it.,(14)某些名词与介词构成的固定搭配。 要

30、求接to的名词有:key,answer,visit,entrance,apology,introduction,road等。 The key to success is preparation. 要求接in 的名词有:interest,satisfaction,expert等。 He is an expert in teaching little children.,on the contrary,for the benefit of,in time,out of place,in favour of,题组训练2 短语填空 1.China has been pushing the reform

31、 of public hospitals all its citizens. 2.The furniture,with its modern style and bright colors,suits modern houses and their gardens,but looks in the garden of a traditional home. 3.Thank God youre safe! I stepped back,just to avoid the racing car.,查看答案,forthebenefitof,outofplace,intime,4.It wasnt a

32、 good thing; ,it was a huge mistake. 5.When asked about their opinions about the schoolmaster,many teachers would prefer to see him step aside younger men.,查看答案,onthecontrary,infavourof,on the contrary,for the benefit of,in time,out of place,in favour of,PART 2,重温高考真题,1.Chinas soft power grows the i

33、ncreasing appreciation and understanding of China globally.(2018江苏,33) A.in line with B.in reply to C.in return for D.in honour of,答案,解析,解析句意为:中国的软实力在增长,这与中国在全球范围内得到越来越多的欣赏和理解是一致的。in line with意为“与一致”,符合语境。in reply to回复,答复;in return for作为对的回报;in honour of为了向表示尊敬。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,1

34、6,17,18,19,20,2.Bob thought he couldnt go to the party because he had to write a report,but he went .(2018天津,11) A.at first B.after all C.above all D.at random,答案,解析,解析句意为:鲍勃以为他不能去参加聚会了,因为他得写一份报告,但他最终还是去了。after all意为“毕竟,最终,终究”,符合语境,故选B。at first起初,最初;above all首先,最重要的是;at random任意地,漫无目的地。,1,2,3,4,5,6,

35、7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,3.Determining where we are our surroundings remains an essential skill for our survival.(2017江苏,32) A.in contrast to B.in defense of C.in face of D.in relation to,答案,解析,解析句意为:通过对比我们周围的环境来确定我们的位置是我们生存的一项重要技能。结合句意可知,这里用in relation to“相对某事物而言”。in contrast to与相比;in

36、 defense of保卫,为辩护;in face of面对。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,4.Many people who live along the coast make a living fishing industry. (2017北京,35) A.at B.in C.on D.by,答案,解析,解析句意为:很多住在海边的人们靠渔业为生。“在行业”用介词in。此题容易忽视fishing后的名词industry,以为是靠捕鱼这种方式而错选D项。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,

37、15,16,17,18,19,20,5.We offer an excellent education to our students.,we expect students to work hard.(2017天津,13) A.On average B.At best C.In return D.After all,答案,解析,解析句意为:我们向学生提供优质的教育,同时也希望学生努力学习。in return作为报酬,作为回报,符合语境。on average平均来看;at best充其量,至多;after all毕竟,终究。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,1

38、5,16,17,18,19,20,6.When you drive through the Redwood Forests in California,you will be trees that are over 1,000 years old.(2017天津,12) A.among B.against C.behind D.below,答案,解析,解析句意为:当你驾车穿过加利福尼亚的红杉林时,你会置身在那些树龄超过1 000年的树木之间。among在当中,为所围绕,符合语境。against以为背景,衬托;behind在后面;below在下面。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11

39、,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,7.That young man is honest,cooperative,always there when you need his help.,hes reliable.(2016浙江,6) A.Or else B.In short C.By the way D.For one thing,答案,解析,解析句意为:那个年轻人诚实而且善于合作,总是在你需要帮助的时候出现。总之,他是可靠的。or else否则,要不然;in short总之,简言之;by the way顺便说一下;for one thing一方面。 根据句意可知答案为B

40、。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,8.The study suggests that the cultures we grow up influence the basic processes by which we see the world around us.(2016浙江,7) A.on B.in C.at D.about,答案,解析,解析考查介词。句意为:该项研究表明,我们成长的文化环境会影响我们看我们周围的世界的基本过程。in the cultures在的文化中,为固定搭配,故选B。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7

41、,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,9.The dictionary is :many words have been added to the language since it was published.(2016天津,2) A.out of control B.out of date C.out of sight D.out of reach,答案,解析,解析考查“out of名词”型介词短语辨析。句意为:这部词典过时了:自从它出版以来,这门语言已增添了许多单词。out of date过时,符合语境。out of control失控;out of

42、 sight看不见;out of reach够不着。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,10.Many of the things we now benefit from would not be around Thomas Edison.(2015江苏,34) A.thanks to B.regardless of C.aside from D.but for,答案,解析,解析考查介词短语辨析。句意为:如果没有托马斯爱迪生的话,我们现在所受益的许多东西是不会出现的。thanks to幸亏,由于;regardless of不管

43、,不顾;aside from除了,除以外;but for要不是,如果没有的话。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,11.Most people work because its unavoidable.,there are some people who actually enjoy work.(2015浙江,10) A.As a result B.In addition C.By contrast D.In conclusion,答案,解析,解析考查介词短语辨析。句意为:大多数人工作是因为无法避免,也有一些人确实喜欢工作。根

44、据语境可知,此处表示前后对比。by contrast相比之下,符合语境。as a result结果;in addition另外,此外;in conclusion总之。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,12.A mon memory they all have their school days is the school uniform.(2015福建,22) A.of B.on C.to D.with,答案,解析,解析考查介词的用法。句意为:他们对校园岁月的共同记忆就是校服。本句使用了have a memory of这一搭

45、配,含义为“对的记忆”。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,13.Have you ever heard of the trees that are homes animals both on land and sea?(2015浙江,3) A.about B.to C.with D.over,答案,解析,解析考查固定搭配。句意为:你听说过是海陆两栖动物栖息地的树吗?be home to为固定搭配,意为“是的栖息地,是的家园”。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,2

46、0,14.Facing up to your problems running away from them is the best approach to working things out.(2014浙江,12) A.more than B.rather than C.along with D.or rather,答案,解析,解析结合短语意义辨析考查语境选词。句意为:勇于面对你的问题逃避它们是解决事情的最好办法。more than多于,不仅仅是,非常;rather than而不是;along with跟一起;or rather更确切地说。由语境可知,此处表示“面对问题而不是(rather

47、 than)逃避问题”。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,15.Check carrots,potatoes,onions and any other vegetables and immediately use or throw away any which show signs of rotting. (2014湖北,30) A.in demand B.in store C.on loan D.on sale,答案,解析,解析考查介词短语辨析。句意为:查看一下储存的胡萝卜、土豆、洋葱及其他蔬菜,然后把任何有腐烂迹象的立即

48、用掉或扔掉。 in store储存,符合句意。in demand需要;on loan借款;on sale在出售。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,16.It is unbelievable that Mr.Lucas leads a simple life his great wealth. (2014江西,33) A.without B.despite C.in D.to,答案,解析,解析考查介词词义辨析。without没有,要不是;despite尽管;in在里面;to到,向,对于。句意为:真是难以相信啊!尽管Lucas先

49、生有很多钱,但他还过着如此简朴的生活。根据句意说明上下文之间存在着转折关系,选项中只有B项与之相符。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,17.Starting your own business could be a way to achieving financial independence.,it could just put you in debt.(2014江西,25) A.In other words B.All in all C.As a result D.On the other hand,答案,解析,解析考查

50、介词短语辨析。句意为:自己做生意也许是获得经济独立的一个方法;另一方面,它也可能让你负债。in other words换句话说;all in all总的说来;as a result结果;on the other hand另一方面。根据句意说明这是一件事情的两个方面,所以D项符合。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,18.Jane is in a hurry because the train to the airport leaves half an hour. (2014北京,23) A.by B.in C.for D.un

51、til,答案,解析,解析考查介词。句意为:Jane很着急,因为去机场的火车半小时后出发。leave(离开)用一般现在时表示按照时刻表将要发生的动作,in half an hour半个小时以后,与将来的动作连用,符合题意。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,19.The Scottish girl blue eyes won the first prize in the Fifth Chinese Speech Contest.(2014陕西,14) A.by B.of C.in D.with,答案,解析,解析考查介词。句意为:

52、在第五届汉语演讲比赛中,那位蓝眼睛的苏格兰女孩赢得了第一名。with blue eyes作后置定语,修饰the Scottish girl。with表示“有,拥有(某种特征或所有物)”,符合题意。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,20.She drove so fast at the turn that the car almost went the road. (2014重庆,7) A.on B.along C.from D.off,答案,解析,解析考查介词。句意为:她驾车在拐弯处开得太快,汽车几乎要冲出公路。off意为“

53、偏离,离开”,符合题意。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,PART 3,热考点集训,1.Whats the main reason for choosing one restaurant another? Just the service. A.against B.beyond C.over D.after,答案,解析,解析句意为:你选择这家餐馆,而不是另一家餐馆的主要原因是什么?仅仅因为服务。over在此强调比较的概念,意为“胜过,比更好”。故选C项。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15

54、,16,17,18,19,20,2.We really emphasize the importance of putting safeguards to prevent childrens identities from falling in bad peoples hands. (2018苏锡常镇四市一调,12) A.in place B.in vain C.in question D.in earnest,答案,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,解析,解析句意为:我们非常强调保护措施布置到位的重要性,以防止儿童的身份落入

55、坏人之手。in place在正确的位置,准备妥当;in vain徒劳;in question正被讨论的;in earnest认真地,真正地。根据句意可知,应选A。,3.As Queen Elizabeth in her New Year Speech of 2018 puts it,for many,the idea of “home” reaches a physical building to a hometown,a city or a nation. A.against B.with C.beyond D.through,答案,解析,解析句意为:正如伊丽莎白女王在2018年新年演说中所

56、说的,对很多人来说,“家”的概念超越了一个有形的建筑,它是一个城镇、一个城市或一个国家。故选C。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,4.Bitcoin(比特币) is a digital currency used by terrorists and drug dealers,as well as major panies like Microsoft and Overstock.,everyone from private individuals who order pizza to terrorists who order

57、 weapons. A.Among other thingsB.On top of that C.More often than notD.In other words,答案,解析,解析句意为:比特币是一种电子货币,除了微软和Overstock等大公司使用外,恐怖分子和毒品交易上也使用比特币。换句话说,从订购比萨的个人到购买武器的恐怖分子都使用比特币。among other things除了其他方面;on top of that除此以外;more often than not通常;in other words换句话说。根据语境,故选D。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1

58、3,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,5. the efforts made by the police,a fantastic performance will be put on tomorrow. A.In place of B.In search of C.In charge of D.In praise of,答案,解析,解析句意为:为了表彰警方做出的努力,明天将举办精彩的演出。in place of替代;in search of 寻找;in charge of 负责;in praise of 为了表扬。根据语境得知是为了表扬。故选D。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1

59、0,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,6.Located the eastern coast of the sea,the village is fairly new only a small population of less than 3,000. A.on;with B.off;with C.in;of D.on;in,答案,解析,解析句意为:这个村子位于东海岸,很小,只有不到3 000的人口。第一空on表示“在,接近(某地)”,on the coast表示“滨海的,沿海的”;off表示“(时空上)离,距”,off the cast表示“近岸的”。第二空填wi

60、th,with a small population of有很少的人口。故选A。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,7.Congratulations on your girlfriends being offered the job. Thank you,but shes got it her greater perseverance. (2018南京高淳区、淮海中学、盐城中学、淳辉高中等97校联考,33) A.in terms of B.in response to C.by virtue of D.with respec

61、t to,答案,解析,解析句意为:祝贺你的女朋友找到了工作。谢谢,她是凭借更大的毅力得到的这份工作。in terms of根据;in response to响应;by virtue of由于,凭借;with respect to关于。根据句意选C。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,8.Can you put me about the World Cup Football Match? Sorry.I myself know nothing about it.(2018南京三模,27) A.in the air B.on th

62、e move C.in the picture D.on the spot,答案,解析,解析in the air悬而未决,(谣言等)传开,流行开来,半空中;on the move在行动,在移动中,在进步中,流动;put sb. in the picture介绍情况,使了解情况;put sb. on the spot使某人难堪。根据句意“你能给我介绍一下世界杯足球赛的情况吗?”可得出C项答案。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,9.A good suitcase is essential for someone who is a

63、s much as Jackie is. (2017南通、扬州、泰州、淮安三模,33) A.on the rise B.on the line C.on the spot D.on the run,答案,解析,解析句意为:一个好的旅行箱对于一个像成龙那样奔波的人来说是很有必要的。on the run忙碌,奔波,符合语境。故选D项。on the rise上升中;on the line处于危险中;on the spot当场,在现场。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,10.Some traditional exercises li

64、ke jogging,swimming and climbing may help people stay .(2017苏锡常镇四市一模,26) A.in place B.in order C.in fashion D.in shape,答案,解析,解析句意为:一些传统的锻炼如慢跑、游泳和登山有助于人们保持健康。in place在适当的位置;in order井然有序;in fashion流行;in shape身体健康的。根据句意选D项。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,11.Hopefully,the new method

65、will be effective,helping students to get their career plans .(2017南京、盐城二模,28) A.at hand B.at will C.on trial D.on track,答案,解析,解析句意为:这个新的方法有望很有效地帮助学生们的职业规划走上正轨。at hand在手边,即将来临的;at will任意,随意;on trial在审判中,在实验中;on track步入正轨。根据句意选D项。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,12.Modern zoos shou

66、ld shoulder more social responsibility social progress and awareness of the public.(2018镇江高三上期中,27) A.in light of B.in favor of C.in honor of D.in praise of,答案,解析,解析句意为:现代的动物园应该根据社会的进步和公众的意识来承担更多的社会责任。in light of根据,鉴于;in favor of有利于,支持;in honor of为了纪念;in praise of歌颂,为赞扬。此处表示根据,故选A。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,13.Ill soon have to throw away the printer,for its beyon

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