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1、Module 4 Home alone,模块主题写作四,模块主题写作四,话题分析,你有过父母不在家自己独立生活的经历吗?独自在家时,你能够做什么,不能做什么?请以“Home alone”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。,模块主题写作四,思路点拨,模块主题写作四,素材积累,短语: 1. on business _ 2look after _ 3turn on _ 4in order to _ 5feel proud of oneself _ 6grow up _,出差,照顾,打开,为了,为某人自己感到骄傲,长大,模块主题写作四,素材积累,句型: 1. It was the second day o

2、f 2I lived alone but I didnt feel lonely. 3After getting up, I managed to 4I am really proud of myself.,模块主题写作四,高分模板,Home alone My first experience at home alone was unforgettable. It was the second day of the summer holiday. My parents were away on business. So I lived alone but I didnt feel lonely

3、. I felt free. I could do many things I like.,模块主题写作四,In the morning, I got up very late. After getting up, I managed to cook by myself. Then I began to do my homework. In the afternoon, I went to play basketball with my friends. In the evening, I watched TV until 11 oclock. I even washed my clothes

4、 and tidied the rooms up. When my parents came back, they were very happy. They praised me. I am really proud of myself.,模块主题写作四,名师点评,unforgettable用在点题句中表达了作者对这次经历的难忘之情。 连词so 和but 的运用表达了作者独自在家的感受。 作者巧妙运用了非谓语动词getting up,简洁,准确。 结尾作者对自己独自在家的经历进行了总结,模块主题写作四,小试身手,假如今天是10月11日,星期六,父母去上海出差,你一个人在家。请根据下面提示,以

5、“Home alone for the first time”为题,写一篇70词左右的英文日记,记录你今天的生活,可适当发挥。 1上午:整理自己的房间,洗了自己的衣服 2中午:做了一顿简单的午餐 3下午:做作业,看电视,模块主题写作四,Saturday, October 11 Sunny Home alone for the first time _ _ _ _,Saturday, October 11 Sunny Home alone for the first time My parents have gone to Shanghai on business, so I stay at h

6、ome alone. In the morning, I tidied up my bedroom and washed my clothes. At noon, I cooked for the first time. It was a very simple but delicious lunch. In the afternoon, I did my homework first, and then watched TV. Although Ive never stayed at home alone before, Im doing very well. Im really proud of myself!,One possible version,

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