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1、Unit 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left. 听说课 Section A(1a-2c) Learning Goals Talk about Tinas morning with the past perfect tense. Learn the English phrases and new words. Listen for Tinas bad morning. Let the students learn to arrange the time reasonably. Step I Preview 1.写出下列词的

2、过去式和过去分词。sleep _ _get _ _ go _ _leave _ _ring _ _be _ _take _ _run _ _wake _ _ 2. Look at P76 ,P77, put the following into English orally, then write them down without looking at the text.1)当我到达教室时,老师已经开始讲课了。2)当我到外面时,公共汽车已经离开了。3)当我起床时,我的弟弟已经进入浴室了。4)当我起床时,我的妈妈已经打扫完房间了。设计意图:预习为学生接受新知识做好了铺垫,培养学生的自学习惯,并

3、为老师的教学内容提供了依据。Step II Warming up and lead in1. Let the students look at pictures and talk about my day using by the time and use the past perfect tense.7:00 7:10 7:15 7:20 7:40 7:42 9:00Now 9:007:00 the clock rang 7:10 I woke up7:15 My husband got into the shower 7:20 I got up 7:40 the bus left 7:42

4、 I got outsideExamples: By the time I woke up , the clock had already rung.2. Let the students look at the pictures and ask “What happened to Lucy?” her father : go to work 7:30 her cat: eat breakfast 7:20her mother: cook breakfast 7:10 her mother: clean the room 6:40 9:00 设计意图:通过介绍我的一天导入过去完成时,练习了by

5、 the time 的用法,并通过图片的练习巩固了学生对于过去完成时的理解。Step III 1b1.Let the students look at the pictures about Tina and listen to the tape.2.Listening for the general idea听取大意Listen and get the main idea of the three conversations.The passages mainly talk about Tina had a _ morning3.Listening for the specific ideas

6、听取细节 Listen and fill in the blanks.1) By the time I got up early, my brother_ already _in the shower.2) By the time I got outside, the bus _ already_.3) When I got to school, I realized I _ _ my backpack at home.Then listen and repeat.4.Post-listening activities听后活动 (1c) let the students work in pai

7、rs to talk about Tina.Sample dialogue :A: What happened to Tina this morning?B: She overslept. And by the time she got up, her brother had already gotten in the shower设计意图:通过设计了听大意,听细节的练习锻炼了学生的听力,并通过听力活动锻炼了学生的口语会话的能力,培养了学生的听说技能。Step IV 2a 2b1. Ask the students to guess what happened to poor Tina lat

8、er2. The students can use the phrases leave +place to express the guessing.3.Listening for the general idea听取大意2a Go on listening to the Tinas story, number the pictures1-4 in the correct order.2b Listening for the specific ideas听取细节 1. Listen again and fill in the blanks . 1) When I _(get home), I

9、_(realize) I _(leave) my keys in the backpack. 2) By the time I _ (get ) back to school, the bell _ (ring). 3) By the time I _(walk) into class, the teacher _ (start) teaching already. 2. Listen and do the exercises in Zhuxue P145.Listen and repeat. Boy: So then what did you do,Tina?Tina: Well,I _ h

10、ome to get my _.But when I got home,I _ I_ had left my keys in the backpack.Boy : You are _!Tina: So I ran back to school _ my keys or my backpack.And by the time I got back to school, the bell _ _.Boy : Oh,no!Tina: And by the time I walked into class, the teacher had _ _already. She asked for our h

11、omework, but of course I _ _ it.设计意图:设计意图同上一步,让学生进行听力模仿,repeat,让学生体会英语的发音,提高口语交际水平。 4. Post-listening activities 听后活动 2c work in pairs to make up an ending for the story. And share it with partners.设计意图:听后活动是一种语言输出的活动,循序渐进是学习语言的正确途径,通过学生听力的理解,利用英语这一工具在具体的语境进行有效交流。StepV Inquiry into knowledge by tran

12、slation 一、 观察并翻译下面的句子,体会本课语法。1.By the time she got up, her brother had already gone into the bathroom2.By the time she went outside, the bus had already left.3.When she got to school, she realized, she had left her backpack at home.结论:By the time when +一般过去时态,主句用过去完成时态(had+过去分词)主要是表示在过去某个时间,或是动作之前已经

13、发生或完成的动作. 也就是过去的过去.二:When I got to school, I realized I had left my backpack at home翻译_.leave sth +_表示“把某物落在某地”,不能使用forget sth.翻译:我经常把钥匙落在车里。I often_ my key _the car.leave for 意思_leave sb by oneself =leave sb alone意思是_.如:不要把他单独留下。Dont leave him_设计意图:培养学生独立思考问题的能力,通过分析总结来获得新知。Step VI The end-of class

14、 test 当堂检测一:根据汉语提示完成句子。1. I _up late this morning? (醒来)2 Have you ever _? (睡过头) 3. After I got to the cinema, the film _already. (开始) 4.He _(完成) his homework before I came here.5.By the end of last year, she_ (学)to swim for 3 years二:用所给词的适当形式填空。1.The train _ (leave) when I got to the station.2.By th

15、e time I got up ,my sister _ (cook) the breakfast.3.He realized that he _ (leave) the keys at home.4.He said that he _ ( clean) the room twice.5.We _ already_(plan) to see the movie before the class was over.答案:一:1. woke 2. overslept 3. had started 4. had finished 5. had learned二:1.had left 2. had cooked 3. had left 4. had cleaned 5.had planned 设计意图:课堂检测,对学生这一节课的学习进行检查,并查缺补漏,巩固新知。Step VII HomeworkWrite a story about Tinas morning according to the 1b and 2a设计意图:语言输出的设计,检测学生对于本课的重点过去完成时的理解情况,并对听力原稿的在学习。优点:对于过去完成时,进行了充分的练习。图片的展示便于学生形象的理解这一时态。不足:对于这一时态的否定式,以及疑问句,学生存在疑问,需要指出。

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