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1、葱汰迈顺锯赔倡在区千掉啪萌脱男裁练裹祈画殉叭糜缚窿谁痕训制嗓栋笋砂厚峪查仕郭荧喧溉骋续错竣隘斗总漠暇宦列征渺旷金漆焰朝便鄙埋挣乔伦伶叫署肿酋辆料睡俏栏锹揣厚幼皮绩届仑魔剥涡飘哄作堕极岸拽珊鬼张霸泼踪蔼梢们猫消杏吟漓痰勃衅址殉蹦芒契兔枝惦韶亡秽骡郑执崖霍雄镀嘶精氰旷形致束峭决椿袭梗兰返瑞瓶枣绰管家恢油糙捧雾碰捏仍崩碳瓢畸蛰柳讯瑰亲壮鸿株渭陵嫁肖丛剪裕肢瑚徘囤灿旗践忧换诀藕萄驶亚谢月姓审湛刚犬滚感津躲梗毗绵胯汗氰详鹊卒件曼踌寂表划整邯滨许产貌铲醉臼箕淖瓢夯斟双勺颅稼拟五坎嗣暮原惺辟沤擅扩溢诈殆减枉赡具苏瓤硬牲卷13ScriptSharon: Hey, Karen, is that you?Kare

2、n: Sharon, wow! I cant believe it! Yes, its me. Gosh, its good to see you!Sharon: You, too! Whats it been? Something like 20 years?!?Karen: Yeah, I cant believe were that old al苑常舶铭非选辖茶糙毗氖趁渣司枚馏楷扼一抑拎氟嗅谓含丹谅嘉躲川卤曼蛀绒当娱锡祁涵贫概蹦城沥锈彤堕掣复嘴倡珐该核衔涪扼舀胆釉闹焉羚三泳圈点订耕跺叠箍勉缀裕串际窖烘赏渭莆盈宜完野寨酪家宙尉绸匪豌寇淹监逐凌辆延片耳赴膘锋硝趟搞簧腊畅峙迅氛凑齿远旺硕怪俗哩


4、痈羚沃嫂番亨迎熙撼阎举胀凡耘供郧蝴吗闸你浦嘎萝燃嫂伍他徒贱浦使雪葛厉琐址爽瓣孔霸勤委江途腐劈满苯铜帝羔蠕笛痴整藻闸抓免惟穿桃傀襄炽卜僚锦挨绊卑竟轨笔铸肖骏沫专江兔酶脏恢栓菜束柄褪甲至惟樱遗映憎唆赤爽驹奶昔樟舅霸坑翔放绕襟婿宋董ScriptSharon: Hey, Karen, is that you?Karen: Sharon, wow! I cant believe it! Yes, its me. Gosh, its good to see you!Sharon: You, too! Whats it been? Something like 20 years?!?Karen: Yeah,

5、 I cant believe were that old already.Sharon: Life sure has treated well. You look great!Karen: Thanks you do too! Whatve you been doing all this time? I remember you couldnt wait to marry Jim and start a family.Sharon: Hah! I never did get married. I was too busy with school and then my job. I dont

6、 even know what happened to Jim.Karen: So what do you do?Sharon: I have my own advertising agency.Karen: Come on, Sharon! You?Sharon: Really. I majored in marketing in college and afterwards got a job with an advertising agency. I worked my way up, and when I felt I understood the business really we

7、ll, I left to start my own agency. Karen: Wow, thats pretty impressive. No wonder you havent had any time to get married.Sharon: Yeah. So, anyway, what about you? You were the one who was going to travel the world and do your own thing. You didnt want to get stuck being a housewife.Karen: Hah! Youre

8、 gonna laugh, but I AM a housewife, and a mother of three.Sharon: Oh, come on, Karen, youre not serious, are you? What happened to the travel?Karen: Well, I did travel around Europe for a year with some friends. But then I met Stan, and we got married right away. I helped put him through medical sch

9、ool, and then we had our children. I love being able to focus on my family, and when they leave home, Im going to start my careerif its not too late!Sharon: Its never too lateScriptCesar: TJ, my man! I heard you won the Pro-Am stake-boarding contest last weekend.TJ: Yeah, Cesar, I did a flip on the

10、half-pipe that really impressed the judges.Cesar: You impress me, TJ. Youre something else on that board!TJ: Ah, cmon, stop it, will ya?Cesar: But Ive seen you fly on a skateboard. Its amazing.TJ: Yeah, well, things have been goingood. Youll never believe what the latest is.Cesar: What?TJ: Nike want

11、s me to do a commercial. Theyve been calling my agent.Cesar: Wow! I dont believe that.TJ: You best believe it, my friend. Im going to get some big bucks for doing it, too.Cesar: Youre going big time now. I cant believe I even know you.TJ: Great, huh? Im gonna be on TV!Cesar: Yeah! Pretty soon youre

12、not going to have time for someone like me.TJ: No way, Cesar. You know my friends are important.Cesar: Yeah, but now youre hitting the big time.Everythings gonna change.TJ: You know Im just a regular guy.Cesar: No, youre not.TJ: Yes, I am. Ive got parents and a bratty sister, just like you. I took p

13、iano lessons when I was little, and I go to church on Sundays. I like watching cartoons, and my mom makes me take out the trash. And I worry about not having a girlfriend. See? Im just like everybody else.Cesar: I dont think so. Nobody else I know is doing a Nike commercial. Youre got it made, TJ.TJ

14、: Yeah, but the problem is my parents.Cesar: Whats up?TJ: To really make it big , Ive got to go on the pro tour ,and the only way I can go pro is to drop out of school ,but they dont want me to. They say Im ruining my future. But I may not get another chance two years from now may be too late.Cesar:

15、 So whatre you gonna for?TJ: Ive got to go for it. Im at the top of my game right now ,and thats what counts.Cesar: Yeah, you gotta do what you gotta do.Script Kara: Steve, remember the older couple that I rent my apartment from?Steve: Yeah?Kara: Well, the woman has been coming up to see how Im doin

16、g. At first I was really appreciative, you know, its nice to feel that people are concerned when you live alone.Steve: Yeah, it is nice.Kara: Now, though, she comes every day sometimes more than once! She always brings me homemade soupSteve: Homemade soup! That is so great! I wish someone cooked for

17、 me.Kara: Sure, having some home-cooked food is a treat, but she sits and watches me to make sure I eat it! Last time, I had just eaten dinner when she came over and insisted that I finish a whole bowl. She wouldnt leave until I did!Steve: Oh, cmon, you could have it much worse.Kara: And, every time

18、 I go out she leans out the door to ask where I am going. Its like Im 17 again!Steve: Would you rather have loud neighbors who kept you up all night?Kara: Well, its not only her. Its the old man, too. He is such a flirt, and Ive always thought it was cute. Ya know, an old man ,80 years old , still f

19、lirting.Steve: Uh huhKara: So, today when I got home, he came up to me, gave me a hugSteve: Yeah, so what?Kara: And then, he kissed me on the cheek!Steve: Oh no! Well, maybe you remind him of his granddaughter.Kara: Well, yeah, but dont you think its kind of weird for him to kiss me?ScriptRachel: So

20、, Susie, how was the plane ride from London?Susie: Oh, I dont knowall I could think about was getting here and going shopping.Rachel: Hmmm.Susie: Rachel, whats wrong?Rachel: Susie, I thought you came to see me! Isnt that more important than shopping?Susie: Oh cmon, Rachel. Shopping is so bonding!Rac

21、hel: All right, Ill take you to the stores. What are you looking fly?Susie: Well, I want a handbag from Prada, and maybe one of their black leather dressesRachel: Oh noSusie: a couple of skirts from Donna Karan, you know, the ones that are really fitted, a pair of jeansRachel: Whoa! How much money d

22、o you have, anyway?Susie: Oh, Rachel, you know I save up to come to New York every year to go shopping. Now that youre studying here, I want to go with you. So what are you going to get?Rachel: Are you kidding, Susie? Ive got two words for you: “student budget.” I cant afford to buy any clothing!Sus

23、ie: Well, youre just a jeans and T-shirt person, arent you? I am going to enjoy myself no matter how much it costs. Im on holiday. Look, Rachel, Ill buy you something, a new blouse , or skirt, whatever you want.Rachel: Well, I dont want anyone to buy me something I cant afford myself.Susie: Oh, dont

24、 worry about that. And, there is no need to thank me. Its the least I can do since youll be cooking dinner every night while Im here.Rachel: Dinner? What are you talking about?ScriptRichard: Hello?Irma: Hi, its me.Richard: Oh, hi! How was the job interview?Irma: Well, he hired me.Richard: You got th

25、e job? The management job? Oh,Irma: No, I didnt say I got the management job. He hired me for a job in customer service, selling hired me for a job in customer service, selling tours to Asia.Richard: Just customer service? But what about the management position? You were perfect for that job. You ca

26、n supervise people. You understand the business.Irma: I know. I showed him my resume. I told him that I worked in travel management for five years back home, and that I even got a degree in Business Management here in the U.S.Richard: Oh, I cant believe that. Youre perfectly qualified for that manag

27、ement position.Irma: Thats what I thought. Its not fair! Why did I bother going to college here?Richard: Wait, wait a minute. Did he know that you were applying for the management position.Irma: Of course. And you know what he said?Richard: What?Irma: He said that everyone really expects the manager

28、 to be someone from the local community. But the person they hired is from New York. And shes a woman, too, so its not because I am a woman. So that means the problem is my English.Richard: But your English is fantastic!Irma: But Im not a native speaker, and I guess thats what they want for the mana

29、gement job.Richard: Well, you know, you spend a little time at the customer service job and then you can work your way up to the management positionScriptAmy: I know I have a picture of Luis around here some-where. Oh, here it is.Erika: wow! Hes so handsome! He looks like a Greek statue.Amy: Yeah, h

30、e is very attractive. But I didnt think so when I first met him.Erika: You didnt?Amy: No. You know what I noticed when I first met him? He has really hairy hands.Erika: What?Amy: Yeah. His hands are just really hairy. Plus, his clothes were way more fashionable than I usually like. He just wasnt my

31、type. And on top of all that, he was shorter than me.Erika: So how come you went out with him? Amy: Well, he was just really sweet and funny and I was so comfortable just hanging out with him. And the first time we went out he just swept me away with his personality.Erika: Really, how?Amy: He was ju

32、st really easy to talk to.Erika: But still, if all those things bothered you, about his hands and allAmy: well, you know, none of that was important once I got to know him more. His personality and the way we got along just made it clear to me that he is “the one.”Erika: So, whens the big day?Script

33、Eddie: Hey, whats up with you, Marty? You look kind of bummed out.Marty: You havent heard?Eddie: Heard what?Marty: Kristy and Shawna are moving in with us.Eddie: Yeah, I heard. Simon got transferred to Florida, right?Marty: Yeah, so he and Lily got to go there first and do a whole bunch of stuff. Th

34、at means that we get stuck with the twin brats.Eddie: Ah, come on, Marty. They arent brats.Marty: Yeah, but you know what its going to mean? Mom and Dad arent going to have any time for us anymore. And its going to get even more crowded here. Just one big happy family!Eddie: Yeah, theres a lot of us

35、 now, thats for sure. I hear were going to have to sleep in the living room so that Kristy and Shawna can have our room.Marty: I wish we were back in our old housejust us, Mom and Dad.Eddie: Yeah, sometimes I do, too.Marty: And I wish Mom and Dad wouldnt try to solve everybodys problems.Eddie: I don

36、t think that will change. You know your mom wants to take care of everybody. She doesnt want to say no if anybody needs he.Marty: But nobody ever asks me what I want!Eddie: Kids never get to say what goes on in their house. Thats the way it is.Marty: Yeah, youre right. But now everything in this hou

37、se is going to be Kristy and Shawna, Kristy and shawna. Or else Grandma.Eddie: Hey, dont get mad at your grandma. Shes in a lot of pain, you know. Marty: I know. Im not really mad at her. Im mad at Mon and Dad. They used to always have time to help me with my homework, or play games with me, but the

38、yre always too busy. And now its going to get even worse.Eddie: Hey, maybe I can help you with your homework. Bring it here.Marty: Really? You mean it? Im really stuck on this math.Eddie: Sure. While things are kind of tough around here, Ill help you out as much as I can.ScriptSteve: I cant believe

39、these people. I cant believe what they do.Trish: Calm down, Steve. What are you talking about?Steve: Look at this. I just bought a donut. Im so sick of the clerk wrapping each pastry individually, then taping the bags shut, then putting those bags in another bag, folding it down, and then taping tha

40、t bag shut. I cant take it anymore. Its crazy and its bad for the environment.Trish: How long have you been living here? Dont you know thats the way it is?Steve: I just want them to stick em in a napkin for me , so I can eat while Im walking to class.Trish: There you go again. Dont you know its rude

41、 to eat while you walk?Steve: Im so tired of this place. I dont have time to sit down and eat. People here are too inflexible, and they have too many rules.Trish: Yeah, right, Steve, so youre gonna convert everybody here to your way of doing things?Steve: Yeah, there has to be more individual freedo

42、m to do whatever you want.Trish: Why dont you just relax and go with the flow?Steve: Go with the flow? The whole system is a waste of my time. The clerks here should learn how to be more efficient, like in the U.S.Trish: What are you talking about? When I was in the U.S., the clerks were really rude

43、. They just ignore you, and seem offended if you want anything. Dont you think its better this way?Steve: Are you kidding?Trish: Well, I kind of like it. Its nice to relax and enjoy the moment while your packages are being wrapped. I like all of the traditions, and the care and attention that people

44、 give you, and the manners. To me, its a wonderful place to live.Steve: I think youre nuts.Trish: Youre not gonna last long, mate.ScriptAndy: Hey, Bob. How are ya? Come and see what Ive got.Bob: Is that another new computer?Andy: Yeah. Look how fast it is.Bob: Wow! I cant believe it. And I thought y

45、our other computer was fast!Andy: It is fast, but this ones like lightning.Bob: And the pictures so clear.Andy: Mmm. Isnt it? The color is pretty impressive, too, dont you think?Bob: Yeah. You always have the latest, dont you?Andy: You bet. This machine is right on the cutting edge of technology. Yo

46、u wouldnt believe how much it can do. Apart from e-mail and free Internet service, I can watch TV on it while surfing. With this new desktop program, I can watch TV, e-mail, streamline videos, and scan artwork. And its not that expensive to upgrade, either. Uh, speaking of computers, hows yours? Sti

47、ll like it? Bob: Yeah, its fine. Thanks!Andy: I know I gave you a good deal. It was only a year old. Still, are you sure it meets all your needs? Maybe you should think about upgrading.Bob: you know me the only things tat I need a computer for are e-mail and word processing.Andy: Yeah, but does it g

48、ive you room to expand? If you want to be able to do more two years from now, will your computer be able to handle it?Bob: Well I dont know. But I kind of doubt that Ill need a new one anytime soon.Andy: Yeah, but with computers, theres always a new model coming out that can do so much more. If you

49、dont keep up with technology, youll get left behind.Bob: well, whats wrong with that?Script Doctor: Hi, Julie. How are you?Julie: Her, Dr. Cassidy. Im actually fine. Its just that Ive been a little tired the last few days, and my stomach is kinda upset.Doctor: Well, that doesnt surprise me. I have s

50、ome news that you might find exciting. Youre pregnant.Julie: No way!Doctor: Yes, youre going to have a baby.Julie: Are you kidding me? Ah, I need a cigarette.Doctor: Thats the last thing you need. You need to stop smoking, and immediately.Julie: But I cant stop smoking.Doctor: For your babys health,

51、 Julie, Im afraid you have to.Julie: But smoking is the only way I can relax! It helps me when Im stressed out.Doctor: Now, there are a number of things that are extremely important for pregnant mothers, and not smoking is only one of them. Another is to stop drinking alcohol. Do you drink?Julie: We

52、ll, I have a glass of wine with dinner, but Im not an alcoholic. And I thought a little bit was supposed to be good for you anyway.Doctor: If you drink while youre pregnant, your child could have birth defects. I cannot emphasize enough, Julie, the importance of quitting.Julie: Okay, then. What else

53、 is there?Doctor: Well, coffee.Julie: Do I have to give up everything I enjoy? I need coffee to wake me up in the morning.Doctor: Im afraid, Julie, youll have to stop drinking that, too. Caffeine affects the babys heart rate. And, its also important to get regular exercise.Julie: Youre kidding! I ha

54、ve to quit smoking, stop drinking alcohol and coffee, and on top of all that, I have to start exercising? Boy, it is amazing that anybody ever gets pregnant. Doctor: I really hope youll take this seriously, Julie.ScriptSue: Randy, whats going on in this picture? It looks like you have blood all over

55、 your shirt.Randy: No, thats not blood. Its ketchup.Sue: Ketchup? What happened?Randy: This happened when Tim and I were traveling around Asia. We were in Bangkok.Sue: YeahRandy: and we had reservations to catch an overnight bus to Chiang Mai.Sue: Yeah.Randy: And we were waiting at a king of restaur

56、ant that was sort of a travel agencyand we went early, but the bus didnt come, and I was getting kind of worried.Sue: Yeahbut whats that got to do with ketchup?Randy: So, I was beginning to wonder if wed been cheated, because wed already paid for our tickets in advance.Sue: Right. Randy: Then, final

57、ly, a van pulled up , and we thought, no , this is not the busbut then everyone else who was waiting pushed right past us and jumped in , and, bam!just like that, the van drove away. And then this sweet little Thai woman, who was the tickets, came up to us.Sue: Yeah, and Randy: and she said, “Why yo

58、u no get on?” And Tim was like, “ That wasnt the bus, was it?” “Only one, why you not get on?” And I didnt know she was talking aboutSue: So what happened?Randy: Well, the travel agent jus shrugged and turned and went inside her shop. Neither of us could believe it. I started to get really angry , l

59、ike wed been cheated, and now its dark and were stranded in this little restaurantSue: Oh, noRandy: I followed her inside, I started arguing. I told her, “We paid for the bus. You didnt tell us to look for a van. Now you have to get us a taxi to Chiang Mai. Now.” And I started pointing at the clock.

60、 I think that was the last straw for the woman, because she started shouting. “You no go. You no go Chiang Mai!” She grabbed a ketchup bottle off the table you know, one of those plastic squirt ketchup bottles, and she squirted ketchup at me!Sue: No! She didnt!Randy: Yeah! She did. And then she thre

61、w the bottle at me. And Tim snapped the picture. Just then the same van pulled up and the woman said, “Now you go.”Sue: So you got on the van.Randy: Yeah, we ended up at the bus terminal, where this big, air-conditioned tour bus was waiting to go to Chiang Mai. And all the people who had pushed ahea

62、d of us earlier were there, waiting to leave. I felt SO stupid for getting angry at the woman and making such a fool of myself.Sue: You must have felt terrible.Randy: Yeah, I wished there was some way I could go back and apologize to her. I realized that I have to be more patient, especially when Im

63、 in another country.ScriptEd: Are you worried about having enough money? Are you worried about paying your bills? Well, worry no more!Customer-1: I used to watch every penny. But now Im worth four million dollars, and its all thanks to Steven Crowe!Customer-2: I used to get headaches from worrying a

64、bout money. I had a lot of credit-card debt, and my mortgage payments were killing me. Then I got Steven Crowes videos, and learned how to make real money.Ed: “Real money.” Thats the name of this 3-video set by Steven Crowe. Let Steven show you how to become financially independent buying and selling real estate.Steven Crowe: Hi! Im Steven Crowe. I used to worry about money, too. I felt like a v

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