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1、唐山市2020学年度高一年级第二学期期末考试英语试卷第I卷(共95分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出 最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应的位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来冋答有 关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.【此处有音频,请去附件查看】How does Julie go to school?A. On foot.B. By bike.C. By bus.【答案】A【解析】【分析】M: Hi Julie, do you go to school by

2、bike, or on a school bus?W: Neither, its not far and I have a group that goes with me. We can talk while walking.【详解】此题为听力题,解析略。2.【此处有音频,请去附件查看】Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a movie theatre.B. In a science museum.C. At the train station.【答案】C【解析】【分析】W: Excuse me. Do you need

3、any help?M: Yeah. Um. I want to go to the science museum, but I cant make heads or tails of these ticket machines.W: Ah, well, just press this button. And from here, its a dollar fifty. Then, get on the train at platform number 4.【详解】此题为听力题,解析略。3.【此处有音频,请去附件查看】What are the speakers talking about in

4、general?A. Travel plans.B. Picnic preparations.C. Barbecue time.【答案】B【解析】【分析】W: Dave, Im going to the supermarket to pick up food and drink for Saturdays picnic later. Any suggestions?M: Well, everyone has been talking about having a barbecue down by the river, so why dont you pick up some hamburger

5、s and hot dogs?【详解】此题为听力题,解析略。4.【此处有音频,请去附件查看】When does the man learn to play the guitar?A. On Thursdays.B. On Wednesdays.C. On Saturdays.【答案】B【解析】【分析】W: Whats your schedule like after school?M: I usually go to the gym on Thursdays and Saturdays. And on Wednesdays I take guitar lessons in the evenin

6、g at a music school.【详解】此题为听力题,解析略。5.【此处有音频,请去附件查看】Whats the womans attitude towards the mans idea?A. Un concerned.B. Supportive .C. Doubtful.【答案】C【解析】【分析】M: Hey, Hon, you know, theyre organizing a company basketball team, and Im thinking about joining. What do you think?W: Humph.M: “Humph”? What do

7、 you mean “Humph”? I was the star player in high schoolW: Yeah, twenty-five years ago.【详解】此题为听力题,解析略。第二节(共15小题;每小题15分,满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三 个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处有音频,请去附件查看】6. How much does a custo

8、mer spend to get a free order of shrimp?A. 4 dollars.B. 3 dollars.C. 1 dollar.7. Wha did the man have yesterday?A. Roast fish.B. Chicken salaD.C. Sunday roast.【答案】6. A 7. B【解析】W: Welcome to Taqueria Tachitos. May I help you?M: Hi, Id like to get a table for one.W: This way please. Well, with an orde

9、r of at least 4 dollars, any customer will get a free order of shrimp.M: Really? Great! And what is your specialty?W: Roast fish is special here. The chef comes from seaside and he is good at cooking fish. You can have a try.M: Oh, I dont like fish bones and yesterday I enjoyed chicken salad. Can I

10、have Sunday roast with vegetables please?W: Alright. Is that all?M: Yes.【6题详解】此题为听力题,解析略。【7题详解】此题为听力题,解析略。听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处有音频,请去附件查看】8. Which of his mothers actions makes the man crazy?A. Sharing his photosB. Comparing him with top kids.C. Showing no concern to him.9. How does the man react to w

11、hat his pare nts do?A. He blocks his parents.B. He comments in their CirclesC. He shares part of his post10. What are the two speakers going to do?A. Make a surveyB. Chat online.C. Ask for permission.【答案】8. B 9. C 10. A【解析】W: Jack, do your parents share photos of you in their WeChat Moments, also kn

12、own as “Friends Circle”?M: Yes But I dont like it. I think they should get my permission.W: You are right. But maybe parents just want to share funny moments or great achievements.M: My Mom always compares me with the top students, which drives me crazy. I hate it.W: I think parents just want to sho

13、w their love.M: And my parents have been leaving comments on every post I make on my Friends Circle.W: Many young people choose to block their parents on WeChat. Have you ever.?M: Not really. But they can only see what I want them to.W: Well. How about asking other peoples opinion?M: Okay. Lets do a

14、 survey about this!【8题详解】此题为听力题,解析略。【9题详解】此题为听力题,解析略。【10题详解】此题为听力题,解析略。听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处有音频,请去附件查看】11. When does the woman need an apartment?A. Tomorrow.B. Next week.C. Next month12. Which of the following is free of charge?A. Water.B. A parking place.C. Electricity.13. How does the woman feel ab

15、out the apartment?A. Noisy.B. Expensive.C. Attractive.【答案】11. B 12. B 13. C【解析】W: Hello. Im calling about the apartment you advertised.M: Yes. What kind of apartment are you interested in?W: Im interested in a one-bedroom. Do you have any available?M: Yes. I have one. When do you need it?W: Sometime

16、 around next week. What can you tell me about this apartment?M: Well, its a one-bedroom apartment. The monthly rent is $650. Gas and water is included. You pay electricity only. Youll be assigned a sheltered parking space at no extra charge. And.Thats probably it.W: Sounds good. May I come over tomo

17、rrow to take a look?M: Sure. What time would you like to come?W: How about 10 a.m.?M: Good. May I have your name, please?W: My name is Cathy.M: Cathy. Ill see you tomorrow.【11题详解】此题为听力题,解析略。【12题详解】此题为听力题,解析略。【13题详解】此题为听力题,解析略。听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处有音频,请去附件查看】14. Why does the man remake Chinese songs i

18、nto English?A. To help Americans know China.B. To learn Chinese better.C. To satisfy his fans request.15. How does the man translate Chinese songs into English?A. By translation software.B. Through teamwork.C. By correcting others work.16. What is the standard for the man to remake Chinese songs now

19、 ?A. The top 10 song list.B. His own preference.C. Fans suggestions.17. Whats the m an likely to do?A. Manage his Weibo account.B. Write his own Chinese songs.C. Attract more Chinese fans.【答案】14. A 15. A 16. C 17. B【解析】W: Bart, do you know you are so popular in China now?M: Honestly, I never expecte

20、d that I could get so many fans in China.W: How many Chinese songs have you remade now?M: I have covered 130 Chinese songs since the first one.W: Why is it that you want to do so?M: I would like to combine Chinese and western cultures by singing to make more Americans understand China. Such a new pr

21、actice will make me very excited.W: Were happy to see you enjoy Chinese culture. Why do you perform them on the Internet?M: Social media in China are increasing rapidly, so I can make full use of the Internet to make my songs known by more people.W: We know you are not good at Chinese. How do you tr

22、anslate Chinese songs into English?M: These songs are translated by translation software first, and then I will rearrange some words to rhyme.W: Which Chinese songs will you choose to cover?M: Originally, I chose to cover songs according to the top ten song list. But now, I follow fans advice posted

23、 on my Weibo.W: We hope you can even write Chinese songs by yourself in the future.M: Ive been thinking about that. I will try my best!【14题详解】此题为听力题,解析略。【15题详解】此题为听力题,解析略。【16题详解】此题为听力题,解析略。【17题详解】此题为听力题,解析略。听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。【此处有音频,请去附件查看】18. What is the mobile library?A. A library in a dustbin.B. A li

24、baay on a websiteC. A library in a truck.19. Who created the mobile library?A. Rubbish collectors.B. School workersC. Library directors.20. What is the purpose of the mobile library?A. To increase interest in reading.B. To collect new books.C. To protect the environment.【答案】18. C 19. A 20. A【解析】Garb

25、age collectors in the Turkish capital Ankara are recycling the books they find in the dustbins. They have created a mobile library. The library is full of books that people have thrown away. There are now over 9,000 books on the librarys shelves. The books are about politics, drama, literature, heal

26、thy living and economics. The library is inside a truck that tours schools in the countryside of Ankara. The garbage collectors hope to create a greater passion for reading books in children, especially in the age of mobile phones and Internet. Many schools do not have a reading room or their own li

27、brary.The library has got a lot of attention in Turkey. People from all over Turkey are sending their unwanted or old books to the garbage collectors. The director of the library said: “The interest is growing. Each day we have guests coming here to borrow books or have a quiet time to read.” A work

28、er at the mobile library said: “We have books here for children aged from six to ten, but also books for older children, like world classics and fiction novels. We hope that it will amuse them and make them have a passion for books.”【18题详解】此题为听力题,解析略。【19题详解】此题为听力题,解析略。【20题详解】此题为听力题,解析略。第二部分阅读理解(共两节,

29、满分35分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B. C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在 答题卡上将该项涂黑。AMay I speak with Jeanne Kerr? I said, crossing my fingersWhos asking? the voice rose.“Its Regina Louise, I think we mayve met I dont believe so, the stranger said, hanging up the phone.I crossed out another Jeanne from m

30、y long list. The first time I met Jeanne was May 1, 1975 at Edgar Childrens Shelter where I was disliked by all the social workers except Jeanne.The last time I saw Jeanne was in 1977. I was 15 years old, standing in a courtroom (法 庭),asking the court to allow Jeanne Kerr to adopt (收养)me. However, J

31、eannes request to adopt me was refused because she was white and I was black. Then 1 was placed in a treatment center for disturbed girls .By 2002, at age 40, I operated two successful hair salons. I wrote a book about my early teenage years from 13 to 15, a story that followed me through meeting Je

32、anne and losing her.One evening, I checked my email and came across the words: I am so proud of you, sweetheart! My heart stopped. I opened the email, and it was from Jeanne . An old co-worker of hers had read my book and called Jeanne to tell her Your Regina is looking for you.”I dialed the number

33、given in the email immediately. We chatted a lot excitedly. At last, she told me, “I want to make you my daughter.Three weeks later, I stood in the same courtroom where Jeannes first request to adopt me had been refused. After the judge told us to live with and love one another as mother and daughte

34、r for the rest of our lives, I turned to Jeanne and whispered, Thank you 一 Mommy 一 for loving me, when no one else could.21. Why did Jeanne fail to adopt Regina at first?A. Because Jeanne worked at the Shelter.B. Because Jeanne was of a different race.C. Because Regina found her mother.D. Because Re

35、gina behaved badly.22. What helped Regina find Jeanne?A. The treatment center.B. The courtroom.C. Reginas book.D. Reginas hair salons.23. What can be a suitable title for the text?A. I was adopted at 40.B. A girls road to success.C. I fought for a good lifeD. A girls teenage years.【答案】21. B 22. C 23

36、. A【解析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了15岁时,因为种族不同,法官拒绝了珍妮要收养里贾纳的请求,多年后,40岁时,里贾纳找到了珍妮,并最终确定了收养关系。【21题详解】细节理解题。根据第五段中的“However, Jeannes request to adopt me was refused because she was white and I was black.”可知,然而,珍妮要收养里贾纳的请求被拒绝了,因为她是白人,而里贾纳是黑人,也就是因为种族不同而被拒绝,故B项正确。【22题详解】细节理解题。根据第六段中的“I wrote a book about my early teenag

37、e years from 13 to 15, a story that followed me through meeting Jeanne and losing herYour Regina is looking for you.”可知,是里贾纳写的书帮她找到了珍妮,故C项正确。【23题详解】主旨大意题。根据文章内容,特别是最后一段中的“After the judge told us to live with and love one another as mother and daughter for the rest of our lives,”可知,本文主要讲述了15岁时,因为种族不同

38、,法官拒绝了珍妮要收养里贾纳的请求,多年后,40岁时,里贾纳找到了珍妮,并最终确定了母女(收养)关系,故A项(我40岁时被收养)正确。BMost people are good at recognizing the universal facial expressions of our emotions 一 anger, joy, sadness, etc., which present a lot of emotional information. In fact, there are less obvious facial expressions called micro-expressi

39、ons (MEs). Huma n beings often show them and communicate their private thoughts to others unconsciously (无意识的).Whats more, people cannot hide them, including the experienced ones. And MEs have universality (普遍性), regardless of ones age, religion or culture.All the findings lead to the possibilities

40、of MEs wide use in different fields, where people can use MEs to understand other peoples true feelings, thoughts, or beliefs. Police can use MEs to detect unnatural behavior. Teachers can recognize unease in students and give a more careful explanation. Businessmen can use expressions of happiness

41、to determine when they have given a suitable price. When one wants to be able to do what are mentioned above, it is useful to be able to read MEs.However, MEs are difficult to read, because they are unconscious, and occur sometimes as fast as one-tenth of a second or even one-fifteenth of a second.

42、At present, even highly trained persons are not always able to notice them. Some people do see something that has changed on the face, but they dont know exactly what it is that has changed. Since the human recognition accuracy (精准)is so low, a possible method for spotting MEs would be very precious

43、.24. Which word can replace the underlined word detect” in Paragraph 2?A. Discover.B. Show.C. Govern.D. Affect.25. What makes it difficult for people to read MEs?A. Absence of training.B. MEs short existence.C. MEs universality.D. Cultural differences.26. What will probably be discussed in the next

44、paragraph of the passage?A. The meaning of MEs.B. The importance of spotting MEs.C. The application of MEs.D. The approach to recognizing MEs.【答案】24. A 25. B 26. D【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了什么是微表情、微表情的运用及其识别困难。【24题详解】词义猜测题。根据画线词前的“people can use MEs to understand other peoples true feelings, thoughts, or b

45、eliefs.”可知,人们可以利用微表情来了解他人的真实感受和想法,再结合画线词后的例子可知,此处是说警察可以利用微表情来发现非自然的行为,由此可知画线词词义为“发现”,故A项正确。【25题详解】细节理解题。根据第三段中的“However, MEs are difficult to read, because they are unconscious, and occur sometimes as fast as one-tenth of a second or even one-fifteenth of a second.”可知,微表情很难被读懂,是因为它是无意识的,存在时间很短,一闪而过,

46、故B项正确。【26题详解】推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句话“Since the human recognition accuracy (精准)is so low, a possible method for spotting MEs would be very precious.”可知,由于人类的识别精度较低,因此一种可能的微表情识别方法将是非常宝贵的,因此文章接下来会承接上文,介绍微表情的识别方法,故D项正确。【点睛】关于文章内容发展的推理判断题难度较大,因为问的是文章接下来会讨论什么,所以抓住文章最后一句话是关键,例如本篇第3题,根据最后一段最后一句话“Since the human r

47、ecognition accuracy (精准)is so low, a possible method for spotting MEs would be very precious.”可知,由于人类的识别精度较低,因此一种可能的微表情识别方法将是非常宝贵的,因此文章接下来会承接上文识别方法这一话题,接着介绍微表情的识别方法。CBig changes in agriculture are taking place in Singapore. The small, Southeast Asian nation is leading a farming revolution, according

48、 to the Reuters news agency.Singapore covers 724 square kilometers of land and only one percent of that land is used for agriculture. Food production costs are higher there than the rest of Southeast Asia. As climate change and population growth threaten food supplies, the pressure is on new farmers

49、 to answer the governments call to “grow more with less.Whenever 1 talk about food security in Sin gapore, I tell people dont think land think space, because you can go upwards and sideways. said Paul Teng, an agriculture professor at Nanyang Technological University.There are more than 30 vertical

50、(垂直的)farms in Singapore ones that grow up, not across, the land. Sustenir Agriculture is one of these businesses. Its hydroponic (水栽法的) farm grows non-native foods like cherry tomatoes and strawberries inside buildings under artificial lighting. Then it sells the produce to local supermarkets and on

51、line stores. Sustenir raised $16 million from investors (投资人)last year. The money will be used to expand operations in Singapore.However, not everyone thinks the new technology is best. Egg farmer William Ho says the government should not depend so much on agriculture technology businesses. “ Many o

52、f them have failed. Thats why Im always asking the government why dont you invest in us old-timers. We are more practical, he said. Professor Paul Teng said an issue for urban farmers is that the high cost of the technology makes their products too pricey for many people .27. What does the second pa

53、ragraph mainly discuss?A. High food production costs.B. Reasons for changes in agriculture.C. Agricultural technology businesses.D. Sale expansion of food markets28. What is the way to achieve food security according to Paul Teng?A. Exploring up the land.B. Buying more food.C. Enlarging farmland.D.

54、Investing more money.29. What do we know about the old-timers?A. They work on high-tech farms.B. They benefit from pricey products.C. They reduce production costs.D. They need government support30. Where is this text probably taken from?A. A guidebook.B. A brochureC. A newspaper.D. A journal.【答案】27.

55、 B 28. A 29. D 30. C【解析】本文是一篇新闻报道,主要介绍了新加坡建设空中农场解决国内食品短缺问题。【27题详解】主旨大意题。根据第二段内容可知,用于农业的耕地面积少、食品生产成本高、气候变化和人口增长导致了新加坡农业的变化,由此可知,本段主要介绍了农业变化的原因,故B项正确。【28题详解】推理判断题。根据第三段中的“Whenever I talk about food security in Singapore, I tell people dont think land think space, because you can go upwards and sideway

56、s.”可知,当邓保罗谈论粮食安全的时候,他告诉人们不要想土地,要想空间,因为你可以向上和横向移动,由此可知,邓保罗认为,实现粮食安全的途径是通过空间探索土地,故A项正确。【29题详解】推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Im always asking the government why dont you invest in us old-timers.”可知,农户William Ho问政府为什么不在传统农户身上投资呢?言外之意,传统农户需要政府的支持,故D项正确。【30题详解】推理判断题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了新加坡建设空中农场解决国内食品短缺问题,属于新闻范畴,因此文章最有可能出自报纸,

57、故C项正确。第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文。根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 选项中有两项为多余选项。(注意:选E涂AB:选F涂AC;选G涂AD)If you find yourself turning off your alarm clock over and over again each morning you are not alone. Waking up quickly and getting out of bed in the morning can often be a struggle for most of people .

58、 _31_ These tips can help you to feel ready to face the day.Make it hard to ignore your alarm ._32_ Set the alarm clock to the loudest setting. Loud noise makes you feel more awake. Place your alarm far away so that you physically have to get out of bed to turn it off.Even better, hide your alarm so

59、mewhere in your bedroom so that you have to get out of bed and find it before you can turn it off._33_This might sound like an unusual tip, but it works! You can turn on the lights as soon as you wake up, which will help your eyes adjust (适应)to the day while motivating your brain to get up and get m

60、oving. Or you can open your curtains right after you wake up. Its much more attracting to stay in bed when the room is dark, so pull open the curtains to allow sunlight to come into your room each morning. _34_Ask someone to help you wake up early.If you have a roommate or your parents living with y

61、ou, you can always ask for their help. _35_ If you are living alone then you can ways ask your close friends to give you a call in the morning.These methods arent magic, but they do work. You can be a morning person, if you try!A. Open your room to sounds.B. Prepare your waking-up environment.C. Do

62、you want to be a morning person?D. There are various ways you can do this.E. Do you often turn off your alarm clock?F. This will active brain and keep you awake.G. They can give you some gentle shakes to wake you up.【答案】31. C 32. E33. B 34. F35. G【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了帮助你早晨快点起床几点建议。【31题详解】根据本空前的“getti

63、ng out of bed in the morning can often be a struggle for most of people”可知,对大多数人来说,早上起床常常是一件难事,下文又介绍了帮助你起床的几点建议,故C项(你想成为一个早起的人吗?)符合语境。【32题详解】根据本空后的“Set the alarm clock to the loudest setting. Loud noise makes you feel more awake.”可知,把闹钟的声音调到最大,大的声响让你感觉更清醒,故E项(你经常把闹钟关掉么?)符合语境。【33题详解】根据本段内容可知,本段介绍了通过开灯和拉窗帘等营造好的起床环境帮助你起床,故B项(准备好你的起床环境)符合语境。【34题详解】根据本空前的“so pull open the curtains to allow sunlight to come into your room each morning.”可知,早上拉开窗帘,让阳光照进你的房间,此处说的是这样做的好处,故F项(这会让大脑活跃起来,让你保持清醒)符合语境。【35题详解】根据本空前的“If you have a roo

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