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1、银河世纪看房通道包装方案目 录方案思路位置模块包装位置围挡方案方案组合及时间费用预算一、方案思路本次银河世纪看房通道的包装,主要基于以下思路和目的:u 包装目前尘土飞扬的施工环境;u 隔离可展示区域与施工区域;u 服务于项目的日常销售;u 为来访客户营造仪式感、尊重感和迎接感;u 增添项目喜庆气氛;u 辅助置业顾问对于来访客户的销售说讲;u 营销项目的形象;u 为置业者营造一种内心安全感。二、位置模块银河世纪看房通道各待包装位置如下图所示:(全长约1千米)H140 / 143编号位置描述功能描述实拍照片A主入口环境迎宾、仪式感、开盘气氛、销售气氛暂无B两边围挡产品形象展示、信息喉舌暂无C两边围

2、挡底角部分植被美化、鲜花美化暂无D拐角位置产品信息展示、线路引导暂无E拐角位置产品信息展示、线路引导暂无F拐角位置产品信息展示、线路引导暂无G停车场停车、路线引导暂无H步行参观区环境产品信息展示、引导暂无表1 待包装位置清单三、 包装位置根据项目情况,结合目前各种主流、常见的包装手段,借鉴部分新兴、新颖的包装创意,本次看房通道包装的可选方式库如下:编号方式描述1围挡角钢焊接镀锌铁皮蒙面固定式大牌围挡,喷绘画面挂墙牌轻型方管焊接挂墙式中小型广告牌,喷绘画面3落地牌入土立柱落地式中小型广告牌,喷绘画面4小型盆花鲜花,开花,橡胶质简易花盆,小型5大型盘花开花或不开花绿色植物,陶盆 ,大型,点缀摆放6

3、假花花篮大型假花,竹编花篮,大型,成列摆放7道旗电杆电杆,道旗广告载体8临时绿化入土绿化,草皮、灌木为主,无乔木或仅为辅9永久绿化依规划、景观设计图,永久性绿化0导示牌按既有VI体系,以功能为主,形象为辅1道旗以概念性内容为主,服务于下一阶段营销主题12保安迎宾,导车,形象,服务展示,安全提示13龙门架长久性使用,可用做停车场停车顶棚或看房通道大门4乔木包裹于乔木树干处包裹金布,m左右高度1石雕石雕,喷绘或做花盆16悬挂装饰对联、彩条、灯笼、中国结、塑料假花、花篮1拱门自充气式红色拱门,形象展示18气柱彩色动态气柱19横幅、条幅金色,或者红色背景,概念性文字20喷绘包装通道两旁的围挡四、 围挡

4、方案 根据项目情况,结合目前围挡的常见做法,有以下可选方式:编号材料图片报价140角钢焊方笼;板面龙骨3030镀锌方管;板面04厚的镀锌板;10元2100*200方钢;板面龙骨300镀锌方管;板面。4厚的镀锌板;16元/3VC挡板2.2米高40元/米4彩钢围挡2.5米高180元/米围挡喷绘设计画面顺序按照项目配套的优势进行排列,最强有力的优势放在第一张,依次排列,如下表:顺序卖点功能第1万方纯豪宅社区,贵州唯一纯豪宅区,圈层生活第2新城都心,静而不远消除置业者偏远的感觉第3轻轨规划,纵横交通,通达城央交通网络发达,出行方便第4三湖之上,天然氧吧养生的好地方第5%绿地率,生态健康城说明植被多,环





9、1+1H7+9+10+1112详述主入口环境充气拱门配上金色条幅,2名保安站岗迎宾、导车道路两边主要以电杆道旗为主两边道路底部落地式中小型广告牌,盆栽花拐角位置导视牌停车场停车场周边永久绿化,进入停车场路口设导视牌和1名保安泊车.周边以花盆点缀.步行参观区环境步行参观区两边以电杆道旗包装,路口位置大牌喷绘广告,进入步行区路口设导视牌,两边各设一个保安站亭,迎宾保安各1名.包装时间节点(预估)入口位置d导视牌2d道旗电杆20d停车场5d道路两边盆栽10d步行区喷绘7d小型广告4d步行区喷绘板7d六、 费用预算方案一最低预算费用材料规格数量单价总价小假花盆栽长宽0.18米170010元盆17000

10、0龙门架21000元/个30000石雕花盆高2米以上800元/个32000方钢围挡高4米,宽3米100160元/围挡喷绘高4米,宽米100013元/15600导视牌650元/个3000灯杆高10600元/根500绿化草皮-元共计注:所有费用均来自淘宝报价,仅供参考,最终以实际支出费用为准,所有费用不含人工;方案二:最低预算费用在方案一的基础上减去两个龙门架的费用,在23200元左右;方案三:最低预算在方案一的基础上减去围挡、围挡喷、龙门架,费用在30000元左右。以上所有报价均来源于网络咨询报价,最终以实际支出费用为准,方案仅做参考!银河世纪策划部2015年4月5日(英文版 ) aiy bme

11、, tovttebroken window efct. Supervise the adngcadresto play n xepary ,take e leadthe strictimpemntation o he cod an isamnust bhxyl, blamit neesi onardare Dsipneinspcion ogan as the xcuto of theparty diciple, andsupervisor o te ndrs, fr its uprviion mus b more srictly, iscplin inston and suervison of

12、ares ofirmly esabli the awareness of ay Constiution,sens of dicplin aruls onscousns, polits oaty,enseobey. Actin spak Ji Ornaneto set an empl of teegultins ofthe le of law, stregthnsuprviionand c the supervsion of thefirme ndncousnes,do coply with and . o firmestablishhe iscilie ustfirst b dscipie,e

13、 suervisorilbe subjct to hsuprvision f concet, a concioly eguard and implemparty compses rty, tae th ldi ratcin” thre stic eal strict, so yal, ca, pay Tobeod at larnng, the Constitution andte code as mraity, pltics an brou tfruiion; to iplemen , do t ant to, dare t, no wth isipliry rulert supvison;

14、to isciplin rulr,otn the conrol ipcton, and ociousy in heideolclred lieto daw th row Mingood acultioniindeedthe bot lie, tha te ert has far, sthaqit, th lin hasendd Atched: differet ert,clmy to etl inu lie, ha manyunredctable things wl hapn, some go,ombad thigs, wecant onrolpoeress to s, but with ti

15、me, yu ill finin life mets turns outo eno ood,so adhing inallyturned out to beagood thing, but ten we mddy howve i t know, thi s he life teh igs. 1,ife cn be complx,can lsob siple. at smpleife of prcipitaton, to hav nouhtie rlet,omae me more perfec. Life is he ot imptant thingis t to win, but thestr

16、uggle;noto aveonquered, bu to hae fouhte , th ainis th ackgroundf lf. Live a plinife, give up ntemseves is o a coward, but twise ans; nt sillusond fe h heart, suhas as, t perience th sorm after the enlightenent; ot unewardn peuctory, but al ttitude f lfeof unetined elcndncainlvig, hee nonoie noisy,

17、earhl trouble, ore dint fil it isconteto dsre,sm just a calm, a lm 3,emoryof hawill ntgoodths o eraseth, ife i Wen no moie, panis beginnin, hestruggl is kndo rcess, deth is a ki f edi ive up this givng is helpless, doot giveup the bndned, dono give up th givig up i igoranc, o ngive up hould not giis

18、 prsisent。 4,a thin fgured eaven, thinimpassalit i hel。Sin theig, toivebettr。 Smewe because oft arowided, t crearoud theches aneny wise and oundfoih, ot wort he cane ome ting o ttract roubeand wry, competely epns o o weook at n del wit . nt aways erythig back o tings, andont get into abln alley, dn

19、wato fae, do bearrowmided。oke to cr,s a ki ofopenminded, afre nd eas. , I am ot afa her bhin e kni, arad to lokba and see tabme, y inention to rea eopl; I nafaid of t truh to tell th be fnd, m frad e tre to i a a jok o telld6,whene are in oiti fame fnd, you willfind manyodhings;nd whn we are i a neg

20、tvtat of ind,youill fnd madred things; lifepy a wory, al is ouo life atttd,optiisic, good uck; losso sink, Eir copany he o are in vesity, mawish ocange apn of vew oik everytig ver o thegood hink, bcaus odmetaitdecded he ate o te! 7, peole are tire, re; heartird, camGrw up, mature,thissoce ea Tired a

21、d ad,sua down, o heir a h。 Beaue he wold n one can sypathize ithyu, hvmeryn you ou cry, teas is your own; youpan, none canundertad. Then you onyeasto mle。, ech eple have yout,cyoare a story,tlifef hewd neer gts sier, ant hat,wish te wr ll know, as s bn the sme; ow ant anything, forfar that others ko

22、,orlikeo lose the same.9, the ert mve,evrythngi eword is folod birth, Ragang, iortnt thg i often thmost dificlt to pen one muth, eauseordswll duc s mrtanc; o lt rngers eople ae bo yorlfethe god thing, the oriinalisoteasy 10,d ot blame, do olaugh a o, alsodontvyw.Like aprso is akid flng, t k a person

23、 is tre Thetrthis asy toeai, I el s npeakble he es tavl ie i tat yu in strang pce fund a lnglost toched 1, happy lfe no inte butlngin, and in tce f mnd; o mter how any rivces, h uncmfortable,and ultimately o heal theseleor heirw, oes ma got you t comort, but never now your heart s hwwanjinchuanxin 2

24、, mam, like ovie, lern appre, ean o begatful, learn olerac,and goodne, heing ohers. Instea occsgte socety,sinto on; nd an excpion isbete ogiethan to wt1, dot eny hi Asumof, dont lose your life and helf, rsetivelyis:the former is a we eperiened canotescape ina dayfinall ast mint, hile the tte is our

25、prsstent, we wn o cherish te memo f those people and thigs。14, lern to mile,ea to tn,the wod ou know o any peole, s man eople an y re,y cannot changascantleteveryoneik y, soaso donot wnto do。 Lfisoo sr tg cra o lov t go to wase,t cas the drem to ere. 15,wn temper, blessigt go A woundig elegan ple, t

26、he key istoontrol their ownemotins.Wit the mh ith mosttpidbehaior corol negatveemotionstha acan tae a iy mepwerfl water fl so, langagei xpnsvePeplspent two yrs o tim to learn tseak, ut spen a few ears time to shutup。 That s akind of abiliy, that is akin ofwsom。16,lifis otprfec, smeties,growt i t a c

27、ry, n n yefl of trs, ter ino traceof emotion, there sno gleamf oe, no sir, nocon, o static, ter is olyone indofnward sinin felng, sink A mk?? 7? 6? 7 sn? 6? ? 6? toward he botmof the snk。 17,in some wa, o nt go, you wil oknow the hesde ery is bauiful. Toyou s not good, ou no in too much, o one hs an

28、 bligtontoyou; you larn nledge, isyou hav weapos, ou an stato scat, butnunarme;how do yu teatpeople, doesnot epesent how oter trat yo,ifcanntseethroug this point,onlinvting wor。 8, is i a pone in t water,s ong yuarewillng tosqueeze, the total wtr issil ther. Every lfe, after the us and on Te bst t o

29、 live,olife,srvivland cntinuton,do not so thestuggl in the joys an srrow olife on th oad, sthat differe sultober life et, acptance f suffering. 1, idiferentt heart, calmly in table,legat nd comfotablelife, doot ake wht is o iprtant. The psiill e diappoind; t be ie,yo il v trob Life is th mot afraid

30、of whtall wantt cae ot, utlowhaall rsp is frm,ihout enry, sated popuatins, ss no to sir, lldocked inthefate of teend。 Why is too rgd, t ur, ogo sty nott lie, letgoof obses, rvel is 0, if thefate of the bro ope fsain, lese dt despai, t oast istill, if h ate of e wther petal ofthe beautiful, plased no

31、t sink, te spring sll, life wl aly be endles ouble, eae dont heples, bcaueheareillaive,is tl a drem, th su ill, e till。 Lost, keememori; g, u work to; but the st mrtan s goo to cherish their on. 1, lfe,seect h omple, is to chooe tepai;chos a simple, schooseo be happy。 The ompl worldlike Significanc

32、of ride. Hope is th ornte palce, utsidepeople diring th agnific, livn in he de kolege of ivngito pay thepri。 iple wor as impe cabn ouside idiculed shabby,he hea isillng togo liv o know the joy Sufing andis theirown choie , learn how t uea singe powerful art,et the past be te pa, le hefre cm。 Life s

33、reall te e of the en oan le is lyin wins, if is coaly ursuit. Dontmiss t regt, ont w froldu mis Timto rurn, sizeev moent, ainpaistakny againtealo Those struglin to fly. 23, lif could not impnchuan,even at pvement,inevitaby thre lbe afe ieces of roadblocks. Someo te ocks and the ast, while ther ave o

34、ove outJstov hers put stoni very asy,causethe toe fmhe appearancewe an din; dificut to mself to mo way te heart fsone hed. Lave ime to spend wt her, ofnrefet my her, so as to roe ourhear fstone.4,everyhig does not he t edemnding, coeto, eyhing doeot have tcare aout,over th ast; filing to do notrown,

35、lagh it ag。Rsults Dontmand, dot; e mpl,camn peul。 las notto choo theio ath adreget, lif isie atain, he scnry and thentheid States wilretreat,he sge of tim and encuterwill enually iftng further andfuh aay, before isalays himself。 5, veryone aawaknes, wakes istruhumanit。 at hs o weaknes,a halow erson.

36、 Tat peole thinkhere ino eaknes, otlyfalse.if has htcmins, there are srtcomngs is the ralie.ht noe regrt, or chlish o umbness or Slf decen.t sin olerance of weaknessands n to acpt, people li hapiy.Heo, everne! I m atymember The tle omy pec : stdy andmlementthepary two laws, dong acticaplay hihway 21

37、5 October 18, th Cntl Comitteeof t Comunist Pyof na pmulgatd the implemttion the nd ieCmmunis Pty disipine ad nisme reguaon. W Heyuanmae passersbto respod ositively to tecall f the Ceral mmte o hert, earnestlyoanze testudypat to egulations, ruly grsp the snce andgis, an iheir respectieposti,to l he

38、botomlneothe dscplie, bl a song ideologial lne of efens,itthe uageo ply, the corage to fig tgh andferless srit,t thui moen wll to completehetask, withprcticalction to test he study and mpement effect ecas o dsne ithe * * * * * story Hr, letme to cs a bckto atrac jade, speak bout ur hghway。 Highwa li

39、ne seion o th roasuracetrasfrmation prjct,lat yer ”twdshe ountry seized il b sezoeof he tms。 ocomlete t aruous task, asa projct management fic drec Comae, keep in minfromthe mmuis Pt membrhip, recogiz and detify th ”bom le”, sric mgmnt, andstct adherene toheuaty ofthe et。 not ny se an example, onety

40、and seldisiie,utaso rquire he mnaemet of ll th membes of the O.K。, do not ee constucouni one mea, o n acept thecostrct unit a ermoyIn hs wy, the did ealldtodhere to te rinile。No cmre, contanly put on ewokingan emerency meting toomrdeZhn tspeak ue, mnagement tue too strict. Remembernonggn Seet,40 mes

41、 long ceet cree suface aer, cuseo varisreasons, he smones ofth ponthbottomavity, coerig film taces and a mprinting quality probems, * iniris,imeiaely uheto the scene to nestan and rify hesituain, e nvening f magemen ffice, the cnstcio unt, surviints,onsrctn uits, constuctionunits constrcn time tgt,

42、ecnoi oss nd tason t itecede* unov. Hsad, nw a opulr word, te cipine and rulesqui i font,tere arerules Rdiu,ou nsruco em no accordane iththe technical sefiation, qualityrolm, it must b o rry out recifcation Eginriguait reponsilitybe weihtie tha out a, i wmngetoths materPvementqaly quntit re plcd e m

43、atte, e thistme to learntwo regulaons have wha se? St whaith ommnit aty? Finlly,s istd, the adaft rwork, osov tse proles。 n the consrucioof h new cmradnd the pojcalthe colege ffos, after fu monts of ightng, the roec the ainpjets finall complee and sneci. Tusnd ofiles of ice, thousands ofmiles , tiss

44、 a spddandrmantic sce。 Btsnowforth highway, itis a dsaster, asou teat to the tffi saety.Thsyear, a nth, a century ocdwavesep fromNoth t souh, ante now lowingo Gangdng, b also o br he b T te igwy。 In Jauaryon tevenng of23, Lianin cuntcty mpeatures droppe to u2 degrees, a id ane o sudden rain let, bef

45、ore nd fer the provna 341 lin Jiianhan Mountan tunnl sctions of he roadaered i now, ed t te ps vehicles , rfic is bce. n hefaceote sude naural disasters, cty ad nty highwa department imediately launch heemgn plfordisast rvntion. As the front lineoh main rc,Laning HigwaBra of ll Pary members and cade

46、sto emembethe Ptber esposibli, raigth btin old win, tirie rshed to the scene,on e cy pavement f alt dosal。 ecausthe tempatu is olo, just lt weimmediatlreees, dtion o teicork o incase thedifly. Toenure In addition to the reorgazaio of he depths ottaffic safty, roapeoe braved the ic putlective nes ad

47、warinsns,endurcold at iu 2,3 of iuanshnatrol ntil onenthe morning.Js beore dawn,Lanpingihwa ureuprsonn on the icy rad sat ice eting poceng til tenoclock, i meltigice succs,th roa graduall retrnedt noralrffi. n the old ie ht, whichpople dootmiss tewarmbed, wih peole dono iss t arm home Hweer, our hig

48、ha on the rodto the ower ofthe mss can go ho ealy, thnig fihtng to sure h avodnco h oad fty andsmothness,fufil their rspnsibilit。 i GeeaSecretaryEvery Pary member care cauinegans id: blcksmthns sef r。” two reglatons ,is urwnhrd staar tet, moe eercie very pary mbr and cadr of he fire Weshouldontnue tostrnthene partywreu

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