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1、英文电邮常用语1.关于附件 AttachmentsPlease find attached a copy of the file you requested. 请在附件中查收您要的文件。Please let me know whether youre able to open the attachment. 请让我知道你是否能打开附件。Please let me know 讦 youre received the attachment. 请让我知道你是否收到了附件。I was unable to open the attached file.我打不开附件。I think you might h

2、ave sent the wrong attachment. 我想你的附件发错了。I was able to open the attached document , but there was a problem with format. 我能打开附件,不过文件的格式有些问题。Please resend the file in plain text format.请用纯文本格式再发送一次文件。Im attaching the report in two different file format. 我将报告用两种不同的格式放在附件中了。For same reason , I didt rec

3、eive the file attachment. 由于某种原因我没有收到附件。补充一个新的范例,刚收到的电邮:Dear Sam,Please find MT units submission in the attachment. Changes are highlighted in red.Many thanks.RegardsDean2.告知信息My new email address is我的新邮箱地址是Ive forwarded your email to我已经把你的电邮转发给.Please email or call to confirm.请电邮或者打电话给我来确认。Please v

4、isit us on the web/new web at http:/www请登录我们的网站/新网站This is just a test message to see whether you can receive my emails. 这只是一个测试你能否接到我电邮的电邮。I sent you the magazine that you wanted to borrow.我给你寄去了你想借的杂志。You should receive it by Friday at the latest.你最迟周五会收到。Please return it to me when youre done wit

5、h it.用完后请还给我。I tried to calling you at that number , but the line was busy.我试着打这个号码找你,可是一直占线。Ill be away from office tomorrow.明天我不会在办公室。3.回复 ReplyingThank you for your email / inquiry / reply. 谢谢你的电邮/咨询/回复。Im glad to hear that youre doing well. 很高兴听到你一切都好。Its good to know that everything is going we

6、ll at your end.很咼兴得知你一切都好。Ill try to answer your questions one by one.我会按照顺序回答您的每个问题。Please visit the websites below for additional information on this topic. 请登录下面的网站查询有关这个话题的更多信息。I have directed your inquity to our technical staff.我已经把你的问题转给我们的技术人员了。Ill contact you as soon as I receive his reply.我

7、已收到回复就和你联系。Write back when you get a chance and let me know whats new.有空就给我写信,告诉我你的近况如何。Keep/stay in touch!保持联系。4. 问询 Making inquiriesDid you receive the email that I sent a few days ago.前几天我发给你的邮件你收到了吗?I wasnt sure whether you got it so I just wanted to check. 我不知道你收到没有,所以我只是想确认一下。Have you received

8、 my postcard yet?你收到我的明信片了吗?Is it possible to reset my password to log into your website?我能重新设置密码登陆你们网页吗?Please confirm whether you have received the itinerary for Fridays meeting. 请确认你是否收到了星期五的日程安排。Please let me know as soon as possible. 请尽快告知。Did you finish writing the report yet? 你写完报告了吗?What are

9、 your plans at this weekend? 这个周末你有什么计划?I would like to hear any suggesting you might have. 我想听听你的建议。5. 询问近况 Asking the others situationHow are things going ? / How is everything? 最近怎么样?Hows everything at your end?你那边怎么样?What are you up to? / What are you been up to recently? 你最近忙什么呢?Whats going on?

10、出什么事了?Hows your school / university life going? 学校/大学生活怎么样?How did you exam go ?你考试怎么样?Im sure you did an excellent job.我相信你做得很出色。I hope you had a pleasant / relaxing holiday. 希望你有一个快乐的假期。I hope all is well with you and your family. 我希望你全家平安。6. 说明近况 Describing ones situationIm doing right / fine / o

11、key. 我还行。Im doing very well. 我挺好的。Im keeping very busy. 我一直很忙。Im keeping myself busy with my studies. 我学习很忙。Im keeping myself busy as usual. 我还是像往常一样忙。Everything is pretty much the same as usual. 一切都和往常一样。Not much is new here. 这边没有什么新鲜事。7. 说明身体状况 Describing ones healthIm not feeling very good. 我身体不是

12、很好。I think I need a few days off. 我觉得我得请几天假。I really need some R&R(rest and relaxation). 我真的需要休息,好好放松一下。Ive caught cold. 我感冒了。I have a sore throat.我嗓子疼。Im feeling nauseous today. 我觉得今天有些恶心。I think I have a slight fever. 我觉得我有点发烧。Ive been feeling under the weather all day. 我一整天都感觉不舒服。Ive feeling leth

13、argic lately.我最近总是昏昏沉沉的。Ive been sick for over a week now.我都病了一个多星期了。I can barely get out of bed.我差点起不来床。I have a pain in my chest/stomach/back/head/neck/throat. 我的疼。My chest/stomach/back/head/neck/throat hurts.我的疼。I have a bit of a/an headache/stomachache/earache/toothache. 我有一点疼。Im finally startin

14、g to get better.我终于开始好起来了。I have regained my strength/energy. 我的体力/精力开始恢复了。I have gained/lost some weight. 我的体重增加/减轻了。Ive lost 5 pounds since getting sick.生病后我体重轻了5磅。I feel a whole lot better today. 我觉得今天好多了。Ive never felt better.我一直都没有好转。8. 表示感谢 Expression thanksThank you for the gift/present/card/

15、flowers.感谢你的礼物/卡片/花。Thank you for being so considerate.谢谢你如此体贴。Thank you for helping me move yesterday.谢谢你昨天帮我搬家。It was the most precious gift Ive ever received.这是我收到的最珍贵的礼物。The earrings you gave me are absolutely beautiful.你送我的耳环太漂亮了。Youve been so supportive from the start.你从一开始就非常支持我。I appreciate

16、you hard work.很感激你辛勤的工作。I cant express my gratitude enough.我怎么表达感激之情也不过分。I couldnt have done it without your help./ I couldnt have been able to do it without your help.没有你的帮助我完成不了。We enjoyed meeting with you and your family.很高兴见到你和你的家人。Id like to have you over to our place soon,too.希望不久后你能来我们这里。Ill

17、cherish your gift for years to come. 我会永远珍惜你的礼物。9. 生日祝福 Birthday WishesWe all wish you a very happy birthday.Congratulations on your 20th birthday.May your birthday be filled with joy and happiness.I wish I could be there to celebrate your birthday with you.We send you our best wishes for a happy bi

18、rthday.10. 恭贺新婚 Congratulating newlywedsCongratulations on your engagement !You have our best wishes for a lifetime of love and happiness together.Im looking forward to attending your wedding in June.May you have a blessed and joyful life together!The two of you are a match made in heaven.Please also express our best wishes to the rest of your family.

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