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1、 vote v.vt( votes; voted; voting ) 双解释义 vt. vi.投票,表决 express ones choice officially vt.一致认为 agree or state as the general opinion vt.提议,建议 suggest; propose 基本要点1.vote的基本意思是“投票,表决”,指被授权的人以投票的方式表示其选择或意见。引申可作“一致认为”“提议,建议”解。2.vote可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时可接名词、代词或that从句作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语。可用于被动结构

2、。3.vote还可接以“(to be+) n.”充当补足语的复合宾语。4.vote接that引导的宾语从句时,如作“建议”解,从句的谓语动词用虚拟语气,如作“一致认为”解,从句中动词形式视情况而定。5.vote后接介词against表示“投票反对”; 后接介词for表示“投的票; 投票支持”“建议,提议”; 后接介词on表示“就表决”; 后接副词in表示“投票拥护上台执政”; 后接副词out表示“通过投票使下台”; 后接副词through表示“投票通过”; 后接介词with表示“同投相同票”。 词汇搭配 +名词 vote sb a pension表决决定给某人养老金 +副词 vote demo

3、cratically民主选举 vote inconsistently不协调地选举 vote intelligently明智地选举 vote legally合法地选举 vote loyally忠诚地投票 vote regularly正规选举 vote unanimously一致表决 vote down否决,投票反对 vote the suggestion down否决这项提案 vote sb in投票拥护上台执政 vote out通过投票使下台 vote out a measure否决一项议案 vote through投票通过 +介词 vote against投票反对 vote against

4、a bill投票反对一议案 vote against the government party投票反对执政党 vote at election进行选举投票 vote by ballot进行无记名投票 vote by a show of hands举手表决(某事) vote for投票支持 vote in favour of投赞成票 vote into投票把选入 vote sb into office投票选某人任(职) vote sb into power投票拥护上台执政 vote onupon就表决 vote on a resolution就某一决议进行表决 vote sb out of of

5、fice通过投票表决把某人赶下台 vote sb with an increased majority以压倒多数的选票拥护 常用短语vote against(v.+prep.)投票反对 oppose (sb/sth) in an election or votevote against sb/sthOnly seven members voted against an increase in tax.只有七个会员投票反对增加税收。Eight delegates voted against the motion.八名代表投票反对这一动议。I, for one, shall vote agains

6、t the proposal.我也是要投票反对这个提议的一个。I shall vote against the restoration of capital punishment.我将投票反对恢复死刑。The politician was deeply hurt when many of his former supporters voted against him, and he lost his place in Parliament.那位政客深感痛心,因为许多原先拥护他的人投票反对他,使他失去了在议会的位置。vote down(v.+adv.)投票否决 defeat (sth) by a

7、 votevote sthdownCongress voted the bill down.国会投票否决了那议案。The House voted the proposal down by an overwhelming majority.议院以压倒多数否决了这项议案。 用于be ed结构This particular group was voted down.这个特殊集团被投票击败。His proposals were invariably voted down.他的提议总是被否决。The suggestion was voted down by a large majority.这项建议被绝

8、大多数否决了。He moved to adjourn, but was voted down by the opposition group.他建议休会,但被反对集团投票否决了。The measure was voted down, six to one.这项措施以6票对1票被否决了。vote for(v.+prep.)1.投票赞成 vote in favour ofvote for sb/sthWho did you vote for?你投谁的票?He voted for the Democratic candidate.他投民主党候选人的票。I shall vote for Heath b

9、ecause I think hes the better man.我认为希思是较佳人选,因此我会投他的票。Miss Stevens voted for an increase in tuition.史蒂文森小姐投票赞成增加学费。Twelve men voted for the motion and three against it.12人投票赞成这个动议,3人反对。2.建议 to suggestvote for v-ingI vote for stopping.我建议停下。I vote for going out for a walk.我建议出去散步。vote in(v.+adv.)选出 e

10、lect outvote sb/sthinThe people have just voted in a new government.人们刚选出新政府。 用于be ed结构He was voted in by a handsome majority.他以多数票当选。Labour was voted in for second term of office.工党被投票选出再次组阁。vote in favour(v.+prep.+n.)投票赞成 vote forvote in favour (of sth)The majority voted in favour of the proposal.

11、多数人都投票赞成这项提案。There was no alternative for them to vote in favour.他们别无选择,只有投票赞成。vote onupon(v.+prep.)对进行表决 express ones opinion about sth by ones votevote onupon sb/sth/wh-clauseThe chairman asked us to vote on the plan.主席要我们对计划进行表决。How many members voted on the housing question?有多少成员参加投票表决住房问题?They

12、are voting on a motion to adjourn the meeting.他们正对一项休会的动议进行表决。As we cant all agree on this matter, lets vote on it.既然大家对这个问题意见不一致,我们就通过表决来决定吧。They voted upon whether they should send a fact-finding mission there.他们对是否派遣调查团到那里进行了表决。vote out(v.+adv.)投票使下台; 否决 defeat (sb/sth) by votingvote sb/sthoutThe

13、 people voted out the Democratic Party in a nation-wide election.在全国大选中,民主党被选下了台。They voted out the measure.他们否决了这项措施。 用于be ed结构Both of them were voted out.他们俩都落选了。Everyone expected the councilman to be voted out at the next election.每一个人都希望这位市议会委员在下届选举中落选。The government is afraid it will be voted o

14、ut of office at the next election.现政府担心自己在下一次大选中会落选。vote through(v.+adv.)投票通过 pass (sth such as an idea) by votingvote sththroughParliament voted the bill through.议会通过了这项法案。 用于be ed结构The Bill was voted through by both Houses with little delay.此项议案虽稍经拖延,但还是被两院议会通过了。vote with(v.+prep.)同投相同票 give ones

15、vote to the same party as (sb else)vote with sbDo you always vote with your husband, or do you have different political opinions?你跟丈夫在投票观点上总是一致呢,还是各持不同的政见?vote with feet(v.+prep.+n.)退场 move backvote with ones feetNearly three million people voted with their feet.逃往他国的难民差不多有300万人。Thousands have voted

16、 with their feet.成千上万的人以退场表示反对。 句型例句用作不及物动词S+(+A)Youre too young to vote.你太小,不能参加选举。Lots of people had no right to vote.那时许多人没有选举权。I didnt vote in the last election.上次选举中我未投票。The voter may vote in accordance with the list of candidate or vote for any other persons he prefers.选举人可以根据候选人名单投票,也可以选择任何其他

17、他愿意选的人。用作及物动词S+n./pron.Vote MacDonald, the man you can trust!请投麦克唐纳的票,他是大家能信任的人!Women vote their minds, not their husbands.妇女投票表达自己而不是他们丈夫的意见。S+to-vThey vote to choose a president.他们投票选举总统。The students voted to continue the struggle.学生们一致决定继续斗争。We voted to give a concert to get some money for the sc

18、hool.我们投票决定举行音乐会,为那所学校筹款。The teachers voted to reject the governments pay offer.教师们投票拒绝接受政府提出的工资方案。The committee voted to approve the report.委员会投票决定批准这个报告。S+that-clauseI vote that we should visit the Museum of Chinese History.我建议参观中国历史博物馆。I vote (that) he (should) do it.我建议他做那件事。I vote that we avoid

19、 him in future.我建议我们今后躲开他。I vote we try again later.我建议我们晚些时候再试。I vote that we go to the cinema tonight.我提议我们今晚去看电影。They voted that the meeting should be adjourned.他们一致认为应该休会。They voted that the school should continue.他们一致认为学校应该继续办下去。We voted that it was time to adjourn.我们都认为该休会了。I vote (that) we ta

20、ke action at once.我主张我们应该马上采取行动。 用于be ed结构It was voted that they hold a mass rally to celebrate the victory.有人建议他们应该举行群众大会来庆祝胜利。用作双宾动词S+pron./n.+n./pron.Congress voted him a pension.国会通过表决给他一笔退休金。They voted us support.他们拨款给我们帮助。The union voted itself larger welfare benefits.工会投票通过给自己更大的福利津贴。They vot

21、ed him thanks.他们一致向他表示致谢。S+n./pron.+topron./n.Unions voted support to them.工会投票表示支持他们。The government has just voted another nine million pounds to the defence budget.政府刚投票决定给国防预算增拨900万英镑。They voted some money to them in their research.他们提议为他们的研究拨些款。用作宾补动词S+n./pron.+(to be)n.We have voted him our mon

22、itor.我们选他当班长。All the teachers vote him a good student.所有的老师都认为他是一个好学生。We vote your idea a good one.我们认为你的意见很好。The critics voted the show success.评论家们认为这次演出是一个成功。The children all voted the trip to be a great success.孩子们一致认为这次旅行是极大的成功。 用于be ed结构He was voted a fine fellow.大家公认他是一个好人。John was voted the

23、best man of match.约翰被选为最佳运动员。It was voted a failure.大家公认这是一个失败。She was voted most promising new actress by the London theatre critics.她被伦敦戏剧评论家们誉为最有希望的舞台新秀。 学习参考1.注意下列三句意思的不同:We are going to vote on the bill.我们将投票就这项法案进行表决。We are going to vote against the bill.我们将投票反对这项法案。We are going to vote for th

24、e bill.我们将投票支持这项法案。2.注意下列两句意思的不同:They voted him into office.他们投票支持他上台。They voted him out of office.他们投票把他赶下台。3.下列两句是美国用法:The dinner was voted a great success.这次宴会公认是一个很大的成功。She was voted the most likely to succeed.她被公认为最有可能获胜。 vote n.vt( votes ) 双解释义 C投票,选举,表决the showing of ones opinion for or again

25、st sb/sth at a meeting C票,选票the piece of paper on which a choice is expressed S表决结果,投票总数a decision made by voting; the whole number of such choices S 选举权,投票权,表决权right to vote, especially in political elections 词汇搭配 动词+ buy a vote收买选票 cast a vote投票 changeswitch ones vote改投其他的票 count the vote计票 delive

26、rget out the vote拉票,拉人参加投票 get receivesbs vote获得某人的选票 gethave, qualify for the vote获得有,取得选举权 influence a vote影响投票结果 lose the votes失去选票 obtain votes得票 pass a vote通过决议 proposetake a vote提议进行表决 形容词+ decidingdecisive vote决定性的一票 direct vote直接投票 heavylight vote票数多少 solid vote完全一致的投票结果 independent vote无党派选

27、票 opensecret vote记名不记名投票 enough votes足够的选票 spoiled votes废票 名词+ majority vote多数票 straw vote假投票 voice vote口头表决 +后置定语 vote to adjourn表决休会 介词+ by a vote通过投票 right to vote选举投票,表决权 +介词 vote against反对票 vote for支持的一票 vote of censure不信任票 vote on有关的票,就的投票表决 常用短语vote of thanks鼓掌表示感谢request for appreciative app

28、lauseAt the end of the various speeches,I want you to propose a vote of thanks to his parents.在演讲结束时,我希望你向他的父母鼓掌以示感谢。 句型例句The vote will be held next month.下个月举行选举。The amendment was then put to the vote.于是把修正案提交表决了。I shall cast a vote for the Labour candidate.我将投工党候选人一票。The person receiving the most votes is selected.得票最多的人当选。Lets have a vote.咱们来投票决定。Was the vote for or against the resolution?表决结果是赞成还是反对此决议?The Tory got 40% of the vote.保守党获得40%的选票。Only members of the team have a vote.只有这个团体的成员才有表决权。 补充资料派生词 voter n.选举人,投票人,选民同义词 n. ballot, choice, election, judgement, selection13

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