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1、Introduce four words,-Yc,Introduce four words,Be Seen Each word with a picture Attach a example sentence every word Will explain the meaning of the words in the article,Introduce four words,Constant adj. 不变的;恒定的;经常的 n. 数 常数;恒量 n. (Constant)人名;(德)康斯坦特,Introduce four words,Picture,Introduce four words

2、,example sentence Constant vigilance is necessary in order to avoid accidents. 为了避免意外事故, 必须经常保持警惕。 The pages of the dictionary had curled up from constant use. 字典的书页由于经常使用都卷起来了。,Introduce four words,the meaning of the words in the article Oh,no,all three of us live in constant dread knowing that at

3、any time disaster can strike because: 哦,不,我们三个人永远生活在恐惧之中,我们知道,在任何时候灾难可以到来,因为:,Introduce four words,Community n. 社区;生态 群落;共同体;团体,Introduce four words,Picture,Introduce four words,example sentence The community is densely populated. 这个社区人口稠密。 The new hospital will benefit the entire community. 新医院将有益于

4、整个社区。,Introduce four words,the meaning of the words in the article Our families , our community , global peace ,human welfare. 我们的家庭、我们的社区、世界和平、人类福利。,Introduce four words,Interrupt vt. 中断;打断;插嘴;妨碍 vi. 打断;打扰 n. 中断,Introduce four words,Picture,Introduce four words,example sentence Turkin tapped him on

5、 the shoulder. Sorry to interrupt, Colonel. 图尔金拍了拍他肩膀说:“对不起,上校,打断你一下。” People kept nosing around the place, interrupting my work. 人们在这周围不断查看着,打断了我的工作。,Introduce four words,the meaning of the words in the article Dont interrupt , dear , your father is trying to tell you something. 不要打扰,亲爱的,你的父亲是想告诉你一

6、件事。,Introduce four words,Distract vt. 转移;分心,Introduce four words,Picture,Introduce four words,example sentence The music distracted her from her work. 音乐使她无法专心工作 Several people talking at once distract a listener. 几个人同时讲话会使听者分散注意力。,Introduce four words,the meaning of the words in the article Sean , dear . Heidi , sweetheart , dont distract your father. 肖恩,亲爱的。海蒂,甜心,不要分散你的父亲。,Introduce four words,债贱,

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